Pokemon Adventures (Amy and Malin)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Winter was coming, the trees of viridian forest had turned orange, and soon the majority of this place, and Pewter city would be covered in snow. Tori could see his breath as he walked through the out doors. His long jacket helping but completely concealing him against the cold. Beside him a small water type Squirtle walked along the ground crunching cold leaves under his feet as they walked.

Tori breathed air onto his hands, his gloves were doing little too stop his pale skin from shivering. His short black hair didn't do much protect his ears from the cold winds, but all in all at least they weren't going towards mount moon. His blue eyes were reflective as he shivered lightly. It was only early October, but kanto was for the most part one of the colder regions, the forest was probably one of the better fairing area's, as reports of snow were already hitting the more grassland areas.

Tori let out a small sigh as he arrived in the junction point between rout two and viridian forest. Deciding that he would get warm before going the rest of the way, these places always seemed to have people around, but today it was just the checkpoint guard and a hand full of others. Taking a seat on the bench his squirtle propped himself up onto the bench beside him. It seemed like a rather calm, but cold day ahead for the pair.
Her dark hair fell across her face, creating a veil as she was standing at the general office submitting the application to become a trainer. She could receive her trainers license later on from Pewter city. As her plans were to travel at Kanto region, to compete the Pokémon Contests and become a promising trainer as her brother would be. Amy's older brother used to be one of the best trainers around Hoenn Region. But he had an accident few years ago, and died. Since then Amy left her goal to become a ballet dancer and started turning her interests into becoming a pokemon trainer. Her teachers wouldn't leave her alone, always complain why she would waste her talent to become something she wasn't good at. But Amy, followed the path of her brother. A reason she wanted to leave her Hometown Petalburg City, at Hoenn Region, was also that she was pushed to follow another bath.

She set the paper down and looked with her Grey big puppy eyes at the Lady at the Desk over. Her dark brown hair hung loose and the ends curled just below her shoulders. She wore a simple, buttoned blouse over her short skirt. Modest heels adorned her feet. "Alright! Then I will receive the licence there. I hope it doesn't get lost." she said as she turned at made her way out. She stood 4'11 at the entrance door grabbing her backpack and walking away from her hometown. Her journey had began. She never turned around, although she was a bit naive, she liked to explore, but she always drove danger close to her like a magnet. In general big trouble and major tease. And beyond her young age her knowledge are amazing, but her training knowledge were still limited.

She lost herself into her memories as she was walking towards Kanto region. It took her few days till her path brought her at the Pewter city, close to viridian forest. She had just turned 15 and beyond her naive part of her character she managed to reach Pewter city alone. Although she run into many troubles. The way there wasn't easy at all. She had to camp at the woods, at nights. Finding food and water, and place to wash. She had not a lot of money, so she always tried not to spend much. She also come across, wild things, a dangerous gang and many other unpleasant things. But thankfully she manage to escape all of the times. Her luck was with her this time.

She was passing now through the checkpoint guard that was between rout two and viridian forest. She pause and looked up the sky taking a deep breath as she should hurry at the city soon and get her licences. She took a sit at a bench, even not noticing if there was anyone sitting there. She placed her backpack at the ground and stretched herself in a cute and sexy way. "It takes for ever to reach Pewter city" she said loud, mostly speaking to herself. She relaxed at the bench gazing around.

Tori was snapped out of his reflection and relaxation when a young girl sat next to him and spoke. He turned his head to look her over, seeing someone just as young as him, well maybe just a tad younger. She had to have been a trainer, though he didn't see her pokemon. She must have been using a pokeball or something, but she had a slight accent, enough to tell him that she wasn't actually from Kanto. Stretching in his seat he yawned slightly to make himself more noticable and also becafse he had been sitting much longer than he had thought he had been. Shaking the sleep from his body he smiled towards her.

"Only half a day really. The forest is large, but if you have a guide who knows it well enough it cuts down the travel time, and keeps you from going in circles." He said lightly getting up from his chair, he was getting ready to go back, He would leave his errands with the boarder guard. They had the ability to send packages into town with just a small fee. Leaving the young girl for a few moments to drop his errands and cash he turned back towards the young traveler. His squirtle seemed to follow him as he walked, waddling along beside him, but not really struggling to keep up with his stride even though it had shorter legs.

"My names Tori, I am heading back towards Pewter if you want I can guide you back, but we would have to leave soon. The last thing you want to do is be out in the forest at night." Viridian forest wasn't exactly known for its hard challenges, but the trainers around these parts new better then to go out at night. Not only did the stronger pokemon come out to hunt for food during the night, but it was that much easier to become lost in the already confusing layout of the forest. It was the least he could do to offer being a guide through these parts.

Squirtle seemed to agree with the statement adding his own small 'squir!' to the situation. If he had been a little older offering a young girl to go out into the cold creepy forest probably would have been a terrible idea, however they were about the same age, and was trying to be nice. Tori even held out a hand to see if she needed help getting to her feet trying to a gentleman of sorts.
Amy sat there, raked her fingers through her brown long hair, letting the wind waving them of her cute face. While turning her head aside it was only then when she noticed the boy sitting next to her. Her face took a surprising look, as she thought 'I never even noticed someone was sitting there.' Her heavy eyes scanned the boy, noticing Squirtle close to him, watching at him as he yawned. Squirtle made her think of her pokemon. She used to keep it mostly at the pokeball. And through her long journey it was hidden in there. Amy received an Egg from her brother the day before he died. The Egg hatched into an Eevee and it was her first pokemon. She really liked her pokemon since is said to have an irregularly shaped genetic structure that allows it to adapt to many different kinds of environments. But they both didn't go along very well. That was one of the reasons she was keeping Eevee inside the pokeball.

"Half a day?" she repeated after him. Thinking it wasn't that far. But where could she now find a guide to help her. While those thoughts fill her mind, the offer of the young boy sounded really helpful. " I am Amy, Tori. Pleasure to meet you. Of course it will be helpful if we could go with you." she said. Immediately she stood up holding Tori's hand, she took her backpack and looked at Tori. She reached at her poked and pulled out her pokeball and freed Eevee, letting Tori's hand free. She didn't want to keep it hidden any more, and since Tori had Squirtle, she though it would nice for Eevee to have some company. "I am ready, we can go when ever you two are ready." she explained as Eevee hid behind her looking at the new people a bit confused.​
"okay then Amy. pleasure to meet you." Tori said happily gathering his things and making sure he was ready to embark on the long hike back through the forest. The last thing he wanted to have happen would be being stuck out side in the night. In this weather it was not only a bad idea because it was cold outside, but it was also due to the increase in pokemon activity, cute or not he didn't want to be caught out there cold and alone when the pikachu's started hunting for food. Wild pokemon were always dangerous after all. Trained pokemon however were a little different, and seeing amy release something as adorable as an Eevee was a bit of a shock.

"Is that really an Eevee? Aren't those supposed to be super rare?" He said lightly, it was one of the pokemon that was very difficult to get ones hands on. He Just knew that there was a bit of a story behind it, there had to be. Looking at it almost intensely for a moment he smiled at the cute adorable cat like creature and then started to walk alongside Amy exiting the warm complex and walking back out into the mid afternoon cold. The wind had died down a little, giving away to only a cold chill that lingered along the clothing. The forest seemed to have many branching paths, but Tori had walked these paths not more then hour before hand.

"It's been a while since I have seen another trainer around these parts that wasn't just a bug collector, or a hiker from mount moon, and you don't look like a Kanto girl... Where are you from?" As he spoke Tori picked a path and started to guide Amy through the forest wanting to avoid problems for now he tried to pick out the one with the smallest amounts of tall grass, and heavy wilderness.
The soft light that could escape through the Trees, cast it`s almost what appeared to be magical glow upon the earth and all that filled it. Though in retrospect, it seemed to give an almost evil glow within a dense forest that gave way to a clearing just a few yards ahead. It was a from this forest that a lone figure would emerge. In all reality this was probably not wise, as she did not know her way around these woods, due to not being familiar with this particular part of the forest. She still couldn't believe her luck that Tori come cross her way. And the more they walked towards the city, the more she knew she would get lost if being alone.

Sighing, she pulled herself away from her thoughts and rose from the ground in a single, fluid motion. Turning to the right, she continued her exploration of the area, venturing slowly around as long as he was talking. For time to time she checked on Eevee if it was following them. Eevee seemed happy that was free again, able to walk. Those parts of the forest felt like home for Eevee, and made it happy. How happy it was, was shown the way it walked and moved.

She started explaining her story as she were asked by Tory. " I was born at Hometown Petalburg City, at Hoenn Region. My big plans were to be a ballet dancer. I had the skills and the talent, and also trained hard for years. " she said as she followed close gazing around. " My oldest brother's dream, was to become a pokemon trainer. And that was the path he followed since a young age. He lost his life few years ago, in accident that was my fault. I dedicated then to follow his dream. Eevee was given to me by him, as it was still a egg. It's my starter pokemon. " she went on telling her story. Pausing for a moment and looking up the sky "I left from home. Because everyone there expect me to give up being a trainer and follow my dream becoming a ballet dancer. So i was pushed and pushed every day to do so. I didnt want it. When I was able to get my licences i left Hoenn. Thats my story. And yours?" she asked as she started walking once again.​
Tori gave a soft nod as he heard amy's story. Part of Tori was supprised she gave it so willingly he was partly shocked to hear that she had a brother, in the former sense. He nodded his head lightly hearing how the eevee had been a gift. Sadly his story wasn't all that exciting. But he would get to that in a moment. As he walked through the chilled air he took a few turns and lead the way across the forested paths. He knew them well enough to know the safe way around, but something felt a little off. Maybe it was just that the sun was blocked, more and more the deeper they went into the forest, or that the shadows increased the chill on the back of his neck, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the two were being partly watched.

"I am sorry about your brother." Tori said lightly shaking off his nerves. His condolences were honest, but as he played the part of the guide he took a moment to stop as he heard a twig snap, and something rustle up in the tree's, before the place returned to the ambient sounds of the forest. It was just pokemon playing on his nerves and that was it. There was nothing more menacing in this forest then a weedle. He almost let out a small laugh as he reassured himself. Looking over Amy he could certainly see that she had the body of someone who took dance, she was lethe but strong, certainly more fit then most of the girls he had seen.

"My story isn't nearly as exciting." He said hoping that hearing the sound of his own voice would calm him down a little, in truth he didn't even know why he was on edge. "I was born in lavender town here in Kanto, my grandmother is a spirit channel, and my dad comes from a line of... well he calls them 'gifted individuals'. My parents are the black sheep of their families choosing not to believe in Kanto's older spiritual, and superstitious ways. When they had me they moved to pewter the small valley town is where I grew up." He said happily as they continued to walk towards his home. "I got my licence a few months ago, Squirtle was a gift to the family from my grandmother, but I always seemed to be the one taking care of him. Growing up in Pewter there aren't many serious trainers around, most are bug catchers, and hikers, but well... I live close enough to the gym that growing up I always saw the bigger more serious trainers, and Brock... Guess you could say they kind of inspired my path."
She was surprised also when she noticed that noise. There were times that the forest would creep her. And specially since she wasn't familiar with the place. She stayed close to Tori, it felt saved and better than trying to walk on her own. She smiled at him, when Tori told her he was sorry. "But you haven't done anything. My brother happened to have that accident. If I didn't made him go get me my books that i had forgotten that day at school, he would be alive. So its my fault. " she said sadly as she lowered her head and gazed on the ground.

She kept walking, and listening when Tori told her his story. It seemed that he had his story also, and wasn't that easy. "I see. At least you were lucky being around at the gym and meeting all that people. I haven't meet any trainers. I did when my brother was still alive. But I was too young, i hardly remember them. I hope when i get my licence i will meet others. And in time i can grow to be a great trainer, and follow my brothers dream." she explained. She run her fingers through her long hair, pushing it behind her ears and reviling her pretty face. Eevee was all the time walking close to her, and time to time it would look at Squirtle and Tori.​
Tori felt his apprehensions slip away slightly the more he felt that amy was around the less he actually noticed the ambiance which screamed something was out of place. There was something unsettling about her goal, just the idea that the dream wasn't really her own, but rather her brothers. He had always wanted to be a trainer, anything less seemed like he was doing something wrong, but she on the other hand kept referring to it as her brothers dream. It was kind of sad, and worrying, but it wasn't his place to say anything, and the last thing Tori wanted to do was offend someone he hardly knew, especially when she was his only company in this place.

"Well Kanto has a lot of trainers around, and if you and Eevee are feeling confident then there is always pewter city gym." Tori said with confidence his squirtle watched Eevee as it walked, straying closer and closer to the unfamiliar Pokemon out of a sense of curiosity. It let out a small 'Tle?' sound as a kind of greeting towards the other pokemon and Tori watched the two before shaking his head and turning back to the road ahead of them. "The biggest and strongest challengers are those of the pokemon league, and Kanto is where the league got it's start. 8 badges to qualify, and a world worth of traveling and adventure. That's our current goal anyway. Today was supposed to be my first day out." His plans of adventure had been delayed a day thanks to the errands he had to run, but something at the back of his mind kept bugging him.
As they were walking back her mind traveled a bit thinking that Eevee could evolves into one of eight different Pokémon through various methods. It could become a Vaporeon when exposed to a Water Stone. It could become a Jolteon when exposed to a Thunder Stone. It could be a Flareon when exposed to a Fire Stone. Also it could become Espeon when leveled up with high friendship during the daytime, including morning, or when leveled up with a Sun Shard in the Bag. And as a Umbreon when leveled up with high friendship during the nighttime (Generation II onward, excludes areas with a Moss Rock or Ice Rock), or when leveled up with a Moon Shard in the Bag. Maybe it could be a Leafeon when leveled up near a Moss Rock or a Glaceon when leveled up near an Ice Rock. And last it could be a Sylveon with an unknown evolution method. All that come on her mind as Tori told her about the city Gym. "You have already taking the right path, but i am still on the search for mine. " she said as she walked close with them and her mind was still thinking about Eeevee. "Will it take more till we reach the town" she asked smiling at them.
Tori flushed a little he guessed he had jumped the gun a little by saying it had been their goal, and she seemed quick to correct him on that fact. Swallowing back any further remarks on the subject the subject of contests passed his mind completely. He knew they had been big in the hoenn region, and that there was a contest hall built into Kanto rather reciently, but that was as far as his caring on the subject went. He wasn't a performer, more due to a complete lack of confidence and an overwhelming amount of stage fright. Contests were broadcast across country, unlike gym battles where only the leagues best got to be on tv in those giant stadiums. Tori nodded his head lightly and then stopped, something was bugging him, and the more he tried to not focus on it, the more he ended up focused on that fact.

Looking through the thick brambles and trees around them he heard another snap of branches, followed by a strange cry that wasn't immediately recognized by Tori's ears. He had grown up around this forest he knew the inhabitence off by heart. that wasn't a noise any of them made. "Something is wrong." As he spoke he walked off trying to follow where the noise was coming from. The trees broke into a small opening with tall grass around it, but inside the ring was one very frigtened looking Nidoran♂ However, unlike the majority of it's race where it would have been purple with very large ears, this one was a pale shade of blue, it's ears were slightly more slender, at first glance it almost looked like a male, but it's face was clearly female. Aside from it's odd coloration however all Tori could think was... "Where did it come from?" It was injured, it's hind leg was bloody, and it was whimpering slightly as it tried to move.
Amy walked faster fallowing them, as she was gazing also across the trees and brambles hamming to herself. Soon she would pause her ham as she also noticed the strange cry that was following with a snap of branches. She looked at Tori "What is wrong?" she asked with a soft voice waiting for his replay. She followed Tori, where the Trees broke as she also saw the Nidoran. She had only once seen such a pokemon. It belong to another trainer, that was close with her brother. She got lost in her memories before she noticed that it was injured. She sighed "Aww its Hurt we should help it" she said loudly following Tori over where the Nidoran was.
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