Clan Namikaze (As Day Fades & Southern Dream)

As Day Fades

Feb 7, 2009
Naruto blinked. And stared up. Because this was weird.

Awesome, right? Yeah. Totally awesome. But still really, really weird.

The 'great war,' or 'great ninja war,' as it was already coming to be called, had ended seven or eight weeks ago now. Roughly two months. Many had been left dead, from every village, every country, but something wonderful had been purchased with all that blood - brotherhood. Friendship between all the nations, even if a full alliance was still only in the process of being hammered out. The war was over, the dust had settled, and though victorious, Konoha, the Leaf, the Fire Country was still licking its wounds.

That's where old lady Tsunade had come in. Or, that's where she insisted he came in.

They'd talked yesterday. He'd been summoned to the Hokage's office and was presented with the deed to a freshly built estate on the edge of the village, a walled mixture of houses with a dojo to one side, and a small pond the other, very similar to what the Hyuuga and Uchiha clans had. This had brought the normally loudmouthed blonde to a more taken aback stance, an uncharacteristically quiet moment for him followed by an eventual statement of why so much room - once the shock of the gift itself had worn off. Naruto was used to sleeping in an apartment in the village, after all, which was known to have various states of cleanliness(something Sakura-chan always bonked him on the head for whenever she needed to stop by, when he'd oversleep for his training). If they were out in the field, it was usually the far less luxurious 'dirt.' The idea of an entire was overwhelming! And, really, just way too much.

But then she'd broken the silence, and explained to Naruto about lineages. Tsunade, as Hokage, had encouraged Naruto to rebuild the Namikaze clan - his name by birthright, a truth hidden for nearly two decades for the sake of his safety. This brought silence. When she then, unimpressed by the younger blonde, explained that this meant he needed to have a family of his own to grow a clan - a large family - it still didn't seem to sink in. Even less impressed now, she'd stated bluntly that he had to get married, preferably to multiple women, and should train each of the children in a mixture of the two family's signature jutsus.

That brought about the always comical bloody nose, fervent shouting, and two steamed blondes going back and forth in the Hokage's office.

Forty minutes of arguing later, Naruto still hadn't made much of a decision or even a coherent response outside of their back-and-forth, so Tsunade had told him to just go to his new home and wait. Slamming her fist into her own desk, the freakishly strong Sage had insisted that if he wasn't man enough yet to pick his own brides, then she'd do it for him!! To be chosen by what clans would make the best combination of styles when mixed with the various arts Naruto had come to inherit from his father, and learn from each sensei in his life.

That was yesterday.

Today Naruto laid out on the open hardwood floor of the dojo, a separate building off to the right side of his compound. Not exercising. Just...chilling. Any items from his previous home had been moved into this one between last night and this morning, but that really only amassed to maybe one percent of the storage space in this huge place. Maybe a part of a percent. So he just laid there, on the wooden floor of the dojo. Any wounds from the battle had long since healed up. There was nothing much left to do at this point. Just sort of wait, he supposed. Though this was still really weird to him, and certainly surreal. Maybe it'd be better if he didn't think about it. Yeah. He wasn't waiting for that, for Tsunade to show up and tell him who she'd picked. That was still probably months away, right? She was Hokage. There was still tons to do! More important stuff! So he was going to pass the time thinking about something else.

Now to think about what else to think of...
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