Switching Faith-(Naruto OC) Moon/Treath


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It hurt, everything hurt, the world was nothing but hurt. It was like a hundred thousand knives driving into her all at once, and she knew exactly why. She, and her entire clan had been betrayed by their dick of a Kage. There was no real reason, that she knew... but when one lived in such a poor country, the Kage was God and you did what the Kage said no matter what it was. So when the Kage ordered the Inazuma clan slaughtered... well, they where slaughtered. All but one. She coughed and struggled to keep her head above the water. She was Manami Inazuma, the last of the Lightning clan. Her clan had been prized for their spectacular ease in handling, controlling, and manipulating electrical currents. They hadn't even needed to create the Electricity through a Jutsu, they could pull it, or drain it from other sources. Like power lines. With a twist of the wrist, a single Inazuma could leave an entire village without any power for as long as they wanted. Maybe that was why the Kage had slaughtered them, they where more powerful than he had been, and they all knew it.

Still, the betrayal hurt, even more than the sword still sticking out of her sternum, more than the vicious burns that covered most of her body, more than the broken bones in her left arm and leg. The betrayal hurt, but not as bad as realizing that everyone she had loved was gone. Her mother, her brother, her aunts, uncles, cousins and her tiny two year old nephew... all gone. She had fallen in battle, blacked out, but had woken to the Hunter Nin carefully rendering the bodies of her dead family useless to anyone who would want to steal the Inazuma secretes. The Kage clearly didn't want anyone to have even the faintest of inklings of the Inazuma left... well he'd failed. She'd dragged herself fifty feet to the local river, waiting with held breath every second of the way, praying she wouldn't be discovered. She hadn't been, and had let the icy waters sweep her away. She didn't know where she'd end up, but she'd rather die in the waters than be killed. She needn't have worried, she was never that lucky.

She slipped into darkness, and when she woke it was to a medic Nin listing off her injuries. “Third degree burns across her chest, back, neck and right arm. Three broken bones in her left arm, two in her left leg, a cracked rib. A severe concussion, a crack in her skull, stabbed through the sternum... it missed all the vital organs... what was strange was the mask...” the Healer commented, and Manami wanted to laugh. She was mostly blind. She could make out faint shapes, which where more like massive blobs of color. She found her incredibly limited sight to be more of a distraction than anything else, and wore a purple mask to keep her sight from interfering. She had a much more interesting way of 'seeing' though she wouldn't be able to do long range fighting with it, she was very deadly up close. Worse than a Hyuuga in fact, little blighters that they where. She groaned in pain as someone started running healing Chackra across her burns, it hurt, the dirt, water, much, grime, and twigs being pulled out of her bloody wounds. “W..Where?” she finally managed to make her throat work, trying to ask where she was and who was healing her.
Somewhere on the other side of the Hidden Leaf village. Ayumu Tanaka was attending yet another meeting with the Hokage. "Excuse me?" he replied even though he did not show it, Ayumu was shocked at the order that he was given. "I know I saved the girl and all but I do not think I am capable enough to do this." he added his moderate deep voice going through the solid walls of the office. "Yes sir, I understand. I will try my best."

As the wooden doors of the office slowly opened. Ayumu turned around and gave the Hokage a small bow. "Excuse me." with that last statement, he closed the door and went on his way to the medical clinic. Being one of the few remaining members of the Uchiha clan. Ayumu knew he had to work hard in order to not put any disgrace towards his entire clan. Even though the clan's population was growing. He knew that he would have to work harder. Espcially if he wanted to become a member of the Anbu Black Ops. They were known to be the best of the best. Only fit for those who could prove themselves worthy. It was something that Ayumu had longed to achieve ever since he was a Genin. Now that he was a Chuunin, he was given a lot more responsability as well more jobs that needed to be complete.

Finally arriving in front of the Hidden Leaf's medical clinic. A faint sight escaped his lips as the 19 year old boy took a step inside. He still did not know what was going through the Hokage's mind. Assigning a Chuunin to observe and guard a stranger was not the best choice. Especially if this 'person' he had to observe was someone important. Even though Ayumi had his own reasons on why he should not be assigned to this job. It was obvious that the Hokage was not going to listen. After checking in at the front desk. Ayumu went to the specified room as he put both hands inside his pocket. Leaning against the plain white wall behind him. He paciently waited for the girl he had saved to come out of the metal door before him.
Manami had been in the hospital for three days, recovering from her severe wounds. she had come to understand that she was in Konoha, and had eagerly accepted a place in the village. she knew better than to think the Raikage would just let her go without a fight, the man was insane! he had slaughtered her entire village after all... in Konoha, she had the chance to serve a great village, and have the protection she needed from her previous village. she was still in a great deal of pain, but pain was common for a Ninja. she was very glad to see that her summoning scrolls where still with her. like most of the Inazuma, anything of real importance was kept on her at all times. she had four full outfits, her special hand crafted weapons, and a few personal effects. it was all she really needed to start a new life in Konoha... he had even given her enough money to afford a down payment on an apartment, and enough for groceries for a month while she recovered and learned the new territory.

she slipped out of bed, and got dressed and carefully buckled a new mask around her eyes. people found the cloudy orbs to be disturbing most of the time, so she just kept the mask over them... of course, people found the mask a bit weird as well, but she didn't care. she picked up the Cane that she was expected to use, her leg was still recovering from being broken. walking on it too much could leave her with a permanent limp. with that in mind, she was sure to use it. being mostly blind was a handicap she could overcome... a limp? that wasn't something she fancied trying to fight with. she left the room, and stepped out the large metal doors and paused, her head cocked to the side as her electronic pulses detected a living thing next to her. within a range of about twenty feet, nothing could hide from her, because everything let off electrical pulses. every time you moved, breathed, every time your heart beat your body released electrical pulses that she could detect. none living things, like buildings and trees, where a lot ore difficult to work around though. she ran into more trees than she wanted to admit... of course, one tree was more than she wanted to admit, so that wasn't saying much.

"Are you Ayumu Tanaka?" she asked cautiously. "The Hokage said you would show me around." she admitted, gripping her Cane tightly as she wondered what this one looked like. she could get the basic human image employing the technique she used, but she couldn't 'see' anything other than that. nor could she tell if a person was a ninja or a civilian, male or female, or anything of importance until they spoke. which was, admittedly, very annoying to say the least.
Ayumu waited, not knowing how long he would have to wait. He continued to wait pacitenly in the long empty hallway. With most of Konoha's ninjas leaving on missions with their squads. The hospital Ayumu was in began to slow down as time went on. Since there was hardly anyone coming back from their long journeys. Most of the medical ninjas had left to do other things. Though they would be later called back of there was an emergency or if they needed more people to tend the pacients. Moments passed as Ayumu began to watch the clock in front of him. Counting off each second as it passed before him.


He often did this in class when he was bored. Even though it was obvious that it did not make the time go by any faster. Since Ayumu was in a hospital, there was nothing else he could find that would help pass time. After reaching twenty seconds. Ayumu had quickly gotten tired of counting off each second as it passed. Luckily, he did not have to continue. Within a few minutes, he found himself staring face to face at a girl in front of him.

"Yes, that's me and I am assuming you are Manami then." he replied hiding the fact that it was him who had saved her. A part of him did not want her to know since it would probably lead to answering depressing questions. Even if she already knew that it was him who pulled her out of the burning house. One thing Ayumu did not like was being treated differently for doing something good. It was something he had seen and hated the most. Especially in class, he had seen with his own dark brown eyes the result of doing a good deed for someone. First, they start by barely knowing each other. Then the guy saves her from falling. Later a relationship between the two forms. This was one of the many things in society that Ayumu hated deeply.

Escaping his train of thoughts. Ayumu finally rose from the wooden bench he was resting on. "So are you ready to go?" he asked not daring to ask what the cane or mask was for. If he had to guess, he would probably have to say that both the cane and the mask was from the accident that she was in. Walking ahead of her but going at a slow pace for her to keep up. Opening the hospital door to reveal a better view of Konoha. Just as he did that, he spoke again "I am not your tour guide or anything but I welcome you to Konoha....."

"your new home." he added giving her a small smile, keeping the door open for her.
Minami smiled a little as she nodded. "i am indeed." she admitted simply as she examined the surrounding area with her unnoticeable electronic pulses... wall. wall... wall... there was the door. it was damn hard trying to tell the difference between a wall and a door and a window. she hated being in such small spaces. not that a hospital was all that SMALL, but it was so easy to get lost, trip over things that her pulses didn't register, and if the doors where made of the same material as everything else, she couldn't find it. thankfully, the hospital doors where made of wood, while the walls where not. "yes, i'm ready. walk slowly please." she asked as she followed Ayumu out of the Hospital and paused as she felt the fresh air. "it smells so fresh... green i mean... wild." she admitted, sounding rather happy as she smiled at him. "thank you... my home... it's nice to hear that." she admitted as she headed down the street with a surprising amount of confidence considering that she couldn't see... as far as anyone could tell anyway. her cane swept the ground in front of her, seeking out any hidden traps like hols, roots, or walls. it was easy to avoid the people, they shone like candles in the darkness.

"Ayumu, thank you for showing me around." she stated suddenly as she deftly stepped around a pole that her stick had found. lucky too because she would have walked right into it otherwise... granted, by side stepping the pole she ran into a car... so, it wasn't all that lucky. "oof... wrong way." she muttered to herself. "the Hokage asked me to give this to you." she stated suddenly, handing the other a folded bit of paper, which was the address to Minami's new apartment, ground floor thankfully enough. then again, Minami had requested a ground floor apartment, minimally furbished. which meant there was a bed, a dresser, a kitchen table and chairs, a couch, and the stove and refrigerator. Minami followed Ayumu around with little effort... though she did prove she really was blind several times by running into walls and poles that cropped up without warning. she was being stared at of course, the villagers whispering to each other as they caught the blind ninja walking down the street. rumors where running Rampant about Minami, and not all of them where nice. in fact many of them where downright cruel. "Ayumu? how about something to eat? i can smell takoyaki. my treat!" she offered, giving him a small grin as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet and examined the bills that where inside with her fingers. "yeah i have enough, come on, i'm hungry."
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