The Vampire's Kiss {darkest_fate&Snake Plissken}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The paparazzi had gathered outside Club Vampyre in force. News had already started to spread far and wide: the new establishment was to be the newest, hottest club of its kind. Already buzz had been generated: the hottest DJs would open, the sexiest celebrities would be there to hang out; the waiting list required favors and if you had to ask, you weren't on it. There were darker rumors too, something about the owners picking the name on purpose. It wasn't just to play on the recent fad, oh no, there was something more sinister at hand. Most said it involved the usual: cooking books and taking bribes, possibly some drug money. But there were a few that insisted that the club was some kind of front. Not for vampires; that was just silly, but instead for a cult or some other dark, shady organization. Criminals, perhaps.

None of this dissuaded people from showing. Hundreds were there, most of them the elite from across the world. Several dignitaries were present, mostly hiding among the crowd, nearly every popular singer who wasn't completely wrapped up in a pristine image was there (and some that weren't). A handful of A list celebrities were also present, milling about.

Among them was Miss Mila Kunis. Recently voted as the sexiest woman on the planet, and recently getting something resembling an actual career, Mila drew attention. To her credit, she'd tried to play it down, not wanting to look flashy or attract too much attention. Still, she wore a short, dark denim skirt of the highest quality and a loose, sleeveless blouse. Both worked wonders at showing the golden skin of the beauty beneath, that near flawless complexion and the combined effort of excellent genetics and hours of training and labor. The beautiful, mismatched, almond eyes were darkly lined, encouraging those to look and hold gaze. otherwise, makeup had been sparse, enhancing the complexion without overwhelming. Dark brown hair fell loose over the bared shoulders, allowing some coverage. Though the top did cover most of Mila's front, only leaving the back and perhaps a few tantalizing bits of side-breast for the viewing audience. Her ass looked as fantastic as expected, and the beauty looked every inch the scrumptious treat she was.

Said treat had been partying for a while, having entered at the right time and actually starting dancing. Her heels did make it a little difficult, but Mila adapted. She was also fortunate to be one of the few that looked better after a little exertion; sweat made her golden skin seem to glisten and shimmer, and the thrill of moving lit her further. She'd danced with friends and strangers for some time.

Only a few drinks though; Mila had never been one to overindulge. Still, she was feeling slightly buzzed, likely a combination of the strenuous movement and the alcohol in her system. The beauty excused herself from present company, sliding through the crowd and only touching a few. Several people offered smiles and offers of further time, but Mila politely declined, all the while pointing toward her eventual destination. Soon enough, she was leaving behind the overheated club, entering the cool air, feeling it kiss her heated skin.

The starlet took a deep breath, closing her eyes and tilting her head upward. She felt the overhead lights kiss her skin, and heard the muted thumping beat from behind her. Everything felt in place and she felt at peace. Mila took several deep breaths, letting herself gather. She'd enter the club soon enough; it wasn't like there were people out here to worry about. Most of the paparazzi were hiding inside, or had simply been paid off. She could enjoy the semi-quiet for the time being, at the least.
Ruby had been hired weeks before the club had opened, she was one of the hottest and well known DJs in the world and as the club owner said she was perfect for opening night. The club filled up quickly with a-list celebrities, the music was bumping through the speakers and the light show was amazing. Ruby had helped set a lot of stuff up for the opening night and as she looked around the place she was quite happy with her work.

She stood behind her turntables and other sound equipment as she held her headphones up to her ear while she mixed and mashed up the music that was playing. Looking out to the crowd Ruby could see a lot of women that she could be interested in taking home. She had gotten a few offers and even a few drinks bought for her but none of the women who approached her caught her interest much. Ruby was good at letting people down easy. Just looking at the woman and seeing how she acted no one would suspect her to be a predator, Ruby had a secret and quite frankly she was surprised no one had caught on yet. With the way she refused to do anything outside or that involved her going outside during the day, how she was mostly seen during late night hours, how she never sweat, and how her body always seemed to be cold even in the hottest places.

As Ruby kicked up another song she spotted the woman on the floor, she was perfect and Ruby had been a fan of hers for years. Mila looked good as she moved around on the dancefloor and Ruby couldn't keep her eyes off of her. She watched the woman from her spot behind the turntables for a while before her eyes followed Mila out the door of the club. Ruby waved over one of the other DJs in house and told him to take over for her for a few minutes. She made her way through the crowd, allowing a few pictures to be taken as she moved through the people.

When she got outside she turned to look at Mila, the woman looked simply amazing underneath the overhead lights. Ruby lit a cigarette and took a long drag off of it before finally speaking, "Had enough already mate?" ,she asked in her thick Australian accent. Her cold grey eyes looking Mila up and down blatantly as she waited for an answer.
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