A love twisted in the shadows (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MonkeyToe)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
"Sweetness.. Please come home soon.." Krystal quipped, pacing around her room in Crystal Tokyo, her long blue queenly dress dragging on the floor. Her son was at college now, studying to be a doctor. She was beyond proud of him, but she was growing more and more lonely as the days went on. She couldn't do anything but cry lately, her emotions confused and sad. "Please sweetness.."

"My blue moon princess, don't weep for me. I hate it when you cry. Its my time, I should go. But remember I'll always love you. now, i must leave you.." he dies then, the brain tumor taking his life.
*End flashback*

Krystal fell to the floor, tears falling from her face and her eyes sad. "Oh, Yami.. My heart, My soul.. Why did you have to die?" she said through the river of tears, unable to keep her grief locked up. Not today, not on the the 22nd anniversary of his death. Her tears dried after awhile, hugging a plush of her guardian, The winged Dragon of rah, close to her. "Oh Rarah, i can't take it. not today. please go get him.." she said, sniffing and the beast nodded his head and popped away, landing in Her son's dorm room.

"Prince, your mother needs you. You know how she gets today.." the dragon said in a soft voice, nudging the boy in question.
Marik stirred lazily as the Guardian dragon nudged him. He stretched and cam to his feet, yawning. but not protesting. He knew the importance of today and why his mother needed him urgently enough to send the Guardian to collect him. Marik rose and showered briefly, dressing, and then brushing his spiky black hair with blonde streaks at the front. Then he collected the things he would need for a visit home and tucked them into a bag.

"I am ready Dragon," Marik said. "Can you teleport us both there or do I need to take the bus home?"
"i will bring you home, prince." he said simply, then teleported them back to Krystal's room, where she sat on the floor, crying hysterically again.
Rah nudges her and she picks up her head, seeing her son, her sweet little marik, standing in front of her, looking just like his father did. Tears came to her eyes again, but she smiled, and stood up, hugging him tightly.

"My little marik, my sweet boy. How I love you." she breathed into his ear, cuddling close, the ice in her veins causing her to shiver. But she stayed as close to him as possible, unable to control her feelings any longer, and in her distraught grief, she kissed him. Just like she used to kiss his father, Yami.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
"i will bring you home, prince." he said simply, then teleported them back to Krystal's room, where she sat on the floor, crying hysterically again.
Rah nudges her and she picks up her head, seeing her son, her sweet little marik, standing in front of her, looking just like his father did. Tears came to her eyes again, but she smiled, and stood up, hugging him tightly.

"My little marik, my sweet boy. How I love you." she breathed into his ear, cuddling close, the ice in her veins causing her to shiver. But she stayed as close to him as possible, unable to control her feelings any longer, and in her distraught grief, she kissed him. Just like she used to kiss his father, Yami.

Marik materialized inside his mother's room ready to comfort her on the day that hurt her most every year. "Thank you Rah," Marik said as he began to turn to Krystal, "I am here Moth..."

Marik was interupted by his mother thrusting herself into his arms. He didn't protest but simply wrapped his arms around her shivering form. The heat from her whispered breath prickled against the skin of his neck and his eyes widened in shock, his face flushed with surprised as she kissed him.

Unsure of what to do and knowing her fragile emotional state he did not pull away, getting more of a thrill from the contact than a son should from his mother. His eyes slowly lidded and he reflexively deepend the kiss.
After awhile, Krystal broke the kiss, gasping for air. "I'm sorry sweetness" she breathed out, looking kind of embarrassed and sad. Krystal couldn't deny how much he looked like his father. It almost made her want to cry, especially today. she fainted in his arms from all the stress and sadness, her body becoming colder than usual, and mumbling "Yami" gripping the millennium puzzle around her neck.

When she awoke, she appeared in what looked like an empty apartment building, and yet it felt so familiar. She was drawn to the third door on the left, and what she saw shocked her. "This is Yami's old apartment.. but how did I get here? This buildings been gone for over a millennium!" she said to herself, walking around, seeing how it looked just the same as it always did. Krystal sat on the nearby couch and held the little blue bear she had given him that was sitting there and sobbed just a little bit more, until a familiar frame graced the door. "Yami?" was all she could say before she passed out again and landed back in reality, not realizing she had simply been inside the puzzle itself.

"Marik.. I just saw your father." she breathed out, eyes open wide, unsure of what to think.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
After awhile, Krystal broke the kiss, gasping for air. "I'm sorry sweetness" she breathed out, looking kind of embarrassed and sad. Krystal couldn't deny how much he looked like his father. It almost made her want to cry, especially today. she fainted in his arms from all the stress and sadness, her body becoming colder than usual, and mumbling "Yami" gripping the millennium puzzle around her neck.

When she awoke, she appeared in what looked like an empty apartment building, and yet it felt so familiar. She was drawn to the third door on the left, and what she saw shocked her. "This is Yami's old apartment.. but how did I get here? This buildings been gone for over a millennium!" she said to herself, walking around, seeing how it looked just the same as it always did. Krystal sat on the nearby couch and held the little blue bear she had given him that was sitting there and sobbed just a little bit more, until a familiar frame graced the door. "Yami?" was all she could say before she passed out again and landed back in reality, not realizing she had simply been inside the puzzle itself.

"Marik.. I just saw your father." she breathed out, eyes open wide, unsure of what to think.

Marik frowned. "A-are you feeling well Mother?" He asked her, unsure of what she meant and concerned about her fainting. He hoisted her in his arms and carried her back to her bed room, laying her on the soft mattress. He softly brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"Perhaps you need to rest? I know how hard today must be, Mother, but I am here for you and I won't leave your side."
Krystal smiled and pulled the muscled 24 year old down to her on the bed, cuddling close. "Yes, I could use some rest i think..." she said, looking to her handsome son and kissing his head, then adding, "always so concerned. that's why you're my sweet boy." she said, smiling weakly before fainting again, landing right back in that same apartment, where Yami was sitting, looking at some king of album.

"Yami, my spiky haired Egyptian god, is it really you?" she asked, her expression both confused and happy. She wasn't quite sure what was gong on. but she knew she definitely wasn't dreaming.
"In a sense, it is me my wife," Yami said. "Or at least a piece of me that has remained behind in your puzzle piece." He flipped a page to the album that showed memories from their multiple lives together and smiled to her, his smile just as warm and radiant as it had even been. "Another piece of my lives in Marik, though he may not know it yet."

On the outside, Marik flushed heatedly again as his mother drifted off. He simply held her and waited, the taste of their kiss lingering on his lips. He felt bad for liking it as much as he did, but he knew that she was always emotional on this day that reminded her of the tragedy in her past. He pressed close to her as he waited, no space remaining between them.
"I see." she says smiling, Sitting in his lap as she always did. "I missed you."she said with a sad smile, kissing him softly, loving the feel of his lips on hers.She wondered why this had never happened before, but then again, she had never passed out holding the puzzle before either. Krystal cuddled close to him as they looked through the album, remembering all the good times.

then a thought crossed her mind. "He is so much like you, my yami. almost like a carbon copy. is that why he didn't pull away when i kissed him?" she asked, looking to her dead love.
"Yes," Yami confirmed, kissing her softly back and holding her close. "He has part of my inside of him and my love for you burns so bright that Marik could not help but be drawn to you. That is why he comes to you when ever you need him. Through the puzzle piece and through Marik I am able to be close to you... to be with you again."
Krystal cuddles close, content to be in his arms again, just loving being with him. 'I love you my spiky haired Egyptian god." she said softly as she kissed his head, cuddling as close as she could possibly be. She smiled softly at all the memories, her big blue eyes a little sad. Krystal couldn't believe that she didn't think to look for him in the puzzle, since it is his item after all, as is the ring Bakura's and the rod Marik's (Ishtar, not her son). She had missed him so much theses 22 years. It didn't feel fair. It was like a knife cutting into her every day he was gone, and now she had him again. It was almost surreal.

Krystal stayed in his arms for a little while longer before pulling away, her voice sad. "I should go my love. Marik will be worried about me." she said, kissing him softly and then disappearing in a rush of blue sparkles. Krystal's eyes opened and she turned to see marik curled up next to her.

"Hello sweetness." she said with a small smile, kissing his head and hugging him, happy to be with him. "my spiky haired Egyptian god" she mumbled, hoping he heard her and that it awakened in him the part of his father that still remained within him. Krystal cuddled her son close to herself, pulling the soft black and blue rose printed velvet comforter over them, hoping to get warm. Ever since mercury had defected to Metallia and the dark kingdom, she had double the ice in her veins, haven taken over her powers. It wasn't Krystal's choice though. The powers had a mind of their own and picked her since her power was already mostly ice based. She shivered next to her son, but still retained a smile, happy to have him home. "I love you my sweet boy" she said with another small smile, wrapping her tiny pale arms around him and cuddling as close as she could.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
Krystal cuddles close, content to be in his arms again, just loving being with him. 'I love you my spiky haired Egyptian god." she said softly as she kissed his head, cuddling as close as she could possibly be. She smiled softly at all the memories, her big blue eyes a little sad. Krystal couldn't believe that she didn't think to look for him in the puzzle, since it is his item after all, as is the ring Bakura's and the rod Marik's (Ishtar, not her son). She had missed him so much theses 22 years. It didn't feel fair. It was like a knife cutting into her every day he was gone, and now she had him again. It was almost surreal.

Krystal stayed in his arms for a little while longer before pulling away, her voice sad. "I should go my love. Marik will be worried about me." she said, kissing him softly and then disappearing in a rush of blue sparkles. Krystal's eyes opened and she turned to see marik curled up next to her.

"Hello sweetness." she said with a small smile, kissing his head and hugging him, happy to be with him. "my spiky haired Egyptian god" she mumbled, hoping he heard her and that it awakened in him the part of his father that still remained within him. Krystal cuddled her son close to herself, pulling the soft black and blue rose printed velvet comforter over them, hoping to get warm. Ever since mercury had defected to Metallia and the dark kingdom, she had double the ice in her veins, haven taken over her powers. It wasn't Krystal's choice though. The powers had a mind of their own and picked her since her power was already mostly ice based. She shivered next to her son, but still retained a smile, happy to have him home. "I love you my sweet boy" she said with another small smile, wrapping her tiny pale arms around him and cuddling as close as she could.

A shiver ran through Marik as something inside his body stirred as she spoke to him. Her body was both warm and cool against him at the same time as she cuddled closer. It almost seemed like his arms were not his own as they wrapped around her and squeezed her tight.

"I love you too my lo...." Marik muttered and blushed hotly as he stammered over the words. Was that even him speaking? What was going on with him today!? "I-I love you too, mother," Marik corrected himself softly, snuggling deeper into the covers and his face burning with a small blush.
Krystal smirked to herself, Yami had been right. Not that she doubted him, but she wanted to test it for herself before fully believing. She stroked his soft hair and held him close to her, her mind swirling. "Oh Yami, you sly spiky haired Egyptian god. I never know what to expect from you, do I" she said more to herself then marik, who had buried his face in he neck and chest as he always did when he was embarrassed or scared.

"There, there, sweetness, its alright. No need to feel embarrassed." she said in a soft loving tone, stroking his spiky hair and kissing his head. She knew this must be very weird for him, so she dare not tell him about what his father had said yet. Krystal figured it better for him to see for him self. She laid her head on his shoulder and just smiled, wondering how long it would take for him to realize. Krystal smiled and sang her and Yami's song from silver millennium softly, just enjoying having someone to hold in her arms.
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