Taking On An Apprentice ((Lustfull_SinxJugger82))


Sep 26, 2009
Purple eyes gazing from left to right, Juri smirked, her heart beating fast from the excitement and adrenaline pumping through her veins. Being the new leader of S.I.N had its perks, but just because she had people at her disposal didn't mean they knew how to do shit right, oh like say, take control of one mislay little town. There was an organization that was slowly trying to grow. Once word got out that Bison and Seth were no longer among the living it seemed organization that were basically wannabe SIN were trying to mount up and show their power. Not gonna happen. Juri had scattered as many disposable soldiers she could. Not many were able to complete their mission.

So here she was, in this little town called.....whatever the fuck, she didn't care. Not many friendly faces either way. The first guy she ran into tried to show himself off as s big guy. Sorry weakling, but I have the bigger balls here, she had said and proceeded to simply twist and break his arm, bending it the wrong way and then snapped his neck. Some people scattered, others spread the word and thus did the comrades appear. Oh yummy, more fun. Cheap shit they had. Typical looking thugs. These were no more than sentries sent out to keep her at bay while the real head bosses and their guards went to go hide in some hole.

“Ready to play? Because I am?” She grinned as they tried to surround her. They had no idea what they were getting into. Her left eye glowed bright, focusing it on each individual that approached her. “Hmph, pathetic.” She murmured to herself. The first guy lunged at her and she stepped to the side, already knowing his attacked. He didn't know what the fuck he was doing. “Sorry, but you have to be faster if you wanna kill me.” She said and spun, raising her leg and kicked him hard, sending him flying. She could here boned snapping, no doubt his spine was cracked. “Next one.” She demanded and another came at her, fist raised and swinging. “No good.” She hissed and ducked fast and then brought her knee up hard, getting him in the gut, his gasp music to her ears. She then shifted her leg, raised up high and brought it down, heel bearing down on his back as she slammed him onto the concrete floor, cracking it almost. “This is pathetic.” She didn't want to bother with these weaklings.

“Mmm, sorry boys, but I'm looking for more interesting to entertain me. You guys aren't cutting it.” She grinned as her eye glowed. With such fast speed, she appeared infront of one guy, her foot swung up as she kicked him hard on his chin, sending him backwards. She didn't bother waiting for him to land. She went for the next guy, bringing him down with a swift kick to the ribs. They were weak. A single blow from her deadly kick and they were dead.

“Last one. Sorry you didn't make the cut sweety.” She chuckled, seeing him back way, wanting to escape. That wasn't acceptable. Juri rushed at him, dropped down and swiped his feet from under him as he fell, she moved fast, standing back up and before his back his the ground, her foot drove down onto his chest, the force to great, it cracked his ribs and even damaged his lungs, killing him instantly. “Fucking pathetic.” Looking up, she saw no one else approach her. “Is this all that is being offered to me?” She bellowed out into the empty street. They were hiding like rats. Afraid to face the cat that has invaded their little home. “Come out, come out. I promise not to bite...hard.” She giggled almost girlishly. She love taunting. It was the best feeling ever. Maybe she managed to get them all. All she had to find was the organization that had been running this little shitty town, but where could they be. Her men had failed to locate them, so she needed to find a rat to lead her to its lair and master. “Perhaps I should have kept one alive.” She shrugged, not really caring.
By the time Nathan had managed to even arrive to the scene when he got word...he saw all of his friends, scattered about and dead. He dropped to his knees and a few tears shed as he saw all of his life-long friends and sparring partners, dead before him in some brutish ways. He gripped the dirt, teeth clenching in anger as his eyes showed his bloodlust for revenge, and he ran off into town, searching for the girl that had caused so much death and destruction. He rounded one corner after another through the small village and marketplace and soon found the purple-clad girl in the distance. "You!" He said angrily as he rushed forward towards Juri, and jumped forward for a burst of speed before spinning his body so that one leg went into the air and would come down hard toward Juri, using momentum to help strengthen the kick.
"Where the hell is everyone?" Surely she didn't kill everyone. Unless all those "thugs" she knocked out happened to be all the people that left here, then.....She shrugged. Guess she would sniff out the main, fat rats in some other-

She stopped when she heard someone shout and address her. Turning around, she saw the lone figure rushing towards her, his eyes filled with anger. Oh dear, it seemed he was upset. Like she cared. He was fast though, faster then the other weak fools that had tried to bring her down. Perhaps he would put up a better fight. Smiling, her left eyed glowed, seeing his move. "Stupid." She said as she brought her arms up, crossing them and easily blocked his attack. Her feet managed to skid along the floor just a few inches. Juri laughed. "Hahahaha, is that the best you can do?" She asked still holding his leg, feeling him trying to use much force to knock her off balance. "You know what's sad about showing such revengeful emotion? You leave yourself wide open, letting your opponent know about your moves." Juri pushed him away, knocking him off balance since he was on one foot. Not giving him a chance, she spun herself, leg swinging fast thanks to her momentum and her foot connected with his side. He went flying, body soaring over the ground and landed back to where he had first started. "Awww, is that all? Hmph, pathetic. I thought you would be the first to give me a real challenge."
Nathan's eyes went wide when she suddenly blocked his attack. He gritted his teeth as he pulled his foot away and tried for another kick, but she was faster and kicked him so hard that he was sent flying into the air and landed hard into the ground a ways away. He coughed up some blood, but stood up, still raring to go as he wiped the blood away with the back of his fist. He walked toward Juri, anger in his eyes. "I'll...Fucking...Kill you!" He said angrily. "You killed them all! I'll never allow you to walk away from this place alive!" He said angrily as his arm began to spark with electricity, clearly showing he was not like any of the other fighters she had faced here. He was special, a sort of chi flowing through his body that gave off static and electricity.

"Rakurai!" He roared out as he suddenly began to teleport place to place, closer and closer to her by a few feet with each teleportation. He was actually moving as fast as lightning and he would suddenly appear behind Juri, wrapping his arms around the girl and giving off an electric shock as he suplexed her into the ground by bending his back and slamming her head down. He'd release her and suddenly phase around the area again uncontrollably until he suddenly burnt out, his body falling to his knees as steam emitted from his body. He panted hard, hoping that one suplex move that was supercharged with electricity would be enough to finish her of.
“I'd like to see you try cutie. Though so far, I'm the one kicking ass here.” She laughed. “And your friends were weak. Hmph. How they managed to live this long is beyond me, but-” She stopped, seeing his arm spark. Frowning, Juri focused on his arm, her eyes glowing. “Well then. This might be an entertaining fight after all.” She murmured, already knowing what was to come, but instead of blocking him, she let his attack go through. She watched, following with her eyes as he phased here and there, trying to psych her out. Her lip only managed to curl into a smile a gesture he did not see for she sensed him behind her. Tingles went up her spine, prickling.

Juri felt his arms wrap around her body and she felt warm all over. He felt rather nice there. Strong sturdy back and well muscled. Not overly, but decently muscled. Suddenly, she let out a pained tiny shriek and thousands on pin pricks of electricity shot through out her body. Her nipples actually perked that at and her body was feeling excited. Oh God, that felt so good. Juri was so into it, she didn't even bother doing anything as he raised her, feet no longer touching the ground and suddenly she was flipped backward, head slamming into the hard ground, cracking it around her. He let go and she slumped, body slamming face down. Juri laid there for a moment, her mind racing. This kid had such potential and he was wasting it away, working for an ass fucker. Who could be doing something better with his life. With that interesting power of his. He just needed a firm hand and someone to properly guide him. Juri felt that if she were to train him, he could be made into an expendable person for her own use, except he would actually survive longer and do the missions right. Time up, she had to get up. Moving her hand, she pressed them against the floor and raised herself up, not even staggering or wavering as she easily got to her feet and dusted off her shoulders and knees. “Mmm, not bad. I liked it a bit.” She chuckled. Looking at him, she smiled. “All burnt out, how sad. Maybe you should have used that special move when I was a bit more weakened.” Giggling, Juri moved fast and was suddenly in front of him.

She grabbed him by his shirt and raised him to his feet with ease. “You've got a lot to learn.” With him raised, Juri placed on hand behind his back and forced him to bent forward at the same time she brought her knee up and kneed him severely in the gut, hearing the whoosh and chocking gasp he let out. Releasing him, she watched as he slumped down. Dusting her hands, she went down on her haunches and stared at him. “Alright cutie. You have two options. One, you can keep fighting me and I simply kill since you're annoying me or two, you can surrender and work for me. You can learn a lot and earn a lot more. What do you say, hmm?”
Nathan couldn't believe what he was seeing. She...She survived it...?! It was his killing move. He only used it against thugs and bandits that decided to attack and cause trouble! Yet she seemed to shake it off like it was nothing. And he was so burnt out from it, he couldn't protect himself even in the slightest as she walked over. He could see her nipples erect, and his eye twitched. Did she take pleasure in that!? What kind of woman was this!? He saw her pick him up to his feet, though his body was shaking back and forth as he was having trouble standing, though it would not last long as he'd suddenly feel himself pushed down and the feeling of her knee coming up, colliding with his body. He gasped in pain, unable to make a sound as he felt himself fall to the ground in pain once more. His head struggled to look up, only to see her haunch over him, giving him his options. He didn't want to die, yet he didn't want to work for this psychotic bitch either. He couldn't even speak, his body was so exhausted. He simply let his head fall to the ground, letting fate decide for him whether he would live and be forced to be hers, or to die like the rest of his friends.
"No answer? Did I mess you up that ba-" She stopped, hearing vehicles approach from behind. Looking over her shoulder before straightening, she saw they were armored jeeps of her organization. So the little shits have finally managed to find this place. She snorted and crossed her arms, waiting as one vehicle stopped and a few soldiers came out, rifles at the ready as they checked their surroundings. One approached her, saluting.

"Ma'am, sorry for the delay, we-"

"I honestly don't want to hear what piece of bullshit excuse you have for me." She said, her eyes narrowed.

The soldier trembled a bit, his hand still raised in a salute. "Y-Yes, sorry Ma'am."

She shook her head. "Search the area. Thanks to this kid, I've been delayed in finding the rats that are hiding. Sniff them out and once you find them, kill them."

"Yes ma'am, anything else?"

"Download anything important from their computers. All files, all data, everything. I don't want anything left behind. Once that's down, burn everything down to the ground." She turned back to the kid on the ground. "Oh and get someone to throw this one in one of the jeeps. He's coming with us. Search him for wounds if he has any. Take him back to base and get him checked. Keep him detained until I return." Turning away, Juri pushed past the soldier to continue her search since she already knew this lowly pieces of crap were going to take forever.

The soldier, named Hobs, looked down at the kid and went down onto his haunches. "you're one lucky son-of-a-bitch, you know that, right?" He said, shaking his head. "Wonder what made you so special that she decided to bring you with us?" He shrugged and called over a few men. "Get him in the jeep and take him to base. Get his wounds treated and have him detained in the infirmary until Lady Juri returns."

The men complied and grabbed him by his arms and his legs and hauled his body to a jeep and settled him in. It was going to be a long, bumpy ride back to the temporary base they have set up.
Nathan remained silent as he lay there on the ground, listening to Juri and he heard the armored jeeps pull up to the village. She was going to kill everyone and take away everything that he loved...When she left, he heard Hobs tell him that he was special because she allowed him to live, and even made it so he was going with them. As the other soldiers dragged him by his arms, they'd feel small static shocks the entire time he was dragged. It was residue from his skin and clothes from his previous attack lingering within the threads and cells of his clothes and skin. As the jeep drove, he slowly regained his strength. He was able to at least readjust himself so he was leaning against the back of the jeep, sitting upright. He looked to the soldiers that kept a watchful eye on him and knew that if he tried to escape, even if he could muster up the energy, he'd be shot to death. He just hung his head low and waited to see where this car was taking him.
Hobs kept an eye on the guy, checking to see the kid didn't throw up or anything. If he fainted, then good for him, it would make dragging his ass into the infirmary tent. “How ya feelin' kid?” Hobs asked as the jeep hit a deep pot hole, making everyone jerk harshly to the sides a bit. “We're all wondering what the hell you did to make the Captain allow for ya to keep on breathing. Not many get the chance to live.”

Daves, the man driving the jeep, grunted and nodded his head. “The Devil's luck I'll say. Won't last. Best ya fifty bucks.” He said and made a sharp turn.

Hob grunted. “Make a hundred.”

“Deal” Said Daves.

“So, you got a name kid? I know you're awake. Not sure for how long, but hey, might as well get as much as I can out of ya before we make it to our temporary HQ.” Hobs grabbed on as Daves hit another pot hole. Adjusting himself once again, he grunted and looked back to the kid. “And what made you think it was a good idea to fight our Capt.?”
Nathan's vision was hazey and shakey as he listened to the soldiers speak to him. They swayed and bounced around in his vision as his eyes were having trouble staying focused, especially with the rather rough and violent jeep ride he was in. "Shock...Shocked her..." Nathan murmured lightly to answer Hobs' question about what possibly made him live after a fight with Juri Han. "Shocked her...Kicked my ass...Shocked her...Burnt myself out and couldn't fight...Was so certain that I won...No one I know lives after I do what I did...but then again I rarely ever...actually do the technique I did...rarely are we attacked by raiders, bandits, and assholes..." He then heard the second question. "She killed my friends...I tried to avenge them but I failed..." He looked out the side of the jeep and watched the trees get passed by. "I failed them..."
“Well...you made quite the impression. The Capt is tough as can be. Chances were your little attack was nothing more than a tickle at her side or something.” He shrugged. When he mentioned that he failed his friends, Hobs simply shrugged. “No one is your friend, not when your in a position like you were just in. Were they even your friends? Bet not. Chances were, one of them would have sold ya out if they had the chance.” He laughed and shook his head, though deep down, Hobs knew that Juri would do the very same thing to them, it was in her nature to do it. He's seen it plenty of times, so it wouldn't be a surprise. Mostly everyone has prepared themselves for the worst.

The jeep finally came to a stop and was shut off.

“Were here.” Daves said and stepped out.

Hobs reached over and opened the door, stepped out and went around to help the kid out. “Come on. We'll get ya looked at and patched up. You can enjoy a bit of sleep before the Capt. Gets to ya.” Helping Nathan out, Hobs turned him and led him to a pristine looking building, which was rare, especially around this area in the country. A stretcher was coming towards them, along with nurses. Hobs helped Nathan onto the roll away gurney. “Not sure if he has anything broken. Mostly bruises and cuts I see.”

Nathan was rolled inside and taken to the infirmary.

After an hour, he was bandaged and hooked up to an IV, his vitals stable. A nurse was writing in a chart as she stood beside him. “Any pain? Nausea? Dizzyness? Do you need anything before I go?” She asked, her voice a bit hollow sounding
Nathan felt hollow as he listened to what Hobs was saying about his friends. He didn't believe that they'd sell him out but...he knew that if it meant saving their own lives, then one of them might just do it. He remained silent the rest of the way there, and when the jeep stopped...he had no struggle as the soldiers got him onto a stretcher and out toward the infirmary. He lay there throughout the entire hour they worked on him and let him rest. He was conscious the entire time, even if they used anesthetics on him to numb him and possibly knock him out...He was conscious. Now the nurse was asking if he wanted anything and if he felt anything. "I feel numb from the drugs..." He said simply and turned his head lightly to look to the nurse. "Tell me...Whats going to happen to me. Why am I still alive? What use does that...devil have for me...?"
The nurse just looked at him. She shrugged and continued to jot down in her chart. "I don't know what's gonna happen to you. Even if I did know, I wouldn't be telling you." She closed her chart. "If there is nothing else, then I'll be leaving." Turning away, she left the room, leaving Nathan to himself.

Not even a few seconds and Juri came in. "Well, you're alive and looking..."She gave him a once over. "Like shit." She laughed. Not caring that much about his well being or about his wounds, she sat herself on the edge of the bed. Reaching over, she took hold of his face and stared at him. "Amazing. Really amazing." She could feel the chi flowing within him.It was weak, but once Juri got done with him, he would thank her.

"Once I'm done with you, you'll be praising me and thanking me for taking you. Yes, yes. Rather stupid of you to waste your time and talent back there with those rats. They were useless and would have gotten you killed." She let go of his head and slipped off the bed. "Tell me your name. I need to know your name."
Nathan frowned as he heard the cold words of the nurse...and was curious as to why this was happening to him. What did he do to deserve this? Why did he get punished like this just to try and avenge his fallen friends and classmates? And now here he was...in the enemy hands and in their hospital, not knowing what was going to happen to him or if he was even going to live much longer, knowing the cruel and evil leader that had made claim to him not too long ago.

Just upon thinking about her, it seemed like it was her cue to come in...and saw Juri Han enter the room and start looking at him, both complimenting and insulting him at the same time. He growled lightly, weakly...unable to really muster up much energy to do much after all that had happened prior to this moment. When she sat herself on the bed and held his face, he leered at her with a powerful glare as she held onto him and began to start talking to himself. And then she spoke about him thanking her. This enraged him greatly. Why would he be thanking her? What would she had done for him that he would make him thank her for anything that she's done? It was stupid and she was just making him more and more angry.

"If you don't shut the fuck up...I'm going to bash your skull in and give you the shocks that nearly ended your heart, you heartless bitch...!" He said with a growl, directly disobeying her request for him to give her his name. "Go to hell and stay there...because once this is over with...I'm going to make sure you end up there."
Someone had closed the door behind her. Good, cause Juri's attention was focused on him. Grinning, she climbed on the bed and over his body. Knees placed on either side of his hips, she grabbed hold of his wrists and raised them up, slamming his hands against the pillow on either side of his head. "Oh you will? As far as I recall, your little love shocks did nothing to me. Oh yes, they sped my heart up, but it was from the sheer pleasure of feeling them, not pain or fear." She grinned, her face close to his. "You can't do shit to me you little fuck. You are nothing. You're weak. You couldn't even split my fucking head wide open if you got the chance."

Juri leaned in and pressed her lips to his ear. "I've been to hell many times. The devil welcomes me everytime. The next time I go, I'll be sure to bring you with me." She nipped his earlobe and pulled away, releasing him as she slipped from the bed. "Get some rest. You need to regain all the strength you have in order to kick my ass." She laughed and turned away heading for the door. Reaching for the door knob, she twisted it and opened the door. Before she stepped out, she looked over her shoulder. "And don't bother escaping. Everyone will be keeping an eye on you." Winking, Juri left, slamming the door behind her.
He bit his lip as she suddenly overpowered him, lifting his arms above his head and pinned him down with her knees to both sides. He was still too weak to fight back, and she spoke about how his special attacks only served to pleasure her rather than harm her. He felt fear in his heart as he looked up at her, and then heard her whisper into his ear about her being in hell many times and that he'd be the next one she brings to it. The next thing he knew, she was off...and his heartrate was finally realized to him as he looked to a monitor that began to start beeping quite fast from how scared he was. He stayed silent, not looking at Juri as he tried to fight off the tears...tears of sadness that everything he once knew was now stripped from him and he was to be working for the enemy now.
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