Arena Challenge {FemShep & Master_Cypher}

Oct 7, 2013
There are several well known regions floating in the vast ocean of the world. Among these are the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos regions. These six divide the world into smaller, more manageable sects, allowing aspiring trainers to take the Pokemon League Challenge.

There are, of course more regions in the world than just these, such as Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia… But even in an already diverse world of culture and pokemon species, there is another. A region still largely untamed by mankind. A region where only the brave or foolish visit, and only the truly strong can thrive.This region is known as the Damon region.

Almost every pokemon known to exist has been claimed to have been sighted in the Damon region, and even a few new species are rumored to exist there… But the dangerous nature of that place makes even the proper verification of either of these claims nearly impossible. However, many choose to believe, and come to see, or even catch rare and powerful pokemon.

Others come for the region’s own version of the League, known as the Pokemon Arena. It is recognized globally as one of, if not the most brutal challenge a trainer can undertake. Every trainer who registers in the challenge is stripped of outside gear and access to their pokemon storage, instead receiving six special, empty pokeballs to catch a new team from within the region as part of the challenge.

Many give up once they realize how difficult this aspect of the challenge really is. Others fall to the lawlessness of the Damon region, or one of the many other hazards it sports… But a small, lucky few manage to brave these numerous obstacles and gather enough Battle Seals to challenge the Grand Tournament, a bi-annual event held atop the long dormant central volcano of the region.

Jean, a well established trainer in his own right, was one of the many men and women that had the drive to see the challenge through to its conclusion… Though he had yet to find a pokemon to call his partner. He’d roamed the mountain range that ringed the island for a few days now, but had seen more traps and pitfalls set up by the numerous gangs in the region than pokemon.

He was reaching his wits end, and it showed in his dark scowl and rigid demeanor. “Lousy fuckin’ bastards and their god-damn pokemon…” He grumbled. He’d spent nearly the last half hour trying to avoid one particularly persistent gang before he’d managed to duck into one of the many caves, tunnels, and cavern systems that dotted the Crown, as the mountain range was called.

The cave was lit by numerous small, glowing crystal veins that looked much like the fire stones some fire types needed to evolve. Were he not so agitated, he might have wondered whether this cave contained a few strong Fire or Rock types, or whether the other region’s evolutionary stones somehow found their ways there from the Damon region… but as it stood, he contented himself by kicking one of the small yellow-orange stones along the ground…

That is, until it skittered into the foot of one pokemon, facing at least one other with its hackles raised. He paused in the semi-darkness, attempting to get a good look at the opposed pokemon, trying to decide if they were wild… and if he could catch them.
A powerful young Ninetails roamed these caves that Jean ventured through. This Ninetails was well known as one of the strongest, if not, the strongest fire type Pokemon in this cave. She would've been considered an Alpha of the pack if there were actually a pack around. Although she was normally peaceful she did show her fangs against Pokemon that got a little too close to her and to any humans believing they could tame her.

Many humans had tried to catch her, but all have failed. Even ones that had Pokemon to fight against her failed. Not a single human could tame this Ninetails and non shall...or so she thought

Hearing the sounds of the fire stones grinding against the cave floor as it slide closer and closer to her was enough to already be on her feet and ready to fight. The sounds got closer and closer until one hit her foot. Her hackles raised in anger seeing a human male trespassing on her territory. She growled loudly and angrily, raising her tails as a warning to go away and show how threatening she was. Taking a step into a beam of light she revealed her almost white paw and part of her face as another warning to leave her alone.
The nintetails directly in front of him was clearly exceptionally strong, despite her obviously lack of formal training... He was fairly sure he couldn't take her by himself... Hell, he wasn't even sure he could touch her with a team of dual rock/water types! Unfortunately for her... it appeared that the Damon region was as cruel as rumored to both trainers and pokemon, as the cave was more than happy to supply one large pokemon that looked nearly, if not just as powerful as her. What Jean had thought might be multiple pokemon was, in fact, one massive Gigalith looming in the shadows, trying to sneak up on her.

Jean was apparently just the distraction it needed, too. It lashed out with a speed that its bulky form belied... though Jean suddenly found himself interposed between the two pokemon. "Hey, ya need to pay fucking attention!" He shouted as he barely managed to catch the massive stone foot. "Doesn't matter that you're strong if a lead-footed bastard like this can sneak up on you!" He growled and tried to toss the rock-type backwards, though he only managed to shove the heavy pokemon a mere foot or two... Still, quite a feet, especially considering the somewhat wiry frame of the man.

He nimbly back into a possition a few feet away from both of them, ready for a three-way brawl with the two larger pokemon. "If you two wanna fight, go for it... but don't you think for a god damn second that I won't kick both your asses if you let your guard down!" He growled. Traditionally, he would be the weakest of the three. Considering the two pokemon before him were probably the strongest he'd seen in a long while, that might even still be true... But Damon wasn't a place for traditional trainers. Everyone who went there had some form of training to allow them to fight alongside and against pokemon... For Jean, it was armed melee combat, though he could handle himself bare-handed as well... Though the stance he took as he drew the nearly perfect stave he'd gotten off one of the few trees that sprinkled the mountainside was clearly born of several years of training.
The Ninetails only grew angrier from Jean's comments about her. Her growls were directed toward Jean, but knowing the Gigalith was behind her she dodged the attack without even looking. She landed right in front of him, but instead of attacking Jean she turned her back towards him to focus on the Gigalith. Hearing his comment about him kicking their asses, she used her tails or at least three of them to wack him, but she was really pushing him out of the way as the two fought.

She focused on the Gigalith and growled at it and gave it a few threatening barks. Finally opening her jaws she charged a flame in her mouth and shot a beam of fire that heated up the cave to a high point and engulfed the Gigalith's body in flames.
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