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Sigs, Buttons, etc


Experimenting with Shadows and highlights. Might do the whole thing for practice.

Original Sketch (used with Permission) by Redu.
Can i make a suggestion... well to bad i'm going to anyways :p
Why don't you make the banners to link back to either there RH, F-List or even it could link back to there request thread.
Wait huh me?

I have my sig link back to my RT.

If you're talkin buttons [See first page for BMR button size] I can do that, but you'll need to follow the same code below.

If you're talking in general you would go [url =whatevertheurl] [img ] whatever the image url here [ /img] [/ url]

Without the spaces of course :)
you know i was thinking.. yes i do that once in awhile lol.
If i had a banner for BM i could put it on my home page on the other site i belong too. I get a far amount of traffic on my hp cause i'm one of the creators. but then again you may not want that cause you don't know what kind of people will come by.
btw my hp is restricted. Only adults 21+ can view it.
There could be a "21+" discretion in the corner of the sig that can be done.

Though to be honest - you do rather well with 3D something I could never quite grasp <3
As i said they have to be 21+ to even get on my hp .. the other site makes them register with a cc so it would be hard for someone under that age to see my hp.. however that is not guaranteed lol.

I would be more then happy to put a banner on my hp. I bet there are a lot of people there that would really enjoy being here.

As far as the 3D, I didn't take any classes i taught myself how to do it. I've been doing it for a few years now and i'm still always learning new things.
as far as what you do.. i couldn't draw a straight line. you do great work.
Same. I haven't upgraded beyond CS2 after realizing many artists that I watch don't even go beyond PS7. oo;

I *DO* Have a BMR advertising banner on the first page if you wish to use it :) It was designed for a reason xD
I would love to.. send me the link in a PM and i'll put it on my hp first thing tomorrow when i wake up :)
and i'm to poor to even have PS ... i still use GIMP :p
i don't know why when i tryed to send you a PM it said your privet messages where disabled :(
anyways this is a screen shot of the section of my hp that has the BM banner.

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