The Dead Still Walk (Drey Malic x TheCrowsGirl)

drey malic

Oct 1, 2013
USA - East Coast
This is a roleplay between Drey Malic and TheCrowsGirl.
It is based on the series: The Walking Dead



How had this happened? How had the world turned upside down and so fast? Hell the world was always a piss hole of a place, and no one knew that better than Daryl. He had a horrible past when you considered the abuse his father put him through, the lack of a mother through out his childhood and then when he got older and the one person he trusted in abandoned him – his brother Meryl. Yet the world that they were in now, wasn’t something he asked for. Yet part of Daryl liked this world the way it was now. It was raw in a form. It was more black and white and less of a grey mess. It was you killed or you were killed, and if you were killed, you then killed again. That’s what happens when the zombie apocalypse hits the fan, you either kill the zombies or get killed by them and if you get killed by them, you’re going to go and join them in killing other things. It wasn’t pretty but it was straight forward.

Daryl wasn’t alone though. That was probably the worst part of it if you were in a zombie apocalypse. If you’re alone you have no one to watch your back or to help you when you get in a tight spot. One of Daryl’s oldest friends was alive and by his side – Adam.

Adam didn’t have as much of a shit-stained life like Daryl had but he didn’t have it a hundred percent easy either. Adam had arrived home from service in Afghanistan a few months before hell broke loose and he doesn’t like to talk about what he went through when he was overseas. His nights are always a bit stressful though, Adam suffers from PTSD and his nights are often filled with nitemares from when he was overseas. Yet, the day and the walk that the two deal with on a daily basis keep him on edge and he likes it that way. Like Daryl, Adam doesn’t like the idea of this new world, but he prefers this than the past.

The two of them were walking down a street, the roads were quiet, there wasn’t much action. The walkers weren’t in sight and the two were just going on a supply run. They left their rides down the street and hidden well so they didn’t have to worry about that. Adam was the one in front and Daryl a few steps behind him with the crossbow ready. Adam and Daryl both wore light t-shirts, heavy leather jackets, army boots and jeans. They had managed to shower yesterday so they weren’t filthy or stank up a room, but neither of them had shaved for a week so their scruff was showing. As they slowly walked down the street, they kept low just to be on the safe side and when they reached the corner of a street that met with another one, they caught sight of a bar. The windows were smashed in and the door was wide open but it looked like the only place that might have some supplies. Adam pointed it out. Daryl nodded and the two of them made their way to their now targeted destination. The two of them didn’t need to talk between the two of them, it was mainly just point, nod, shake head or shrugs. They preferred to talk up a storm later on when they knew they were in a safe place…

Adam and Daryl walked into the bar and the door was indeed smashed in. They looked at it shrugged a bit. Adam walked in first and the sound of breaking glass could be heard as he stepped as lightly as he could over the floor but that didn’t make much of a difference. Daryl looked around outside a bit, making sure the coast was clear and that there wasn’t anything that would threaten them right away. It was clear so Daryl walked in after Adam. Adam made his way to the bathrooms to scour for toilet paper. Daryl walked to the counter and looked at the available drinks. Most of them were smashed, broken or gone but there was still some strong whiskeys and scotches that were available. Daryl reached over and grabbed a glass bottle that still had some of that auburn brown liquid inside. “Jackpot.” He whispered to himself.

When he pocketed the whiskey, Adam came out of the bathroom and he shook his head a bit. “Clear over here but no toilet paper.” He sighed. That rare commodity wasn’t going to be found so easily apparently.

Adam and Daryl both gave a bit of a sigh and in an unsatisfied manner.

“Anything eles down here?” Adam asked.

Daryl ooked at him and shook his head but he then pointed to the open door with a staircase leading up to it. “How about we check upstairs?” He said.

Adam nodded and he moved towards the entrance. Daryl followed after him slowly and they made their way upstairs peacefully. It was just an upstairs like a flat or an apartment above the Bar. Adam looked around and he noted another bathroom. He moved over in that direction. Daryl on the other hand looked around the room, he slowly made his way to the living room. Unbeknowest to him, a walker came out from a corner of the house behind Daryl. It started to walk towards the man…
Suddenly an arrow went whizzing by Adam's head and over Daryl's hitting the Walker straight in the forehead. It fell down dead, the arrow was hand maid, from feathers and wood. "Got him." came a voice as a girl stepped forward, she had managed to some how blend into the wall. There was a suddenly a whoosh noise as another female shot through the window and landed beside the older one.

"There were four other's outside, I was wondering why they were wondering around. Seems the company attracted them." the younger replied as she turned her head and looked at Adam and Daryl. The older one had honey blond hair that was done up in little braids all over, she had paint over her as well making her bled into the wall. They were about the same size both 5'4 1/2 tall weighing about 100lbs. Both had brown eyes as well.

The younger female's hair was bright blond, and done up in a long braid that fell down her back. Over her shoulder was a gone and at her side was a sword. "Alright, who are you and why are you here?" the older one asked but didn't point any weapons at them. "Seriously Hannah, is that anyway to address company?" the younger female asked the older.

The older rolled her eyes as she looked over at her little sister. "You can't trust anybody now a days Freya, you know that." Hannah hissed. "Shut up." the younger said and walked passed Daryl pulling the arrow from the Walker before she kicked the body down the stairs, shut the door and locked it. "I'm Freya, and miss grouchy over there is my older sister Hannah." Freya said with a smile.
Daryl heard the string of the bow too late and when he heard the arrow whizz by his head he spun around with his crossbow ready. Thankfully the target of the arrow wasn’t him and it was down and killed quickly. Daryl’s eyes quickly looked at the two who were now in the room with him and Adam. How had he not noticed them before? Honestly, your nerves are never more on edge than when you feel like your life could’ve just been torn out from you and you not have known about it till it was too late. At this point, Daryl was taking in everything he could by looking, hearing and assessing the two girls. One was older than the other, he could tell that by the way they talked. He was thankful though that the younger wasn’t as stingy as the older one.

Adam looked at the situation and he fingered his hunting knife at his left side. Adam wasn’t one who used the long range weapon and he had put his knife away when he got up the stairs. He was now slightly regretting it. He looked at the girls again and he bit his bottom lip a bit. He was already sweating a bit too and then he looked at his friend.

Daryl and Adam looked at each other and then shrugged a bit. “I’m Daryl, he’s Adam.” Daryl said. He looked at the girls a bit. Hannah and Freya. He said in a quick mental note to himself. “Thanks for the arrow. We were just looking for supplies.” Daryl lowered his crossbow and looked at his friend as he spoke. “We didn’t know you two were up here.”

“Yea, If we knew there were others, we wouldn’t have come upstairs.” Adam chimed in. “But uh, now that we’re here… um… any chance you two have any toilet paper to spare? Honestly, good toilet paper, ridiculously hard to come by now a days.” Adam said. A slight laugh out of his lips as they formed into a bit of a smirk.

Daryl Rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit. “Sorry, We’ll get out of your hair if we’re in the way…”
Hannah eyed Adam as he fingered her knife, she smirked and put her weapon on her shoulder and looked at her sister. "Yah sorry for scaring you guys, its fine though. We haven't seen another living things for eight months." Hannah said and reached into a bag and threw a roll of toilet paper at Adam. Freya said nothing for a few moments before she rummaged around in a box in a cupboard beside where Daryl was standing.

"Its fine, really. You guys can stay here for tonight, its getting dark already and the wolves get pretty hungry." Freya said as she stood up with two cans of food, a can opener and some spoons in her hands. "Here." she said handing them to Adam and Daryl before she wiped her arrow off on a rag and handed it to Hannah. "Yah, there is some blankets in there." Hannah said pointing towards a closet.

Freya jumped slightly when a strange howl came from outside, it had gotten dark. "Geeze, zombie wolves, what will the virus pass onto next." Freya muttered before she grabbed her bow from her sister and crawled out onto the roof. "Sorry about her, doesn't like to talk much since our father died." Hannah said and put herself in a chair and sighed. " This is the only other room up here, your safest here till morning." Hannah said before she stood back up and into another room where she began to rummage around for something and she came out with to straight razors.

"Here, used to be our father's, looks like you could use it. Water is running here too, its cold though, sorry." Hannah said handing the razors to them before she stuck her head out the window. You could see Freya sitting in the dark staring down at the wolves below, her bow up and ready just in case anything happened.
Daryl looked at Freya as she came at them with spoons. He was a bit awestruck, like what do I do now? He wasn’t thinking about spending the night in town but the ladies did have a point. He looked at Adam.

Adam had been thrown a roll of toilet paper and he was rather astounded that they handed him a plush and full roll. He smirked and put it away in his pack quickly. He looked at Freya who then arrived with a spoon for him and she cracked out a can of food. He accepted the spoon with a smile. “Thanks.” He said. Adam looked over at Daryl and shrugged.

“Might as well stay then I guess.” Daryl said as he sat down and began enjoying the food that was offered to him. He looked over to Hanna and Freya. “Eight months you said… So you two have been on your own for that long?” He said.

Adam stayed on his feet as he ate, he leaned a bit against a wall as he just kept a bit to himself. He’d jump in and talk when he thought he had to. It was a welcome idea eating with spoons and out of a can. Normally Adam and Daryl had to eat with bare hands and with wild food that they hunted or trapped and then cooked over an open fire. So this was a welcome thing, eating something a bit different than normal.

“Me and Adam have been alone for a few months. We had a couple of friends a while back but things got really hectic when this guy showed up so we split up.” He said. “We do better with or without others, but if you girls think you could tolerate us for a while… we could try to help you two.” He said. Daryl as making an offering now and he was trying to be descrete about it. He looked at Adam when he finished his sentence to see his friend’s reaction.

Adam looked at Daryl and he shrugged. That meant it was cool with him, nothing weird. It didn’t say if what Daryl said was true or not, but it meant he wasn’t fighting what his friend was saying and suggesting.
Hannah looked at them listening to Daryl's words then she looked out the window at Freya. "I think it would be good for her, I mean she needs to make some friends other than her grouchy old sister." Hannah said then looked at Daryl. "If you can put up with us, we wouldn't mind joining you." Hannah said a sad look in her eyes.

Freya came in a few hours later silent as could be as she made a move towards her sister. "Freya, you need to eat something." Hannah said to the younger girl. Freya sighed and nodded her head as she grabbed some food from a bag and made her way back out onto the roof where she ate outside once more.

"Sorry about that, she hardly eats, she was the one who took down our father once he changed." Hannah said sadly before she stretched and closed her eyes. "Well I guess I will see you two tomorrow, sleep tight." Hannah went into the other room and closed the door. You could hear Freya outside the open window eating her can of food.

"You guys can come out here if you want." Freya called out to them. You could suddenly hear her bow go off as she shot an arrow into a walker, it fell down dead. "Have to get that in the morning." Freya muttered to herself, she was doing something else now.
Daryl and Adam listened to Hannah as she spoke and talked about how Freya was the one who killed their father when he turned. Adam and Daryl had similar stories but it wasn’t something that they had been shaken up about. When Daryl took out his own father it wasn’t in tears or in sadness, he was actually a bit relieved to have killed that son of a bitch. So Daryl had a bit of a hard time associating pain with that act, but he could imagine how bad it had been for the girl. He looked over at Adam who was yawning and already a bit tired. He let out a bit of a sigh and stood to his feet as he put the can of food down – it was empty and only the spoon still hung inside of it.

“I’ll take first watch, go get some sleep bro.” Daryl said. Adam looked at Daryl and nodded to him.

Adam stretched out and he looked around for a place to crash. He figured the girls were going to share that room so he wasn’t going to bother knocking on Hannah’s door. No need to impose on the person being nice to you. He instead found himself on the couch of the living room and stretched out on it. It was actually kind of comfy. It wasn’t leather but it wasn’t old and hard either. It was plush enough and that was just right for him. He grabbed a small and thin blanket he had in his pack and used that to cover himself as he used the sofa pillows to rest his head and he clocked himself out.

Daryl heard Freya say to join her outside if they wanted to and while Adam was getting ready to pass out, Daryl walked out to the porch and leaned against the wall nearest Freya. He looked her up and down a bit as she used her bow and he nodded a bit to himself. “You’re a good shot with that.” He said. That was a compliment and a half coming from Daryl. He was more than well versed with his crossbow and he knew how to use most weapons so when he said that she was good with a bow, he was being honest and nice at the same time. “Where did you learn to use a bow like that?” He asked. “If I may ask that is.”
Freya blinked and looked up at him when commented on her. "My mother taught me, and her mother taught her. First time I shot a bow I was about 3 years old." she said and looked back over at some wolves as they ran past. "I was going into the Olympics before this virus broke out, to late for that I guess." she said with a weak smile.

"Hannah is good with a bow too but not quite as good as she used to be. She is better with knives." Freya said as she stood up grabbing an arrow once more and knocking it in her bow her eyes scanning the dark. You could hear two Walkers making their way through the dark, she let her arrow fly it went through on head then the Walker behind it dropping them dead.

"Shame my brother died, you would have gotten along with him. He is about your height, age and build and out of all the family he was best with any type of bow." Freya said and looked over at Daryl. She fell silent again, she didn't mind Daryl much, she could tell he was was a survivor. She was a bit uncomfortable though making eye contact.

Hannah tossed and turned in her bed her mind bringing up nightmares again. She was also worried for Freya but something told her that her little sister could look after herself. Freya mostly kept her mouth shut, she wasn't much of a talker but it felt good to have someone else around that wasn't her sister. "So, where are you guys from?" she asked.
Daryl kept quiet just listening to Freya speak. She asked where he was from and he let out a sigh. “Me and Adam are from the south. We weren’t going to leave the hotter climates but Adam had the great Idea of coming north for winter. He thinks that when it gets cold enough, they won’t be able to walk anymore and we can survive better.” He said. The idea was good, it’s practice will be a different story.

Daryl wasn’t sure how to talk to her about her losses but he took in a bit of a deep breath. “I had a brother as well. I’m not sure what happened to him though. He had it pretty rough and last I heard from him he was in Memphis. But then the phones went dead.” He said. Daryl stopped looking at her as he talked now. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable because he was staring at her or something. “I grew up with my pa and brother and we liked to go hunting and live in the woods a lot so I learned the crossbow mainly for that. Adam doesn’t like guns or bows. I guess he’s a bit like your sister. He prefers his knife instead of grabbing a gun, but don’t get me wrong, he’s a great shot.”

He wasn’t much into talking about himself, he preferred to help out but by listening most of the time. Daryl wasn’t afraid of getting his hands a bit dirty but he was a kind soul at the end of the day. His only real defect was probably the faith he put in others. He has a habit of trusting others too quickly and that got him in quite the mix of problems. “Are you two from here?” He asked.

Adam laid on the couch and he didn’t have much to say or do when you were laying down and trying to sleep. He could hear the faint talking from the two outside but it didn’t bug him. He kept his eyes shut and he was asleep quickly. Lately these days, the two of them, Daryl and Adam had a hard time being able to sleep enough through the night. Someone always had to keep watch. So right now when he felt a bit secure and was allowed to sleep a bit more than normal… he clocked out and feel fast asleep. It’s strange, when you’re that tired, sleep comes to you and dreams stay away… thank heavens.
Freya blinked and looked up at Daryl when he asked were they were from. "We are from Canada." she said then bit her lip. "Sorry about your brother, I hope he is ok and you can find him." Freya said then turned and looked him in the eyes. "Your friend is right about the winter though, walkers a so slow in the snow." she muttered.

"Me and Hannah found a load of them dead too, we were way up north in the Arctic, it seems the warmer it gets the more Walkers around but sooner or later Hannah thinks they will either fine a cure or die off." she grumbled. "Both me and Hannah are immune to the virus." Freya said a slight smile on her face.

She rolled back her arm and showed a few bite wounds. "They bit me four months ago and I didn't change. We don't know why though, gene mutation or something." Freya muttered as she dropped her sleeve down, her hand trembled slightly before she grasped her bow hard and stood straight.

"Knifes can get you bit by a Walker if your not careful or fast enough, that is why Hannah uses a sword. We have at least four, your friend is welcome to one if he wants." Freya said. She drew a blade from her side suddenly and held it up, it was a katana, a very sharp one.

"When your out of arrows or bullets, this comes in handy, trust me." she said and handed him the back of her sword. "That is 800 years old and still in good condition." she said. Her head turned slightly and she let out a slight yawn but he couldn't see it.
Daryl nodded silently as she talked. She was talking about her past and he simply took in everything she had to say. “Wow, seems like you girls had an awesome life before everything went to shit.” HE said. “I can’t say the same about myself, but I’m sorry things got this bad.” It was a soft apology. Just something to keep the girl at arm’s reach. Something about her told him she wasn’t completely innocent but there was still some innocence in her that he felt like should be protected in this time and day. The world was too much of a shit storm to truly be able to enjoy the little things but there was something about the way she was just so carefree about everything, it made Daryl pleasantly happy on the inside. Being able to be carefree, young and still hold a hint of innocence in you, that was like a flower blooming on blighted ground where it should be impossible – it was a rare and great attribute.

Daryl looked at her as she talked about her sword and how it was that old. That’s cute. If the katana was indeed that old, he’d like to know how she knew it was. Swords like that are not for sale and are not cheap even if they are up for auction, along with that they don’t keep old katanas like that sharpened for display, but he wouldn’t argue with her about it. If it made her happy to think it was an amazing sword, then let her believe it. “That’s neat.” He said.

He took a moment to take in everything that she said. He was trying to find the right thing to say so not to bug her about where she came from and bring back bad memories but like he said earlier, Adam and Daryl were heading up to the northern states… maybe going across the border isn’t a bad idea. He was pretty sure the game and the wild life up there would be less affected by the virus than the things down here. “Canada, huh? Anywhere specific? I mean it’s in the general direction of up north and it’d be better than us just hangin’ out around here…” He said. “If you and your sister are ok with hanging out with me and Adam, We’d probably be going up in that direction soon.”

Daryl then decided to change the topic a bit. “I’m getting a bit sleepy though, so let’s talk about it some more tomorrow in the morning. I’m going to make sure the downstairs door is locked.”
She nodded her head and watched Daryl go and lock up the rest of the house, she didn't sleep at all that night. Even in the morning, Hannah found her sitting on the porch staring down at the road below. Later when everyone was up they talked about heading up towards the Yukon, that was where Freya and Hannah were from, the girls packed up there stuff and followed after the boys.


Four months had gone by, winter had hit and there was hardly any Walkers about. They had managed to make their way up North with out any trouble, well some trouble only a few walkers but that was about it. The had managed to fine an old log house up in the forest, there was plenty of game and they had managed to stock up on other things for the winter. Hannah was busy stuffing holes in the logs with bits of rag and such to keep them warmer. She had boarded up lots of the windows and a few doors to keep trouble out. There were locked doors as well, once that were strong enough to go up against humans, dead or alive. Hannah had no clue where Adam had wondered off too, she and him were getting along pretty well.

Meanwhile Freya was helping Daryl drag a deer home, she had brought the huge stag down with one arrow to the forehead. "I told you I would get dinner tonight, but you didn't think I would." Freya said to Daryl with a smirk. They had cleaned all the bad parts of the dear up so all they were left with were the meat and bones. "Hannah is going to be happy about this, she was getting sick of owl and raccoon." she said teasing Daryl a bit. Sometimes she felt like he always had his eye on her, she didn't know why but she felt a bit safer some how having him around. Freya was dressed in just a sweatshirt, the snow didn't seem to bother her much.

Once back Freya locked up behind them, it was dark so it wasn't time to be outside. The house was big enough that everyone got there own room. Freya left Hannah and Adam to cook the dear on the old stove down in the kitchen as she made her way up the stairs to her room where she dropped some of her hear off. She came flying down the stairs where she ran smack dab into Daryl's chest, she blinked and looked up at him blushing slightly. "Sorry Daryl, I should watch were I am going I guess." she said softly giving him a rare smile. She cleared her throat and pushed past him, her face getting redder as she went, even her ears were red.
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