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Orgy for the Sex Demon (smut filled group RP Interest check)


Jul 11, 2010
The room was almost completely open, with a few makeshift 'walls' out of semen covered cloth. The floor was made of cold stone, although there were fur rugs lying about haphazardly, stained with all sorts of bodily fluids. Vicious and horny demons of all types lurked around, some raping the slaves while others waited for new arrivals. In the middle of the room sat the large throne that towered over everything else in the room, giving the demon lord a view of all activity within his special room.

The room smelled of sex, cum and just a bit of blood. Almost overloading the senses, an aphrodisiac filtered through the room, ensuring that there would always be sex to please the master.

Scattered throughout the room were wide varieties of sex toys, from dildos and strap ons to chains and whips. Off in a corner of the room was where the kinkier toys were held, barely more then glorified torture devices.

(thank you Alenaeon for your awesome description)

In this RP you can either play as one of the sex demon's minions, aor a slave of the sex demon teleported here by the sex demon from another time/dimension. You can be any gender only requirment is lots of sex.

One person can play the sex demon

Does this sound like fun?
I prefer something more plot based, but if for some reason this RP will need males, I can throw my hat into the ring. Guys tend to not be a problem around these parts though. It's an interesting RP although I'm not sure how long it would last.
Thanks for your input I like it to be Smut driven so it is simple however if a plot develops that is fine by me too.
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