The Tale Of Riddick (Blacktalon x instanitys4free)


Aug 18, 2013
The sound of flying over ships screamed through the thick and moistures’ jungle as large birds flew off out of their hiding spots in the trees. Some animals ran through the vegetation on the ground in between the large amount of trees and roots that have sprung out from under the ground. The sun was shining brightly as it was a warm and wet day. There was not a single cloud on the sky as the sudden swift images of the three transport ships appeared for a second above the jungle. The weeks have past long since his ship crashed down, he had been surviving like he always did but he wanted off this stupid rock, this wet and pathetic jungle. It wasn’t anything for him, he wanted it simple and somewhere he wouldn’t be noticed, but this wasn’t simple at all.

As the images pass by a shadow moved slowly from within a tree, some of the leaves of the surrounding trees were blown away by the passing of the ships and it let some sunlight through as it shone on top of the shadow that was in the tree. It first revealed a rough looking face, eyes covered by black, sun blocking shades as it continued downwards to uncover his whole face, a small scruffy beard was on his quite rough but strangely handsome face. His body was quite wide and nicely built, his outfit was a quite tight but still flexible outfit, it were his normal clothing as he didn’t wear anything else, but now he had a thick cloak on as well, a brown one which was covering his body in shadows, a hood was laying on his back which was ready to cover his whole head up. On the back of his belt were his two trusted weapons the knuckle-daggers that he always had. He had a smirk on his face, the one he had when a plan shot through his mind and he knew exactly what he had to do.
Riddick swiftly started making his way to the place he saw the ships landing. He moved quite swiftly, being an Alpha Furyan, he was stronger and faster than the average Furyan. His agile and swift movements allowed him to move like a shadow through the jungle, the hood of his cloak would flap swiftly as he moved, the wind soaring past him as he moved through the leaves of the trees, he would leave a path of falling leaves as he moved through the trees.

After a certain amount of time he had reached his goal, one of the trees at the edge of the jungle. He stopped silently and looked at the place where the ships landed and he observed a small Necromonger encampment which seemed to contain human prisoners by the way the cages were built, simple bars would be put 5 cm’s next to each other, connected with the outside with a metal door. There were patrols of 4 Necromonger soldiers each, a simple tactic would allow Riddick to sneak into one of the ships and take off without any problems. He observed for a while longer and saw that they were taking out a new batch of human captives. He smirked gently and saw his chance. He moved in closer.
RE: The Tale Of Riddick

How did this happen?
She was still wondering this even while chained up in the cargo area of the transport ship. She was with many others, she wondered if they were thinking the same thing. They all knew what was coming, what would happen after they landed. They’d be herded out like cattle and weeded. Necromongers weren’t forced to convert. No, that was savage and barbaric! Instead each and every one of them would be given a choice, convert or die. Not much of a choice considering both choices left a bad taste in her mouth. None of them wanted to convert but none of them wanted to die either.

The landing was smooth, just a little shaky but when the doors to the cargo bay opened everyone looked out, squinting their eyes against the harsh light. At first no one moved but they weren’t given a choice. The soldiers that were kindly escorting them to their converting destination began to forcibly shove and prod some of their captives. With no choice they were forced off of the ship in lines of two. They weren’t going to wait or give them any time to decide.

Evelyn or rather Evie was in the middle of the line. The chains were removed but they had guards armed to the teeth waiting and watching them. If someone tried to run they wouldn’t get a choice. The necromongers were so egotistical that they didn’t think they would need shackles on their prisoners. “…Will you convert?” There was a necromonger priest at the start of the line, eyeing the pair in front of him. They were both male and both very nervous. They didn’t know what to say at first but the man on the left, older than the one on the right spoke up.

“Fuck you…”

Wrong answer…BANG

The thundering sound of the necromonger fun rang out, shaking the ground a bit and making those who weren’t converts wince. It happened so suddenly and when they all looked up the defiant man’s head was completely gone, nothing more than mush on the ground. Evie grew pale and she stared with wide eyes. She was so stunned that she forgot to breathe. She knew they would kill them if they didn’t convert but seeing it was so…so brutal. From then on the line moved rather quickly. Left and right people were giving themselves to the necromongers, agreeing with conversion.

The line was growing shorter…it would be her turn next. What should she do? What should she say? Evie’s heart was pounding hard in her chest. She even anxiously grabbed at the gray tank-top she was wearing while she tripped over her rugged combat boots. It was almost her turn but thankfully that wouldn’t happen. “Fuck this!!” The two young men in front of her suddenly tackled the priest. All it took was an act of violence before everyone else around her broke out into fighting. At first Evie was confused and scared but then she saw one of the ships and the guards who were guarding it come join the fray. They didn’t want to start killing people left and right, these could be their potential brothers and sisters so at first the necromongers were going to try and subdue them.

This was her chance! Evie was considerably small in height and body. She was more lithe and flexible then she was strong. She didn’t engage in the fight, instead she headed towards the ship. Keeping low but going fast. In all honesty she wished she knew how to polite a ship, this stupid idea would be a lot better but alas she had no knowledge of this. Instead her plan was to hide it out until they reached a planet with a city or something and make a break for it. Yeah, not the best plan but fuck it! She didn’t have an option.

During the chaos the young beauty slipped into the ship and quickly found a place to hide. It was in one of the dark corners behind a crate. She figured she wanted to keep to the dark crannies of the ship if she wanted to make it out of here. Evie was glad she was tiny and it helped that she wasn’t wearing much or had baggage. All she had claim to right now was the ripped up jeans and tank-top she was wearing along with her boots. All her other belongings she had been stripped of, not like she had much. Now all she had to do was wait and hope this was a good damn plan.

While waiting she found herself exhausted and with the illusion of safety she fell asleep in the dark corner of the ship while praying they wouldn’t find her.
RE: The Tale Of Riddick

Riddick waited for the soon to arrive darkness, he would find his nature’s embrace in it, his natural element. Soon the curtain of darkness started to shroud the stretched out lands and would provide Riddick of what he loved, the shadows. They hung around his body; it cloaked him and made him into what he desired most, invisible.

And as night fell he grinned and grabbed the branch he was on, he slowly put off his goggles and sighed in peace with himself, he had his eyes shut but after a few seconds. He opened them gently and revealed his bright white eyes, those furyan eyes that resisted everything and brought fear into everything or everyone they stared into. Because legends said that Furyan’s did not look, they stare right into the soul of their observations and break it down just by looking at it. Furyans were rumored across every planet that knew of them. Of course Riddick was even a stronger form of Furyan, an Alpha and thus he was destined to be a leader.
As he gently moved down from the branch, he landed with a soft thud on the ground and merged into the shadows. The cloak even enhanced his cloaking inside of the shadows, as he put on the hood of the cloak; he was invisible even at 3 meters in range to someone else. He had truly mastered the art of being somewhere and at the same time not being there for others.

As he moved to the ship, unseen and unheard, he saw another patrol. These stopped at the ships though and they were going to be a problem for Riddick, but for every problem there is a solution. And for that Riddick knew just too well to exploit something that felt as a second beating heart. He swiftly made his way on top of the ship he needed to be and then looked down at the 4 necromonger soldiers that were standing and looking around. Suddenly Riddick vanished from the top of the ship as he landing in between the last two necromonger soldiers, he had grabbed his daggers while landing softly, stabbing both the necromongers in their throat as he pulled them out again and swiftly stabbed both of the other necromongers in the back of the neck.

The cloaking of the shadow and his swiftness and speed made him capable of doing this silent and deadly. He grabbed the bodies and stacked them up at the entrance to the ships; he wanted them to not be able to follow him. He went to the engines of the other two ships and cut a few cables on the side of the engines, disabling them from flight. He returned to the ship and entered through the cargo bay, he closed it again and then went to the pilot seat as he started the ship and made lift off shortly after. The necromongers were shooting at them though but their ships were far too well equipped to even be able to scratch it with something they were shooting.

Riddick put the ship on auto-pilot as he stood up and walked over to Evelyn “Wake up”
RE: The Tale Of Riddick

She was sound asleep when Riddick commandeered the ship right from under the necromonger’s noses. By the time they realized it was far too late. The girl was starting to stir when she felt movement but alas she was so exhausted that she didn’t wake up, not immediately anyway. It was only when she heard a male voice in her sleep that her bright blue eyes snapped open. At first she was confused. Evie looked around while lightly combing her hair with her hands. Where was she? It only took a moment before her memory came back. That’s right, she had been hiding in the necromonger ship and fell asleep.

In silenced she looked up at the foreboding male that stood over her. He was very large and muscular. He could over power her with ease and Evie was sure if he wanted to he could probably throw her with one arm. Was he a necromonger? He looked much different than the ones she had seen before. Maybe he was just higher in rank then the peon soldiers that escorted them before.

Shit shit shit!!!

Evie slowly began to stand up, her back pressed hard against the wall as she tried to create more of a distance between them. She was cornered, or so she thought. How did he know she was there?! It was pitch black in the corner she was hiding in. In fact the whole ship seemed to be rather dark aside for the soft lighting and floor guide lights. The girl swallowed hard while debating what to do. It was only them on the ship? That was rather odd but she didn’t think any more into it. She still thought he was a necromonger and that he was going to take her back.

No…the wasn’t going to go back! She couldn’t! Within everyone there was that fight of flight feeling. Since she was stuck in a metal can there was so flight option, only fight. The spry young girl leapt over the crate she had been previously hiding behind before to give them some space. She rounded the man all while looking like a frightened cat ready to strike. “I’m not…I’m not going back there..” She finally spoke, her voice trembling as much as the rest of her body. Evelyn knew she didn’t have a chance in hell but fuck it what else was she supposed to do.

The girl stayed opposite to him in the cargo bay. Was she really going to fight him? No, she had another idea in mind. All it took was a little glance towards the pilot area to reveal her intentions. Most ships had an emergency sealer that sectioned off the ship from the pilot area. If she got up there maybe she could trigger it and seal this man in the cargo hall. It was insane but in all honesty it was all she got right now.

Evelyn breathed out a slow breath, staring at the forboading figure for a while longer before she repeated herself again. “You can’t make me go back!!!” She yelled before taking off. The girl was rather fast which made up for her lack of strength. She ran towards Riddick as fast as she could but when Evelyn reached with in grabbing distance she changed her tactic. Out of nowhere the young girl dove to her knees, sliding along the ground beside Riddick. She was a little escape artist now wasn’t she? Evelyn didn’t even hesitate before she got back to her feet and scrambled into the pilot area, frantically looking for the command switch that sealed the pilot area off. If she flipped that the likelihood of him being able to get her was little to none.
RE: The Tale Of Riddick

Riddick smirked as she looked at him with her eyes filled with fear, confusion and questions. Riddick got interested by her, the way she looked and what she was doing here in this ship. He eyed her up and down rather detailed, watching every detail on her sweet body as he inhaled through his nose quite heavily “That is amazing” he said with a smile “You’re so innocent” he said with a pleased smirk on his face, he looked at her and then nodded “That’s not for you to decide if you’re going to go back or not, that’s mine since you are on my ship” he said with quite a rough and dominate voice, his voice sounded raspy but manly. Evelyn would feel it, she was getting more scared as the man stepped backwards and put his hands on the ceiling of the ship. He was waiting for something, something that would make it a lot more fun for him.

As Evelyn yelled and charged at him and then slid underneath him, Riddick chuckled softly. Before reaching the control panel the lights of the ship suddenly went out, Riddick had pulled the lever that controlled the lights, it was located in the middle of the room and now Evelyn would see nothing but darkness, the control panel wasn’t lighting up as well, it was as dark as a shadow and she would hear something behind her, something strong and big. She could suddenly feel her hair being moved and the flow of air caused by a breath coming past her ear “Are you afraid of the dark?” Riddick said next to her as he seemed to fade away into the darkness again. “I wouldn’t force yourself too much, You wouldn’t want to be that desperate, you might walk into something you won’t like” The voice was coming from all around her, her left then suddenly her right and even above her, it seemed to be everywhere as she could hear a soft Thud behind her. Something was behind her, she knew it and so Evie went to turn around and look what was behind her. But what followed was something else.

Suddenly Evelyn could feel how two big and strong hands grabbed her wrists and pulled her along easily to one of the poles in the ship, there he pulled her wrists together as they were over the pole and put a pair of cuffs on her wrists, and as the pole was in between her arms, she had no meaning of escaping anymore. Riddick chuckled as he turned the lights back on, illuminating her as she would be at the middle of the cargo bay, her wrists cuffed around the pole and nowhere to go, she could see Riddick sitting down in front of her with a smirk on his face “Look at you, this is how far you have gotten…” He went to her and ran one of his hands through her hair “Your name”.
There it was! The lever she needed! Bye bye asshole! Evie reached out to grab it when the lights suddenly went out. Even the navigation system wasn’t lit up. What the fuck did he just do?! Panick already spread throughout her body like a plague, especially when she could hear noises in the dark. Evie curled up in the pilot seat, she hated the darkness and when she looked back into the ship she saw nothing. It was just an empty black void. Her heart pounded fast and hard against her chest. She swallowed panicked gulps of air as she tried to get a handle of herself but she was trembling at this point. Then….he spoke.

Evelyn tried to remember where she had seen the lever, her hands going over the control panel in an attempt to jar her memory. It was useless though, he had caught her long before she could even fathom where the switch was. Evelyn screamed when she was tugged out of the chair with ease. She fought against his grip but that also was useless. He was stronger than her, he didn’t even seem to hesitate or stumble from her struggling. Clang! Something new touched her wrist, something tight and cool which threw her off. Her imagination was running wild but she couldn’t think of what it was. Only when the lights came back on did she understand.


Despite it being utterly hopeless she struggled and tugged against her restraints, slamming them against the pole in an attempt to either break the pole or her cuffs, whichever came first. Even with him in front of her she tried out of fear but when he stood Evie went still, trembling like a little mouse caught by a big nasty cat. When he touched her Evie turned her head away with a little whimper. His touch was almost intimate… almost. Despite her rugged and beat up looks her brunette locks were surprisingly soft for the most part.

What could she do? There was nothing she could do…or maybe. The frightened girl looked at him, that primal, survival instinct blatant in her pretty blue eyes. When one couldn’t flee, they fought. That was the only choice she hard right now other than to be at this necromonger’s mercy. Evelyn raised her arms above her head on the pole and gripped it tightly so that he could lift herself up on it. One leg after another hooked onto Riddick’s shoulders and she pulled him closer between her thighs. It would have been an interesting position if there wasn’t a pole between them. Evelyn was trying to choke Riddick against the pole he chained her to. She end onto it for dear life while trying to tighten her grip on him. “My name’s fuck you!” She growled while trying to over power the Alpha Furyan. Evelyn had another thing coming though....
Riddick grinned as he looked at her while he stroke through her hair and simply kept looking at her as she was moving. Suddenly he saw something vivid in her eyes, that pure survival instinct that was alive inside of her, that pleasure primal feelings that took over her body and mind and let her act purely out of her own survival. He looked at her in pure pleasure; he was excited by her instincts. This little fragile human woman was actually trying to choke him by just using her legs like that. He smiled and looked at her as she pulled herself up and tried to lock her legs around his neck, trying to squeeze the air out of his lunges. She actually wasn’t doing a bad job, her instincts driving her body to go in overdrive, which enhanced her strength and speed a little. She moved her legs up around Riddick’s neck as she pulled him, trying to strangle with the force of her legs, and at a certain time it seemed to be working as Riddick’s eyes closed shut and his head hung against her left leg. He seemed dead as his neck wasn’t tensed anymore and he didn’t move at all. It seemed that she had regained her freedom once more.

That however was wishful thinking as she now could see his head rising again and a smirk appearing on his head as she could feel that his hands were in between his neck and her lower legs and as he grabbed her inner legs roughly and pulled them as he wrapped them around his waist and chuckled “You really have no idea what you are facing here” he chuckled with the same smirk on his face. He suddenly grabbed the back of her head as he pulled her head only a few inches away from his, his white eyes were looking inside of hers and he smirked “You my little lady are interesting, those eyes, they’re almost as rare as mine, that raw nature and that roughness in your heart, you want to live, I can see it and I can smell it” he smirked and went closer to her, gently smelling her neck to take in her scent as he grunted softly “Mmm such lovely aroma” he said as he pulled his head back and pet her head gently “You are going to live little girl” he chuckled and then looked at her “You don’t know what I am right?” He said with a convinced voice and then let her legs back down on the ground as he grumbled and cracked his neck gently as he walked to one of the many supply boxes on the ship.

He opened up one of the boxes and took out a piece of meat and started eating it in front of her. She would be desperate for a good meal, she would have been so hungry and thirsty, the necromongers didn’t believe that their prisoners needed food or water, for them they were dirt so it was only natural that dirt doesn’t get any products. Evelyn would have never been as hungry in her entire life as she watched Riddick eat the meat and he was doing it right in front of her. He looked at her with a smirk “Your name” he asked with a demanding and angry voice.
He went limp…

Evelyn stared at the men between her legs, her grip upon him relaxing. Did she do it? Had she killed him? For a moment her heart dropped. She knew it was either him or her but actually doing the deed was a whole different story. Evelyn never killed anyone before. Sure she’s stolen before but what kid hadn’t at one point? “Oh my god…” She said softly, about to fully let go of him when Riddick rose his head with that sadistic smirk across his lips. Evelyn went to close her legs tighter but his hand was already between them, forcing her to let go. Instead of dropping on her ass she was forced to wrap those same strong legs around his waist.

She could have easily let go of him but she was too stunned and thus she clung to him tightly around the waist, feeling his muscled frame against hers. This was the second time she forgot to breathe. She was trembling as he brought her closer and even smelt it. It was creepy but at the same time deeply arousing. She even turned her head slightly, as he breathed her scent. His actions were sinister but at the same time intimate in a deep and primal way.

Once Riddick had released her Evelyn’s legs felt like jelly and she crumbled to her knees, still very shocked. She thought he would harm or kill her. Instead he was letting her live? That was odd, just what kind of necromonger was he? Or was he even one at all? Those eyes…those eyes told her that he was a whole different sort of animal and one much more dangerous than the ones she had been previously dealing with.

Evelyn watched him with weary eyes but when he opened the crate and pulled out a piece of meat she watched with interested eyes. Her stomach churned and cramped harshly, gurgling as it demanded food. Within the heat of the moments she had forgotten how hungry and thirsty she was. She lips were lightly cracked and not as plush as they could have been while her throat was bone dry. Idly she ran her tongue over her lips as she watched him with such a predatory gaze. She was like a little puppy who wanted to eat but was afraid to steal from the more domineering animal. That stronger animal being Riddick.

At first she just scoffed at him when he demanded her name once again. She looked away with no intentions of telling him but the smell…oh the smell! Evelyn’s mouth watered as she heard him chewing, swallowing and smelt the delicious scent of food. The girl was trying to resist temptation, she even started to chew on her bottom lip while casting little side glances here and there at him. She couldn’t resist! Oh the bastard was a sly one. In a demanding fashion she held her hands out towards him, wanting a piece. “E-Evelyn….it’s Evelyn alright? Everyone calls me Evie though. There, ya happy now?”
Riddick looked at her “A trapped animal which is hungry and thirsty, nothing better to see then to see that survival instinct kick in” He held out a piece of the meat and chuckled, it was just outside of his reach, he was testing her. He was looking how hard her survival instincts would kick in “Do you know what I am?” he said with a pleased smile. He waited for her answer and if she said he was a necromonger, he would stand up and look angry “A necromonger? I’m not one of those puppets. I, my dear, I’m a Furyan, one of the last of my kind. Possibly the last of my kind.” He said as he squatted down and looked at her with his eyes, those piercing eyes as if they were looking into her soul “Evelyn, Do you want some food and drinks?” he said with a soft smile on his face, just a smile nothing else. She would give into her primal desires, her hunger for meat and her thirst for water. He handed her a new piece of delicious meat and a bottle of water. He chuckled as he looked at her “You interest me Evelyn, have you ever heard the story of Butcher Bay?” he said with a delighted sound to his voice “The story about that one prisoner escaping out of that insane prison, that prison that was known to have no escapes ever” he asked her “Have you ever heard of Riddick” he asked her with a pleasant tone.

He sat down in front of her with a smirk on his face again as he continued eating and drinking. He was waiting for her to answer; he wanted to know if she knew about him and what he had heard about him. How would she stand across to his image around the galaxy, would she know of him or would she be oblivious to his name and actions? He eyed her up and down again and smiled widely “You have some nice equipment there Evie” he said with a voice that insinuated more, that he liked the way her curves were accenting her nice soft body and nice scent. He stood up and looked at her as he went closer to her, he softly moved his fingers through her hair and swiped it behind her ear “You interest me allot Evie, your instincts, they flatter me. They make me remind me of myself, that fearsome desire for your instincts to kick in and save you from whatever situation you are in. It makes you more powerful and swifter in your actions, it makes you better and it makes you even more attractive. That look in your eyes just now, it said enough, you wanted to survive and you wanted to live and get out of here. Your eyes told me and your body followed.” He chuckled with and smelled her neck again as he got up and sat down in front of her again, he wanted to see her reaction.
Why did it even matter but Riddick obviously took offense to her answer. How was she supposed to know who or what he was. “A Furyan?” She said softly. Evie didn’t know what the hell that was. She frowned a little at him and even tilted her head a little to one side like a puppy would when encountered with something new. He went on about some escaped convict and Butcher Bay. She knew of the incident that took place at Butcher Bay and the soul escapee from it. She didn’t know the name of the convict until now. It was him, wasn’t it? Why else would he talk about it out of the blue like that?

“Riddick…” The name sent chills down her spine as she whispered it lowly to herself. That was his name. Now that she thought about it the name was familiar. She had seen bounty notices and what not for Mercenaries. He was one hell of a haul and Evie could understand why now. Even without ever seeing him fight she knew he was a dangerous man. His actions alone spoke loud enough for him. The way he eyed her, his smirk, everything about him read dangerous.

Well, even though he was such a wanted man Evie greedily snatched the food and water from him. With a little scoot she brought herself closer to the pole that she was bound to. She even rested against the cool metal, the pole sitting between her legs and even between her supple young breasts. Hungrily she ate, tearing at the meat he had given her as if she were an animal. It felt like it had been so long since she ate that manners were just thrown out the window. She wanted something in her stomach and she wanted it now. Evie didn’t even taste the food she was eating, she just had to make the pain stop.

She was listening to him but when he mentioned her certain assets Evelyn’s messy cheeks were all flustered and she shifted a little, as if trying to hide herself from his soul baring eyes. It was no use though. It didn’t help that he drew closer to her, touching her again, telling her how interesting she was. Evelyn recoiled from his touch but again there was a slight hint of pleasure in the way she moved. She was fighting it, the instincts he adored so much in her. Deep inside there was that primal feeling that made her want to accept his affections. What woman didn’t like a strong man and Riddick was indeed a strong man.

“I would be flattered but I don’t get riled up for convicted murderers” Evie snapped before finally taking her water. She gulped and gulped but didn’t stop for air. She even tipped the water back along with her head, intent on finishing the bottle off. She was being so greedy and messy that she didn’t even notice or feel the cool trickle of water running down her throat and onto her collarbone. She was just so damn thirsty! She only stopped when there wasn’t a drop left but then she huffily held the bottle out of Riddick with a sulky little stare. “I want more.” She demanded.
Riddick looked at her with an entertained look on his face, she really was stubborn, not just that but rude and conscious. He loved it; his smirk couldn't be hidden as he looked at Evelyn's breasts while she was eating. 'Mmm such lovely curves' he was thinking to himself as he skimmed her body with his eyes, he was almost undressing her with his eyes. Then he heard her remark and chuckled as he stood up and went to her as he squatted and grabbed her hair roughly and pulled her head to him “You should know who is in charge here little girl” he looked into her eyes with his, he was doing nothing for about a few minutes as he finally smirked and let her hair go and stood up, going to sit on the pilot seat. He started adjusting their flight plan as he looked back to her right after and turned the seat around “You want water girl?” he said with a slight mock in his tone. He walked up to her and smiled “How much would you give to get free of these shackles?” he said as he grabbed the middle of it and pulled on it softly, she would get pulled as the pole now would push gently against the middle of her body, her breasts and her legs around the pole as he smiled “Would you bleed for it or would you fight for it?” he asked with a grin on his face.

“Come on show me that rude attitude, that fight in your soul, that survival instinct, surrender to me and I’ll set you free but you have to surrender completely.” He said with a grin on his face as he raised one hand and gently moved it to her head, making his hand glide through her hair as he slowly let his hand slide down, over her shoulder to the side of her right breast and then over to the middle of her chest. There he stopped for a second and gently lowered one finger into her shirt and pulled her shirt down softly, just revealing her breasts as he grinned and then pulled his finger out. He looked at her and then grinned “Come on show me that fight, that survival instinct, that primal instinct that’s telling you something” he said as he stepped closer to her and looked into her face as their lips were nearly touching each other as he looked into her eyes “Set that beast inside of you free, let go of every thought, live by your nature.”
Evelyn gasped when Riddick grabbed her hair. She tried to pull away but she couldn’t, she could only look up into his eyes until he let go. After that she was cautious of him but there was little she could do really, especially when he grabbed her chain between the cuffs and pulled her against the pole. Evelyn tried to fight but eventually she was caught against the cool metal between her legs and her perky breasts. The way he was talking scared her, was he going to rape her? No, it seemed like he wanted something more from her. Whatever it was she was glad not to give it. Yet Evelyn had no idea that what he wanted was In her nature.

When he pulled down her shirt she shut her eyes and looked away but when she looked back at him that look he seemed to love so much. That primitive, primal side that existed in everyone and like everyone she was trying to fight it. There was a deep part of her, that same part that wanted to jump on him and in the good kind of way. There was just something so fascinating about Riddick, especially when he was so close to her.

Keep fighting it…. That’s what her human side, her super-ego kept telling her.

Give in…enjoy it That’s what her Id side of her ego kept telling her.

Evelyn lightly trembled from the feel of his hot breath upon her bottom lip. She could smell his deep scent and already knew the strength his body had. For a moment her resolve of keeping herself contained wavered and it showed by how she bit her bottom lip in longing. Oh she wanted him, it was clear that she did. Suddenly she acted upon those feelings but in her own little way. The girl suddenly pressed their lips together but it was far from a kiss. She parted her plump lips only to snatch his bottom lip between them. Seconds later she bit down and bit hard, hard enough to draw blood and maybe even leave a little scar for him to remember her by.

“Fuck you…” She said defiantly yet her voice was a soft purr like tone. She was trying to fight but her desires, her beast as he liked to call it was starting to show.
Riddick grinned as she bit his lip and made him bleed a little, he licked his lip and let the blood tickle to the tip of his tongue as he licked her lips swiftly, leaving a trace of blood across her lips as he pulled back and bit his bottom lip. "Mmm that fierce scent of survival, that will to not give in to your inner desire, that desire I want to see you give in to" he said with a smirk as he kept holding the chain from her cuffs as he looked at her "Would your clothes do you any good if I took them off ?" he said with a mockish smile as he moved the chain down to the floor and stabbed his dagger in the ground to hold it there.

She would be forced to be in a bend forward position as Riddick moved behind her and gently lifted up her shirt "Like this?" and he then stopped and moved his mouth next to her ears "Or do you want to go straight for here" he said as he moved his hand to her inner thigh and very slowly stroked up, he was testing her once again to see how far her limits were. He wanted to see her beg for his affection, beg for his animalistic side to pick hers. He grinned at her and smiled as he petted her head "Good girl, you'll learn it otherwhise"
Evelyn recoiled when he swiftly licked her lips, leaving the taste of his saliva and blood upon her lips. She tried her hardest to resist the temptation but eventually she gave in and licked his bottom lip rather reluctantly while glaring harshly at him. The taste was erotic and divine. It made her wonder what it felt like to get a kiss forms him, for their tongues to lace and intertwine. NO! She couldn’t think like that! Not if she wanted to resist him but…why? Why was she resisting him? He wasn’t a necromonger, he was convict. That should be enough reason to defy him yet here she was wondering what her intentions were.

The girl suddenly jumped when her chains were forced against the floor making her bend over at the waist with her plump ass perked up for the taking. “Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare come near me!” She growled and struggled against her chains like a wild animal would but it was no use. Evelyn then suddenly grew still when she felt his large and powerful hands upon her petite body, touching her, feeling her. Little by little her shirt went up exposing the womanly curves of her body. A shaky breath came from the girl before she bit her bottom lip, trying to force down the fire that was beginning to burn in her loins. She had never been touched this way. It was exciting and rather intimate the way he did. It was as if he were coaxing her.

“S-Stop…” She pleaded but her tone was rather pleasurable as his hand slipped between her thighs and went even further up. In an attempt to get him away she wriggled her hips but it did nothing. “You…you…” She didn’t know what to call him, he wasn’t a rapist and it wasn’t like she didn’t like it. Oh she liked it, the soft scent that and heated wetness that was growing between her thighs was proof of that. “…Rid…dick…” She said softly as she stared at the ground.

It was then she noticed the dagger that kept her chained down like this. It was within reach. Evelyn didn’t hesitate in grabbing the weapon. It was gammed hard into the floor so when she first puled it didn’t give way. She did it again and again, tugging with all her might. At first it didn’t seem like it would ever pull out but eventually it did and now she was armed. She immediately went to the other side of the pole away from him and held the weapon out in a threatening away. “Don’t you touch me…and take these damn cuffs off!” She demanded, as if she was in any position to demand anything from him right now. That didn’t stop her from trying though.

Why?....Why was she doing this?

Evelyn stared at him with such a lost little stare. His words, his actions, they all confused her. She knew what she should do, not give in to him. He was animal, an outcast of society…but what did society give her? What did being slaved to the mundane do for her? Evelyn led a boring life before, she never been off her planet before, she worked at a ship port shoveling paper work. That…wasn’t her…

She never felt like she had been pinned up for all her life, mindlessly doing what was expected of her rather then doing what she wanted. Go college, get a job, find a husband, have children… all these things were just simply programmed into the everyday person’s head. She never really thought about it until she saw someone who was completely free. It was funny, the necromongers offered freedom…but it was a lie. What Riddick did however was the truth


She dropped the dagger with a clatter and slowly fell to her knees. What did she want? To go home…no, that was a lie. What did she want? What did she really…really want? She didn’t know anymore…He was confusing her.
Riddick smiled and knew she was enjoying what he was doing to her, she gave it away by the lick to his lip and her voice, the tone it was bloodboiling, it gave him chills as she was talking like this. She was getting to her wild side, her nature side and he knew now what was going on in her head. Riddick looked at her when she had his dagger after a long time of pulling on it but still smiled softly asshe looked as how she was doubting "What I say is the truth little girl, it's in your nature, it's who you really are and who you really can be" he said with a soft smile as he came towards her as she still was holding the dagger.

But as she dropped the dagger and slowly fell to her knees, he had slid forward on his knees and stopped infront of her so she would fall down against him and find support on his strong and musculair body as he looked at her. "Empty your mind, close your eyes and inhale strongly and exhale slowly, think about nothing else but you right now, how do you feel ? What do you feel? Don't think about what you want. Think about where you want to be, who you want to be, what you want to be." He said with a soft smile as he brought his lips close to her ear "All you want to be, is free" he said with a kind and gently whisper as he looked into her eyes right after. His eyes were now revealing to her what it was like, they showed nothing else but pure white. The eyes of a furyan are said to look straight into the soul of people, to read their thoughts and emotions and exploit that in battle. But now all they did was look into her eyes. Just a soft look, not the soulless stare anymore.
Helplessly Evelyn rested against Riddick’s chest as she tried to bring her thoughts together. Everything she knew, everything she grew up with, everything she was taught by society today he was pulling apart so effortlessly by the seams. His words sunk in. What did she want to be? Images of a woman with children putting on a fake smile came across her mind. No, that wasn’t who she wanted to be. Suddenly a new image was born, a woman standing at an edge of a cliff, grinning, happily staring at the vast and beautiful scenery around her. The breeze caressing her skin and brushing her hair. Someone who looked truly happy instead of trying to pretend to be that way. A woman who was free of the chains society effortlessly put on her and the weight she unknowingly carried on her shoulders.

Why should she care? Why should she fight it? She was fighting for a fate that made her unhappy! Evelyn didn’t want to be unhappy and miserable like every other woman in the galaxy, she wanted to be free! Untamed! She wanted to be like him. She trembled in delight as he whispered into her ear. She could feel his hot breath tickling her skin as his voice sounded ever so pleasant. When Riddick looked into her eyes the restraints she had put on herself, mentally, were starting to break down bit by bit like brittle ice. Evie looked up into his white eyes that could see right through her. She said nothing, she just stared at him. He seemed so intimidating before but now…now something was different. He seemed much gentler then before and that fear she was holding on to, the fear of him finding the real her was gone.

Slowly the brunette reached up, her bright eyes staring into his white ones. She touched his chin, then his neck and finally traced his collarbone. Just touching him sent shivers of delight down her spine. This was something she had wanted to do but didn’t or rather couldn’t from the chains so put on herself. Touching someone she didn’t know no less touching a convict made her excited. It was something she wanted to do and something society would look down on her for. Fuck society! She was tired of trying to fit in and play the ordinary role. She wanted to be free like him.

“I want….” Evie hesitated, the remnants of her mundane self-trying to hold on as much as it could but it was hopeless at the point. “Riddick…I want to be… to be…” The girl swallowed hard before shutting her eyes and taking a deep breath, like one would do before plunging into an ice-cold pool. “I want to be free…” There, she had finally said her heart’s desire and even saying that alone made her body feel much more relaxed. When she looked at him once more her eyes felt the look of someone trying their best to break free. “And I want you..” For someone who always hid their personal desires admitting this was rather hard but only at first.
Riddick smirked as her true nature was slowly gaining step over her false and forced living. He could sense it, her body was relaxing and she was feeling the small things that he did to her, as if it were the biggest things in the world. He could sense her body heating up as her shoulders relaxed, followed by her back and the rest of her body, her scent was amazing as she was dropping her act and questioning inside of her what she actually really wanted. He could see it in her, her eyes that looked straight into his were like windows to her soul.

It told him that she was his, that she was becoming free like him, that she was surrendering to his words and that she was adopting them as her own. Riddick moved his head to the side as she moved her hand from his stubbled chin to his neck and down to his collarbone. He smirked and then moved his hand to touch hers and grabbed her hand as he moved it to the back of his neck “Then be free, do what you feel that is right and not what you think that is right” he gently moved his hands to her hips and pulled her up on his lap.

He looked at her and once again went to whisper in her ears “Break free” he said as she looked back at his eyes and then he smiled gently as he looked back into her eyes, not a stare anymore, a look. Something that wanted her as much as she wanted him now. She could see it now, now that she was partially free, she could see his instinctive lust for something that had almost had the same nature as himself and it wouldn’t take too long before she had it as well, that nature, that feeling of being free and giving anything to be free.

Riddick didn’t wait for her to make her move, he moved his hands underneath her hips and then moved them to her butt cheeks and pulled her against him, he moved his lips against hers as he slowly inserted his tongue into her mouth, searching to play with hers as he squeezed her butt cheeks quite roughly, it was clear he was making his move on her and he has no doubt of her declining that. He wanted to make her feral like him, make her wild and make her free and give her what her mind and body desires, a freedom she wouldn’t be able to grasp or understand right now.

Riddick smirked as her true nature was slowly gaining step over her false and forced living. He could sense it, her body was relaxing and she was feeling the small things that he did to her, as if it were the biggest things in the world. He could sense her body heating up as her shoulders relaxed, followed by her back and the rest of her body, her scent was amazing as she was dropping her act and questioning inside of her what she actually really wanted. He could see it in her, her eyes that looked straight into his were like windows to her soul.

It told him that she was his, that she was becoming free like him, that she was surrendering to his words and that she was adopting them as her own. Riddick moved his head to the side as she moved her hand from his stubbled chin to his neck and down to his collarbone. He smirked and then moved his hand to touch hers and grabbed her hand as he moved it to the back of his neck “Then be free, do what you feel that is right and not what you think that is right” he gently moved his hands to her hips and pulled her up on his lap.

He looked at her and once again went to whisper in her ears “Break free” he said as she looked back at his eyes and then he smiled gently as he looked back into her eyes, not a stare anymore, a look. Something that wanted her as much as she wanted him now. She could see it now, now that she was partially free, she could see his instinctive lust for something that had almost had the same nature as himself and it wouldn’t take too long before she had it as well, that nature, that feeling of being free and giving anything to be free.

Riddick didn’t wait for her to make her move, he moved his hands underneath her hips and then moved them to her butt cheeks and pulled her against him, he moved his lips against hers as he slowly inserted his tongue into her mouth, searching to play with hers as he squeezed her butt cheeks quite roughly, it was clear he was making his move on her and he has no doubt of her declining that. He wanted to make her feral like him, make her wild and make her free and give her what her mind and body desires, a freedom she wouldn’t be able to grasp or understand right now.
Evelyn gasped as she was pulled into Riddick’s lap, her arms at an awkward angle since she was still chained to the pole. She was still hesitating and doubting her inner instincts but not as much as before. She would have crawled off his lap or made a fuss about it but instead she looked rather comfortable perched upon him, as if he were her throne. When his large hands began to explore her she hissed in pleasure and slightly perked her rear up into his hands as he gripped her back side.

His tongue was more than welcomed with in the moist heat of her mouth. His tongue easily filled her mouth and easily tempted her own tongue into playing with him. She tongue-wrestled with him, pushing him, and coiling around him while mixing their hot saliva. Their kiss grew a little messy but that’s how she liked it and when he squeezed her ass so roughly like that she only moaned heatedly against his lips. Evelyn even squeezed her thighs around him, afraid that he might dare back off when they only had just begun. The pent up sexual frustration she was feeling was coming out all at once from years of being too busy to find a significant other or at the least a lay.

The girl went to grasp at him but when she felt her hands bound she let out a frustrated little grunt. Evelyn pulled against she chains again and again, trying for freedom but she just couldn’t All she was doing was rattling her chains against the pole and a quite aggressive way. Finally she had to unlock lips with him, a strand of saliva looping between them before dropping off. Evelyn gave him the look he seemed to adore so much but this time it was different. She didn’t look like his cornered prey anymore trying to fight back. No, Evelyn was evolving beyond that. She was turning into a predator. Her eyes had a hint of feral ferocity to them while she lusted after him. Her body was burning hot and a familiar wet warmth hat every lady knew all too wet slicked her inner most thighs. She had never been this turned on in her fucking life! She wanted to not only fuck someone she didn’t even know but a convict of all things! A man who could break her in half with easy over his knees but he wanted her just as much. “Unchain me.” She panted, her voice rasped with need as she clanged her restraints again. She wanted to hold him, to touch him, to rake her nails down his skin.
Riddick smirked as their tongues were playing with each other and he could scent her changing, the scent of her inner thighs getting wet has released her hormones. The sweet scent filled his nose and acted like a drug for him. He now wanted more of her, he could see her change in his arms, her eyes growing that ferociousness that he so loved and her arms that wanted to break free from her mental and physical chains. She wanted him, now more than ever. She longed for his touch against hers, his warmth to fight with hers and their bodies connecting in wild passion. She wanted just him and she didn't want it to take slow, that he realised as she was crashing the chains against the bar a couple of times as he smirked and broke the kiss with her. He did nothing at the first minute but then grabbed the key out of his pocket and uncuffed her. He threw the shackles somewhere in the ship as he pushed her over on her back and roughly grabbed her hips as he pushed his lips against hers as his tongue once again sought out hers to continue the wild wrestling with both their tongues. He was enjoying this, he found someone just as wild as him. He wildly rubbed his hands over every inch of her body as he broke the kiss and went to kiss her neck and gently bit the side of her neck, not hurting her but as a sign of her submission to him. It was how it worked in the wild. A single motion made it clear that she was his now and that he forced her into submitting to him. He was the alpha and he would remain like that for their time together.

His body was heating up aswell as he removed her of her clothing and grinned at the sight of her young, tight and smooth body, he couldn't resist but to go over her whole body. He licked from her neck down to her breasts, where he started to tease her nipples by licking around them and biting them gently. His hands moved to her inner thighs as they slowly moved down to her inner thighs, going to her wet lips that were hungering for his attention. He softly rubbed her wet walls with two fingers as he kept teasing her breasts. He was loving this, he hadn't had this intimate contact for a while and hungered for it. His body was craving it as well as she could clearly see the large bulge that had been growing in his pants for a short while now. He seemed to be wanting her just as much as she wanted him. His ferocious nature was taking over as his movements became rougher, he was teasing her rougher and moving his fingers over her wet slit rougher as he moved one thick finger in between her walls only to rub the insides of her pussy rough and slow. He had what he wanted, he now possessed her animal side and was going to get control over her.
It was like a calm before a storm as they each sat there, Evelyn waiting for her chains to be removed to show him just how wild she really was. She was waiting with such a feral playful look in her eyes. Who would get to make the first move? She was ready to pounce, her body growing ever more tense with in the moments that they just looked at each other until finally, all at once the storm let loose. “Uhgn!” Evelyn gasped as Riddick pushed her down against the cool floor of the ship and immediately began to lay claim to her. She groaned with pleasure as he bit on her neck, trying to show that he was the dominate one of the relationship. Evelyn already knew that but that didn’t mean she could rile him up and make him work for it.

The rougher he grew the louder she became, her body now stark naked for his eyes alone. The more he rubbed between her legs the more she whimpered and gasped in sheer pleasure. Evelyn didn’t want to let him show that he was winning this little game they played but his, rough thick fingers between her wet and sloppy lips were amazing. Riddick tempted more sweet juices from her tiny body as he rubbed but when he slipped his finger into her Evelyn gasped and arched her back against the floor while biting her bottom lip.

Riddick was in for a special surprise and a slip of the finger would reveal it. Evelyn’s little cunt was nice and tight around his finger, as if nothing bigger than her own fingers went down there for a while or at all. In truth she was unmarked territory. No man or woman had ever come this far because she would promptly turn them away. Riddick was different. Riddick made her feel free and be the person she was locked up deep inside. Evelyn however didn’t want to make this too easy for Riddick and if her kept touching her inner most walls like that she was going to lose what little control she had left. “N-Not yet…” She panted before grabbing his shoulders. It took a burst of all her strength and will to shove him off of her and onto the spot next to her.

Evelyn did not waste this rare opportunity to push the alpha upon his back, straddling him but not at the waist. Instead Riddick’s head was now nestled between her thighs, her plush, wet lips ever so close to his, smothering him in her mouthwatering scent. Evelyn leaned her torso back a little so that she could steady herself with her hands upon his broad chest , also so that she could peek down at him. She was grinning ever so playfully at him from between her perky breasts. He wasn’t going to completely dominate her without a fight, he should have seen it coming, he was the one that made her this way after all..
Riddick grinned with delight as he felt that she was untouched, her slick tight walls were wrapping around his finger oh so vigorously as they seemed to be begging for its attention, as if she wanted it to go deeper inside of her, but now the change came. As she pushed against him with all her might, Riddick loved the thought of her trying to fight it, her wild side fighting against his as she wanted to show that she had some dominance in her. He smirked as he let her push him over on his back but what he didn't suspected was to receive the amazing view of her plush, tight walls directly against his face. She was just teasing him with her mind-numbing scent as he looked at her nice walls and softly moved his face closer. He took a moment to take the ever-so amazing scent into his system as he smiled and then continued with his treatment. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down a bit more, his tongue rough and swiftly started lapping at her wet and juicy walls. Here he went to tease her to his full delightment, his tongue roughly and swiftly rubbed against her walls as he smirked down below her, he wanted her to feel amazing, as if she was gone from the world and she would never want to return. After a short while of teasing, his tongue found its way to the inside of her walls, slowly entering her pussy as it pushed in quite deep. He started twisting it around inside of her to make her even more excited and make her even more wanting to him.

Riddick kept his force on her hips quite strongly as he didn't want her to leave at all. He wanted her to become insationable, he wanted her to beg for something else. But he didn't have the patience for that as he soon grew tired of only satisfying her. He lifted her off of him and put her down next to him as he stood up and undid himself of his pants. His muscular body with various types of scars on his body was revealed in front of her. Some scars were from bullet wounds, some from blade wounds and some from medical treatments. As she looked down more she could see his 10" thick and sturdy cock standing up straight in front of her face, it was throbbing gently and was begging for her attention.
Evelyn knew what was going to happen next but even so the girl still gasped when Riddick grabbed onto her hips, preventing escape. It wasn’t a second later that she felt his rough tongue against her sobbing wet pussy, licking her mercilessly again and again. Evelyn groaned and bit her bottom lip while her eyes rolled back a little. It felt amazing, his tongue would send little shocks of pleasure while his saliva mixed with her womanly juices. Eventually she would yelp and jump a little when his tongue would brush against her swollen clitoris, making her mouth water a bit and her hips unknowingly move in in a grinding fashion. Unable to help herself she raked her nails against his chest while he lapped her up as if she were a fresh, cool glass of water and he was ever so thirsty.

Again Riddick made her yelp but it was when he thrusted his tongue in her hot little cunt, her pussy twitching a little as he stimulated her walls, relaxing her, preparing her. It felt amazing! She was moaning like a little bitch while he basically fucked her with his tongue, licking her up and tasting her deeply. She could feel it! That pleasure every woman strove for! It was coming and with it her breathing became more sporadic but right on the cusps of an orgasm he had suddenly stopped, leaving her on the edge of sensitivity.

When he moved her off of him Evelyn just sat there with a curious but pouty little expression. Her soft, wet woman-hood was already missing the feel of his rough tongue against her. She couldn’t complain though, not with a sight like that! Little Evelyn was stunned as he revealed himself to her. He was huge! Thick and long! All she could do was admire him in shock, her mouth slightly gaped open in awe. Was he honestly planning to shove that thing in her? Would it even fit? Her old self would have been afraid but this new Evelyn was excited for the challenge! It would a nice snug fit though!

However, until then she figured Riddick wanted much of the same attention. The girl crawled towards him, her plush little ass swaying in the air so tantalizingly as she approached like a lioness on the prowl. She didn’t touch him, not yet. She instead hovered close over him, breathing his musky scent that only made her wetter. After a moment she looked up at him with those bright, feral eyes before finally taking the plunge. Teasingly she ran her tongue over the tip of his cock, tasting him. He didn’t taste half bad, in fact it was addicting. Again and again she licked him, going from base to tip while leaving a trail of saliva. Evelyn wanted to try more than licking.

Cutely she kissed the very tip while looking up at him before taking his length between those plush lips. Evelyn took one inch, then another, then another into her mouth. She could get up to four but Riddick was proving too much for her virgin lips. She still tried though and she ended up taking 6inches in but there were tears in her eyes as she fought off her gag reflexes. In all honesty she didn’t know exactly what she was doing, she had only seen other girls do this. At this point she was just using her imagination and began to suck on him hard like some large popsicle in her mouth. Meanwhile her tongue rubbed against the underside of his cock, trying her hardest to give him pleasure. Evelyn even grabbed him by the base and what she couldn’t fit in her mouth she stroked hard with her hands, as if he were a pump
Riddick smirked softly as he saw her admire it in shock, her face gave her away that she had never seen such a well formed manhood in her life before. She could smell his scent even more now, it would fill her nose with his scent. It would enhance her heat, her need for his warmth against hers and his large cock deep inside of her, It would just make her need for him even larger, it would make her already gushing wet slit want some more of his rough tongue or his thick fingers that were inside of him earlier. He looked at her as she moved slowly towards him, her ass was swaying from side to side and it enchanted his eyes by their movement, he hungered for her and he knew how this was going to be a good long night. He looked at her eyes back as he smirked and winked. He grunted gently as she licked slowly over his dick and then continued licking.

Riddick moaned softly and she could feel how his large thick cock was throbbing mighty in her mouth, it was excited and begging for more of her attention. She took it deeper and deeper as she stopped at 6 inches and then suddenly she started sucking hard and licking the lower side of his cock, he moaned loudly as he was pleasured to an extreme level, he enjoyed it that much and rubbed her head as she stroked the base which made him moan a little more, he nodded "Yes like that!" he moaned as he bit his teeth together as he grinned "You're so good at this" he grinned as he rubbed her head and moaned.
She was good at this? For a moment Evelyn was so shocked that she stopped what she was doing but she quickly remembered to continue. Those sexy little slurping noises continued to come from her mouth as she licked and suckled on him. Tears dripped down her cherub cheeks as she continued to fight off the urge to gag but it was getting easier and easier with every passing minute. Meanwhile inside her mouth her tongue continued to rub against the underside of his cock, licking and slurping at him. At first the taste had seemed a little odd to her but now she didn’t mind it.

Finally little Evie just couldn’t go anymore. She stumbled back off his cock with a little gasp for air while a strand of thick saliva looped between the tip of his cock and her lips. She immediately began to rub at her mouth, trying to sooth the aching in her jaw. “Eh heh sorry…” She gave him a little sheepish smile before wincing a little. She literally bit off more than she could chew. Then again this had been her first time at anything like this. Just to be told that she was good at it was enough for her really. Although part of her had wanted to cum. Maybe if she ever got better at it she’d attempt that little dream.

For now though her body was aching for attention. If they drew this out anymore she felt like she was going to explode! Her inner thighs were smeared with her juices while the heated air of the small ship was perfumed with the scent of their lust. Evelyn’s breathing was now a soft pant for breath as she reached up and used his arms to help her stand. She was a little weak and her mind numbed over by his delicious scent. She wanted nothing more than for him to quell this heated itch deep inside of her. “Riddick…” She growled rather playfully as she leaned against his chest. One after another he legs came up and hooked upon his hips as she hoisted herself up so that she was no longer standing. Evelyn didn’t worry about toppling them over. Riddick seemed very strong after all. In this position his hot rod was trapped between their bodied and rubbing up against her smooth little snatch. Evelyn trembled a little when his cock would briefly rub against her clit but she grinned. She could use this to her advantage.

Sweetly she started to nip at his neck, leaving little bite marks in her wake while rocking her hips. Soft little played up moans came from Evelyn’s lips as his cock rubbed between her supple little lips, rubbing against her eager woman-hood, smearing her juices all along him. “Riddick…” She said again, her voice husky with heat before she bit him rather harshly between the neck and shoulder, leaving a bite mark which would probably bruise later on. “Are you gonna take me or tease me forever?” She smirked at him, such playfulness and desire for him glinting in her wild eyes. “You made me like this…so take responsibility.”
Riddick was enjoying this allot, his cock was being pleased in such a good way that he nearly felt like blasting his load already but at that given time she stopped moving for a second and the feeling dropped out of his mind again, purely entraced by the feeling of pleasure, his feral senses were going wild. He wanted to have her right here and right now but her treatment was too good, it supressed his wild urge to grab her, push her down and just ravage her like that. But her mouth, her lips, her tongue, they all were supressing it just by pleasing him to such a degree where he could actually supress his urge for even more sexual pleasure. He moaned more and more, the moans growing louder and as she stopped, his cock was throbbing wildly in the air, she could see how the string of her thick saliva was moving gently because of the throbbing.

Riddick grinned gently and pat her head gently "It's okay, you were doing marvelous, either way, it's time to switch to something..." as he was talking she toddled them over and made riddick fall onto his back as she moved upon him quite roughly and swiftly. Riddick grinned as he could smell her gushing wet slit which had already wettened part of her inner thighs as she was in insane heat. Her body wanted nothing else than their contact, their fusion and both of their pleasure to rise to a whole new level. His hands glided over her body as she had him pinned to the ground, his hands stopped at her breasts as he gently squeezed them and went to them as he took one of her nipples into his mouth and gently suckled on them and then moaned gently as she started to nip at his neck. He looked at her side and then stopped as she said his name once more.

Riddick felt how her tight lips slipped over his cock as she made it entirely wet, her juices dripped all over it as she rubbed her slit along his manhood. He looked at her with delight, lust and desire in his eyes. It was filling him, to the brink of his instinct and mind, it was making him feel even stronger for her as he listened to her and smiled "Take responsibility hm?" he grinned as he swiftly turned them around and was now on top of her, she could feel how his hands were holding her wrists as he gently went and kissed her slit gently and licked it once roughly, he then continued to her clit which he softly suckled on for a few seconds before licking it and continued upwards as he licked her nipple next and went up to her neck as he gently moved his hands down and opened her legs as he had them put on her inner thighs, his fingers traced over her wet slit before one hand moved to her outer left hip and the other moved to her mouth as he softly inserted two fingers that were covered in her wetness into her mouth. She would taste her own pussy fluids and as he grinned "Taste your own wetness, learn your own pleasure as I treat you right now" he said as he moved his cock in position and slowly pushed his hips forward. Inch by inch he slowly pushed down his cock in to her slit, spreading her lips widely he went deeper and deeper with his massive and hard meatstick, spreading her insides which made her feel way better than just his tongue that was inserted into her slit. This was heaven, Riddick moaned softly as he moved his cock deeper inside of her and after some time, he was fully inside of his wild woman.
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