Devil May Cry: The Return of Mundus (Shadow & Femshep)


Jun 30, 2012
"The time has finally come." A demon would mutter to himself with a note of glee in his voice as he made his way down an empty hall that he'd traversed countless times in his long life. He was within the castle of none other than Lord Mundus, a privilege that only a handful of demons could ever claim. Mundus allowed only lesser servants and his most loyal followers into his domain and none were more loyal than he was.

It wouldn't take long for him to stand before the vast and nigh indestructible doors to Mundus' throne room. He could feel Mundus' power fluctuating through the walls and he idlely wondered who'd been foolish enough to displease the Prince of Darkness on such an important day. With a shrug he'd push the doors open and stroll inside, not even acknowledging the lesser demons who scurried and struggled to close the doors that he'd so easily opened.

The room was filled with the nearly overwhelming pressure of Mundus' aura and the pained screams of a demon who was clad in a suit of armor and being assaulted by Mundus' power. Whoever the armor clad fool was he'd recieve no sympathy from the new arrival who stopped in the middle of the spacious hall and dropped to one knee.

"My lord, I've come to inform you that the entirety of our army has been gathered and that the last of the fools Sparda left behind to oppose us now lay dead." He practically spat Sparda's name as he glared at the writhing and still screaming demon within Mundus' grasp. This was the first time he'd seen anyone punished for this long and remain conscious.

"Once again you've surpassed my expectations, Lucifer." Mundus would say with a note of approval in his voice as his three glowing red eyes gazed down at the kneeling demon. "What of the barriers keeping us out of the human realm?"

"They're barely holding. Now they're weak enough that you can shatter them with ease, My Lord." Lucifer would say as his gaze remained on the floor only to snap up when he heard the distinctive crash of a body being dropped to the floor.

"I want you to seperate our forces into two. I'll trust you to properly balance them before I arrive. We'll assault the human realm from two points." It was left unsaid that Lucifer would be left in charge of one of these assaults, but only Mundus knew who'd lead the other.

"As you command." Lucifer would say before swiftly departing with the sound of Mundus laughing long and hard. This was the moment that countless demons had been waiting for and with Sparda out of the way he was certain that Mundus would soon be the ruler of both realm soon enough.

Once his laughter died down and the doors to his throne room was shut once again Mundus would turn his gaze to the armored figure that laid at his feet, no longer writhing or panting in pain. "Rise Nelo Angelo, your servitude to me is far from at an end."
The skies were darkened, like a storm was heading their way. The sounds of lighting clashed in the sky, but there wasn't any sightings of electricity. It was suppose to be day time, but the sky was so dark it could've been mistaken as night. Seeing this gave Lady a a vibe as though something was going to happen. Something bad and it will happen soon.

Unable to control her curiosity she decided to visit her good old friend Dante to see ig he was hiding anything from her. Probably just trying to avoid paying off the debt he owed her, but nonetheless she was going to get what she wanted from him and this time it was information.

Walking outside she got a better look at the sky, it looked like it was getting worse. She couldn't help, but suspect demon activity was at hand. Oh well more demons meant more action and she's been itching to shoot someone besides Dante for once. She got onto her motorcycle wearing her usual short plaid skirt and white shirt with holsters on her legs for her guns. With her trusty bazooka on her back she put on her red motorcycle helmet cover her short jet black hair. The shade of the helmet darkened her one blood red eye and other sapphire blue eye. The scar across her nose remained partially unseen from the helmet. She turned on her motorcycle and reaved it to head off to Dante's shop.
As usual Dante was lounging at his desk in his shop. His chair precariously leaning on it's back legs as his feet rested upon the surface of his desk. Outwardly he looked as calm and carefree as usual, but those who knew him best would be able to detect signs of tension in his form that only increased the darker it got outside. The pizza near his feet was already cold and forgotten. There were very few things in existence that could make the Son of Sparda not finish a pizza from his favorite joint in town.

His feet absently began to drum upon the surface of his desk as he resisted the urge to shiver. While he was never one to experience fear there was something in the air that made him recall his time on Mallet Island nearly three years ago. While he'd never explicitly told Lady about how he'd meet Trish or what that job entailed he had a sinking feeling in his gut that Mundus was up to something once again. He just hoped the Sparda blade would be enough for him to kick major demon ass and send that three-eyed freak back to wherever he went to lick his wounds.

He was currently waiting for Trish to return from whatever daily shopping she deemed worthy of wasting his money on. He of course had no idea that Lady was on her way, but he was mostly confident in her ability to take care of herself.

Unbeknownst to the half-demon things were more complicated than expected. The sky above Fortuna was also filled with the same signs of demonic activity. Things were soon to escalate to the point where the media would be able to get involved and demons would become more than just myths in the minds of most people.
When Lady finally reached Dante's shop she parked in front of the run down building with a flickering red neon sign reading "Devil May Cry" on the front. Lady turned off her bike and took her helmet off and sighed after looking at the sky again. It wasn't unusual for Lady to make these surprise drop bys mostly she loved messing with Dante with her unexpected arrival. They didn't hate each other, in fact they were close friends, it was just Dante had a way of living while she had another. He was more laid back and sarcastic, but she was more serious, but always made a witty comeback for his smartass remarks.

Soon enough she got off her bike to step inside of his shop. The bell made a little ring as she opened the door. As usual she walked inside and put her hands on his desk leaning towards him despite his feet were there. "Okay, Dante what the hell is going on out there? It's ten in the morning and the sky is pitch black. Something's up." She told him giving no bullshit instead she got straight to the point

Trish in the meantime was focusing more on what was happening. She grew suspicious that this might be the act of Mundus. She knew him.quite well since he was the reason she even existed. He on purposely made her look like Dante's human mother who was killed. Despite that she, Dante and Lady now all work together in fighting demons where ever they appear
Dante was only mildly surprised when Lady arrived before Trish. He'd been mentally preparing a note to leave her, but now that was no longer necessary. When she just barged in heNd raise his eyebrows and grin at her while thinking of a proper response. "I know that you like sticking with the smaller jobs, but even you have to be guess that pitch black skies plus ominous red lightning is a pretty cliche precursor to a major demonic shitstorm." Without another word he'd reach for a nearby remote and turn a TV on that he kept in the corner of his office.

While the TV wasn't overly large it waa enough for Dante and Trish with their superhuman senses. Ironically the first sound that left it waa the sound of several people screaming. "Looks like other towns have far more interesting forecasts. Like a 100% chance of demon showers..." The screen was showing what looked to be a major city with a massive portal covering the sky as hundreds of demons fell from the sky.

"Wonder what else is on." He'd say with a mock yawn as he changed the channel only to come across another news special that showed a far off view of equally as ominous clouds over what Dante recognized as Fortuna. "Guess the kid's gonna get to have some fun after all..."
Lady as always rolled her eyes at him, but couldn't help, but smile. He was always a smartass, but there was something lovable about it. "Really? Black ominous skies, red lighting, no signs of the sun. It can't be demons why would it be?" She said in a sarcastic tone. "I mean when is it ever demons right?" She added as she sat on his desk by his feet facing him about half way. She saw the TV turn on and looked at it to see people running and screaming as demons fell like rain from an open portal. She sighed after his comment and replied "Let me guess, you don't have a clue as to what's going on right? As usual." She asked him like she already knew the answer.

Seeing Fortuna she knew Nero was there. Lady looked at Dante and replied "Nero's a strong kid, but I doubt he'll even be able to fight that many demons alone. Any plans to help the kid?" She asked. She's met Nero once or twice, but never really got to know him. She's never been to Fortuna at least not the same parts Dante and Trish have been, but it would be best if as least one of them when to help him.

A few minutes later Trish walked in and saw Lady. "Hey Lady." She quickly acknowledged then turned to Dante. "Do you see the shit that's going on out there? Two portals from the demon relam opened up for no reason? And of.course you look like you could care less." She said not surprised that Dante was as laid back as ever at this time humans needed their help. Lady was surrounded by demons hell her friends were demons, but she always had a way to keep up with them despite she was a mere human
"We'll be sending the kid some help soon enough." Dante would say with a shrug. He'd planned on sending either Lady or Trish to help out, but he wanted their input before making a decision. Last he'd heard the Order of the Sword was still alive and kicking ass. So Fortuna may have been the safer of the two destinations at the moment.

Before he could make a definite decision Trish made an her entrance. Her comment about him looking like he could care less was justified, but it still earned an indignant snort from him. "Just trying to decide which of us should head to Fortuna and which toys I feel like using to kick demon ass. Has been a while since Artemis got to shine in the spotlight..." As he spoke he'd slam his feet on his desk in such a way that Ebony and Ivory were sent flipping through the air only to land in his hands as he rose to his feet.
Lady and Trish looked at each other like they were thinking the same thing after Dante rose to his feet after being a show off as always, but it was one of his lovable traits. Despite Lady hated how cocky Dante was she knew he could have bark and a nasty bite. He had the right to be a cocky smartass all because he could back up his talk. Lady thought for a minute thinking it would be best if Dante and Trish go to the human city portal together since they seem to be a pretty good team together. Don't get her wrong she and Dante could kick ass together, but they were both demons, she wasn't. They could handle harder jobs then she could, she could do them it'll just take her longer to do it. Besides she'll have Nero and the Order of the Sword helping so.what the hell right?

Lady shrugged and replied "I'll go. You two can handle the city while I go and help the kid out." Trish looked at Dante, but back at Lady saying "Sounds good to me, besides it's probably for the best if two demons handle the city. No offense Lady." Trish thought out loud. Lady just shrugged and replied "None taken."
When Lady offered to go Dante would nod his approval and holster his pistols. "With how old fashioned they are on that island is I'm sure they'll need every bullet you can bring. Vergil would've felt right at home there." Besides a slight shake of his head at the memories that mentioning his brother brought up he'd remain outwardly the same as he went around and collected the weapons he was going to take with him. Rebellion was a given, but Artemis and Lucifer would help with all the airborne opposition he was likely to face. "Try to not give this to any obviously evil characters this time." He'd say as he tossed the Sparda sword to Trish.

"And you,"He'd say as he turned to point a finger at Lady, looking completely serious for once. "If you come across anyone with three glowing red eyes grab the kid and run like hell." While he was sure that Nero had become stronger since they'd last saw each other the chances of him holding his own against Mundus were somewhere between slim and nonexistant. Hell, he wasn't even sure he'd be able to do much without using the Sparda.
Lady was happy to hear that Dante and Trish agreed with her, but when Dante mentioned Vergil's name she did look at the floor. Vergil....Lady remembered him.well. Dante's older twin brother who was aided by her bastard father that killed her mother. It always baffled her why Vergil never killed her. He had the opportunity to kill her several times, but he never did. Hell, she didn't even.know what happened to the guy. Dante never told her and she assumed it was for good reasons.

Trish took the sword looking a bit surprised that Dante had given her the Sword of Sparda especially after the incident when she was working for Mundus and she gave him.the sword. It wad a big mistake, but luckily one she and Dante could.handle. "You're never gonna let that go are you?" She asked sarcastically with a slight smile.

When Dante called on her and pointed at her Lady was broken from her thoughts as she looked up at him to see what he had to say. Of.course she had no idea what he was talking about, but assuming that it would be smart to listen to him she gave a nod and replied "Uh sure." Luckily Lady was already ready and Trish grabbed her two pistols to go with the sword
While Dante knew that Trish was a force to be reckoned with whether she had a weapon or not he ha& his reasons for letting her use his father's sword. His trust in her was only lart of the matter. Aa it turned out Devil Arms held some level of sentience and could reject weilders they didn't like. Even though she couldn't tap into the swords true power she could still weild it and having it nearby in case things got out of hand was a nice bonus.

When Lady accepted his order without complaint he'd nod and head for the door. "I'd offer to find you transport to Fortuna, but I'm running pretty low on favors at the moment." While demon hunting wasn't an overly lucrative line of work jobs typically wnded with people being very grateful and owing him favors. Surely Lady had her own favors to call upon.
Lady got off of his desk and looked like she was getting ready to leave. She looked at Dante and Trish saying "Don't worry about it. I know someone who can help me, you two go ahead and I'll be at Fortuna before you know it." She explained giving a confident smile. She actually knew quite a few people that were ready to help her and luckily she knew a guy who knows how to travel and find places quickly, so Lady had nothing to worry about for now.

Trish followed Dante to the door and looked at Lady as she spoke smiling back. "Good, hopefully things will go smoothly and you won't get lost in the mountains." Lady looked at her saying "Don't even joke about that." The two laughed a little and then returned to being serious. Trish would follow Dante while Lady would make her way to Fortuna.
"With how short that skirt is you should be avoiding the mountains like the plague." Dante would say with a chuckle as he made a show of checking out her legs. While he found Lady attractive there was something about being shot in the head multiple times that made him keep any flirting in solely a joking manner. "See ya, Lady. Make sure you lock the door on your way out." He saw no need to wish her luck since he knew how capable she was especially with that bazooka of hers. He just hoped Nero didn't get counted amongst the collateral damage she caused with that thing.


In Fortuna Nero and the members of the Order were doing their best to keep cilvilian casualties to a minimum. So far they repelled several demon attacks, but each one was worse than the one before it. The flyong demons were the worst since the Order was against the use of firearms. While bows and arrows were outdated to say the least they helped somewhat, but they could hardly do more than ground the demons. The sight of Nero zipping around courtestly of his Devil Bringer was both a common and welcome occurence that day. He'd already played a major part in keeping the demons from overwhelming the town, but he couldn't be everywhere at once.
Lady rolled her eyes at him admitting to her that her skirt was pretty short, but it was good in combat. Besides she wore shorts was just hard to see. Although she will admit Dante was attractive and he did help her when she needed it, there was something about him being a demon that just didn't do it for her, but it wasn't as bad as a problem as it was when they first met. Still she had to focus at a potential end of the world threat that was happening. "Don't worry I'll get it on my way out....maybe." She joked

It took her awhile, but she eventually managed to reach Fortuna. It took all day, but at least she made it. She saw a couple of demons running around, but it looked under control for the most part. She stepped toward Fortuna after her friend dropped her off. "Okay kis, where are you hiding." She said quietly and to herself as she started to walk around looking for him.
By the time she arrived the sun would be setting in the distance. While there were several demons to be seen there'd be no humans in sight, not even a single body. Luckily the port had been one of the safest places initially and anyone in the area had been easy to evacuate before any demons reached the area. There were still signs of battle, but everything looked mostly still intact. The closer she got to the large cathedral where Dante had made his grand entrance in town she'd spot more and more demon bodies littering the streets.

When she was only a few blocks away from the cathedral a pair of demons would cross her path, but they'd pay her no mind as they seemingly fled from something else. Before they could make it far a large spectral arm would appear from the direction they were fleeing from and pull one of them backwards. There'd be a short death cry before the demons the demons blade sped through the air and cleanly cut it's partner's legs off. A single gunshot would be all it took to put the second demon out of it's misery.
The once lively city now only looked dead, but it was reassuring to see very little human bodies and more demon bodies. It didn't take long for her to pull out her SMGs from the holsters strapped to her legs when she saw the demons coming towards her, but when they ran past her she still took aim and started to pull the triggers. The sudden blue demon arm shooting past her almost startled her aand watched as it pull the demons backwards. Immediately she smiled knowing who was responsible for quickly killing those two demons. She looked over to see Nero and smiled. "Well kid, you're sure are taking care of this place." She put her guns away and started to walk towards him asking "How have you been holding up? Is everyone safe for now?"
When she called him a kid Nero would just roll his eyes and grunt as he returned Blue Rose to it's holster. Normally he'd comeback with a smartass response, but after the days events he was too tired for that. "Someone has to take care of things and The Order can't be everywhere at once. It was nice of you guys to send help." While he wasn't too concerned about his own safety, having Lady present would at least making things easier on the members of the Order. "I was just doing a last search of thevtown before heading back to the cathedral where we're keeping the townsfolk." He'd motion for her to follow him before heading back towards the center of town.
Lady smiled a little seeing Nero roll his eyes at her. She was expecting a smartass comment, but was surprised when she didn't get one. Nero must've been tired if he was unable to be a smartass to her. She was happy to hear Nero was taking care of things when.the Order couldn't. It didn't surprise her since Fortuna was a pretty large place and there their organization had only so many people. "Well it's great to hear all the humans are safe. We don't really know what's going on, but there's a huge demon infestation going on here and in a human city. We decided to check it out, but it's good to see everything's in control. Lady followed Nero beside him replying "After we go to the cathedral we need to go and close that portal otherwise more demons will just keep coming."
"While it's great that we haven't lost anyone yet I'm not sure as to how long that'll remain true. We've only been so fortunate because of the face that nothing big has appeared yet." If she wasn't one of Dante's friends and a demon huntress he might not have been so bluntly honest with her. He was feeling distinctly toyed with and the thought was enough to more than irritate him. The attack so far had been little more than a series of increasingly difficult tests. The demons had a potentially vast number advantage and he couldn't afford to give them time to use it.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't realize that they'd reached the cathedral until he heard the massive doors being opened and a voice calling out to him, "Welcome back, sir. You're the last to return from your patrol." The man that spoke appeared to be in his late twenties to early thirties so Nero was more than a little uncomfortable by being addressed in such a way. With the death of Credo and most of the other senior members the previous lone wolf and outcast had been welcomed into the fold and forced to become a team player. Dante would laugh his ass off if he ever found out.
What Nero said was actually a fear Lady was having. The fact that two mysterious portals had opened up releasing demons was odd enough, but these demons were small and easy to fight. Why weren't they given something more? Don't get Lady wrong she was happy that no one was hurt, but an event like this must have more to it. What opened these portals? Why was it happening? There had to be an answer, but the only way they could get any answers were going to the portal and finding out for themselves.

When they reached to the cathedral Lady was surprised to see a young man give Nero respect, even more so that the man was from the order. Calling Nero 'sir' only meant that Nero was now somewhat part of the order. It was quite amusing since he practically hated the Order, but with many older officers dead it wasn't surprising. "Well 'sir' you first." She teased letting him go inside first.
"Damn it feels weird having such an old lady calling me sir." Nero would mutter loud enough for Lady to hear as he made his way into the cathedral. Sure she was only around 10 years older than him at most, but as long as she insisted on calling him 'kid' he'd call her any variation of old that crossed his mind. Being in a position of power with the people who'd so openly shunned him even before he got the Devil Bringer never sat right with him. Hell, if it wasn't for Kyrie wanting to stay he would've gladly just left the island after the whole Sanctus incident. If it meant being able to protect her he'd gladly work with the Order and ignore the glares and mutters that flew around behind his back.

"Make yourself comfortable. Just remember that I don't need a second shadow." With that said he'd make a beeline for Kyrie who was currently helping distribute food to the people who were taking refuge in the building. If there was one thing he hadtto give the Order credit for it was being prepared to withstand a demonic siege. The cathedral had enough food and water stored to last the people for months so that wasn't much of a concern Several of the other rooms in the building were also barracks and as such the people would have places to sleep remotely comfortably.
Lady rolled her eyes knowing calling her an old lady was just revenge for calling him 'kid' she was actually still young, at least early to mid twenties. She was happy to see everyone inside was okay especially Kyrie since she was a good kid too. It was kinda cute seeing how hopelessly in love Nero was for her. They were a cute couple and their love for each other was something everyone could easily see. Lady didn't expect to have a relationship like that, ever. First of all she was doing fine on her own. Second demon hunters that weren't demons themselves were hard to come by. She remembered when she first met Dante at Temen-ni-gru and Dante tried to kiss her. It was funny really. She, a human, kissing and dating a demon? Yeah right.

"Don't worry Nero, I'll give you and your girlfriend some alone time. Just let me know when you're ready to close up that portal." She teased starting to wonder around on her own. The Cathedral was rather impressive, especially the gaint statue of Sparda in it. The statue even had the damage from Dante and Nero's fight when they first met. Of course Nero would fight a stranger that seemingly killed the priest in the chruch, but it was like Dante was just toying with Nero when he told her the story. Nonetheless the cathedral was still standing and that's what mattered.
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