Power Struggle (ThomasRHellsing & Satine)


Mar 22, 2013
Bellatrix was tired after a long day of doing missions for her Dark Lord. Ready to get to the manor and rest. Bellatrix was one of the most feared witches in the wizarding world and had to keep up her image. She was the Dark Lord's most loyal and deserving servant. Bella had fought for him in the first war, went to find him once he was defeated, tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom to insanity trying to get information out of them about Voldemort, Captured by Auroras and put on trial. As she sat in her judgement chair she didn't sit like a prisoner, no Bellatrix Lestrange sat like a Queen on her throne, before being thrown in Askaban. Which she served a 14 year sentence instead of her life sentence thanks to Voldemort setting her free. She had been through Hell and back, losing a chunk of her life, being 43 years old, but through it all Bellatrix remained loyal to him. Bella walked into the manor and grabbed a seat by the fire, putting her feet up needing to relax.
A firm deep voice called out, "Bindium maximum!"

Thick black chains, would wrap firmly around Bellla's torso and arms. Sliding along her legs to wrap them up tightly as well. Holing them almost painfully against the thick wooden chair legs. Thomas Alexander Longfellow removed the invisibility cloak. His dark sapphire blue eyes running over Bellatrix's body. His straw blond hair brushed back and in a mid back length ponytail. His dark green dragon hide coat missing, however the matching dueling gloves were on both his hands and lower arms. Fingerless after the second knuckle. The American dueling prodigy had recently taken the dark mark. His torso lean but definitely firm, he'd forgone the long and heavy robes most wizards wore wearing a simple elbow length sleeved shirt, and pants that reached just below his knees. The duelist had claimed the heavy robes drained stamina and added to a bodies strain. After a savage cutting curse at the face of a fellow recruit who'd insulted him the matter had been dropped. His wand, black polished ebony wood gently traced under Bella's chin where it met her neck. He'd mentioned in passing that the core was Dragon's blood, with a few drops of unicorn's blood. Powerful at curses, Jinxes and defensive spells. The grip was dragon's Ivory, and wrapped in a black dragon hide, to those who knew what to loo for the want and wizard who wielded it reeked of power. Not quite as much as Voldemort but definitely worthy of a higher rank then "Rank and file minion".

The pure blood pulled out a muggle pocket knife using his thumb to open it he said, "I'm afraid we're at an impasse, Miss Lestrange, I can't kill you. However, Malfoy said if I wish to enter the inner circle, I had to defeat one of the wizards currently present in it. I chose you because your the biggest, and baddest present, only to realize if I killed you Voldemort would probably kill me or torture me and that would suck. Thus, I came up with another idea, a way to prove I bested you, and yet leave you alive."

The knife came up severing the buttons on her corset, gently using the tip of the knife he spread it. Whistling at what he saw. Looking at her, he said, "Tell me Bellatrix, when was the last time you were taken by a man?"
Bellatrix's eyes widened and she gasped as the chains wrapped around her torso arms and legs, hugging her tightly to the chair. That deep voice, who was it and how the hell did he mange to get into the manner. Her eyes now alert, looking around the room trying to see who it was. Her hands tried to reach for her wand, but with her hands tied down with chain it made it hard. Her body was tense and she squirmed a bit trying to free herself from the binds saying mental spells to undo them but unable to get to her wand the attempt failed. Bella sighed her efforts to undo her binds had failed, she wasn't one to admit defeat. She saw the rookie that she had looked down upon earlier, was now harassing her.

Bellatrix saw his knife and at the moment she wished she had her wand or her dagger but she couldn't retrieve them from under the chains. "No you can't kill me...The Dark Lord definitely wouldn't be pleased with you then, I'm his most loyal servant. We've a bond like no other...I'm not easily defeated. Many have tried go for the female she's no match for the men. The men never made it passed me, but this is a different approach...."

Watching as her corset buttons were cut off, and it starting to open, watching the knife come close to her chest as he gently moved the side apart. "That's none of your damned business!" She spat at him
Thomas smirked, as he said, "But oh sweet Bella, it is."

He back handed her as she spat at him. Bringing the knife down with a obvious skill. Soon Bella was sitting in the cut down the middle pile of her former clothes. Thomas wordlessly cast a spell and they dissolved. Smirking he pointed is want at the woman sex and mumbles a potent karama sutra spell, This world force Bela to be aroused. Reaching into his pocket he removed a "Love potion". Pouring it down her bare chest, where it was instantly absorbed into her body. Using a hand on either side of he head to make her look at him. A damn potent combo.
Bellatrix's head went the way he smacked her looking down, breathing. She flinched seeing the knife come at her then seeing her clothes in tatters and disappear before her eyes. Sitting in the chair tied with thick, heavy, black chains, completely nude. "No one...besides my sister, the Dark Lord and my husband call me Bella, it's Bellatrix or Miss Lestrange to you." She said glaring at him. Seeing his smirk then him pointing his wand at her womanhood she knew she was in trouble. Completely defenseless he could do anything to her and she couldn't stop it. Bella tried to close her legs as she could feel the effects becoming aroused by force. She looked at the liquid that hit her before watching it absorb, "What the hell was that!!??" Bella demanded. Focusing on the Dark Lord her thoughts started to get hazy her love for Voldemort was strong but this potion was messing with her. "You..Bastard...you filthy...bastard." As he forced her to look at him she tried to fight it Bella started to feel weak, calming some and going into a strange daze, it had a barrier keeping her mind from the Dark Lord.
Thomas smirked, "Now now Bella dear, don't speak to your lover like that. The love potion I just gave you will make you fall in lust with me, while the spell will make you so horny. How does it feel Bella, do you like it? I must admit I figured you'd loo like more of a shrew after Azkaban, but your attractive for a woman of your age."

The wizard let his hand rub her sex. Skill obvious as he slid a finger deep inside of her. Caressing all the right places. Smirking he said "I remember the first muggle I used this combination on. how quickly she went or begging for mercy to begging me to fuck her hard, and deep. Do you like my fingers Bella?"

Smirking he rubbed her clit he poured another two potions onto her cleavage vertiseum, so she couldn't lie, and would answer his questions. Then a second love potion. He knew Bella was resisting.
"You're not...my lover you think you've won, I will...kill you as soon as I...get out of these chains..." She said still fighting it, though her horniness started to grow as the potion went on. Bella had taken care of herself with her sister's help once out of Azkaban working on her strength and rebuilding her power and figure. She said nothing about the complement though it made her feel a bit better loving attention.

Bella gasped as he rubbed her sex, and slid a finger within her. It felt amazing starting to get wet, the last time she had sex was before Azkaban. Bellatrix refused to answer him trying not to enjoy and react to him touching her. She had a feeling this would go from bad to worse.

She tried to break the chains but they were too tight "What...is that... ?" She asked as he poured more potions onto her bare body Voldemort was fading from her head as the love potion doubled and grew stronger, her mind getting fuzzy and cloudy.
Thomas smirked, "Another love potion, never hurts to be sure."

Smirking, he began working two fingers in and out of her sex. His thumb pressing and grinding against her clit. He wasn't going to tell her about the truth potion. Taking his wand, he transfigured the chair under her. A tiny phallus like piece of meta pushed into both her holes. Before they started to vibrate rather hard. A clip pulled from him coat and put on her slit, the vibration spell also cast on it. He began to mead, and caress her breasts. Ducking her nipples hard, while pinching and twisting the other one. Looking at her, he said, "Do you like that Bella? Tell me, what was the darkest, kinkiest memory that kept your hands busy in your snatch on cold nights in Azkaban?"

He summoned up two more clips. Putting them on her nipples. He stepped back and began to strip. A semi erect cock was revealed as he finished. Thicker then a single hands fingers could wrap around and nearly 12 inches long. At the sight of Bella bound up lie this his cock began to get harder. even as he put a locking spell on the door and windows. Deciding to use another potion from his "Rape kit" he poured a sensitivity increase potion on poor Bella's breasts, knowing they'd be effected first.
Her heart felt heavy and it felt wrong, with the potions taking over her heart, mind, and very soul belonged to Voldemort, but this man was changing things and blocking her view. Bellatrix whimpered as the lust and love was taking over, while he fingered her pussy, and rubbed her clit. Not having been touched by anyone since before Azkaban, Hardly letting her husband touch her she belonged to Voldemort.

Bellatrix's eyes widened as she felt something enter her womanhood and her ass. Never having done anything with anal before. She cried out as they started to vibrate hard. Her teeth clenched and her eye's closed. Her body shaking, Whining feeling the clip hook onto her too. Whining as he twisted and pinched and sucked on her breasts, they were so sensitive. "...yes...no..i don't know." She spoke being a traditional witch she had only had traditional methods of sex. These toys and such plus something in her ass was all new to her. "I can't...remember...most of my..good/happy...memories..were taken by the dementors....and I had..other worries....to care" She admitted not that she did any too kinky most that happened was Voldemort tying her to the bed.

Bella cried out again the clips hurt but felt good at the same time. Her eyes widened seeing his cock it was huge. Bella was going to have a hard time walking after this, knowing with that she would be extremely sore, especially after not having sex in about 14 years. Bella was trying to keep herself and not give into pleasure or the lust.
Thomas smirked, "I very much doubt sex with your husband, or Voldemort would be what most classed as a happy memory, but I guess it's time to show you why their are three times as many American wizards as English ones, it's called foreplay."

Thomas pointed his wand at her sex again, "Immobilius vaginus", forcing the woman's cunt muscles to clench onto the small phallus inside of her, causing the effects to double. But because of the tense muscles, she couldn't truly cum even if he wished too. Waving his hand he silently cast a sticking charm on the chair then with a muttered spell the chains dissolved. Raising Bella's right foot, he began kissing from her heel, to her toe,s then ran his tongue from her middle toe back down to her heel. Then he kissed to her heel, nibbling along the side of it until he reached the top of her foot, then again ran his tongue along it to her middle toe before back up. Slowly but surely his teeth worked back to her anklet, where he alternated licks sucks, and bites up to her knee. Moving even lower up her leg to her sex, he smirked and blew on her clit, before kissing it then moving back own her other leg, to repeat what he'd done to her other foot.

Smirking at her, he put her foot back against the chair, he said, "What do you want Bella?"
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