Second star's Dawn (Cy & Raeona)

Oct 7, 2013
Dawn on Pandora is a sight to see, even from behind the thick glass that prevents its toxic atmosphere from leaking into the base. The two suns -or rathers, stars, as many scientists would quickly correct- shone brightly together in the sky. It felt… symbolic, in a way, of the pact made between the Na’vi and humans nearly a year ago, and the way the two, mutually alien species shared the planet in peace… relatively speaking, at least.

Sure, some still push to take the Na’vi by force, but even those angry, impatient shouts have dimmed into hoarse whispers in recent times. It helps that some Na’vi have elected to stay with the humans in the base and help them better understand their ways, their satellite-planet, and their deity, Eywa. Likewise, some humans, including Jake Sully, have chosen to live among the Navi, either through a complete conscious shift into their avatar or, for the less financially sound, in a fully stocked bunker on the land among the roots of their home tree that was graciously provided by Na’vi… or Eywa, depending upon who you ask.

The recent influx of various personnel have transformed what was once a base of military operations and scientific studies into the first of a handful of human colonies on Pandora. Among the most recent of these travelers was Riece Hartson, one of the prospective unobtanium “miners.” Due to the nature of the job, he’d had to pay a significant sum out of pocket for the chance alone… Yet he still thought it was worth it, especially after he’d seen his fully grown avatar...

And doubly so now that he stood on the moon of Polyphemus, watching the twin stars Alpha Centauri A and B rise over the massive treetops and reflect their light off of the beautiful indigo gas giant itself. He currently stood among his fellow prospective miners. They’d been here for a week, learning the full extent of their new avatar bodies from both the human and Na’vi perspective… And today was the day they learned whether or not they got the job they came here for.

It was, however, a surprise when it was not a human that showed up… but one of the Na’vi. He spoke a phrase we’d come to recognize as a greeting, then gave a small smile. “Or, as you say, hello, and welcome to our home.”

He explained that the reason there were so many new humans, but only a handful of available mining positions was because it wasn’t the human companies, scientists, or military that got last say on who was hired, nor was it the Na’vi themselves. It was to be Eywa who performed “their final interview,” for lack of a better term… With some of the Na’vi present to oversee the proceedings and protect their sacred grounds, of course. He said that whoever Eywa accepted could begin work and, if they so wished, undergo training similar to Jake’s to become honorary members of their tribe.

With that, he left, saying, “I’ll see you again after you change skins.” Of course, it’s safe to assume he actually meant “once you synchronize with your avatars.” The Navi still don’t fully understand human technology, after all… Though they are learning to appreciate the environmental benefits of science, at least.

Syncing with an avatar is a unique experience completely unlike any other. One might suggest that it’s almost like a lucid dream, but significantly more intense… And you never really fall asleep. Still, it’s a little difficult to keep yourself from yawning when your body’s been lying dormant for a few hours, a fact that was soon discovered by Riece and the others. Still, soon they soon rose from their bunks, ready to begin the trip to home tree.

Upon leaving camp, they were met by a small group of Na’vi… Mostly females, much to the collective chagrin of the humans due to their scant tribal dress. Riece swallowed a lump in his throat as he and the rest of the men in his group tried hard not to stare at them… Though the Na’vi showed no such compunctions. Most Na’vi were well aware of the avatars and humanity’s presence inside them, but some still had yet to see it for themselves.

The majority of these women were obviously of the latter group, and some were staring in obvious interest and curiosity.
Nia had found it amazing that the two races were working together. The humans needed the resource to help live, and the Na'vi had no reason to keep it to themselves. She'd found the great catastrophe as the Na'vi called it, rather silly. Why did they have to lose so many lives and home tree over something so silly? She'd never quite understood the whole point. So, when they'd been told about plans to work together, she'd been more than excited about the prospect.

When it came time for the next round of workers to be brought before Eywa, she'd been delighted to hear that she was one of the small group of Na'vi that would be going along. If the humans got accepted, they would be paired with one of the Na'vi for the training and she would have the chance to be one of the trainers. So, along with a small group, they made their way towards the human camp where they were to meet the possible workers.

Once there, they saw the humans arrive to meet them, and Nia was one of the few that was captivated by the avatars. It was rather amazing that humans had such abilities, and she wanted nothing more than to understand. Soon, the eldest of the Na'vi stepped forwards and welcomed them before beginning to lead the group into the jungles of Pandora, towards the ceremonial area where they would find out who was worthy and who wasn't.
Riece gave a small smile that was caught somewhere between confident and sheepish at one of the staring Na'vi when he realized she’d probably caught him glancing at her. The eldest of their group welcomed his with a warm gesture and greeting, then led them off at a brisk pace through the woods… Not towards home tree, but towards one of the many, almost crystalline trees that they had been forbidden to go anywhere near.

Until today, apparently.

Daytime on Pandora was marginally safer than night-time, especially in a large group like theirs, with more than a few of their company armed with side-pistols modified for the avatar’s bodies or the strong bows and toxin-dipped arrows the na’vi hunters carried. The trip was surprisingly short, and soon the elder had called for the avatars to pair off with who would likely later be their instructors in a manner that… seemed rather random, if Riece was entirely honest with himself.

Still, it left him paired with the admittedly appealing (in a rather exotic way) Na’vi woman that he’d smiled at, so he wasn’t really complaining. Again, he smiled at her, and was the first among his group to greet their instructor. “Hello, I’m-…” He paused, then started over again in what was probably a humorously broken version of the Na’vi language. “I greet you, lady. I am called Riece Hartson.”

As they were paired off, she gazed up towards the man she'd been paired with. Hearing him speak her language, rather sloppily at that, she couldn't help but giggle softly. "It's okay, I've studied your people as well, you don't have to try and be formal." She said softly, knowing that humans wouldn't greet each other that way. "But, it's good to know you at least have a grasp of the way we speak, it'll help narrow down the list of things we have to do if you're accepted."

After a moment, she shyly brushed a hand through her hair and smiled. "My name is Nia" She said, bowing her head in greeting before she gazed back up at him. "It's nice to meet you... Are you nervous?"

She couldn't help but stare at him, the avatars were so real, so life like. It always amazed her, that this kind of technology existed. Even if he explained it to her, she felt like it would be too complex for her to really understand.
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