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Bug report: Unclickable link on entry page

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Adam Edwardson

Sep 22, 2011
There seem to be some kind of problem with the entry page, the first one you encounter where you verify your age. For me the bottom part (starting with "Hosted by...") is rendered on top of the link that lets you enter. This is not only an esthetic problem, since it makes the link unclickable and you can't enter the site (unless you do what I did, and check the URL in the source code).

Since a lot of people seem to be finding their way here anyway I assume the problem is local somehow. I am running Firefox 24.0 on Mac OS X.

Thank you all for a great site!
I did some closer reading of the source code and found the problem... The bottom part of the page has absolute position and my browser window was to small, so all I had to do was resize it a bit.

The problem could be solved by adding a positive z-index to div.main, so the link would be clickable anyway. Not a major problem though, since I think most people have bigger screens than I.
I have the same issue on this computer at times, but not at my old job's computer. It's an odd little defect that only happens every so often depending on screen size.
OK, I am bored and have nothing better to do than playing around with the CSS so I developed a slightly more elegant fix to the problem than the one I suggested above. I can PM it to whoever does the coding.

On the other hand, if that person feels s/he has better things to do than worry about minor design flaws you can safely ignore me. ;-)
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I have the same issue on this computer at times, but not at my old job's computer. It's an odd little defect that only happens every so often depending on screen size.

I wrote that with the expectation that no one would stay sane with such a small browser window -_-

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