- Joined
- Oct 15, 2013
Post your sheets here guys!
Follow the sites template, just be sure to add in the numerical values of stats, skills, and etc. Also include spells and all that jazz!
Name- Tala Farlan
World- Pathfinder [Frontier Justice]
Species- Human
Age- 21
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Bi
Tala stands at a decent height of 5'6 and weighs around 127 lbs. Her hair is blonde a little longer than shoulder length, and her eyes are Jade green. Her tanned skin is generally covered by her armor and cloak and she almost always has her bow and arrows with her.
Personality- Tala is a typical fun loving drifter who wants to make enough coin to retire in luxury one day. She joined up with the Guild for the sake of convenience and relative safety. That doesn't mean she doesn't care for her teammates from the guild. She is a fairly kind woman, who often goes out of her ways to help others. She is also very competitive with the others often keeping a kill count.
Skills/Abilities- Ability Scores: Strength 14 Dexterity 21 Constitution 16 Wisdom 16 Intelligence 16 Charisma 16
Hp/Saves: HP: 56 Fortitude: +8 Reflex: +10 Will: +5
Initiative and Movement: 30ft +12 initiative and +14 in forests
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, and Draconic.
Skills: Climb+9, Handle Animal+10, Heal+10, Knowledge Geography+10, Nature+10, Perception+10, Stealth+12, Survival+10, Swim+9, Craftt Trapmaking +10
Feats: Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track, Endurance
Traits: Reactionary and Tactician
Class Abilities: Favored Enemy Magical Beast+2, Wild Empathy, Hunters bond -listed below-.
Bael: Roc Animal Companion Stats: Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11
Hp:20 Fortitude+4 Reflex+7 Will+1
Skills/Feats: Weapon Focus Bite Skills: Fly+8, Perception+5
Move 20ft land 80ft Fly
Attacks: Bite +3 1d6+1 Talons-3 1d4
AC: 19
Notable Strengths- Tala is a skilled tracker, archer, and trapper. She is able to soften up enemies from afar for the rest of the group and track them down if they flee. She is a decent healer as well, but tends to leave healing for those with the spells to do so.
Notable Weaknesses- While Tala may be stronger than most women, that doesn't mean she is a great melee fighter. Her focus on ranged combat and stealth leaves her somewhat lacking in melee combat. Tala also has a fear of oozes because fact she was nearly eaten alive by one on a dungeon raid several years ago. If she had been alone she'd have been nothing but a pile of bones.
History- Tala was raised in a small frontier village that was fairly poor. To survive and aid her family she often hunted with her father, gaining the skills she uses today. Years went by and eventually the village grew in prosperity thanks to her and her father killing the threats that plagued the village. Finding that collecting pelts and taking care of problem monsters was better pay than becoming a farmers wife Tala left her family to join the guild. Along the way she found Bael abandoned at the base of a mountain and took him in gaining a strong ally in her quest for riches. Once she gets enough money to reture she plans on purchasing an estate and perhaps becoming a mayor or perhaps even a teacher at the guild to keep her from getting bored.
Weapons: Masterwork composite dragonbow long bow Attack +10 Damage 1d8+2 Range: 130ft Masterwork Longsword +7 1d8+2 x2 daggers, over a hundred normal arrows, 20 alchemist fire arrows and 20 alchemist frost arrows.
Armor:+1 Studded Leather, Heavy wooden Shield, +1 cloak of resistance
Gear: Adventurers kit, x4 bear traps, x3 potions of cure light wounds, x2 potions of hide from animals, mule ,named Berry, to carry parties gear. Camping set, trap making gear, x6 50ft of hempen rope, saddle bags, and etc. Food for three weeks.
Goals (Optional)- Gain wealth and retire.
Follow the sites template, just be sure to add in the numerical values of stats, skills, and etc. Also include spells and all that jazz!
Name- Tala Farlan
World- Pathfinder [Frontier Justice]
Species- Human
Age- 21
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Bi

Personality- Tala is a typical fun loving drifter who wants to make enough coin to retire in luxury one day. She joined up with the Guild for the sake of convenience and relative safety. That doesn't mean she doesn't care for her teammates from the guild. She is a fairly kind woman, who often goes out of her ways to help others. She is also very competitive with the others often keeping a kill count.
Skills/Abilities- Ability Scores: Strength 14 Dexterity 21 Constitution 16 Wisdom 16 Intelligence 16 Charisma 16
Hp/Saves: HP: 56 Fortitude: +8 Reflex: +10 Will: +5
Initiative and Movement: 30ft +12 initiative and +14 in forests
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, and Draconic.
Skills: Climb+9, Handle Animal+10, Heal+10, Knowledge Geography+10, Nature+10, Perception+10, Stealth+12, Survival+10, Swim+9, Craftt Trapmaking +10
Feats: Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track, Endurance
Traits: Reactionary and Tactician
Class Abilities: Favored Enemy Magical Beast+2, Wild Empathy, Hunters bond -listed below-.
Bael: Roc Animal Companion Stats: Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11
Hp:20 Fortitude+4 Reflex+7 Will+1
Skills/Feats: Weapon Focus Bite Skills: Fly+8, Perception+5
Move 20ft land 80ft Fly
Attacks: Bite +3 1d6+1 Talons-3 1d4
AC: 19
Notable Strengths- Tala is a skilled tracker, archer, and trapper. She is able to soften up enemies from afar for the rest of the group and track them down if they flee. She is a decent healer as well, but tends to leave healing for those with the spells to do so.
Notable Weaknesses- While Tala may be stronger than most women, that doesn't mean she is a great melee fighter. Her focus on ranged combat and stealth leaves her somewhat lacking in melee combat. Tala also has a fear of oozes because fact she was nearly eaten alive by one on a dungeon raid several years ago. If she had been alone she'd have been nothing but a pile of bones.
History- Tala was raised in a small frontier village that was fairly poor. To survive and aid her family she often hunted with her father, gaining the skills she uses today. Years went by and eventually the village grew in prosperity thanks to her and her father killing the threats that plagued the village. Finding that collecting pelts and taking care of problem monsters was better pay than becoming a farmers wife Tala left her family to join the guild. Along the way she found Bael abandoned at the base of a mountain and took him in gaining a strong ally in her quest for riches. Once she gets enough money to reture she plans on purchasing an estate and perhaps becoming a mayor or perhaps even a teacher at the guild to keep her from getting bored.
Weapons: Masterwork composite dragonbow long bow Attack +10 Damage 1d8+2 Range: 130ft Masterwork Longsword +7 1d8+2 x2 daggers, over a hundred normal arrows, 20 alchemist fire arrows and 20 alchemist frost arrows.
Armor:+1 Studded Leather, Heavy wooden Shield, +1 cloak of resistance
Gear: Adventurers kit, x4 bear traps, x3 potions of cure light wounds, x2 potions of hide from animals, mule ,named Berry, to carry parties gear. Camping set, trap making gear, x6 50ft of hempen rope, saddle bags, and etc. Food for three weeks.
Goals (Optional)- Gain wealth and retire.