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Multiple Recipients

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Now, I have been here for quiet some time. During that time, I never had this problem. Nor have I found an option where I can allow this. The problem appears when I am either sending or replying to a pm. Right after I have sent it, there is a blank column in my "tracking" folder. It has the same title as the one I have sent. However, the only difference isthat there is no recipient for that extra pm. Now when I go to my "sent" folder to check who I actually sent the message to. The pm I sent has "multiple recipients" instead of it being only the person who the message was actually for. I am not adding anyone in the BCC section when sending the message. Even when I click on the "sent to" column on the message in my "sent" folder. The it says I have sent it to the person while the BCC section states "N/A". This problem does not occur only on my conputer but on my phone as well. I tried to log out and back in. However, that does not fix the issue nor does deleting my cookies. If you anyone needs a screenshot of this problem to assist me or get it fix. I would be willing to take one for you. By the way, this just started happening a few hours ago.
I think you would need a screen shot. It sounds like a very odd issue.

Actually...I have the same problem, so I'm guessing it's becoming or is site-wide and there is a PM malfunction.
Yeah I just had the same thing happen to me. When I clicked on the NA there was a profile there so I am wondering what is going on.
As stomach turning as seeing that they managed to get two thousand pms sent to them was, that could have been so much worse - if they'd exported, or if this was not found sooner.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Would like inform you guys(and anyone who is reading this). As of checking today, the problem have been solved. I don't know what the cause was or if it was you guys who fixed it. Anyways, currently I am not having the issue anymore. I will also post on here again if anything comes up regarding the issue.
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