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Semi-Detailed roleplayer searching

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Wicked Wolf

Primal Desire~
Sep 9, 2013
Looking for new roleplayers to hang out with and roleplay. I mostly use YIM but PM would work fine if asked for it. If you just strait up add me on YIM please tell me youre from bluemoon on the friend request or leave me a PM here.

As far as ideas go i have alot of things I like to do and ideas i like to explore. Im a fairly easy going roleplayer, while i enjoy semi-para and para rps, dont expect long posts every time. At the same time Please no one liners or of the sort, it gets boring fast. I will occassionally allow a couple if the scene is fast, intense and not much else to say without repeating yourself.

But my Characters i use are a Wolf demon, a Vampire Lord, and a Human Frost specialized mage. I will make random characters for rp sake and fun, I dont have to use just those. Also i mostly use Modern or Mideval era styled roleplays but I am not against using someone elses preference. PM me with ideas!!!
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