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Royalty-flavored plots! [FxF, MxF]

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Oct 15, 2013
Hiya! So, just like everyone else in this, I am looking for the right partner to roleplay with me. I am pretty easy to get along with and flexible; many aspects of the story are negotiable, as are the kinks. You just have to be persuasive enough.

I HATE literacy titles for what they imply - elitism AND fundamental misinterpretation of what word literacy actually means, but I want my partner to have a basic grasp of the grammar and spelling. Remember, spell-check is your friend! Anyway, I also ask of my partners that they have some degree of tolerance of me, as English isn't my first language and I might make little mistakes occasionally. One of the other requirements is that the RP shouldn't be purely sexual in its nature; those get stale too quickly. I want thinking characters with a real personality, exciting environments, mystery and action sequences that could shame any Hollywood movie with their intensity. And please, please don't give me one-liners. It's really discouraging when I try to give you the best post I possibly can and you end up responding with one line typed in haste. Don't do that and we'll get along just fine.

I accept both females and males as my roleplay partners, but I can't really play a guy convincingly, thus I only engage in MxF and FxF pairings. A little warning; I can't and won't post every day. My schedule is quite full as I am a university student pursuing a bachelor's degree in Chemistry and that can be VERY time-consuming. Sometimes I just feel too drained to write a coherent sentence... Don't worry, though, I answer at least twice a week. I don't really have an upper limit to the post length; I enjoy writing long and detailed paragraphs and with the right partner, I can come up with whole pages. It has certainly happened before. Conversely, my lower limit is two paragraphs.

In general, I enjoy snarky dialogues between the characters, drama, maybe some non-con and humiliation, but I'm also a hopeless romantic that goes d'awww over seeing how unlikely relationship develops between two people who formerly despised each other's guts so much they couldn't even endure being in the same room together.

Currently, I'm craving plots that are somehow tied to royalty, partly because I love court intrigue and partly because of the taboo appeal. I like to put them in situations that are very uncomfortable to them for one reason or another because it's just so much fun.

A Twist on Arranged Marriage [FxF exclusively]
Medieval Fantasy

Your character, the firstborn princess of the Tarian kingdom, has recently crossed the threshold of adulthood. She isn't naive, so she's very much aware what it means: she's going to be married off soon to seal a political alliance. That is her purpose in life, or at least that's what her parents always used to tell her. She doesn't really dream of love at first sight or anything similarly ludicrous, however she hopes she'll be able to build a meaningful relationship with her spouse over the course of time and perhaps become friends with him if nothing else. Pretty simple, right? Well, not exactly. She is indeed married off to a powerful and handsome king, but nothing goes as planned. Not only does he treat her with slight scorn usually reserved for especially unpleasant relatives, but he has also never once expressed interest in fulfilling his marital duties. His refusal to touch her goes so far they even sleep in separate bedrooms. But even though the king guards his privacy almost religiously, your character manages to catch him in a state of undress accidentally only to discover her husband is actually her wife.

Few comments: Prepare for a lot of intrigue if you want to try out this plot. It won't be action-y in a true sense of that word, but I'm planning it to be very exciting, with a rich cast of supporting characters. Be prepared to do a lot of worldbuilding with me.

A more action-filled subvariant:

The setting is more or less the same, except that your character isn't a princess, but a daughter of some noble, possibly a duke or a marquess. Again, she is expected to marry out of duty rather than out of love and that's exactly what happens, although not in a way she would have expected. Her father ends up being convicted of sorcery - a grave offense in these lands - and as a result, he is stripped of his power and imprisoned along with his family. The only exception is his daughter who is forced to marry a certain knight instead, a hero who has earned the king's favor for his services during the last civil war. He doesn't have a drop of noble blood in his veins, so this is meant to be a 'two-in-one' gift: he gets a beautiful wife and he gets to enter the ranks of true nobility through this marriage. What the king doesn't know is that his friend is actually a woman and this arrangement causes her more grief than happiness because hiding one's gender gets a lot more complicated with a wife around.

Few comments: Why is this more action-filled? Because my character is still technically a knight and so she'd have a lot more freedom to do whatever she wants than a king. She would also be expected to risk her life for her monarch. Moreover, there's this tidbit with your character's past. We would have to decide whether her father really is guilty of the crime or if he was simply framed, but both variants would make for an interesting plot if expanded upon properly. Also, my character would be a lot nicer to your character than the one in the first subvariant, they're both different people with different backgrounds and different reasons for their actions, so if you're in the mood for something sweeter, pick this.

The Fall [MxF, FxF] (more in mood for MxF for this, so I'm going to use he/him/his pronouns for your character, but I can be convinced to do FxF variant)
Medieval Fantasy

Your character used to work for the local king as an assassin, but when he fucks up and eliminates one of his targets in a way that is less than covert, the king betrays him and attempts to arrest/execute him like a common criminal. Your character flees before that can happen and - since no guild would hire him again after that fiasco - becomes a bandit. He has to say goodbye to his old living standards, but they, at least he's still alive. That doesn't mean that he doesn't resent his former employer for what he has done to him, though.
Few years fast forward and there has been a coup d'état, the entire royal family slain except for the king's only daughter who somehow managed to escape the carnage. She got away from the castle along with knowledge where to seek an artifact that has united the whole kingdom before, an artifact that would help her to get rid of the usurper. The only issue is that she's too inexperienced to search for it on her own and she has nobody to rely on on this matter. When she accidentally stumbles upon your character and his men, she offers to make him a noble after she becomes a queen in exchange for his protection on this journey.

Few comments: I could see this going two ways, either as a slow burn romance where the two fall in love despite their differences or we could take the non-con route. In the non-con route, the former assassin still resents her father so much that he takes out his anger on her, choosing to fuck her against her will and otherwise humiliate her. I don't like it when characters become empty husks of their former selves after a rape, though, (ditto for falling in love with their rapists immediately, that's just boring), so we'd avoid this development. Instead, she would come to enjoy this after the first few painful experiences, but she would hate him as a person. I also think it would be interesting if he conversely started falling in love with her for her willingness to adapt to this new situation, her endurance and spirit. Lots of psychological fuckery possible here, kids.

Behind the Scenes [FxF exclusively]
Medieval Fantasy

Your character, a princess, gets married to a king with a terrible reputation. He has been married six times already and his wife always passed away due to some unfortunate accident. There is little doubt that this was his doing, but the princess's parents don't really care that much since they have many daughters and marrying them off is getting increasingly difficult. She doesn't want to give up so fast, though, and she plans to assassinate her husband and rule the kingdom alone. The king, assigns a female knight to the queen, allegedly as a bodyguard, however her true purpose is to spy on her. But what happens when a spark of develops between the two of them?

Few comments: This one pretty straight-forward, so I don't have much to say about this. Aside from that we can include supernatural elements if you'd like to, just contact me and we'll talk.
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