Mortal Kombat: Awakening (Byhakie & Dr.Nibbles)


Aug 20, 2013

Jacob sighd softly. As he waited for her... He Hid around the corner of his girlfriends apartment. His body, stealthily hidden by the shadows. Peering around the corner, from her kitchen to her front door. He smiled, as he heard the jingle of key's. Almost melodic, as he waited in anticipation. Finlly, it took you long enough. Is what went through his head. As he can hear the sound of her unlocking the door. Soon, the door was open. And the tall, buxxom blond entered her apartment. As beautiful as ever. Her hair, and clothes faintly wet with sweat.

She must have just came back from the gym, on the ground floor. Back from another intense work out. Keeping those curve's that He loved so much. As well as keeping her body toned for her work. Someone like her, always has to be ready for anything. With a sly smile, Jacob wondered if she was ready for this?

She took in a sigh as she slammed the door behind her. Not caring about locking it. This was a relatively safe part of town any way. And, besides. If anyone actually broke in, she can handle them right? She ran her hamd through her blond hair, as she began to walk forward. Walking right passed Jacob, and then setting her bag to the ground with a thus. She takes a long deep breath as she was ready to relax in her home. And relax on her well deserved day off.

As she trifeled through her bag, taking out her things. Jacob, slowly snuck behind her. Slowly reaching to grab her. She struggled, as he gripped her hands. Locking them crossed along her large chest. He took a deep breath, taking in the scent of her sweat, and perfume. Before twisting her around, and nearly slamming her against the wall. He was rough, not caring if he hurt her. Since she herself was tough, and even at times liked the pain. Soon enough she would see it was him. The second she stopped fighting his grip, and took a second too look. She can see his smile, the smile of a jokester, and the smile of a out right dick for scarring her.

"Hey there Sonya." He said, as if nothing was even wrong. He then let lose his firm grip. Releasing her arms. To, quickly pull her and, and wrap his hands around her hip's. He took another deep breath, taking in her scent. As he kissed up her neck. Quickly showing why he was here, and getting straight onto business. His great big smile still planted on his face, until he pressed his lip's against hers. Kissing her firmly, And wrapping his tongue longingly around her own.

Sonya Blade entered her apartment after a successful few hours at her local gym. Her green yoga pants that gripped her tight rump and accentuated every curve of her, as well as her shortly cropped white tank top that too hugged her bosom tight was still damp with sweat. Jacob didn't seem to care about her scent, so she didn't worry too much about masking it other than her perfume. Jacob would be here soon so she might want to change.

As she rifled through her bag, she was unaware of her equally skilled boyfriend opening and entering the apartment undetected. Though she could handle herself in most cases, her boyfriend was one of the few that knew exactly how to defeat her. She found it sexy that he was as skilled a fighter as her, if not more so.

Suddenly, she was wrangled by a stranger, she tried to lash out and kick but she was pinned so rapidly she didn't have any method of escape. She screamed a bit as she was shoved roughly into the wall, suddenly revealing who her assailant was. The dim light accentuated his soft features and shadowed the rigid ones.

"You're a fucking asshole" she said in all seriousness as he loosened his grip and began kissing her, their tongues intertwined and she wrapped her arms around Jacobs neck, placing some of her weight on him knowing he could more than take it. "Most boyfriends just knock you know." she said playing with his hair.
"Well, I am not most boyfriends." He said. As he slowly raised his hands from her hips. And up along her sides. Feeling her nice, fit and toned body. He smiled, as her hand ran through his hair. He warm, and comforting when she did that. It compelled him to hold her closer. His hands now moving up her toned back, feeling more of her soft skin. Her chest pressed against his. Besides.." he began to say, as he began to move closer to her ear. "Your not like most girlfriends." He then gave her ear a soft nibble. Before he moved his head back. His check running along side her's. Then, moving in to kiss her once more. Only breaking it soon after. To press his lip's along her neck. Kissing down it passionately. Taking in the sweet taste, of her soft skin.

Yes, she was not like most girl friends. She was very intimidating to most men. No by just her looks alone. But for being special forces, for being a fighter. And for being a killer. But, she did not intimidate Jacob. No, these things made him like her more. Want her more. He wasn't ex special forces. But he was ex army. And, now these days, he is a martial arts instructor. Teaching men and women, how to fight and defend themselves with the art's of Tei Kwon Do, and Moi Tie Boxing. A deadly combination indeed. If anything, they shared this in common. Both intimidating. Both finding it near impossible to find a match. Another reason why Jacob both fears loosing her, yet does not.

"So, do you want to continue with tonight. Or shall we skip the five star dinner, and go right to the fun part?" He asked. As he now began to move one of his hands sown her thigh. He smiled confidently at her. Knowing that either way, tonight was going to be perfect.
Sonya kisses Jacob back, her tongue only barely tasting his before he moved on teasing her neck by kissing her neck and caressing her toned, tan, sexy body. She moaned so softly that if his ear wasn't by her mouth it wouldn't be heard. But he heard it, she might as well have asked him to go further, but being the respectable man he was, JAcob still asked her permission to continue.

"Hmm, as much as I want to eat at that nice restaurant," she began, running one hand down Jacobs chisled chest and biting her lip as she did "But I'm sure they deal with no-shows all the time"

Sonya pulled up on Jacob's shirt, lifting it so his sexy ripped abs we revealed. He ran her hand over his smooth body and kissed him deeply pushing him away from the wall slightly. Sonya reached down to Jacob's belt buckle as her lips locked tightly with his their tongues passionately swirling together.

Jacob was perfect for Sonya. His attitude, his body, he sweet smile and demeanor. She met him roughly six months ago when she decided to expand her martial arts skills, trying Moi Tie for a change. Jacob was the instructor. They naturally, considering both their pasts, attracted together instantly. It wasn't more than a few weeks into class that the two had their first "date" if someone could call going to McDonald's after class a date... the sex happened just as quickly, and was excellent. Being as beautiful and intimidating as she is, Sonya isn't... approached very often, most men feeling she's out of they're league. Those that do, are often undesirable to Sonya's tastes. But not Jacob, everything about him made her want him more, and vice versa. This makes their relationship extremely sexual, at least three times a week the couple meet for something as an excuse to fuck like rabbits. Though the excuses are dissipating slowly, the two are falling deeper in love, and everyone around them can see them.
He stepped back, as she slightly pushed him away from the wall. Her moans, making him move his hand's further down her body. He placed them on her rear. Feeling the soft round curve. As they soon passed the point of no return. But her answer was clear any way. No dinner, but dessert.

As she reached down to his belt buckle. Even from there she can tell he was as hard as a rock. He has been holding back. But now that she has given the green light, he is happy to show her another good time. He breathed heavily, as he broke the kiss. His hand's now tracing up her stomach and up her shirt. He pulled it over her head, taking off the garment which hid her magnificent breasts. "Sonya Blade. All american women." He said with a smile. As he brought himself closer once again. "Your the American dream." As usual, one for the corny lines. But he couldnt help himself. She was an extremely attractive bombshell of a women.

He kissed her once more. His passion fulled further by the second. It was true, that even though he loved her. And her him. It was a relationship grounded only by lust. At this point, there was no excuse at all. Just sex, and passion. The heat of the moment. But, sometimes that is all love is. A series of moments.
"You're a dork" replied Sonya pulling off Jacobs belt as her shirt was removed. "But I love every bit of it."

Sonya pushed Jacob down onto the couch kissing him madly as she did, her hand sporatically undoing his belt and pants. Her large, bare breasts pressed tightly to his body as they passionately kissed. Sonya finally felt Jacob's hardening cock and smiled against his lips. Eager as all hell to begin, Sonya dropped to one knee and began stroking his hard member looking up at him with emerald eyes before finally taking in the long, hard shaft into her mouth.

Sonya sucked the pulsing tip hard, wrapping her tongue around his dick before lowering her head and taking more and more of the massive rod into her mouth. As her gorgeous face took in every inch of the fighter's member, Sonya reached down into her fluorescent yoga pants and began vigorous rubbing her soft, wet pussy. She moaned onto his dick sucking harder and faster the harder and faster her fingers worked her delicate folds.
He laughed a bit, as she called him a dork Falling willingly, as she pushed him onto the couch. A bright smile went across his face, as he seen her go to one knee, His pants now off. He knew what sh was going to do. Her emerald eyes, just building up more anticipation. As she looked up at him. A small wince of pleasure escaped his lip's. As she began to slowly rub against his member. His cock pulsing against her long finger's. He closed he eyes, and cocked his head back in pleasure. As her lip's began to wrp aroung his head. Her tongue swirling around it. "You know just how to please me. You know that." He said, as he rest's his hand on the back of her head. Feeling her long soft blond hair. Guiding her head further, as she began to suck more onto his thick member.

It made him even more excited. As she began to rub her own pussy. Her groans of pleasure, sending more shock's of ectassy up his spine. As she groaned and moaned against his member. Precum began to leak from his tip, and down her throat. As his cock throbbed even harder. He was in a state of intense pleasure. And, he was loving every minute of it. "Sonya you vixen." he said. as he began to slowly caress her cheek with one hand.
Looking up at him with a grand smile, Sonya began licking her own saliva and his precum off of his shaft slowly. Once reaching the tip while lapping up his cum-drooling cock, Sonya imediately took it all into her mouth, twisting her head once she reached the base like a true-blood slut. Sonya sucked it harder and faster with every second, bobbing her head, her blonde hair falling out of its tie and around his cock. She looked up at him a again placing the tip fully on her tongue and stroking the shaft hard, a gesture that she wanted him to cum in her mouth. For such a proper soldier she sure acted like a Grade-A slut behind closed doors.

"I know I am" she replied backing away and stoking his cock as hard as she could manage without hurting him "But I am just for you, lover." She gave his glorious cock another kiss and a lick before running off to turn on some dance music. Sonya stood infront of Jacob, performing a delightful striptease for him. First came off her tight pants, revealing an oh-so-revealing black g-string. She bent over in front of him, shaking and spreading her ass like a stripper before doing away with her shirt and bra entirely. This left her standing the, dancing like a whore, in only a g-string and her knee-high high-top sneakers. She took the band out of her hair and whipped her hair around to let it flow before straddling and grinding against her man's, ragingly erect cock.
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