Mass Effect: C-Sec Officers Gone Wild! (Javorcek X Imaginette)


Jun 19, 2013
United Sates - NY

C-Sec Captain Jina T’Mas had been working on the Citadel for yeeaarrsss. She’d seen it all: everything from drunk and disorderly conduct to a sentient alien ship bent on the destruction of her beloved space station. Though what she was looking at now was almost as shocking as having Sovereign come knocking at your front door. The Asari matron was in the middle of a –very- interesting message from a Nyxanna Myaiia. The other blue faced alien appeared to be bonded to one of the new recruits coming in. Okay, nothing unusual so far; humans and asari easily fell for one another because of their similar exterior appearances. But besides the usual pleas that wives sent in to make sure their precious bondmates stay safe, there was a rather odd request in the e-mail; one that involved leaking audio and video footage of the new human officer for use in a series of films that Nyxanna planned on producing.

Hmm… Nyxanna Myaiia…Nyxanna Myaiia… Why did that last name sound familiar…?

Captain T’Mas put down her datapad and took a seat at her computer terminal. It took a little bit of digging…well, it took –a lot- of digging to find what she was looking for. The crafty little bitch must have paid a lot of money to ensure that her personal information would not show up show up linked to anything compromising. It was only because Jina had searched for the film Fleet and Flotilla XXX: Quarian Girls Gone Wild did she find Nyxanna's name. Yeah, she -may- watch a little bit of Quarian porn...or a lot of Quarian porn, so much so that she knew the director of one of her favorite movies off the top of her head. But still…a letter from –the- Nyxanna Myaiia, perhaps her –favorite- adult film director of all time (and T'mas had lived for a -long- time), was something else. And she wanted Jina’s help gathering footage for a new porn series she was creating! AND Jina would get a cut of the profits!

Heh…this was too good to pass up.

So Jina immediately send a reply back that ‘Yes of course she would be happy to assist…as long as she got an autographed copy of the first vid and 25% of the profits’. After all, Captain had it’s privileges…such as having access to all the CCTV cameras that monitored her officers. As well as any hidden cameras or bugs they may wear when out on undercover missions. Now she just had to get that new human in here and send her off on a little police business.

“Send me that new human female officer.” Jina called into the intercom by her desk and got a clipped ‘affirmative’ in response. Humans…they all looked the same to her. Even their names were so similar, she was pretty sure that there were at least 50 different people with the surname of Smith working in C-Sec. How the hell was she supposed to keep them all straight?
The recently married Ellin Myaiia had always considered herself a fortunate woman. She'd found her lover early in her academy education, enjoyed a passionate, but sweet romance, and continued on to get top marks in her class despite the distractions of her lovably amorous wife. Now, she'd gotten her wish to help protect the Citadel: by becoming a newly-badged C-Sec officer. Though right now, that meant a lot of basic, menial work in low-key areas. Still, she knew she had to do the grunt work before getting the more important assignments.

So when she was called in to talk to Captain T'Mas, she was a little excited, though she tried to hide it properly and remain professional. Walking in, she was in her crisp blue C-Sec uniform, which was snug, layered over armored chestwear to protect the vitals. "You called for me, Captain?" She asked, even though the answer to that was completely obvious. but, her nerves were getting to her enough that she was asking those stupid questions that didn't need answers.
Captain T'Mas quickly busied herself by perusing Myaiia's file while she waited for the human to show up. marks in her class and fresh out of the academy. Did well with the assignments that had recently been given to her, perfect. Jina felt a bit better knowing that she could put Myaiia in compromising situations and the new officer probably wouldn't bungle things up too badly. And Ellin's marks indicated that the human could probably hold her own in a firefight; good to know that she didn't have to worry about the kid dying on her. The assignment that T'mas picked out for her involved Ellin going undercover at a strip club that was a bit on the seedy side. Chora's Den attracted all sorts of people; it was a very lively gentleman's club...but also a very deadly place. When the door opened, Jina looked up from her datapad and nodded a bit.

"Yes, Myaiia. Let's get right down to business: I need a new undercover officer; preferably human with a face that hasn't been seen around on the Citadel all that much." Jina set down her datapad and nudged it across her desk so that Ellin could take a look at the mission details. "We've received intel that the red sand peddling drug lord by the name of Zhenli Gon has set up shop in Chora's den. He uses dancers to run drugs for him. I need you to infiltrate their ranks and find hard evidence connecting him to red sand dealing." Jina paused for a moment, sizing Ellin up. The human looked so...innocent. And for a moment Jina wondered if this girl had ever slept with anyone other than her bondmate.

"The assignment may require you to be in compromising positions...perhaps even sexual situations. You'll need to play the part of a dancer -very- well. Think you're up for it?"
Being assigned an undercover job so soon was definitely an honor, but one born of necessity. T'Mas needed a fresh face, and she just happened to have one. Picking up the datapad, she began skimming the information therein. The undercover part would be working as a dancer, something she didn't quite have the full skill for. Sure, she'd done a little tease for Nyxa, but a professional dancer, she was not. Chora's Den was a seedy little place though, so no doubt they didn't care as much about amateurs. "I haven't done much dancing of that sort, Captain. Is that going to be a problem?" She asked, not wanting to blow it over something so simple. "I know I'll have to disregard my current life when undercover. I just ask that you let my bondmate know. I'd like to make sure she's as informed as possible so she doesn't get too worried."

Actually, of the two, she was the one that worried most. "Do we have any cover story set up?"
"Oh come now Myaiia. I'm sure your bondmate dances for you sometimes." T'Mas chuckled at the human's little show of nerves. In her experience, humans always did love the natural grace that every Asari had. Even the ones that didn't spend their maiden years working at clubs as dancers or strippers were still able to move their bodies in such alluring ways. Surely Myaiia's wife had danced for enough times so that the officer would replicate something decent. "Just do the things you like for her to do. But if you can't manage to dance your way up the ranks, I'm sure you could manage -something- else to pulls yourself deeper undercover." Of course the sexual implication was there. If it turned out Myaiia had two left feet, she could still probably figure out how to work her tongue in a more pleasing way than the rest of her body.

"I will be sure to send your bondmate an e-mail personally. Don't worry about it Myaiia. I'm sure she won't flay you alive as long as you keep other women from melding with you." T'mas offered the human a little smile. Poor girl, must be nervous about this whole thing.

"Go down to the Operations Office and they will set you up with fake documentation and a different name to give your new employer. They will also outfit you with a microphone/earpiece and probably a contact lens camera. But you will be posing as a college student looking to make some money to pay off your student loans. Hopefully that will give you an extra in once they figure out you'll do anything for some extra cash. Once you've got your new documents, I want you headed straight for Chora's Den to audition. Any more questions Myaiia?"
Ellin wasn't sure if Nyxanna had ever danced for her. She'd always been the one doing things to please. Well, until they melded. Then Nyxanna was certainly very, very generous. "I'll do what I can. Hopefully my amateur dancing will be enough. I've um... I've danced a little for her." The implication of having sex did not go unnoticed, but Ellin did not want to cheat on her bondmate, so she was extra-determined to do well enough that she didn't need to break her oath to her lover.

"I'm more concerned by her accidentally ruining my cover. If that happened she may not even have the chance for that." She showed a little bit of nerves when she let out a pent up sigh. "I'll report down there immediately. Anything else, Captain?" She asked, not wanting to miss anything before reporting to her assignment.
T'Mas raised her brows in surprise. She hadn't expected this mousy little thing to be dancing for anyone. Nyxanna must really see something in the human that Jina didn't see. Or was able to bring out something wild or subservient in the brunette that made her so willing to please her bondmate.

"Well let's just hope your wife doesn't frequent Chora's Den then." T'Mas chuckled. All Asari were biotics, though since Nyxanna had chosen a profession that didn't require the use of them on a day to day basis, the Captain figured the other asari's powers couldn't be all that strong. Though...hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She was sure a very jealous and furious Nyxanna would probably require a squadron of officers to deal with her. Well this whole thing had been Nyxanna's idea, how jealous could the other asari possibly get?

"No Myaiia. That will be all. Good luck and dismissed." And then Captain T'Mas gave the human a little wave of her hand to shoo her out of her office. Then went to work typing up that e-mail she had promised to send for the human.
"Ma'am!" She nodded and left as soon as she was dismissed, heading down to the Operations Office to get set up. On her way, she stopped at her locker long enough to remove the ring on her finger and place it inside, since she didn't want to give away the fact she was married, despite her cover. Unless her cover was married, but that wasn't likely, as she was supposed to be the poor college student with too many loans. She also took the time to send her lover a message through her omni-tool.

"Nyxa, my love... I'm going to be away for a little while. My superiors will be filling you in. I promise I'll be fine, so don't worry, okay?

-Love you always,

After that, she went right for the Operations office to get her new identity and papers. It'd be a tough assignment for sure, but she knew she could do it.[/i]

Nyxanna glanced away from her screen as her omnitool began to light up and vibrate. Two new messages...hmm. Her blue lips broke into a smile as she noticed that one was from her bondmate and another from her love's commanding officer. Good...T'Mas must've gotten her wife to take an assignment that would leave her in some hypersexual situations. Nyxanna loved Ellin, really she did. And to an outsider perhaps videotaping her bondmate while she had sex with other women probably seemed cruel, humiliating, or quite strange. But the adult film director found Ellin absolutely breathtaking and she was such a sweet girl and attentive lover; Nyxanna would love to show the world just what she saw in her bondmate.

Plus skycars and a very nice apartment on the Citadel don't pay for themselves! She hadn't totally been lying when she told Ellin that she was a film editor. She had been perfectly truthful when she had told her lover that she had been part of the editing team for almost all of the Blasto movies. But she had sort of left the part out where she was responsible for editing -all- the sex scenes in the action packed movies... And had sort of not told her that most of her income came from producing, directing, filming, and editing adult movies. Women tended to get so skittish and shy around her if she told them what she really she had left that part out when they were dating. Now that they were married, Nyxanna was hesitant to tell her lover, for fear that the human might get overwhelmed with the information and leave her.

Love makes the brain work in really messed up ways sometimes. least this whole experience would be good for Ellin. Humans lacked a long lifespans to go out and experiment. Nyxanna also wanted her lover to get more experience sexually with this whole ruse. Ellin was a fabulous lover...but sometimes sex with her could be so...vanilla. Nyxanna loved vanilla, really she did! But sometimes she just craved something a little rougher, a little more confident and a whole lot kinkier. Ellin tried -so- hard to be so sexy when she danced that the Asari truly did appreciate it, but the human could use a little more practice...and maybe a little more confidence would come if she actually really did arrest a bad guy. So Nyxanna sent her lover back a reply, something to boost her morale.

"My sweet Ellin,

Please be very careful. I received a message from Captain T'Mas and I'm so proud of you for getting to work on an important assignment!!! I understand that you're assuming an entirely new identity...just don't forget you have a bondmate that really loves you and is eagerly waiting for you to come home and warm up our bed, okay? And I won't be mad if...physical things happen with the dancers. I understand it's part of your job. But I -will- be mad if you let any of them into that cute little head of yours. I like to be the only one giving you pleasure that way.

Oh and I have an attachment for you, something to help remember me while you're working.

Love you, stay safe,

Finishing off the message was a picture with the tag NSFW. It was an image of her laying in their bed, wearing nothing but one of the many sexy sets of underwear that contrasted with her blue skin so wonderfully. Nyxanna didn't mind dressing up for Ellin, she actually quite enjoyed how just a little lingerie could get the human to submit to whatever whim she had. Hmmph, she'd like to see those Chora's Den girls compete with that! Yes, she wanted Ellin to get more experience and to be a big part of her new film series...but she didn't want the human forgetting about her entirely when she was surrounded by other gorgeous Asari.

(OOC: Skip to Ellin going to Chora's Den for an interview?)

*Here's her outfit for her dance audition.

A relatively short shopping trip and makeover later, Ellin was a bit more tan, sporting jet black hair, and ditched her glasses in favor of contacts. She really hated contacts, but the job was worth it. She'd also squeezed herself into an outfit that was very, very racy by her standards. An off-one shoulder, tight black latex number that hugged her every curve and left her legs bare, which where now in thigh-high stilettos with lace trim. She'd put on a long jacket to cover up some on her way to Chora's Den, the long garment going low enough that it almost reached her knees.

Getting her lover's mail on the taxi ride there was a nice consolation, but she was still nervous as she got. Chewing softly on her lip, she cherished the picture of her lover for a few moments before reviewing her identity for the interview at the Den. The drop off point was just outside the joint, and she could already smell the booze and puke. Steeling her resolve, she stepped in, looking right to the bar, thinking that would probably be a good place to figure out who to talk to for the interview.

Aquilus was a fairly nice least until people broke the number one Chora's Den rule: Don't Touch the Dancers. If the bartender noticed one of the girls getting harassed, he was there to crack some skulls and defend them. Sure, things went on at the gentleman's club that weren't just dancing. But whatever went on in private rooms was none of his business. He didn't know and he didn't -want- to know what the girls did with their 'special clients'. The young Turian had only had to bust down the door to a private room once and ah...well...let's just say he needed a bit of counseling afterwards.

There are just some places that should -not- be pierced.

Being a bartender/bouncer was a pretty good gig. Plus he really liked to mix drinks and as seedy as Chora's Den was, he made a hell of a lot more than he did at the Embassy Lounge. Politicians are lousy tippers. Well...they're lousy tippers unless they're surrounded by dancers. Then they're -fantastic- tippers. -Phenomenal- when they're drunk to boot.

Movement caught his eye and he looked over at the dark haired human coming his way. She didn't work here...did she -want- to work here? Or was this just some sort of promiscuous new human fashion statement. Aquilus didn't want to make assumptions. Assumptions tended to make females rather...moody...or rampagey... He didn't like rampagey.

"What can I get for you?" He asked as the human sidled up to the bar. He wiped down the spot infront of her and tossed up a coaster, ready to serve.
She'd just arrived, and she could already feel herself being looked at... Stared at. It made her skin crawl. Even with the jacket wrapped around her upper body, she felt like they could see right through. She managed to get to the bar without any real incident though, even if by the time she got there she felt like running away. Thankfully, her less than enthusiastic appearance and embarrassment let itself well to her disguise as a poor college girl way in over her head and desperate for any job.

As she got to the bartending Turian, she struggled to get the right words out of her mouth. "H-Hey... I-I heard this place was in need of a few more workers... Think you could help me find an application, or something?" She asked, suddenly feeling as awkward as she did when she was a teenager. Being a spy was so much harder than it seemed, and college didn't really prepare her for acting. It prepared her to be a beat cop, not an undercover cop... But still, she needed to do this. She did still have some of her student loans to pay off, plus she had her apartment and skycar payment, and she wanted to save and get a home for a family with her wife. At the minimum pay she got, that was going to take forever. So big jobs like this were how she was going to get her promotions.
The Turian tilted his head to the side curiously as he watched the stuttering human. For a moment he thought his translator was just bugging out; but no, she really did look so nervous that she couldn't form articulate sentences. Poor girl, must be -really- desperate for the credits if she was coming around to this place. Many Asari worked here for fun during their maiden years. But it was pretty rare that they had other species such as humans or Quarians take jobs as dancers.

"Yeah, we're hiring. But we don't do applications, only interviews and auditions." He looked at the girl, not even bothering to hide how his eyes were studying her. She was pretty, he supposed. Maybe the boss would like to see her. "Pax!" Aquilus called to the other Turian at the opposite end of the bar. "Watch the bar, and the girls. I'm going to take this one down to see Siaxa" Then he turned back to the new girl. "Follow me, please."

He hopped clear over the bar and then made his way towards one of the private rooms, not even bothering to see if the girl was behind him or not. If she wanted the job, she'd follow him, simple as that. Through a doorway and down a set of stairs they went into a very large VIP room that smelled of sweat and booze, not vomit though...just a sort of lingering scent of drunken sex. Siaxa was sitting on a couch, some other new Asari maiden working one of the poles in the center of the room; auditioning for one of the vacant positions. Aquilus motioned for her to be quiet and not bother Siaxa until she was done watching the other woman's interview. Then he turned around and left to go back to the bar.
"R-Right." She certainly wouldn't have worn her current outfit if she had thought it'd be an application process. She followed the Turian down to the offices. There, two Asari were waiting. One dancing, the other sitting. The Turian bartender left as soon as he came, leaving her to be quiet and get more and more nervous as time went by. To try and get her mind off of her nerves, she studied the dancer working the pole, trying to pick up on her moves, and how they worked with the music that was playing. Unfortunately, it was club music. Ellin had always danced to more romantic, sensual songs. But still, she'd have to do something.

(Sorry it's short...)
Even with the thrumming bass of the music, Siaxa was still aware of the sound of clicking heels and Turian footfalls. Ah Aquilus was a good boy and leading another girl down for an audition; he was such an excellent judge of character. Maybe she'd give him a raise if whatever treat he had brought her turned out to be especially delicious. But for now, her blue eyes studied the young maiden working the pole. She was outstanding and had already worked for a little while as one of Aria's dancers on Omega. But life on that mercenary controlled space station could be rather rough; it was of little wonder to Siaxa that the girl wished to spend her maiden years adventuring on the Citadel.

If people thought Chora's Den was seedy, they'd obviously never been to Afterlife.

"Stop." Siaxa raised her omnitool, lighting it up and turning off her music. "You did absolutely lovely dear. You may go, but be here promptly at 16:00 tomorrow." The girl gave her a smile and polite nod before bounding away on her long and shapely legs. It was very rare that they ever had to deny an Asari; but they had to appear 'fair' and put them through auditions since humans -had- to. Some Species Equality nonsense.

Siaxa turned her head to see a rather nervous looking human looking at her. Girls like this were why they had auditions in the first place! Very good looking, something exotic, but absolutely nervous. Probably so inexperienced that they didn't know how to dance and would require a lot of training before they were fit to go out into the main room. The older Asari got up from her seat on the couch, moving to pace around the brunette human and size her up. Nice legs...decent sized breasts...very lovely human specimen indeed.

"Jacket off, please. And...your name and quick bit of a verbal resume if you don't mind."

(You can always move the nameless dancers or any male characters like the Aquilus about if they're in your way. Can even give them dialogue too, I don't mind ^^. I just stick extras in there for funsies so I don't care if they get god-modded.)
"R-Right..." She removed her jacket, setting it aside and immediately feeling naked. Oddly enough, she was still mostly covered. Between the long gloves, tall boots, and still having one shoulder covered, she would be considered rather conservatively dressed. Aside from the whole skin-tight suit thing.

"I'm Katherine Benson. Um... I don't have too much dancing experience in this sort of environment." She explained as she was looked over. It felt totally different from when Nyxanna did it. While her lover had this sort of predatory hunger to her, this woman was just judging her. And she already felt inadequate. "But I did do cheer leading in school and college. Gymnastics too." That was all the experience that she could get away with saying she had. 'Katherine' gulped as she was continually judged. This could very well have been the hardest part of her assignment.
"No stuttering." Siaxa chided with a bit of a sigh. This was the problem with this race: they reached their sexual peak at such a young age. Even though this human was an adult, she had the confidence of a teenager. Probably because she was only a little older than an adolescent. "Customers will talk to you, and you must exude confidence when you respond." Siaxa circled her again now that the jacket was off. Very nice ass. Good.

"Well...if you have ever danced for a lover, it is almost the same thing. At least...private dances or lap dances are. But gymnastics is should be strong enough to be able to work a pole in that case." So many girls ended up face planting when trying to do more advanced moves on the pole. But if this human had a basic understanding of her own body via gymnastics, she at least wouldn't be a total embarrassment. One more circle was made around the girl before she nodded a bit. Very pretty indeed, lightly toned, she'd make a good addition. At least...she would if she could dance.

"Alright Katherine. I want you to -try- to use the pole. I'm sure you've seen girls use them before and can figure out something. Just try not to fall off of it. Then you'll give me a lap dance." Well if she botched up the pole they could at least end it on a high note with a lap dance. Shouldn't be too complicated. Siaxa offered the human a little smile before moving back to her seat on the couch. She switched the music back on, choosing a club song with a beat that would be easier to follow, something good for a novice.

"Okay, let's see what you've got."
She did have her experience dancing for her lover, but she couldn't confirm that else she'd blow her cover. At least not if she said it so overtly. She swallowed a lump of fear as the Asari told her she'd have to try and use the pole to dance. And the picked song didn't really help her out either. It was easy to follow, yes, but also still upbeat and rapid. Stepping up to the stage, she grasped the pole lightly in one hand, feeling it out, stroking it without thinking what it might have looked like.

With a pent-up release of her breath, she began doing what she could. Swinging around to the front of the pole, she kept both hands above her head, grasping the pole while she let her hips do the work. They swayed and gyrated lusciously, but not really in touch with the song. She remembered that Nyxanna loved to see all angles, so she took a moment to turn her backside to the Asari and present the rear that was apparently adored by more than on Asari now. Trying to use the pole more, she hooked a leg around it and did a little half spin, showing off her flexibility and arching back as much as the Asari dances could, though her moderately sized breasts didn't push as forward against her tight outfit as a more well-endowed woman could. Probably the best part of her dance though, were the faces she put on, closed eyes, with a slightly parted mouth, like a woman in the throes of having love made to her, submitting herself fully to the pleasure of an unseen lover.
Siaxa smiled a bit as she watched the girl dance. As calculating and critical as she could be, she absolutely loved the change that women went through once they got onto a stage. Katherine had gone from nervous little rabbit to lovely sex kitten. Her dancing was excellent for a novice; the girl understood that she needed to show both sides of her body, not just the front. Her breasts were a bit small, at least when compared to an Asari's. But they weren't too bad: firm, perky, there would be some men and women into the more athletic look. The look the woman gave was the most impressive at all. It wasn't a coy smile or flirty bedroom eyes like most of the dancers had. Instead it was something much, much more intimate, bringing the voyeuristic nature of watching a stripper to an even more erotica place.

"Very good Katherine." Siaxa said as she turned off the music so that the human could hear her. Then she motioned for the brunette to come over. "Now I'll just be needing a lap dance and then your audition will be over." The Asari switched the music to something slower, the type of music that could be expected to play in private rooms. It wasn't particularly romantic, it was still the type of electronic music that could be heard in clubs.
As she was motioned over, Ellin gulped another lump of fear and nodded as she did just that. Standing before the Asari. Now she could feel a thing of hunger coming from Siaxa. Technically, that was a good thing, since her job was to give others that dirty, sexy feeling. As she was told to start the lap dance, she got a bit more nervous. Oddly enough, the lap dance would be easier for her. Dancing intimately for Nyxanna didn't usually involve poles, but it did involve getting on a blue lady's lap.

So when the music started again, she stepped up and straddled Siaxa's lap, her hips swaying and grinding against the woman's lap without much restraint. Since she'd only done this for her lover, she didn't know that a lap dance was more about teasing than about feeling bodies close together. Because of this, she didn't have much variation in her moves, and she didn't quite know what to do with her arms. They just wound up holding the back of the seat while her body writhed and swayed to the beat. She wore that same expression again, though there were visible trembles and shakes of sensations being sent through her own body from the occasional contact of her intimates against Siaxa's thigh.
"Open your eyes...." Siaxa purred out the order after about only a minute through Katherine's rather repetitive lap dance. Well...more like a little bit of frantic grinding; like when teenagers were trying to have sex but were too afraid to go all the way. The human would need to show her a little more finesse than that. "I am a customer. Not your lover. Lap dances are about -control-, about -teasing- and -suspense-. Maintain eye contact, you want your body to show subservience and a willingness to please; but you want your eyes to stay strong and remind them to not break the first rule of Chora's Den: Do not touch the girls." The older Asari sighed and closed her eyes, rolling her shoulders to loosen herself up before they opened again. The cold, calculating gaze was now replaced with a smoldering, hungry one full of desire. And there was a smile now painted onto those full blue lips...a little half smirk that said 'If you're good, you get a reward; but if you're bad, I'm moving on to the next customer.' "Just relax for a moment...I'm going to show you some things."

Ah how Siaxa did love teaching the new girls the art of seduction.

"Now...once you have their undivided attention, you want to touch -near- the erogenous zones while you dance." The blue alien's words were gentle but commanding and were kept at a level that -forced- Katherine to strain her ears to hear the words above the loud music. Siaxa's hands moved towards the humans sides, running delicate hands up and down her sides but never touching her breasts. "The stomach and sides are safe places to touch on most are the inner thighs..." Then her hands drifted down lower, instead of the gentle rubbing of her palms, Siaxa ran slightly flexed hands down the human's inner thighs, nails dragging along part of her outfit before hitting bare flesh and coming down to her knees.

"The base of the crest and back of the neck are -very- sensitive for Asari and Turians. It's best not to touch them. But for humans, Krogan, and of course species that spend the time in enviro-suits, it's fine. I believe humans enjoy having their hair played, yes?" And as she asked the question her hands came up, fingers running through Katherin's hair before moving to dance along the back of her neck and tickle the little hairs.

"Mmm...if you like I can teach you a couple of moves...but that would require you getting out of my lap."
Unfortunately for Ellin, Siaxa was very, very good at demonstrations, as it was having plenty of that intended effect on the human. While Siaxa and Nyxanna definitely looked different, they had plenty enough similarities to make Ellin remember some of her more risque times with her wife and bondmate. That light blue skin just looked positively delicious, though she'd never admitted as much to anyone, for fear of being laughed at for having such a superficial kink. Of course, her and Nyxanna's love was far deeper than just physical attraction. And to say Siaxa's gentle touch didn't remind her of her lovemaking with Nyxanna would be an outright lie.

Being told to get out of her lap for a demonstration of a proper lapdance, the quiet woman nodded and stood back up, getting herself from Siaxa's lap and waiting for her to get up before nervously sitting down. Never before had she received a lap dance, of course. She kept her thighs tight together, but she didn't cross her legs like she normally did. It seemed a little impolite to put up such a barrier to a lapdance, though her hands were nervously on her thighs. "T-Thanks for helping me... I know I need work." She bit her lip. "I'm a little desperate for a job right now. Student loans, you know?"
Siaxa got up and moved to stand infront of the human, waiting patiently for the girl to get all comfortable. The one thing that she immediately noticed was that Katherine had her thighs pressed firmly together. Aw how cute...she wants to put up a fight. Siaxa grinned, she really did love a challenge. And right now her biggest challenge would be to get this prudish human so wound up that she was just a turned on puddle of hormones and nerves.

"Mhmm...lots of young women come in here looking for extra money. As long as you're willing to work and to learn, you should do just fine here." The older Asari loved when college girls came to work at Chora's Den. It was much easier to train them and they had a little more confidence than girls fresh out of high school or Asari that had first started their Maiden stage.

" about you just relax, pay very close attention, alright?" Siaxa took a couple of steps away from Katherine, her hips swaying side to side as she walked; which of course caused the tight fabric of her dress to shimmer so alluringly. Then she did an about face and offered the human a coy smile. One hand came up to the back of her dress and she unzipped it slowly before sashaying closer. "Everything about a lap dance is slow...unhurried."Siaxa purred as the clinging fabric inched lower and lower down her body until it was a puddle on the floor that she could gracefully step out of. Now left in just a dark blue satin bra and a pair of matching panties, she was free to move however she pleased. Like most Asari she had a very ample bosom, narrow waist, and a very feminine flare of her hips. But she was a little more on the muscular side. She liked to keep in shape so that she could still show these young girls a thing or two on the pole.

"Remember to keep eye contact...and remember to adjust your levelsl so that there is always something new to look at." As she closed the distance between her and Katherine she leaned down. Her hands gently moved the human's so that they rested on the couch instead of in her lap. Blue palms now pressed against the newly vacant space as she leaned over, giving Katherine an excellent view of her breasts; the fleshy mounds seemed to threaten to spill out of her bra. Well practiced hands began to slide innocently up and down the other woman's thighs as she arched her back, sticking her butt out behind her and swaying it back and forth, side to side like a playful big cat. She loved this sort of play, making a client unsure if they should stare at her tits or try to get a better view of her rear.

"Relax...let me take care of you..." The Asari said in a voice that was barely above a whisper, something soft that would keep a sort of intimate feeling between them. And then her hands began to coax Katherine's legs apart. She couldn't very well do much of a lap dance if the other woman wouldn't let her get nice and close.
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