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Shadowrun - Come run the shadows with me?

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Sep 4, 2013
Dunwich, USA

Before I get into the nuts and bolts of the idea
Please be at least a little familiar with the roleplaying game that this idea is taken from. I have a VERY advanced level of knowledge of the setting and while I don't expect you to, at least knowing what races are common, why types of magic users there are, and a general idea of how the matrix works in the setting are all huge bonuses for me.


So I have an idea for a character and an idea for a romance breaking out between a member of his team and himself.

Marcus is an Ork street samurai. Smarter than the average ork thanks to genetics as well as some bioware enhancements, he's built his own team over the last few years, working with a variety of runners, keeping the people who worked well with him and letting the rest go. His background includes covert operations for the CAS and some Mercenary work in south America before coming to Seattle to run the shadows. He's highly experienced and very good at what he does. When things get wet, he tends to believe that there's no such thing as overkill, whatever gets you out of the situation alive is what you do. He also doesn't believe in leaving anyone behind.

He takes the term street samurai a bit literally, practicing a handful of martial arts and being deadly proficient with a katana. His right arm is a full cyber replacement and he is wired to the nines. Marcus has always been a man of honor and those who work with him always get a fair deal.

Your character would be a member of the team and I have a few ideas if you're at all interested in hearing them. My idea is that after a rather nasty firefight at the end of a bad run that really couldn't have gone much better, the team celebrates with a lot of drinking. Your character and Marcus start getting a bit touchy and eventually sneak off to ravage each other. It's against every rule Marcus has ever preached about not mixing business with pleasure but they can't help themselves...and this blossoms into a full blow relationship...

Some Inspirations

This song was primary inspiration for the character, a southerner who saw himself as a modern day samurai of sorts.
Bump. Had a person show interest and had talked about a polyamorous relationship between Marcus and two to three other female members of his team lol that was pretty bad ass but she disappeared so I guess I'm still looking.

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