Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice![Quin x Femshep]

Rudolph Quin

Mistaken for some sort of scoundrel
Aug 2, 2009
It was like a nightmare. No, if that were true, then why the hell couldn't he just wake up? Coming home to their apartment, tossing aside his briefcase - even though he didn't go to work today - hearing it flop with an empty sound beside the hallway table. Kevin stood there fiddling with his keys in his hand, looking into the adjacent living room where dying sunlight spilled through the drapes, covering everything in pre-sunset gloom. He was.... waiting... Looking down the hallway to the slightly ajar bedroom door and expecting to see her come walking out, freshly showered or still in her jogging shorts. Craning his neck and holding his breath, expecting to hear her, maybe humming to herself or just the vague bustling about as she touched and moved things.

There was nothing. Of course there wasn't. And there was never gonna be again. Because she was gone. Sagging and rubbing a hand over his face, Kevin finally dropped his keys into the small bowl on the hallway table and left the entryway to get himself a drink of water in the kitchen. He needed to get it together and stop torturing himself like this. He needed to move on. It wasn't torment enough having to go on without Skye, but feeling like it was somehow his fault--

That train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. With half a glass full, Kevin turned from the sink back to the entryway and opened the door to face Marjorie Alburn - Skylar's mother. Kevin was in a daze as she cooed over him and hugged him several times, eventually leading him to sit in the living room with promises to make him dinner. Sitting by himself on the couch, he tried to get his brain working again when he remembered why the woman was here - the funeral arrangements. He'd called her and asked her for help because he just couldn't deal with. Suddenly, Kevin was grateful for the woman's presence, since it gave him something else to focus on.
RE: Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!

Why couldn't he see her? Why couldn't he hear her? She tried to get his attention, but it was useless. He didn't know she was there. Why? She wanted him to know that she was fine, that she made it out of the accident. Then again...she didn't even remember how she got back to her apartment. Hell she didn't even remember what happened, but apparently it's been awhile since Kevin had believed she was gone.

All she remembered was the sound of another car and then...darkness. She knew something happened, she knew she was in an accident, but this whole time she thought she was still alive. Her fears came true when she saw a book sitting on the table, waiting for her. She knew it was for her, because it was titled "Handbook for Recently Deceased". She tried reading it hoping she could figure out how she could contact Kevin, but the damn thing reads like stero instructions. She couldn't understand what it said therefore gave up on reading it.

She sat next to Kevin, although he wouldn't know it, listening as he and her mother discussed her funeral. "I'm sorry Kevin. I still love you." She whispered knowing he couldn't hear her, but she still wanted to say it. If only she was careful she would probably be alive with him right now. But with nothing more ro do she sat and cried knowing she'll never be able to speak to him again.
There was something... He... he felt something... Like something on the edge of his consciousness or teetering on the tip of his tongue... Then it was gone and Kevin shook his head, coming back to himself long enough to catch the things that Mrs. Alburn was saying. She was in the kitchen, busily fixing up dinner and all the while she kept up a pleasing banter about this and that, trying to cheer him up.

"And maybe tomorrow I could bring in some boxes and get some of Skye's things out of here," she said.

Shaking his head, Kevin hastily stood up and went into the kitchen, already forming an objection on his lips. "No, it's fine," he said. "I can handle all of that. You just worry about the funeral stuff." She seemed taken aback so he quickly put on a polite smile. "I just... can't deal with the morbid things... if you catch my drift." And also, he wasn't ready to completely let go of Skylar's presence in the apartment. Her clothes and things were all he had left of her. Once they were gone... then he'd really be alone... Nothing but him and his memories.

The conversation from the kitchen faded as the TV suddenly sputtered on with loud and obnoxious music clanging forth. Apparently it was something otherworldly, because the people in the kitchen made no indication that they heard the noise at all. On the screen, a scene came into view of a dead man advertising while pretending to inspect himself in a full-body mirror. As the camera panned up, he exaggeratedly became aware of his audience and addressed them with a deep voice marred by cracks and rasps.

"Ho, there, newbie spirits! Are you fed up with being ignored by the living? Tired and bored with the shackles your lack of flesh has put upon you? Then I'm just the guy to help you! There are all sorts a' ways to get the attention of the oblivious breathers and I can show ya how! Just go ahead and give yourself a nice long look at your reflection and give me a call!" At that moment, underneath his extravagantly spread arms, the word "Beetlegeuse" was written three times and flashed enticingly on the screen. "Say it once, say it twice, third times the charm! And no longer will you be forced to watch the living go on living without you!" As his grating laughter echoed out of the screen with a high-pitched frenzy, the television suddenly went black, once again placidly silent.
Skylar watched what Kevin and her mother did since she had nothing better to do now that she was really dead. She sighed seeing Kevin in so much pain. She was somewhat happy that he didn't want to let go of her quite yet, because she didn't want to let him go, not like this. If only there was someway to get his attention, but it seemed like a lost cause. Skylar didn't take her eyes off of him. While lost in thought she jumped hearing the loud and obnoxious music playing on the TV. When she looked to see how Kevin and her mother react, they didn't seem to notice.

When she looked at the screen she saw a rather disgusting looking man with crazy blonde hair that scattered in all directions. Unclean and a bit overweight with incredibly white skin, almost looked painted on, and extremely dark markings around his eyes, he looked like something she wouldn't want toeet in a dark allyway. His white and black striped suit only made him look more like a lunatic and his voice and way of speech only convinced her more that he was.

After hearing and watching what this over excited and loud man had to say she thought it was odd. She knew it was directed toward a audience like her, someone otherworldly as he mentioned fellow spirits. Yet it was all too coincidental that he was mentioning a problem that she was in great need in being sloved. She saw his name appear three times and somehow knew that was the way to contact him.

When the TV turned black she was left in silence. Maybe this guy could actually help her. Maybe he was her answer. Then again he was loud, obnoxious, and disgusting, but if she wanted to speak to Kevin again sacrifices will habve to be made. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly she said "Beetlegeuse.......Beetlegeuse...........Beetlegeuse."
As soon as the name falls from her lips for the third time, the room around her darkens dramatically, seeming to change before her in a dizzying way. After 5 seconds, the space clears and grows more stable, revealing a dreary room. Like a cross between a stuffy victorian funeral parlor and a crypt, the architecture suggests a wealthy extravagance turned on it's side and twisted. The floor isn't quite level, doors and frames are cocked in off-center ways, as if the designer had a grudge against right angles and symmetry. The walls are a demure purple gray and the floors are a dizzying checkered pattern, with stark black and white emphasizing the wave and curve of it's proportions. As gloomy as the architecture itself makes everything, it's multiplied tenfold by the state of disrepair everything is in. Cobwebs strung up in the corners, violent spores of mold splotching the walls with dubious stains, cracks in the floor tiles and the potted plants are dead or diseased. The place looks more fitting for vermin to inhabit than a person.

"Hey-oo, there, sugar-tits!" a familiar, grating voice says from behind her. Before she can turn to see who it is, she is forcefully spun around coming face to face with the dead man on the television before. Through the screen there was something distant and cartoonish about his appearance but now seeing it face to face, it becomes all that more real. The wisps of unwashed hair spreading out from dirt encrusted scalp and skin pale and cracked, dotted with greenish splotches of rot and mold. All of it is a bit grotesque even as it is misleading to the state of his being, as he jerks around and swerves around like a hyper man unable to sit still.

"I knew you'd make the right decision! You know, too many folks try to go this thing alone and end up wearin' themselves down and wastin' their time! But there's an art to it, a finesse and you and I understand that! From now on, you and me, babe, we're a team at this! I'll get ya everything ya need and teach ya everything I know! I'm the ghost with the most! You couldn't have picked a better man to make a deal with!" Not only did Beetlejuice move a lot but he also seemed to have no concept of personal space, pulling Skylar close to him, touching her hips and shoulders in intimate and encouraging ways. And when he smiled, he revealed a mouthful of dirty, crooked teeth that hadn't seen a toothbrush in millenia.
Skylar was surprised to see the world around her change into this odd and logic defying room. She looked around to see Kevin and her mother were no longer with her. She was indeed alone in this room that puzzled her in a way. It seemed to defy logic with it's weird twists and curves. Just the vibe the room gave off made her question rather she made the right choice or not. Unclean and feeling like death she was nervous and a little bit frightened seeing the room that looksed like something a cartoon loving madman would create.

Then she heard that familiar voice, but in a way that was less professional speech. Before she even had the chance to move she felt something grab her and spin her in the other direction. Face to face with the man she saw on TV she saw more disgusting features she didn't notice now that he was face to face with her. He was even more replusing now then before and the loud and exciting way he spoke almost overwhelmed her. She jumped a little feeling his hands awkwardly feeling her shoulders and hips.

She quickly pulled away to regain her personal space hoping he'll keep his distance. As she spoke she sounded shooken up while trying to sound casual. "Uh well that's good to hear. I could use some help and that handbook wasn't any help.'ll help me be noticeable to the living?" She asked really just wanting to be visible to theiving so she could see Kevin and he'll see her again.
"No kidding, eh?" Beetlejuice commented flippantly with a nasty chuckle. "Between you and me, that manual is a bit of a joke played on spirits who supposedly have all the time in the world now that they're dead. Which is a cruel way to offer instruction to those who are lookin' for help, amiright?" In response to her question, Beetlejuice smiled wickedly with a knowing glint in his eye and slid up next to Skylar, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "Got some unfinished 'business' with the old boyfriend, eh? I can most definitely help ya with that, little missy. But uh... somethin' like that just doesn't come for free, if ya know what I mean. Heheh!"

Slithering away from her suddenly, he twirled around in front of her and produced from his pocket an absurdly long contract, all folded up over itself, which immediately tumbled down to touch the ground as soon as he pulled it out. "Just... uh, sign this little agreement here and we can get started on getting you an Happy back together happily for never after!" From his pocket he pulled out a snake and a scorpion which he tossed on the floor before finally pulling out a pen and offering it to her with a menacing smile.
Skylar let him ramble on about anything he had to say mostly because she was trying not to look at him as he wrapped and arm around her shoulder. He sure did love to talk, but at this point she didn't care about that. She just cared about talking to Kevin again and that this man gave her personal space. Which he seemed to have no understanding of or hygiene for that matter. As he spoke she came to the conclusion based on how he talked about the handbook was that he had no Association with the book. When he mentioned seeing her boyfriend again she replied "Yes that's all I want is to see and talk to him again." She smiled thinking they were finally gonna focus on the job, but hearing there was a price made her smile fade. . Of course there was a catch and coming from him she was scared on what it might be.

When he finally got off of her she was less tense and seemed to look relieved. The size of tghe contract surprised her that it was such a long length for just an agreement. While she felt like she needed to read it, she decided it was all just nonsense like he was. So without much thought she found the line where she was suppose to write her name. She was hesitant to use his pen since it shared a pocket with a snake, scorpion, and God knows what else, but she took the pen anyway. His menacing smile made her uneasy as she waited before signing. Finally after a minute she signed her name on the contract.
Hook, line and sinker! If he wasn't so intent on getting what he wanted, he would have been disappointed that it'd been so easy. Most of the people he interacted with were, though. The dead could be such suckers! Hahaha!

After the young woman signed her name on the contract, Beetlejuice bobbed his hand and like a yo-yo the entire parchment flew up into his grabbing fingers, folded and wadded up. Tucking it into the interior of his coat pocket, he gave Skylar a leering look up and down, practically licking his chops as his eyes traveled over her body. "Now that's settled, how about we get down to the method of payment? After all, it has been a while for me," he leaned ostentatiously towards her with a private giggle. "And I DO mean a while. Besides, we can't get ta work without havin' a little fun first, right?"

Pointing his finger at her like a gun, suddenly all of Skylar's clothes were stripped from her by an invisible force - flashed away as easily as a web being torn apart. Now standing in nothing but her underwear and bra, Beetlejuice let his eyes dance over her even more lustfully, letting out breathes of appreciation and a muttered "Oh, yeah" under his breath. He'd picked himself one hot tamale! With a dancing waggle of his eyebrows, a snakelike rope appeared, slithering over her limbs in intricate patterns, hogtying her with arms and legs behind her back and forcing her to hover in the air in front of the ghoulish ghost.

"Like packaged meat, eh, doll-face? Ahahaha! Do you like toys? Boy do I got some little trinkets you are gonna love!"
Skylar was thrown off by seeing him lick his lips in a almost disturbing fashion and he was so quick to pull the contract away that she immediately regretted signing it. She was even more disturbed at what he said to her feeling a rape vibe coming off of him. She screamed seeing all her clothes rip off of her body leaving her in just a bra and panties. She immediately tried to cover herself, but the ropes slithering down her arms and legs wrapping around her prevented that. With her arms tied behind her back and her legs tied she was completely helpless to Bettlejuice. She struggled and wiggled as she was floating in mid air, but she was unable to break loose. The ropes were so tight there was no possible way she could escape.

She continued to struggle as Beetlejuice spoke to her. Her eyes widened when he mentioned toys and struggled even more, desperate to become free again. "Let me go! What do you think you're doing!?" She shouted in mostly fear as she struggled. Because she didn't read the contract she was left unaware that as he helped her, she helped him with his "special needs".
"All part of the contractual agreement, babe!" Beetlejuice said with a sneaky laugh. "You signed it and there is absolutely no backsies! Only way outta this is forward! Besides, it ain't gonna be so bad. We'll all get what we want and if you don't mind me saying so, you're coming out a little bit ahead getting some lovin' AND a new bag of tricks to get the attention of old lover boy. But wouldn't that be somethin' if when I'm done with ya, you don't even want him anymore?"

From out of a darkened corner there came crawling a large chest. Standing on four tiny clawed feet, it had no eyes or discernible face and was just as skewed as everything else was, coming with a lumbering gait towards the Master who called it. Once it was standing at Beetlejuice's side, the ghoul reached into it and tossed out a few things over his shoulder. First, a rusty bear trap, then some bloodied impossible scissors, then a rubber ducky that had seen better days. Finally, with an exclaimed "Aha! Here we go!" he pulled out a long and fuzzy red feather probably plucked out of some large, exotic bird.

"Let's see how sensitive ya are! Where does little miss lacey bra get tickled the most?" The feather swept over Skylar's thighs, tenderly and feather-light, brushing down her legs and calves, looking for a weak spot. "Just tell ole Daddeh when he's pushed the right button!" he said with flair, tickling the bottoms of her feet before sweeping the feather up to slide between her legs. Lightly, he moved it between her thighs, brushing the tiny fronds against the crotch of her panties.
Skylar stopped struggling for a moment realizing what she had signed up for. She didn't know what was being dead or getting toyed with, no pun intended, by this disgusting man. "I don't care what's going on in that insane head of yours, but I'll never give up or leave Kevin. He's everything to me." She replied to him in a serious and almost angry tone.

Seeing the chest crawl out of the darkness, almost just as horrific to see as Beetlejuice was she resumed to struggle not giving up in her attempts to escape. Seeing the bear trap almost made hee scream thinking he was gonna use it, but was relieved to see him toss oit aside carelessly. The rubber duck was surprising, but then again it was Beetlejuice she was dealing with. Finally when he pulled out the feather she realized what his first step was.

Just the feather touching her she gasped and tried her best nor to show any sensitive spots. For the most part the feather just felt odd and uneffective, but when it reached her inner thigh she gasped and let out a frustrated whimper. Then he started tickling the crotch of her panties making her squirm as she tried to hold back any signs of sensitivity, but failed horribly at it
"Looks like we have a winner! Yee-hoo!" Beetlejuice exclaimed with glee, watching as his victim squirmed and tried to hide her whimpers. Brushing the feather over her stomach, he moved it in sensual circles between her breasts and around her neck. "Let's see what else we can shake loose..." he purred leaning in close to her, his voice taking on deeper, more graveled tones. With a flick of his finger, the bra was whipped off, just as effortlessly as her clothes had been. The feather came down, stroking between the pert mounds, and then using the fine tip of the feather, he made circular motions over her right nipple. When the tiny nub had hardened, standing erect, he continued the same motions on the other.

"At atten-shon!" Beetlejuice said, standing up straight and saluting her breasts. "So sensitive! Oh, they really like to be tickled, I think," he confided in Skylar with a lascivious wink. "How about I see how sensitive they really are!" Leaning low he brought his mouth to her breast, first focusing on the left and swirling his greasy tongue on the erect nipple. Taking the nub of excited flesh into his mouth, he began to suckle it deeply, letting his grimy hand play with the second, tweaking the right nipple with his playful fingertips.
Skylar's face blushed brightly from the embarrassment she felt from his speech and actions he did to her. The happy look on his face told her he loved seeing her like this, but she closed her eyes and grind her teeth hoping this was just a nightmare. Yet deep down inside she knew this was all real. Her eyes reopened as he flicked his finger and she felt her bra rip off of her. Her squirms only got more desperate which didn't help her at all since it made her breast bounce softly as she squirmed. Unable to hold her whimpers anymore she whimpered loudly and afraid.

She looked away with her eyes closed as he circled her nipples with the feather's tip. Her body betrayed her when her nipples became hard and erect. Her face grew to a crimson red as he saluted her breast feeling humiliated from this. Chills ran down her spine as he winked at her and she gasped feeling his greasy lips sucking on her nipple. She used every once of strength to not moan from the act as his tongue swirled wildly around her sensitive nipple. As he rubbed her breast with his other hand, her mouth betrayed her when she let out a unwanted pleasured gasp especially when his fingertips tweaked her sensitive nipple
"Whoo! Zoing!" exclaimed Beetlejuice as he suddenly stepped back from Skylar with a look of faux astonishment. "Ya hear that!? I think she liiiiiiikes it! Haha!" Then he moved so that his pelvis was jutting forward, revealing a huge, ostentatious bulge standing up from his crotch like a unicorn horn. "And she's not the only one, lemme tell ya!"

Swerving over to his chest, he once again reached inside it, rummaging as he looked for something. When he found it, he let out a squeal of joy and looked at her with a predatory glimmer in his eye. In his hands appeared to be some sort of wand with a plastic spider at it's head. Suddenly appearing behind her, Beetlejuice said in her ear, "Now we're gonna keep pushin' those buttons and hear this lady-bird sing!"

What he had in his hand was a vibrator and reaching around her body, he pressed the spider-head against her pussy and turned it on. The face of the spider hummed with a menacing little 'whir' against her pussy and the little legs moved in slow swirling strokes against her pussy lips. "Tell me what ya like, babe and I'll give it to ya!" Beetlejuice said in a husky voice, heated breath cascading against her neck. Behind her, as he manipulated the vibrator, he rubbed his erection through his pants against the crack of her ass, sliding it in gentle thrusts.
Skylar couldn't believe how she let herself give him the idea that she was enjoying this. His reaction to it was enough to make her feel more embarrassed then she already was. She tried hard not to look at the large tent in his pants, but it was difficult since it was so obvious and pointed directly at her.

Fear ran through her body as she saw him reach into his coat looking for something. Oh great, now what? Hearing his squeal as he pulled something out she knew it was something very good for him, but very bad for her. Her eyes widened as she saw the device in his hand, having a idea what he was gonna use it for yet she asked "W-what's that?" It was obvious she was afraid.

Her question was quickly answered as Beetlejuice was now behind her and pressed the spider tip of the device to her pussy through her panties. Feeling the spider's head and legs working sent chills down her spine and made her bend her legs in discomfort. She gasped feel his large bulge rubbing against her ass crack. Once again her body betrayed her omnce she felt her pussy started to very slowly wetten.
"Oooh! She's a wigglin' and a shakin' but I don't hear her singin'! Hold up! Let's check the thermometer!" Beetlejuice stopped and bent down to drag a finger across the bottom of her panties. Putting the finger into his mouth, he gasped with a flourish and smacked his lips. "Nope! Not quite ready yet! Let's see if we can heat things up!"

Putting the spider vibrator on a higher setting, he rubbed it at the front of her panties in more sensual motions. Then stepping back a little, he raised his hand above Skyler's pert backside and brought it down swiftly to smack at her left buttcheek. "Who's a naughty girl?" he asked in exaggerated baby tones, like he was talking to a child or a dog. "Who's a bad little lady? Who likes getting their clit strummed and their ass spanked?" He brought his hand down a couple more times, just hard enough to leave a lightly red imprint on both her butt cheeks. "Let me hear ya say it! I know ya really want to!" All the while he administered his playful spankings, he kept the spider working at her pussy, the vibrations humming through her skin and stroking her swollen clit.
Skylar gasped feeling his finger rub against the part of her panties were her slit rested. She closred her eyes for that moment, but reopened them once he started speaking against. She was starting to feel flithy as she started to feel turned on from this, Kevin was never this rough and yet despite his appearence, Beetlejuice was starting to turn her on and fast. At the same time she felt disgusting herself since she was forced to cheat on her love.

She was fighting back her moans as she felt the spider vibrater work harder and more sensual to make her hotter and wetter, oddly enough it was working. Whdn Beetlejuice spanked her, a loud moan escaped her lips. With every spank on her ass, another moan came out. Her will to fight back was slowly dying as she started to enjoy the way Beetlejuice was playing with her. Despite his dirrtg talk was more of a child or dog speak she started to smile as the talj stk started to make her pussy wetter and the light wet dark spot in her panties where her slit was, wasn't afraid to show it.
"Yeah, thatta girl! Look's like we're cooking now!" Beetlejuice threw the vibrator casually over his shoulder and tossed his black and white coat off, leaving his tie and shirt remaining. Rubbing his hands together with a gleeful laugh, he crouched down before her and started licking the wetness on the front of her underwear.

"Oh, my! Looks like somebody mighta had a little accident! I knew you would like that and I wasn't wrong." He gave her a wink before slipping two pale fingers into the sides of her panties and tearing them off without a second thought. Excited, swollen and glistening pussy lips faced him now and he got down close with his tongue gently petting and stroking the sensitive flesh. Disgusting lips spread in a smile as he licked up the middle to flick at her engorged clit, pushing it like a button again and again. Then his mouth pressed against her as his tongue slipped inside her. Inside, his tongue elongated, stroking at her inner walls and lapping lightly at her aroused juices. And all the while, he hummed gleefully, slurping like a starved man, making no secret about how much pleasure he was getting out of this.
Seeing him finally toss the device away she was surprised to see Beetlejuice on her knees in front of her after taking his jacket off. When she felt his tongue run up the slit of her panties she let out a soft moan. She didn't let him see it, but a smile grew across her face as he mention her having an accident. She was tempted to say something back, but thought it would be too soon and didn't want him to know how much she enjoyed it.

After his two greasy pale fingers slipped under her panties she felt them rip off exposing her cleanly shaven pussy. The way his tongue slipped inside of her wet pussy made her moan softly with a grin. Feeling his tongue flick and press against her clit over and over again, she let out a loud moan that sounded more pleasured then the others. She was starting to not care that he knew how much she loved it, at this point she was drunk on pleasure. She smiled brightly and moaned even more from feeling his tongue inside of her tight pussy walls.
A smirk came to his lips when she moaned aloud, unable to keep the noises inside. Just for an extra measure, he wriggled his tongue around inside her before slipping it out with a wet, slurping sound. Her inner thighs were drenched with drool and other fluids, her pussy lips glistening and slick with excitement. Standing up, he breathed out a loud sigh, as if exhausted and excited, loosening his tie and taking it off.

"Whoo! Is it gettin' hot in here, or what? You're just about ripe for the pluckin' babe! Just one more thing we gotta do!" In that touchless magic way he had, he pointed at his bulging crotch and suddenly his pants were opened and fallen to a heap around his ankles. Standing upright, with glistening purple tip, was his 7"1/2 cock. Nestled in a bed of moldy, wiry blonde pubic hair, it curved slightly upward, veined and bone white. Stroking himself lightly, he grinned lustfully and hissed with pleasure. Licking his dirty fingers free of precum, he said to her, "Mmm-mm! I bet you'd like a taste, wouldn't ya? 'Cause you're a naughty, ghosty slut!"

With a gentle curve of his finger, he motioned her forward and her hovering body glided down gracefully to place her on her knees before him with his erect member in her face. "Why don't you go ahead and get it nice and wet for me, hey?" he purred, his hands remarkably gentle as they cradled her head and chin, ushering the tip towards her lips.
Skylar looked at him as he stood up in front of her making that sigh, trying to hide the very small smile on her face. Honestly she had to admit Beetlejuice really could use his tongue for something other then talking none stop. She couldn't believe that she actually enjoyed that especially from someone as disgusting as he was. It was like she couldn't control the lust that was locked away deep down inside of her.

She watched as he loosened his tie and took it off all together. Knowing him his next move was unpredictable, maybe that's way she found it a but thrilling. Then with that one movement off his hand pointing toward his bulge, Skylar happened to look down right when his pants came off. Seeing the purple tip, she didn't know how to react to it, it was like she was left speechless by the sight. His moldy blonde pubic hair was somewhat unsurprising to her, but it didn't mean she liked it. For some reason she couldn't take her eyes off of it when he started stroking himself almost all too professionally and making himself have some precum.

She had never seen a man actually taste his own pre cum before which baffled her when he did. Hearing him say that he bet she wanted to know how it tasted, hed eyes widened as he dropped her down on her knees with his member facing her. His hand was strangly comforting as it rested on her head which encouraged her just to get it over with. She took a deep breath and pushed her lips down his tip to suck and lick his tip slowly pushing down to his shaft, her tongue rubbing against it as she did.
An unrestrained gasp left him when her lips spread over the swollen head of his dick, taking him into the warmth of her mouth. Unable to hold back, he trembled as she sucked it tightly, the sensitive head drooling another thick droplet of precum in it's excitement. Holy shit! He couldn't believe it! Not only had he found himself a spirit gal who didn't read contracts before signing them but in addition to seeming like a bit of a prude, she had a hidden knack for lickin' him just right! Well how-do! He'd hit himself the jackpot today, hadn't he?

Beetlejuice was trying to keep control of himself but when her tongue began getting involved, exploring the length of him in a curious way, he let out a heated groan of delight. Cradling her face with his hand, he stroked her cheek with his thumb and hummed and cooed at her in his raspy, husky voice, "Mmm, just like that, baby... Oh, yeeeeaah... Suck it like you want it!"
Skylar was somewhat comforted by the strokes that his thumb made on her cheek, but the fact it was him and not Kevin she was sucking off seemed to destroy any comfort. She just wanted this to be over as quick as possible and judging that she was already tasting his pre cum it wasn't gonna be too long. To make the expirence more desirable to her she closed her eyes and imagined it was Kevin's dick in her mouth.

With that image in her mind she seemed to have a change in attitude about it. She started to moan to sent vibrations from her tongue down throughout his dick. She worked down his shaft, moving up and down it while sucking back on it. Her tongue ran under his dick, feeling that thick vein as it throbbed in her watering mouth. As she worked slurping sounds could be heard as she sucked on his throbbing dick. Soon enough she reached to his base finally feeling his tip hitting the back of her throat, all while she imagined pleasuring Kevin.
A pleasured grin spread across his features as her voice hummed through the thickness in her mouth, his own body shivering in response. When she started moving up and down the shaft on her own, he released her head and just stood with his hands up behind his own head, letting out small pleasured groans and hisses when she went especially deep.

Did it bother him that she was very possibly thinking of her boyfriend while she was doing this to him? Hell no! Especially not when it got her to perform so efficiently! Hah! Not to mention the fact that lover-boy probably had never touched her the way Beetlejuice had. Besides that, he knew something she didn't: the living didn't really choose to stick around with a dead girlfriend, especially not if she'd been unfaithful with a ghost like him. In the end, Beetlejuice would always be there to claim what was his. Hehehe!

He was starting to get close from her ministrations, so, after a moment or two, he grabbed her head again and began humping into her mouth with quick, shallow strokes. "Almost... there...!" he huffed, sticking out his tongue. Then he plunged in deep and shot his load onto the back of her tongue. Thick, creamy spurts of cum came out of the tip of his cock in a steady pulse before he finally pulled out with a relaxed and shit-eating grin.

Lighting up a cigarette, he breathed in deep for a moment and then said to her, "How'd ya like that, baby-doll? Has ole breather-boy ever given ya a fresh spunk milkshake before? Haha! Just let me know when yer ready for round two! We got all night!"
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