The Girl With Silver Hands [OUAT] - {Temp x Greeneyed23}

Feb 26, 2013
The Girl With Silver Hands
[Once Upon A Time Spin-off]


How many years had it been? Upon waking up, I truly didn't know. By looking in the mirror, I had assumed not too long – but the last I had been awake, it was 1985, and the work was a much different place. Simply looking out the window, I knew it was 1985. Something was wrong. Time had passed. A lot of it. The last portable phone I owned was the size of a brick and now? People were walking around with cellular devices the size of cassette tapes.

When I awoke, I was in distress. I was confused – lost. I was in a private hospital, in my own room that only few people seemed to know of. I simply remember waking, and a nurse walking by and stopping dead in her tracks – dead in awe. She cried in joy. She had been caring for me for 28 years. I was in shock. I had been asleep for nearly 3 decades, and I have not a single wrinkle to account for it. I should be well in my 50s, but nothing. I still looked like my young self. I couldn't understand it, and neither could she. All she could give me were two letters. One a discharge paper, another an anonymous sealed letter. Miraculously, it was an explanation. My past had come back to haunt me. Magic? It was back.

The world was surely different, now. I had no friends or family. I had none of my old clothes, though that seemed to be a blessing in the new day and age. All I could do was start over. Start anew – although really, I was starting over just to stroll right into my past. With a modern make-up, I looked nothing but a 2013 version of my old punk 1985 self. I was still dark, rather gothic, and especially pierced. Though, rather than my black hair, I decided to feed into the current color fad – I had always loved red. Leather was still my favorite form of clothing. Despite the 80s having passed, I still ported a studded leather biker-inspired leather jacket, my classic high boots, and the none other leather gloves I constantly sported to hide my silver hands. Looking in the mirror now, I realized I was still a pirate at heart – even among the Land Without Magic.

It didn't take me long to build the courage to venture to this so called "Storybrooke". Just weeks after my awakening - I stepped foot onto my Harley Davidson Iron 883 motorcycle and set off to my journey to Maine. In took several days, but I made it. I had crossed the city line. I had set foot directly into my past. So much of my past, I had no idea what was coming.

I had been in town for barely two days before I learned of my ex-father's existence. Luckily, I had met up with an old friend, Little Red, or Ruby, who allowed me to stay at Granny's Inn until I figured out what I wanted to do in this little town. Little did she know, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to kill him. And I was going to do just that.

A little bird told me that he frequented a small book and coffee shop downtown Storybrooke, so that was the first place I headed. Pulling up to the sidewalk next to the big glass windows, I parked my bike and headed into the shop. It was seemingly dead. Only a couple of people and one old man. It was him. Slowly peeling off my helmet I calmly walked over to him. His head was buried in the daily newspaper - partially hiding the identity I sought for, but I didn't need confirmation. I knew by his hands, out of all things, that it was him. Stepping up next to the little round table, I slammed my helmet flat onto the table - ultimately startling the man and causing him to instantly look up at my tall, strong figure. I didn't look at him. Not right away. But as soon as I leaned my chin downward - and let my cold silver eyes stare dead into his... the color in his face just drained. He knew who I was. He knew those desperate eyes. There was a long, brutal moment of silence before his quivering lips slowly parted - like he had seen a ghost. "Xe... Xenia?"

"Was it worth it?" I whispered to him. A sharp, silent whisper - one that could cut through paper like it was butter - escaped my plump pierced lips. All he could do was look at me with that unmistakable terrified look on his face. He knew it was over. He knew this was it. Before he could even form the words to answer me, I snapped for my helmet, gripping it firmly in my solid hands and launched the object right across the side of his face. The strike caused him to fly right off of his seat, but that wasn't all I had. "Was it worth it, old man!? Get up!" Grabbing the collar of his shirt, I pulled him up off the floor, only to strike him down again. "The price of my hands!?" I shouted in pure rage, hitting him once more. "The price of my broken heart?" I picked him up once more. "All out of greed!" Using the same weapon - an item designed to save a life - I struck him again. This time slamming the blood-smeared helmet right into his crotch. Finally, I rose my arm and helmet to finish his already crippled, bloody body off, but this time when I went to swing, I couldn't.
Storybrooke Maine. An idyllic paradise of small America. or so it always seemed to me. Everyday I woke up showered and shaved then once dressed, usually in a pair of clean jeans and a button down shirt of pretty much any design I went down and opened up the shop. As i had every day before then for what seemed forever.

Books-A-Plenty. Stupid name I know but the people liked it. they liked that I always had the classics as well as the bestsellers. I even sold music and movies in the back. Made good money too. I owned the shop and the land it sat on outright and had never needed to see Mr. Gold. Who funnily enough didn't really mind me. In fact he came into my shop every morning. Read his paper which I provided to everyone gratis, drank his coffee then went back about his business. He even bought his books from me. I was one of the few in town that had a truly amiable relationship with Mr. Gold. maybe it was that I owed him nothing or because I actually treated him respectfully.

I didn't kowtow to him nor did i besmirch him behind his back. I was always polite and honest to and about him. i had no opinions about him at all. I had other things to worry about.

Like this morning. I had to rearrange the whole children's section back into alphabetical order. Little....sorry that's my OCD acting up. Anyway so I was standing behind the counter going over the next week's order forms when she came in.

I must admit gothed up biker chicks are not really my thing. but i had never seen a woman with this much purpose. This much ferocity. This much passion. This much intensity. And yes she looked really really good in her red and leather. Even better than everyone's new little favorite Emma Swan. Odd girl that one. But enough about her.

I watched Xenia march right up to Mr. Gold. This drew many eyes, though most were ogling her already. it's odd as there are so many truly beautiful women in this town but it seems we always get more. What drew every eye was when she slammed her helmet onto the table catching Mr. gold's attention. As she bent over him and he went pale and said her name I knew there was going to be trouble.

I dropped the clipboard.

She whispered something.

I took a step forward.

She decked him across the face with the helmet knocking him out of the chair.

I gripped the counter.

She screamed at him and pulled him back up cracking him another good one across the face.

I vaulted the counter landing lightly and began to move.

She screamed hitting him again.

I vaulted a customer and her table not taking the time to go around her again landing lightly.

She landed a fourth hit. This one right into his crotch. This one made him scream.

She reared back for another.

"Miss I can't allow you to beat him to death."

I then gently but firmly took her arm which i had already grabbed and squeezed her forearm pushing the helmet clear of her hand with ease then spun under her arm and planting a hand on her chest and leg behind both of hers dropped her firmly but gently onto the floor then rolled her onto her chest bringing her hands together. "Someone go get Sheriff Swan."

I gently held the girl's hands. "Miss I am going to have to restrain you until the Sheriff arrives. i do apologize but you did assault Mr. gold-"

Now what happened next is hard to tell.

I was suddenly a forest. in the same position. Atop a girl. the same girl actually. I was in a forest atop Xenia this time facing her. For some reason I was shielding her body from something. My hair was much longer for some reason and I had a sword and bow for some reason. Our eyes were locked our lips were barely three inches apart my hair over both of our faces. Then suddenly i was back in my shop.

I was still holding Xenia and had somehow tied her hands with a bit of string and helped her sit up while I was out of it. I turned now to Mr. Gold and dodging his hands trying to fend me off and pushing them aside easily I gripped his face gently and opened his mouth. "Well Mr. gold She dislocated your jaw but broke now teeth or bones. You are certainly lucky. Though I doubt you feel that way."

I got him to lay back as Emma came in and everyone began to shout explanations. I stood and shouted. "HEY!" Everyone shut up and I point at Xenia. "She just nearly beat his skull in with hr bike helmet. She seemed very agitated. i suspect she had good cause." Mr Gold coughed and surprised me even more than Xenia trying to kill him. "I will not be pressing charges Sheriff."
Before I could strike the magic man again, I was interrupted, grabbed, and disarmed all before I could even really finish my sentence. Despite this, I knew this would happen. I knew I couldn't /really/ kill Rumpelstiltskin. I could only injure her, and hope he wouldn't kill me. But I knew he wouldn't. Since the day he found out the truth, he could never kill me. He could never kill his only daughter.

As I was thrown to the ground, I caught a quick glimpse of the man intervene. At first, I was indifferent. It was only the face of an ordinary stranger. Until the piercing of your blue-grey eyes suddenly struck a memory cord and it all came flooding back. I was down on the ground underneath you. And this was definitely not the first time, either. On the ground, I didn't put up much of a fight other than tensing my body. I started to laugh. It was the only thing I could fathom to do. It wasn't a joyous laugh, but one of amusement. It was almost evil. Similar to the chuckle Rumple often gave to ridicule his subjects.

Despite my hands being tied, I stayed relatively calm, and allowed the infamous Sir Cai to help me up. Unaware of if you recognized me, I stayed silent. Though, I wondered if you even remember you were Cai, and not some random modern body in a world of no magic.

Looking up at gold, I grinned at his bludgeoned face. It, of course, only lasted a few seconds before he magically healed himself and brought himself back to original health. Holding himself high with his cane in front of him, he smiled and looked down at me. “Going to have to try harder than that, deary. I don't die easy.”

I let out a sudden outroar of laughter. “Death? Whatever made you believe that's what I wanted for you, sir precious, magical, Mr. GOLD.” I was clearly mocking. “I just wanted you to feel pain. Even if it were momentary. It still stung.” Even as Emma, Mary-Margaret (Snow) and David (Charming) entered to bust in the heroics, I never broke my stare with Rumple. He was looking at me. Giving me that look. The seemingly monotone look on his face that he gave when he was disturbed, but trying to hide it. All I could do was give a bit of an evil grin, but it was more sarcastic than authentic.

As the shouting escalated, I cut everyone up. “Everyone SHUT UP.” I pulled myself up onto my feet, hands still behind my back. Giving a quick glance over to Emma – who was holding out a gun at me - and the couple, my eyes turned to yours. “It doesn't matter. The past is in the past. One can only look toward the future.” My head swayed over to look at Mr. Gold. “Oh, daddy dearest, I am oh so disappointed in you. You didn't even lift a finger of magic to stop me.” Instantly, in a quick snap, I ripped the string right off like it was paper and waved my hand quickly. Suddenly, Emma's gun flung right out of her hands and into my own. The whole time, I didn't break my stare with Mr. Gold. “I look forward to torturing you, Mr. Gold.” Leaning in, I whispered to him and pressed the gun against his chest. “And that's the only reason you're alive.” I had truly become him – but perhaps it was just an act. A way of showing off – a way of proving that I was stronger than I really was.

“I have business to attend too. Perhaps one day, we can hold a conversation without any threats, my deary.” Rumple spoke to me, but I had no intention to chummy up to him any time soon. He walked away, leaving the store without another word.

Emma looked dumbfounded at the fact that I could sway magic so easily. I turned to her, and tossed the gun back towards her. She caught it, but I didn't have a care in talking to her. I wanted to talk to you. Turning my back to Emma, Snow, and Charming, my smile greeted you. “I heard you make a killer cup of coffee...” I paused, "That is... when you're not pinning down pirates." There was a charming twinkle in my bright grey eyes.
I chuckled. Emma, Mary-Margaret, and David looked at me like I was mad but this was hilarious to me. She had actually scared Rumpel. Hmmph Gold. Pathetic alias.

I had never seen much funny. The mortal worlds were so bloody dull.

I flexed and rolled my shoulders not liking the feel of this shirt. i missed my old tunics. I smirked at you. "I do actually. Come along." As i gestured for you to go by me I removed the string from your other hand. Everyone was watching us but i really didn't care. Their precious Joshua was gone.

I caught a look at myself in the mirror and winced. "that's just horrible. Why the hell have I left my hair like that?" My voice was back to it's usual British and I smiled. "Much better. These bloody yanks and their accents. Atrocious."

I vaulted the counter after making sure you had a clear stool then poured you a cup. "So you feel better for smashing your da's face in?"

Emma, Mary-Margaret, and David were all staring at us in awe but I ignored them. "So how have you been Xenia? And how did you remember?"

While I waited for your answer I grabbed a pair of scissors and hacked my hair down to a decent looking level. "Ahh much better."

I sigh leaning back as i watch you. "Been a while Captain."

Emma, the most practical of the three, sat beside you taking a cup for herself. "Captain?" I arched an eyebrow at her and she shrugged. "She assaulted a citizen. Whether he presses charges or not I need to learn more about her." I chuckled but nodded. I still like Emma. She was stubborn but she was smart.

David and Mary-Margaret spoke quietly then left together, as usual.
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