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Muse Juice


Nov 10, 2012
Catchy, ain't it? ^^

Anyway, I was just curious about what everyone does to get their muse revving whenever it decides to rage quit on you and go out for coffee.

At least, that's what I imagine what mine does...

For example, me. Whenever I feel like I can't post for the life of me (which I think is way to often), I do one of three things:

1) I listen to music, specifically Eminem. Say what you will about him, but I find his music to be widely enough in the diversity category (from inspiring to downright frightening), that he seems to pick it up.

2) I play a video game. Now, here, I like to stick to games that have a story, or where the scenery is rather striking. Dishonored and Skyrim come to mind.

3) I read something. Anything. Be it nonfiction, fanfiction, or just fiction in general, if my eyes are reading words, then by God almighty, my muse becomes a whirl of sound and sexually explicit ideas...erm, imagination.

So, anyone else fancy to name what gets their muse going?
^_^ Catchy thread name indeedy! lol hehe

I always listen to music! Almost Anything to get my muse going. Reading helps with the... imagination as well! :3
BioShock, Skyrim, Cod, Fallout and ToR get the muses flowing to and TONS of Hent....... I mean art! Looking at art helps the juices flow to! :p
Watching my favorite movies, Star Wars, Harry potter, LotR and so on, got alot of fave's there and of course my all time favorite tv show Game of Thrones! Not even gonna shorten it cuz its just to awesome to shorten the name while typing it! ^_^ If you have yet to see Game of Thrones the I suggest that you go watch it now!! DO IT!! OMG you will not regret it on bit!! ;) That show can get anyone's juices flowing and flowing goood! ^_^
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