Sucker Punch (Snake & Gashnaw)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Rocket sat on her bed waiting for Sweat Pea to return from her dance class. She knew she would be punished for not attending but Rocket didn't care, she was sick of it. Sick of this place, sick of being sold off to perverted old men damn near every night and most of all she was sick of Blue. The man had no respect for anyone and he treated all the girls in the place like trash.

When the door to her room opened Rocket looked up from the book she was reading and seen her sister standing at the end of her bed. "You know Blue's gonna kill you if he finds out you skipped class again" ,Sweet Pea stated before crossing her arms across her chest.

"I don't give a shit what Blue does anymore, he can go fuck himself" ,Rocket said in response through gritted teeth.

"Rocket jeez keep your voice down.....I know you hate it here but honestly where else can we go? Blue, as fucked up as he is he's putting a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs" ,Sweet Pea said as she sat down next to her sister and put an arm around her.

"Yeah but he also whores us out to make money for himself" ,Rocket snapped before shrugging her sister's arm from her shoulders and burying her face back into her book.

Sweet Pea tried to talk to Rocket but got no response from her. Rocket was fed up and was in no mood to be lectured by anyone. She was going to do as she pleased and if Blue wanted to try and kill her so be it, anything would be better then living in this hell hole.
Alexandra miles was a young girl, her face alone said she was too young to be in a brothel however she was still eighteen. Noone wanted to deal with the street rat, and although a brothel did not sound like a glamorous life, given what she knew about them, it was better than trying to get food out of a dumpster. Alex did not know the name of the man who had brought her in but he had a very smooth voice, and had not been shy on test Alex out prior to delivering her. It had been a very messed up evening for her and she was still sore from it. Plus the one man wasn't the only one to work her over, three more fiends of his had repeated the action after he had finished. Non had used protection or even bothered to clean her up after, in fact standing there in front of blue her hair was still messed up and matted with cum.

"I'll find someone to clean her up" Blue said with his twisted smirk as he puled the girl aside thanking the men for teh new girl. She spat angrily at blue who simply slapped her across the face. He had no respect for teh women who were the reason his club did so well, and would have no problem getting rid of them, clouded by his success unaware that he needed teh girl more than they needed him.
"Girls, Meet Alex, one of you clean her up" He said coldly tossing the girl into the room letting her fend for herself. One thing blue did know was how new girls were treated, one would step forward and be kind while every one else would be disgusted by fresh meat.
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