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The Tale of Tristan and Isolt-Lady/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It hurt, everything hurt, the world was nothing but hurt. It was like a hundred thousand knives driving into him all at once... only he wasn't sure why. Where had the pain come from? What had happened? He couldn't remember, it was hard to think through the pain. He had gone to Ireland under his Uncles orders. His Uncle, the King of Cornwall... something about a War? Or was it a battle? Did it matter when everything HURT so badly!? No, it didn't matter. He had been fighting... something had burst next to him, oil probably, and it had caught fire later when a torch had fallen on him... ok, that explained some of the pain, he was covered in viscous burns. He had gone forward into the battle and found the Queen of Ireland's Champion. A man who was as much of a brute on the battlefield as he himself was. They had been fighting, and then... and then... that damn bastard had run him through! So that's why he was in such pain, the Other Champion had stabbed him in the chest, out through the back... but he'd taken the others head. Had killed the other Champion when no one had been there to see, and now he was dying himself. How... lucky.

He could feel hands on him, and recognized one set. His friend and fellow Soldier, Aramus was trying to stop the bleeding. He could feel the pain spiking as those hands pressed down on the bleeding wound, but Tristan was not stupid. Tristan was all too aware that no one survived being run through. Even if they stopped the bleeding, infection would set in. he was dead, either from bleeding out, or from fever. He hoped he would bleed to death, he didn't want his chest to rot while he was still alive thank you very much. He couldn't stop the cry of pain from leaving his lips as whatever he was laying on jerked violently to a stop, and he was suddenly aware that his leg was broken... when had that happened?! He could faintly hear Aramus screaming, no doubt bitching at the driver of the cart, and he could feel hands picking him up. He could only scream again in pain as things in his body shifted the way they weren't supposed to. He just wished that he could die already. Why wouldn't Aramus just kill him already!? Hadn't they promised each other!? He was unaware of hope sitting right next to him... the Lady Isolt, Aramus had taken him to the Queen whose Champion he had just killed... the Lady Isolt, who was famous for her heavenly powers, and the ability to heal almost anything. Tristan would survive, or so they could only hope.
Isolt rushed through the doorway, dressed in a simple black gown that made her red hair shine ever brighter. A smattering of freckles decorated the bridge of her nose, looking more like a teenager then a woman grown. A woman of 26 and a healer world renowned, she did not look it. And from the looks she was getting from the men, they were just as startled to see the queen of Ireland, even though they had come here looking for her, as they were by her appearance. “Hold him, I cannot have him moving while I stitch his skin together again.”Isolt ordered the knights waiting on the wounded one, already moving to work on him. Not realizing that the man was the champion who had killed her own, had been the cause of the black dress she was wearing for mourning the man who had been a knight and lover. For a queen always had her chosen ones, her knights to stand at her side. Unlike in later times, when women were forbidden from being free and in control of themselves, queen isolt of Ireland, was a woman who was very much in charge of her own body. And it was a good thing that tristan’s knights had the forsight to make up a name for him, for even isolt’s vow to help would have been strained to heal loki’s killer.

Hours later isolt sighed tiredly as she leaned back, her forearms still soaked in blood as she glanced up at aramus as the man hovered. “He will live. He must rest, and heal. My palace is open to you as long as he needs.”She said looking worn and pale, and despite being a natural healer, it still took a lot out of her.
Aramis had been utterly shocked to realize that they where actually going to be helped! by the QUEEN no less! he quickly fabricated a fake name and a story about being forced into battle by their noble lords in payment for missed Taxes.... a lie, but not an uncommon story in those days and ages. the men pinned Tristan down, as he tried to fight them off, thinking he was being attacked again in his pain induced delusions. he screamed and struggled and fought but couldn't so much as twitch under all the hands pinning him down so effectively. when the woman was done, and Tristan, now known as Athos, was asleep after the pain, Aramis and the men who had been traveling with Tristan bowed to her and thanked her. on their hands and knees, they thanked her with tears of truly loyal men. although, she wouldn't know that, as far as Queen Isolt knew, 'Athos' was simply a very good, and a very loyal freind to the men who had begged her for help.

they accepted the offer of sleeping int he castle... well Aramis did, the other men grimaced as they headed back to the battlefield. unlike Aramis and Tristan, they would be punished, as would their families if they where caught on the wrong side of the 'battle lines'. Tristan stayed completely out cold for an entire day, sleeping as he healed, and when he woke he was barely conscious of what was happening. he was aware enough to listen to Tristan's whispered explanation, but was not aware enough to be able to formulate a response, or even make words sound like words. he allowed healers and Aramis to feed him thin broths filled with healing herbs. broth was all he could manage, anything solid choked the half dead soldier. but after another day, he managed to say his thanks to everyone who was helping him. of course, he couldn't remember who he had thanked and who he hadn't, so he thanked every person in the room close to fifty times, all the while wondering where all these people where coming from.
Isolt looked amused as she appeared in the doorway, her wild red hair tied up out of her face at the base of her neck, looking pale and drawn as she looked at the knight who had given her enough to work on that she hadn’t been focusing on the loss of loki, even though her bed was cold, and the other knights of the kingdom were already surrounding her, like wolves ready to fight over a bone, the wounded knight was allowing her to shove that aside, shove aside the queen, and just be isolt for a few moments within a day.

“Sir knight, do not think to thank me again, you thank me all the time.”The healer teased a little, though her heart wasn’t in it, moving to sit on the edge of the bed as she checked his wounds making sure infection hadn’t set in.
Tristan blinked at her, still quite delirious as he watched her enter the room and thanked her again for taking care of her, but this time he followed up with. "how did you manage to have fifty healers?" he asked sluggishly. "that's a lot of healers you know. you must have a very big castle to need fifty healers..." Aramis had stuffed his fist into his mouth to keep from laughing and gently placed his hand over Tristan's mouth to keep him from talking even more. there was a little bit of aggravation, and a slight fever, but there was no infection, thankfully. he was healing very well and the fever was already going down and he was much more coherent than he usually was. "you..." Tristan muttered, his eyes suddenly fixing on her, the most aware he'd been yet and he gently took a lock of her hair in her fingers, staring in utter amazement. "so beautiful...."
“I do have a very big castle, but I only have two healers, sir knight. No more.”She smiled looking down at him as she relaxed, realizing that he was out of the danger zone. While there was still a chance that infection would set in, it was less likely with each passing day. Startled when she felt the man touching her hair she looked down at him, tilting her head.””Quite delusional I see. Maybe I should be more worried.”She teased him a little, blushing ever so slightly. She really was quite unaware how beautiful she was, having always thought it was her crown and not her beauty that made the knights flock to her side.
Tristan didn't seam to realize that she was speaking, he was so focused on how beautiful she was. "...Nay, lady." Aramis whispered softly, sounding shocked and amazed. "Tristan only speaks truth to women." he admitted. "and never before have i ever heard him utter a praise such as that... we have been worried that he was..." here Aramis flushed brightly and looked sheepish. "you know..." back then, being Gay was a very deep offense, one that lead to death... even for a king. so for Aramis's fears to be laid to rest so suddenly... "in any case, you are very beautiful my lady, such can only be the beauty of angels, or of Helen herself." he admitted with a smile. "a beauty of the gods you are, and you should let none tell you different. not even yourself."
Isolt raised her eyebrows looking up at aramis, tilting her head a little.”Oh.”She said looking down at the knight, looking curious about the man who was fingering her hair with such focus. “Well, now that you’re done teasing me about my beauty for the day, I should go see to the rest of my kingdom.”She said smiling as she gently untangled tristan’s hands from her hair looking up at aramis. “Send for me if you need anything.”She said grinning as she left the room.

A few days later she stopped in the doorway, smiling slightly as she looked at the man sitting up on the edge of the bed.”Sir Athos, are you ready to try walking?”The red headed queen smiled at him, her hair a wild mess around her hair, a woman obviously unconcerned about how she looked, which made her wild beauty all the more enticing.
Tristan offered her a sluggish smile, and allowed her to remove his hand. "there is no teasing in truth my lady." Aramis stated rather smugly. as if her beauty really was simply a statement of fact, and he took pride in proving it so. he stayed with Tristan, who was a model patient and never once complained, demanded, or tried to get out of bed. "...walking? who needs walking? i certainly don't." he complained, grimacing as he slowly pulled himself into a proper upright position. he had only gained complete lucidity the night before, and now was regretting being fully aware of himself. he hurt, all over. while he was glad to be alive, he knew it was going to take a lot of very painful rehabilitation to be able to move on his own again. "urg..." he groaned as he slowly, carefully settled his legs over the side of the bed, panting from the effort. "i'm not sure my legs will support me Aramis..." "it's alright Athos. i'll catch you if you collapse like a tender little old lady." "oh shut you're gob you great brute." Tristan complained as Aramis hauled him to his feet. as he'd expected, his legs almost immidiatly gave out, but as promised, Aramis was right there to catch him. "i don't think he'll be able to walk on his own to the Bath My Lady." Tristan desperately needed a bath, and they all knew it. Aramis was probobly going to have to carry him there.
“well, you are a warrior, sir knight, of course you need to walk.”She said smiling at him, looking pleased though with his progress. “Be careful standing.”She warned watching him, looking relieved though when aramis caught him. Looking concerned as she looked him over she bit her lip before nodding. “Well, I’ve seen him naked enough for this healing. Get him to the bath and I’ll make sure that he is cleaned.”She said smiling a little as the two men made their slow way to the bath, already drawing a warm one for him. No matter that she had servants to do it for her, when it came to her patients, the queen of Ireland was world renowned for doing everything herself and leaving nothing for the servants.
Tristan chuckled a little at that and nodded. "too true Fair Lady." he admitted before blanching as he realized that SHE was going to be bathing him. "why can't Aramis bathe me!?" he demanded, slightly panicked and Aramis just made this worse. "he's never been nude before a woman in his life. at least, not that he can remember. be sure to be kind to him." Aramis teased as he carefully lowered his freind into the water before carefully stripping him nude, Tristan flushing as he quickly covered where it counted, making very certain that the Lady Isolt couldn't see his slight erection. he found her breathtakingly beautiful, and being naked in front of her was NOT helping! "...i really have to remember to remove his Testes..." Tristan muttered as he watched a laughing Aramis take his leave. "i'd get away with it, he already has a son... i need to make sure he can have no more, or we will all be doomed... for i am certain he is the devil."
“Because I want to look over your wounds while I bath you.”She said frowning a little as he panicked, tilting her head a little. “I am always kind.”She said frowning in bemusement at aramis’ teasing not understand what he meant before looking amused as Tristan covered himself. It was vaguely cute that he was so embarrassed. Making sure that her hair stayed out of the water she started washing him, gently and sure, but careful to make sure that he was actually getting clean. Giggling a little at his mutterings,”I am sure his wife would like more then one son.”She said shaking her head a little in amusement.
he grimaced a little but submitted to her demands with nary a fuss. he was most unlike the usual warriors who came in, they always complained, loudly. tried to get out of bed before they where ready, and sometimes even fought with the healers. 'Athos' did none of that, he just did as he was told and while he muttered complaints, did not actually try to avoid doing what the healers told him to do. he shuddered as Isolt started to wash him and he closed his eyes. "i am sure that Elena will forgive me." he remarked scathingly. "he is the devil and i must ensure he makes no Devil Spawn." he grumbled even as he started to relax into her calm, gentle hands. he refused to move his own, and when her hand wandered below his belly button, he demanded to wash himself and ordered her to turn her back. shy men, what an uncommon occurrence.
“You are being a very good patient. Even when you don’t want to do something, you don’t complain.”Isolt looked amused as she washed him, “Oh, maybe. I am sure she’ll just brush off you gelding her husband.”She snorted looking amused before raising her eyebrows, looking curious before turning her back, though she turned her head just enough to watch him. Curious because he was so shy. “You are a strange one, athos. Maybe you should stay at court when you are healed.”She said smiling to herself, and not knowing just how guilty he would feel about that. After all, he was the reason she was looking for a new champion, surely anyone would feel guilty about taking his spot?
he huffed a little. "i've been with healers more times than i want to admit. i'm very prone to nearly dying it seams." he admitted. "i've learned that fighting the healers only makes me stay there that much longer." he admitted simply. "besides, i don't have the strength to put up a proper struggle." he admitted with a smirk. "well, Elena threatens to Geld him all the time, maybe i'm just saving her the trouble?" he mused before flinching at the thought of staying. no... he could not stay, Isolt was beautiful, and he harbored more feelings for her than he'd dare admit... but he knew how she would react when she found out who he was... and that he was the one who had killed her Champion. he would leave, as was right and proper. "i'm clean." he admitted simply. "would you call Aramis? i can't get out of the tub on my own..."
“Yes, that’s true. Maybe soon enough you’ll be antsy to go.”She said snickering a little before her shoulders hunched a little as he flinched. It was hard to believe that she was beautiful when she had a handsome, courteous knight flinching when she suggested he stay. Swallowing hard she nodded as she stood, “I’ll see you later then.”She said offering him a small smile as she moved into the other room, tilting her head at aramis. “He’s done washing, and needs help back to bed.”She sighed softly.”What do you two want to eat? I'll go get you dinner while you get him."
he smiled at her a little. "i don't want to go..." he admitted softly. "but i cannot stay. it is simply... not possible." he admitted softly, sounding quite depressed as she left. "Ah, good. he won't stink now." Aramis admitted with a smile. "thank you for taking care of him, Lady of the Lily." Aramis had taken to calling her that, because she was as beautiful as the Flowers. "something with meat and vegetables." he decided with an impish grin. it was the same answer as always, which basically meant he didn't care, just give them whatever the cooks made them. he wet in and got Tristan dressed and went into the bedroom with him. and when Isolt returned it was to a hushed conversation. "i think i know what love is now, Aramis... the Lady Isolt... i think i love her... and oh how wrong that is." "Athos, my dear freind, you always do manage to make a mess of everything, don't you? will you tell her?" "no... how could i? i can't stay, i would only bring her misery." there was a heartbeat of a silence and then. "this is true, it would never be allowed... you might be put to the death for even thinking such things." "My Uncle... i'm surprised he hasn't told everyone of my 'defection'... could they really not know where i am?" "no. i made sure to let no one know. they think i am taking care of you alone. i won't risk your life Athos. your my brother in every way but blood. you know this."
Isolt nodded a little as she went to get them food, pausing at the door, resting a hand against the door as she considered going in. listening to them talk her eyes widened, wondering what they could be talking about. Surely his unlce would not kill him for getting help? Nudging the door open she smiled slightly, holding a tray of food. “Do you need a ship home?If you are feeling well, I can see that you are sent home.”She said her eyes sad and pained as she considered him leaving, not understanding why he had to go, and wondering what he was keeping from her
they both jumped when the door was swung open and they both looked guilty, as if they had been talking about kidnapping her or something equally heinous. " would be best, i suppose..." Tristan whispered softly as he closed his eyes, looking just as pained. "i do not want to go home..." "but we all must do, that which we hate..." Aramis muttered back, looking sad for his freind. "You will have to stay with me and Elena... your uncle will not excuse your weakness..." Tristan just nodded and Aramis sighed and stood up. "eat your meat and vegetables Athos..." he ordered, motioning for Isolt to follow him. "would you really have a ship for us Lady of the Lily?" he asked softly, looking both hopeful and sad. "the longer we stay, the harsher his punishment may be... his Uncle is a cruel man, and will see his injuries as nothing more than an excuse to be lazy of battle... the sooner we return, the sooner we can get to safety in Arthur's courts. we would be welcome there, i am sure." it was Arthur, King of England, that had stopped the Cornish from attacking Ireland. the Cornish where being forced to leave by their own ships, but they where leaving behind the wounded and the dead for the Irish to clean up.

(i don't know if that's true or not, but it sounded good. xDD)
(lol it does, and since Tristan is one of arthur’s knights(yes its that Tristan from the song trial of lancelot XD) it makes sense he’d make sure cornwall would stop attacking to make sure Tristan was safe….and I can see aramis telling him, not tristan’s uncle, where he was taking the knight. XD)

Isolt smiled wider, dipping her head a little.”I will send you on my own ship. King Arthur has invited me to guest at Camelot, as a apology for cornwall’s bad behavior, and for Sir Lyonesse”She said her face twisting a little at the mention of tristan’s proper name, Tristan Lyonesse, “for killing my champion. My council thinks it will do me well to get away for a few months.”She said her face sad. Though it was a good idea, and a even better one for Arthur to invite the powerful and noble queen to his lands when his underlord, king of cornwall, had attacked her unprovoked, to sooth and make peace. Not realizing that in inviting her, Arthur was setting about events that they were all going to regret.
Aramis went tense, almost violently so and he studied her. "Tristan Lyonesse..." he muttered softly. "He will be there too you know. at Arthur's court. seeking refuge from the king of Cornwall's cruelty." Aramis admitted simply. "He was injured very badly during the fight with your Champion." he admitted. "Sir Lyonesse never even wanted to come here, but how can you say no to a King?" he wondered before he took her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "Athos... has deep feelings for you, Lady Isolt. very deep. but he has secretes, deep ones that would have you hating him. he is trying his best to keep his distance from you, so that you will not be so badly hurt..." he admitted softly. "please... be kind to him. he has suffered so much already."
“We will have the whole of a court between us, I wont have to see him.”She said sighing softly as she looked down. Knowing she shouldn’t blame Tristan for coming her, obeying his king, but she couldn’t. not when she was still mourning, not when the blood was barely dry on her land. “He still came, sir aramis, I cannot forgive that.”She muttered looking startled as he kissed her knuckles, tilting her head a little as she considered what he was telling her. “I am always kind to good men.I better go, I’ll see that the ship is ready for us to go soon.”She said patting him on the arm before going about getting ready, and by the time she was ready to go, the three were standing on the brink of a cliff, and she knew she cared deeply for her patient….tristan Lyonesse, who she’d said she could never forgive.

Meanwhile, a ocean away Gwen moved to her husband’s side, looking at Arthur as he overlooked the sea.”Are you waiting for the lady to come, my lord?She is beautiful.”she teased, knowing that her husband was loyal, but it still amused her to consider what he was thinking. And wondering if it was for Tristan the man so worried for.
Aramis sighed a little, well aware of how things where going to go when the Lady Isolt realized that this broken man was really Tristan. the closer they got to the departure date, the twitchier and more terrified Tristan became. he was terrified of his uncle, who had raised him... and beaten him, from the time of a very small child. Tristan was a proud warrior, but he was still terrified of his uncle. he was finally able to stand on his own by the time the Ships came. he couldn't walk much, but that was what Aramis was for. "Athos. you should be resting..." "i can't. the sooner i am better, the safer i will be." "we are going to Camelot, not to Cornwall." "and that will not save me from my uncles wrath. you think he can't take the time to get on a horse and come to Camelot just to beat me?" Aramis winced at that and shook his head. "he could, but he wouldn't dare. not in Camelot." Tristan just shrugged.

"...i am worried." Arthur whispered softly. "i have discovered some very unsettling news. the King of Cornwall has been beating Tristan Lyonesse." he explained. "and i have also just gotten word that Tristan Lyonesse might be permanently crippled from his last battle. reports say that he can't even stand on his own." word traveled slowly. Tristan WAS recovering, very well in fact. but he was still easily tired and very weak. "and the Lady Isolt, she will not forgive him so easily, i fear what will happen if they should cross paths. should we find some way to keep Tristan busy, so that he does not fret over his weakness and so he doesn't run into Isolt? or just let things lay? i don't even know if Tristan is coming to Camelot... or returning to that monster King of Cornwall..."
Isolt was going here and there, making sure the ship was ready to go, smiling brightly when she saw the two coming onboard. Despite loving her land, she was a child of the sea, born to run on wqves and sand. "come! We are about to depart."she smiled as they all settled into the joutney.

"well, we always knew he was a monster. We will just send gawain to investigate. If he mistreats his family, whatever is he doing to his kingdom?"the queen of camelot looked worried as she wrapped a arm around arthur's waist."we have the best healers here, even if tristan does not want to come here while he is weak, aramis will bring him here. For he is one of your knights, and deserves thr best of care. d if he really is crippled, we will ask lancelot to help him figure out what he is still capable of" muttered rubbing her husbands back, while they still fought at times over her brief, regretful affair with the knight whom she loved as much as arthur, the man was still among arthur's best friends. They just had their moments of awkwardness."we will keep them apart. Neither needs the stress of meeting, and they will be easily kept apart. An muttered not realizing how wrong her words were until two days later when the call of the dockmen told them that the queen of ireland had arrived.

And when the court turned out to meet her, gwen could barely keep the look of shock off her face to see lady isolt helping tristain of lyonesse off the ship
Tristan had to smile at the joy on Isolt's face, even as dread settled into his gut. "Yes, Gawain will go..." Arthur agreed. "and if i catch that monster hurting anything within MY country... he will pay dearly." Arthur hissed, his eyes narrowing before he smiled at Gwen. "Aramis is so loyal to Tristan... i do not understand how the King of Cornwall can beat his nephew, but not his own son?" because Aramis, was indeed the King of Cornwall's own son, and he and Tristan had been raised together, suckling the same tit. they really where brothers in all but blood. "i truly hope he is not crippled." Arthur admitted. "i don't think Tristan could handle it." he admitted. "he is so strong, and yet so Fragile...."

he was as shocked as Gwen until Aramis spoke, bowing to the king and Queen of england. "My Leige! May i introduce, her lady, the Queen of Ireland, Isolt. and her patient, Athos of Cornwall." so Tristan was pretending to be someone else to spare Isolt the pain of treating the one who had murdered her Champion. Tristan was barely standing and Aramis caught him before he collapsed, Tristan flashing the King and Queen... and his good freinds, a sheepish smile. "i would bow, Your Majesties, but i fear i wouldn't get back up..."
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