Mass Effect: Leverage {Javorcek}


Sep 28, 2013
This was, for lack of a better word, a waking nightmare.

Between dealing with the stresses of working a ship run by a borderline schizophrenic commander, having to help assemble a crew of ragtag misfits, having the Illusive man breathing down her neck asking for progress reports, dealing with the looming threat of the Collectors and the Reapers...and now this business of her sister being found out by her dad...

Well, it was becoming a little stressful for the Cerberus operative known as Miranda Lawson.

She had been a designer baby, created by her father to be the 'perfect' daughter. And in many respects she was as close to the concept of perfection as one could be. There were few skills she couldn't pick up and learn, her brain functioned at a higher rate than that of a normal woman, and by human standards she was a very powerful biotic. But the stress an abuse she endured under her father was what led to her becoming a runaway.

So Henry Lawson decided to repeat the process, creating a second 'perfect daughter' by the name of Oriana. Miranda had managed to take Oriana away when she was an infant, giving her to Cerberus so she could live a normal life.And she had, for the most part. Blissfully unaware of her origin, and the nefarious purpose behind her creation. And Miranda had worked hard to maintain this security of her younger sister, letting her have 19 peaceful years of life.

But that was all to be undone now. The busty human sat behind her desk in her usual white catsuit, her dark hair tossed back and falling in waves down her back. For the past 15 minutes she had been deep in talk with her contact Niket, figuring out everything she could about the information leak that had Henry on her sisters tail.

"I see. Thank you Niket, I'll get out there when I can. Ugh this whole thing is a nightmare, Oriana shouldn't be getting caught up in this." With a reserved sigh, Miranda ended the video call and leaned back in her chair " I'll have to bring Shepard in on this. Assuming she'll help at all."

For whatever reason, Jack was Shepard’s little pet project aboard the Normandy. Maybe it was because the soldier used to run with The Reds, a gang back on earth, and therefore thought that her and Jack had something in common. Maybe it was because Shepard was some sort of Alliance girl scout that needed to save the galaxy one hopeless case at a time. Or maybe it was because they were both badasses and Shepard didn’t want to hang out with crew members that couldn’t hold their alcohol. It certainly wasn’t because the Commander wanted to fuck; Jack had already made that offer on day one and Shepard had pussied out.

Whatever. Her loss.

So it was no surprise to her that Shepard had come down to her little whole in Engineering to have one of their ‘talks’. But tonight they weren’t talking about their 'feelings' or their pasts…they were talking about the head Cerberus cheerleader: fucking Miranda Lawson. Jack still didn’t know if she wanted to fuck the genetically engineered woman senseless or bash her head against the wall in an attempt to wipe that I’m-better-than-you smirk off her perfect little face.

“Miranda needs help and I need someone that can take out waves of enemies.” Shepard sighed. Talking to Jack was like talking to a teenager sometimes…though she supposed that was a pretty accurate comparison. Even if Jack had had a normal life, she was still just a young woman. Toss in a lack of childhood and and a fucked up life and the girl was nothing more than a soft, squishy child on the inside once all the rough layers were peeled away.

“Fine, I’ll help.” Jack spoke up after a long while. Well…maybe this would put her and Miranda on a more equal playing field. If Jack did the Operative a favor, maybe she’d stop being such an arrogant bitch around the younger biotic.
Miranda was...far from pleased to have Jack coming along on this mission. Oh sure she was a powerful biotic (Not as powerful as Miranda, of course not,that bald dyke was deluding herself if she thought she was in the same ballpark as Miranda!), but as far as soldiers went she was belligerent, obnoxious, and almost never followed orders. Not to mention her disdain for Miranda and Cerberus. Wasn't like Miranda had anything to do with her treatment as a kid...she'd been through something similar...

Was she actually feeling sorry for that brute? No no, of course not. They just had some things in common, but they were as far from each other as possible in every other respect. But at the very least she ha proven herself a useful fighter when they landed on Illium, clearing out quite a few Eclipse mercs that stood in their way.

It was clear that Henry Lawson had spared no expense in trying to reclaim his adopted daughter. Their path was blocked by Eclipse mercenaries every step of the way, all armed to the teeth. Yet the trio of Biotic women were unhindered in their progress, ploughing their way through all opposition. Finally they reached an elevator leading up to Dock 94. As they went along one thing had become increasingly obvious, that Miranda's informant Niket was a traitor...obvious to all except Miranda herself.

"Maybe the captain knows we're listening in and shes feeding misinformation about Niket making a switch." Miranda said as they entered the elevator. "Or maybe it means something else...Niket wouldn't do this. Damnit why won't this elevator go any faster?!"
There’s nothing quite as therapeutic as throwing enemies into walls with a well-placed Shockwave, then finishing them off with a shotgun shell to the head. She couldn’t help it, it was a Pavlovian response that had been ingrained in her mind after years of shooting her up with drugs whenever she annihilated an enemy. Kill and you get a reward, refuse to fight and you get a painful shock to the system. The only drawback to this response was that she was incredibly reckless on the field. She ran around with absolutely no armor, got right up ontop of enemies, then blasted them with her shotgun or pounded them with her biotically charged fists.

It still tingled whenever she killed; her entire body would feel warm. The more she fought, the better it felt. Hell, was almost as good as sex.

After going through wave after wave of Eclipse mercs, hey finally made it to the elevator. Jack at least knew well enough to keep her mouth shut as Miranda began to lose her cool. Things only got worse as the doors opened on Dock 94 and all the Operative’s fears were confirmed: her friend (probably her –only- friend, because Miranda was an uptight bitch and Jack couldn’t imagine anyone enjoying her company), was a traitor. Well, that sucks. Jack had already learned the hard way to not keep friends around. People let you down, they’ll sell you for a quick buck, or they’ll do stupid shit and die trying to save you. That’s why she preferred to be alone, to rely on herself and nobody else.

The young biotic was drawn out of her musings by a pretty good insult thrown out by the Eclipse Commander: “I was just going to let you finish getting dressed. Or does Cerberus really let you whore around in that outfit?”

“I like her, are we still recruiting?” Jack snickered, though went straight faced once more as she caught an Eclipse merc peeking her head up over a desk to take a shot. Without thinking twice, she pulled the trigger and got the Asari right in the neck. Dumb bitch.
The swift blast had managed to shatter clean through the Asari's natural biotic barrier, a few stray shards of the attack cutting into the blue scaly flesh. She snarled and raised her pistol up, while her other hand wrenched around her neck to try and slow the building. However with a quick flick of her wrist Shepard fired off an electric Overload blast that made the gun explode out of her palm as a smoking pile of metal and advanced circuits.

With that brief opening, Miranda's curvaceous body glowed with an eerie blue light, and she proceeded to fire out a singularity that lifted the Eclipse Commander clean off her feet. She raised her pistol up and then with a swift double -tap, Miranda sent the Asari's skull and grey matter exploding out onto the platform. Another problem dealt with, and it seemed Oriana would be safe for the time being.

It had been Shepard who dissuaded Miranda from killing Niket, but that Asari had gone out of her way to kill him anyway. The sensation of his death left her feeling hollow. It was clear that she was upset by the betrayal, and equally upset that she couldn't resolve it on her own terms, and Jane seemed to have no sway on improving her spirits when they returned to the Ilium spaceport. They watched from a distance as her sister, more like a younger clone in all honesty, spoke with her adoptive parents. Inwardly, Miranda seemed a little torn, unsure if she should try to converse and get to known her own sister.

After all, how safe would that be?
Jack knew that look, that little bit of hesitation. Miranda was -scared-. Of what, the young biotic didn't really know. She'd just blown an Asari Commando right out of her boots and now she was freaking out about meeting her sister? Her -little- sister?! Pffft...that may be one of the most idiotic things that Jack had ever seen. Exasperated that it looked like they were just going to pack up and go home, the younger biotic couldn't resist opening up her mouth.

"What the fuck, Princess. You make me and Shepard drag our asses all the way out here, fight a bunch of blue bitches, and you don't even want to go talk to her?! We could all die tomorrow and here you are, being a fucking pussy." Jack snorted in disbelief. This is why she had wanted to blow up Pragia: because she knew that she may never get another chance. Not only because of her criminal record, but because all this stuff with the Collectors... If Shepard and all this stuff that Cerberus was spitting out was true, well, then none of them were going to make it through the Omega 4 Relay and back. And that was fine with her, better to die fighting than to rot in prison.

But if she had had to spend the last of her days knowing that the facility on Pragia was still standing? Nah...she couldn't do that. It would distract her. And this whole deal with Oriana would distract Miranda too, if she didn't take care of it.

"Never pegged you for a chicken shit, Cheerleader. Guess we should just head home." Jack smirked, turning around and heading off towards the Docking Bay, purposefully baiting Miranda to do something. To prove her wrong and to go put on her big girl pants and march over there to talk to her little sister.
"What?! Oh you have some nerve you dyke..." Miranda growled, clenching her fists and glaring over at the former criminal. It sucked to have to put up with her insults, and it sucked a hell of a lot more to know she was right. Insult to injury. But now the challenge had been laid out before her, and she could hardly just let it lie. In that respect the two had that in common too, they could never turn down a challenge put to them.

So she braced herself and fixed her hair and face so she looked a little more... presentable. And then she made her approach. The two siblings spoke for several minutes, learning about each other and even exchanging some contact between the two of them. The familial connection was far from instant, but Oriana knew what her older sister had done for her, so she was certainly to know her better.

Once they were back on the Normandy, and the Cerberus vessel itself was hurtling up toward the nearest Mass Relay, Miranda found herself headed to the armoury to pack her gear away. She spotted Jack from behind and gulped slightly "I... Wanted to say, with no animosity or sarcasm to my words, that... well it means a good deal to me that you got me to talk to Oriana, and... well... thank you." Ugh, it was like saying thank you to Satan...
"You're a real piece of work sometimes." Shepard said to Jack the moment that the Operative was out of earshot. "That was actually nice of you a really weird, degenerate kind of way."

"Yeah, well...guess you're rubbing off on me." Jack smirked and hung out with Shepard while Miranda dealt with her sister. Even though she wanted to go head out and try to grab a drink or two on her own, Jane insisted that they didn't have time to screw around and get wasted. So she was stuck here, trading stories with Shepard until it was time to board the Normandy.

Jack was busy storing her gear in a place where Shepard wouldn't fuck with it. The Commander liked to 'help' by equipping new mods for Jack to try out. She heard footsteps and looked up, snorting softly in disgust when she saw it was Miranda, before looking back down at what she was doing. While the older biotic stumbled through some sort of 'thank you', Jack continued to not pay her much mind. She didn't trust this Cerberus bitch, and everything the older woman said, Jack took with just a grain of salt.

"Yeah...well..." Ah she -had- to be nice, Miranda had even said 'thank you'. Fuck you Shepard, this is all your fault. The young woman sighed, her brow furrowed in frustration because she -knew- what she had to say, she just didn't want to say it. "You're welcome..."

You could probably cut the awkwardness in the Armory with a knife, Jack needed to get out of here. "See you around, Cheerleader." And then Jack was off, heading over towards the elevator so that she could go take a shower and wash off the sweat and flecks of Asari blood.
Well that was about as pleasant as getting a breast exam from a ravenous Varren, while a gaggle of Volus watched from a distance. Stupid science experiment bitch. Why did Miranda have to try extend the olive branch? She didn't need to apologize for anything, and if that tattooed brute couldn't even accept some thanks, well it was hardly Miranda's problem to deal with. Hmph, how absurd.

And now Miranda had to deal with the common problem that often came after a ground mission. She could often build up a good deal of sexual frustration on a normal day alone, but the missions just served to speed up that effect with all the adrenaline flooding her body plus all the physical exhaustion... to put it bluntly, the female biotic felt as if she was in heat.

She had headed swiftly to the elevator once she was sure she could get a private one, and was all too relieved when the doors opened on her deck. She quickly headed to her private office and was equally quick to slip inside. In her haste she even forgot to lock it behind her. Miranda unzipped the top of her jumpsuit, revealing her black bra and generous breasts as she headed to one wall panel and opened it with a button push. The metal slid open, and Miranda smiled wryly as she surveyed her private collection of sex toys: Many normal and some rather exotic.
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