Genestealer Infestation (Squishypink x Tavi)


Apr 12, 2013
The frontier world of Shas'an had a long way to go before it could become a fully fledged Sept of the tau empire. One of the unique challenges was the local fauna. Though not exactly dangerous, there had been a few incidents of aggression. That was part of the work that they did at Fia's lab. It was the central lab for breeding and fertility operations on the colony, and besides ensuring the high fertility rates needed to sustain a colony's population, the Earth caste scientists also developed less aggressive strains of local fauna. Fia wasn't involved in that project. She and her team were specialists in tau breeding, and as they called off their shift for the evening, the three of them strolled wearily back to the hab block nearby.

Fia, the tallest of the girls, was the team's leader from the Bork'an Sept and was a very light blue in color. Vy and her sister Cho were local-born, and had the distinct purple tint that tau of Shas'an had started to develop. All of them wore standard Earth caste kit, dark blue bodysuits under white lab gowns. They walked and joked with one another, happy to be done with another day but also talking about taking their work home with them. Both sisters hoped to find bond-mates and conceive offspring soon. Fia merely wondered how she would manage the workload while they were on gestation leave.

None of them realized that they were being stalked from the shadows.
"Patriarch these are the three who work on the breeding of their kind. He smirked inwardly at the news as he listened to the Magus chatter instantly in the back of his mind. The other two near by were also relaying information before he spoke powerfully, the sound resonating over their own thoughts, The leader is mine, do with the other two as you wish... Make it look like an attack directed by one of the scientist's rivals..." They spoke enthusiastically that his will would be done as he closed his eyes waiting for his prize to arrive. After all a brood lord like him did not need do much more than direct his lessors till his true masters arrived. "One survivor who ran to save her own hide, and she will return to be the start of something grand in this worthless Tau encampment, some empire..." He chortled at that they were all ants scurrying around before the will of others, only who he was under was to vast to imagine they had no chance.

The magus moved forward with a grace that fit his station a low faction, but it has been making some noise. "Ahh how are the three of you doing this day." He nodded to each in turn his bald head, and heavy features making him rarely one who had anyone outside of a few political whores at his call. "Fia, I would ask that you escort me, I have someone who would like to meet you very much. He is rather shy, but was hoping to talk to you about the breeding program." He was known for speaking very blunt, and as a second in command his 'liege' was often hid away to busy to be concerned with such low matters. However there have been a few who had devoted themselves to the strange man always hidden giggling about his features, and seemed to hide all suspicions about the man being always locked away.

The two gene stealers ahead waited quietly, one above the light in an alley they would need to take unless they were planning on a longer walk. They would chase the women down if must either way the three women were not going to be free to continue their work unless it was under the Patriarch's command.
(ooc nerd rage! there wouldn't be a magus in this brood but let's rp it anyway lol )

Fia started at the sudden appearance of one of the bureaucrats from the colony hub. She couldn't recall his name, only that she had seen him at council meetings. There had always been something odd to her about his features, but she tried not to judge. After all, she had been turned down for breeding countless times due to her lighter off-world skin tone, and in an age of interstellar expansion such a thing was hardly the most severe change that the void could wreak upon a tau's body. "Apologies, councilor. I am Fio'ui Bork'an Fia. I would be glad to assist you, but may my assistants continue on ahead? They are coming into season and hope to make it to the colony hub before all the eligible males are bonded." There but for the grace of the Tau'va go I, she thought to herself, lamenting all the wasted breeding cycles since she'd arrived on Shas'an.
Shi smiled just slightly as he bowed his head as if pleased she would help him knowing he could not openly make her. "You do me a great honor I than you. I am Por'la D'yanoi Shi Tau'va" He looked to the two assistants his gaze was that of confusion as he added, "I am sorry, you were not invited to attend... May you find a proper male." He nodded his head a fraction to each, not as deeply as to Fia, but not disrespectful either. "Please follow me, if it pleases you." With that the man turned with a smooth grace of one who attended the high class, and would not be seen as sloppy while in their service. Moving in the opposite direction not quickly, but a smooth pace that covered the ground reasonably for her to say anything she needed then catch up without a hurried pace.

The two genestealers at a silent command from Shi receded back to a more proper ambush for the two who would leave. They would not leave the girls in a position to cause trouble either by 'breeding' or removing their threat it would be done for the invasion would come one day, may-hap not soon as these people seemed to have almost no place in the network that was the warp.
Fio'ui Fia walked wearily alongside Por'la Shi, her hooves falling quietly upon the pavement as she wondered what business the Por might have with her breeding programs. "Honored Por, I confess I am at a loss for how I might assist you or your caste. If you have come to request male offspring, I must respectfully inform you that the Aun have declared a higher need for females at this time." She turned and gave a shallow bow to convey her sincerity. "Please understand, I am powerless in this regard."
Shi looked to her with almost shock as he shook his head slowly, "No my dear I would never ask that of you. I will admit the one I am currently serving does not always lay before me his plans however he has told me that you would be perfect for something he has found something of great importance." He leaned close to her with an apologetic look, "Unfortunately I believe he can not bring it to someone of more influence in case what he has found may not be as fruitful as he intends you know how much trouble he has gotten for being hidden away." Though he spoke as though it was common knowledge publicly it was accepted despite odd.

He moved to the building that he used as his office, and homestead. It was rumored that the man he served was an Aun'vre, but as he was never seen out in public most just assumed he was one of the Fie'o who enjoyed his privacy with work too important to be bothered by anything else. No rule has been said one way or the other, and the Aun had not spoken of the man as of yet.
Fia blushed a deep cobalt blue. "O-oh my, I am sorry for presuming, honored Por. By all means, I will assess whatever it is that your superior has found." She followed along in the awkward silence that ensued, their hoof falls the only sound aside from the gentle breeze. "The climate machines have finally started to make the autumns bearable. I remember when I first arrived, I had to stay cloistered away during the first few weeks to avoid the humidity. Do you feel the same, having been born here?" She knew it was just idle chatter, but it was better than nothing as they walked further and further along the path.
"No my dear, it is a common enough perception of me. Most think me a bit free with such things as the women I have called were... shall we say unlikely to be with a man like me." He was no fool he was not a good looking or incredibly fit. However he was a survivalist he had adapted to many things, and the women he laid with gave birth without complications. The children were more or less separated due to not wanting to cause trouble the excuse of they took well of the father stopped most questions why they were held away. "I adapted well, though it is better now I could have done well with it..." Many had been shut away, but a rare few did not take more than a few days before they forced on through life. He stopped turning to her, "Three doors down, and to the left. I would not like to intrude myself, but he should be expecting you. Thank you for the talk my dear Fio. May your path be that of Tau'va
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