PASWG RP- Fast Times at Daten City


May 6, 2013
Everywhere.... Nah in the U.S :P (Hell)
Rain. Raining. Drizzling. Pouring.

It would seem more than normal to see lightning strike down during a storm, or during a sort of heavy raining day. Not in this case, in this case it was a quiet evening, an unusually quiet evening, no crickets chirping, no cats yowling nor mewling, not even the sounds of fornication within the city of 'sin' known as Daten City. Nothing, just utter silence. It was quiet, as if there was only one night for once, where the streets and roads were clear, where the law appeared to be in control. It was quite alien to see this, for anyone who was used to the appearance of Daten City in full swing. Nothing more than the sound of wind rushed through the streets occasionally broke said respectable silence. The silence was to be broken by the sound of thunder, above in the sky, the cloudless, starless sky, came the rumble of lightning.. In a flash came a bolt of lightning that, didn't hit the ground if not it just shot across the sky like a bullet, as if it had changed it's mind in the middle of it's path of heading down to the earth to strike on the concrete streets. Then came the scream of someone, not some poor sap getting shanked or shot, but the scream of a poor sap ...poor saps FALLING. Then... a splash, and just like that, the chaos of Daten City resumed.

Lights. Music. Sex. Etc, Etc. Time seemed to resume after that little bolt of lightning shot across the sky.

"..Ugh...shit... " groaned a young man at the sky, drenched in muddy water. The fall really rattled his brains...well what was left of his brains. He snarled slightly at the sky, looking up at the endless blue only to get hit on the head by an umbrella. Of course... How fun, the asshole either had a REALLY cruel sense of humor or his timing was ridiculously off... Shaking the muddy water off his clothes, with a huff, the young man quickly picked up the umbrella shaking mud off it, opening it up as then God's little way of saying 'Oops~' came raining down. Rain...

This young man took a moment to soak his head in the rain water to clean off the murky mud-like water from his hair, as shaggy and messy as it was, he liked it clean. He PERFERED being more or less presentable on the first day. Speaking of first days, he looked down to see his companion, a brown haired man, who appeared to be snapping back to reality after being nearly knocked clean out from the fall. This brown haired male looked up at the other with a glare and a frown, wordless. They simply stared at each other for a moment before they moved on together. They wandered on, and on, the raven haired man was told where to go, but he was of course torturously lost, or so he believed. In a while, he found himself at the door step of a church, behind of which was a graveyard. The infamous church of the Anarchy sisters, and that priest. He was sent down there, to... well he wasn't entirely sure why, he of course knew why he was supposed to go, but he didn't know why this other angel had to go with him. Aside from that, he was more concerned as to what would happen to him or his companion just by failing this task.

He and his comerade were to attempt to discipline those two bitches, plain and simple, discipline them and turn them back into more or less law-abiding angels. That was it, mission done, they'd go back, those two idiots would go to heaven again and everyone would be happy...more or less. From what he had learned about the two bitches, they were sisters.... That was it, they were just an apparently, huge nuisance or rather an embarassment to the angels, fornicating, abusing their power, fornicating, destroying so many things both living and undead, their path of destruction was unparalleled. He had to fix it, well now THEY had to fix it and make sure that they did their job, and of course go the fuck home once it was all done..whoop-de-fucking-doo~ The raven haired man knocked on the door, frowning seeing that the doors were locked, without hesitating, he knocked louder, his fists pounding against the wooden doors. They both... merely looked at the door. A young man with messy black hair, a large black fedora with a large brim, bright yellow eyes, donning a black...somehow ghostly tuxedo, the rest of his outfit was black, minus the shirt under the black tux, that was white... His comerade was in a brownish-black trenchcoat, black hair, and cool blue eyes, they had a similar fashion senses both were dressed in a grim manner, like a pair of undertakers. Undertakers that were DRENCHED in rain... The 'brown' undertaker looked at his fellow angel seeing that he was starting to lose his patience. Okay remain calm..

With a boom, the fedora wearing man busted the doors down, a new record, he lasted a full ten seconds before busting the doors down. He saw that, no one was in, shockingly. They were probably all asleep or something. Makes sense, or at least it did to him. The two sat down somewhere where they felt comfortable only to be greeted by the thudding footsteps of someone, no doubt to see who had busted the door down. The men saw a priest, no doubt this...'Garterbelt' they were told of. At first Garterbelt was armed, with...a few questionable items, a few whips, large blunt looking...object things and some nun-chucks looking suspiciously...not entirely like nun-chucks. Seeing that it was the angel, he had a blank face and then assumed a more 'appropriate' appearance, clearing his throat as he quickly hid his whips and other items within his robe. "Angels, get yo asses down here, right now!" Hearing no response, he then boomed. "Hey bitches! When I say get up, I mean get the hell off of your lazy asses and get the fuck up!"
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