Making Up On Lost Time (Yami / Shadows)


Oct 6, 2013
Following the hard fought defeat of Hody and his rebellious fishman followers, the by now long infamous (or famous, depending on ones sense of justice) Straw Hat Pirates were finally able to enjoy the hospitality of rather grateful inhabitants of Fishman Island. The rowdy bunch of pirates enjoyed the free food, drink and generally joyous atmosphere of the celebration at the Ryugu Palace. It was a particularly enjoyable experience for the Straw Hats, whom hadn't been given much of a chance anything else than rushing from one location to the next since their reunion after the two year absence from each other.

One member whom found this break particularly enjoyable was the by now increasingly cyborg looking Franky. The talented shipwright and builder of the crews current ship, Thousand Sunny, had found considerable amusement out of showing off his mechanical improvements from Punk Hazard to his Captain and several others. The retractable hair and imitated mecha noises or motions, in particular, seemed to be a big hit with party goers; whether they be human or fishman.

But Franky did eventually pull himself away from the festivities at one point during the days events. Waving a large hand toward a few waving onlookers whom were curious of his departure. "Mecha Franky will be back super fast!" The shipwright exclaimed with an added robotic tone to his usual manner of speaking.

Making his exit from the party goers and the few guards posted around the palace whom were given orders to allow the Straw Hats free reign of most locations, Franky moved with a bit of pep to his barefooted step while making his trek toward the ship he'd help build for his crew. For however deeply he'd missed his crewmates, Franky had perhaps missed the Thousand Sunny equally so much. It was his dream ship which would sail to the end of the Grand Line, thus leaving it unwatched by himself for so long was harder then he'd let on to the others.

Boarding the ship quickly after approaching the currently docked ship, Franky started to idly whistle to himself while walking along the deck of Sunny; a wide hand reaching out to firmly pat the firm wooden rails along the side. The proud shipwright would continue to stroll along the surface of the ship for a few minutes. Soaking in the presence of his super masterpiece which he'd been parted from for far too long. It was near the end of his little break from the others that the energetic male would suddenly take notice of another presence either already on the ship or just now arriving.

"Hmm? Who's there?" The large male questioned with a touch of alertness at a possible trespasser; raising both of those large, robotic arms and preparing to fire the often talked about laser beam if needed. After the series of events since their arrival to the island, one couldn't be too careful when protecting their pride and joy.
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