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Journal of a Sleepy Girl

I just woke up. So technically, I am no longer a sleepy girl. But trust me, there is nothing I would rather do than crawl back in bed and sleep another hour. Instead, coffee, breakfast (not the breakfast of champions though, honestly, I am not quite sure what that is, probably should look it up on net, instead I will have rice and some kind of vegetable), and then respond to my wonderful roleplay partners.


Tarot inspired. Hard rock? Metal-core? I can never quite tell. Good. Yes, this I can tell.

Cold, crystal beauty.
Shattered vase; also dropped ice.
Missing my ice more.​
It's getting that time where I slow down in the evening and my mind begins to wander toward bed. Of course, half my bed is covered with clothes and shoes and other things that I picked up off the floor. Sometimes, I skip the bed and sleep on the couch, but my brother is laid out there now until college starts back up next week.

Now this next song, I like it, but wow, what an accent.
North Korean propaganda! Flower Hill is North Korea. The Hedgehogs and squirrels and some other nice animals are North Korean, the weasels of Weasel Island are japanese, the wolves are the US, the friendly bears (which only appear in the early episodes are Russian, and the rodents (mice? rats?) are South Korean. You may want to hit CC for closed captions in English or better yet, skip it entirely.

Many, many episodes over several series.
Morning! Slept in 'till six. Brushed my dog. Black with this very soft grey undercoating, if I don't brush him, I find myself crawling on my hands and knees wet rag in hand cleaning the floors to pick up all that fur. His tail always wags when I call him over and begin the process. He's a complete attention whore, big black lab mix that thinks he's a lap dog.

Now for a little light fun by Kimbra,

Standing in shadow,
Yin and yang, fight for balance,
Why must I choose darkness?​​
Technically, I'm not a sleepy girl right now. I slept well last night which probably shows that I'm a cold-hearted bitch in real life. Got a call late, late last night from my sister who heard that my dad went to the hospital last night for chest pains. Then my dad's girlfriend called to see what was going on. We agreed it's probably nothing.

It's not that I don't love my dad. But I simply don't believe he's really sick. His girlfriend told me he had really spicy food for breakfast and at lunch. For a six-foot four inch, tattooed hard working mechanic, my dad's kind of a baby. Anyway, my sister called at six this morning for an update.

I'm like, "It's six in the morning, he went to the hospital at ten last night. What kind of update do you think I've had?" Total bitch right? Yep, that's me. Anyway, apparently the way to wake up actually feeling refreshed and rested is have drama and late night telephone calls. For those who aren't all wakey wakey this morning, here's something to get your blood pumping,
My dad is back from the doctors and fine. Going to appointments and they'll figure out exactly what is going on. I'm going to be very busy with back to back appointments today, so my actual online writing may be slow or delayed until the evenings today.

I was at Coachella earlier this year in the audience. Foals was at Coachella in the band lineup, but I didn't see them so the connection ends.
Long, long party Saturday. Why is you'll have forty girls out on the dance floor and five guys? Woke up Sunday with a massive headache. Now it's Monday and I'm feeling pretty good again.

Harvest moon, cold sky,
I wore cotton and shivered.
Goodbye sweet summer.​​
I apologize for not posting tonight. It was a long day. I'm in sales and get to drive all over the Southern Part of my state. I work on commission during the week (photography is my night time/weekend gig, but no way can I support myself on photography alone).

I was driving through the desert to a border town and suddenly, I heard a pop, boom, pop. My 15 year old van (gift from my dad, 223,000 miles on it now, too many of them put there by yours truly) started to wobble a bit and I pulled over and turned off the engine. There was a huge chunk missing from my right passenger tire.

Almost immediately a police officer pulled over and asked what the problem was, I showed him. He offered to follow me as I drove down the side of the road, but it turned out my van wouldn't start. So I called AAA and the officer waited until they came, which I was quite happy about. AAA came and towed me to their shop.

Turned out there was a hole in my engine ... a significant man's fist sized hole. Theory? Threw a piston rod, rod went through engine block and was aimed just right to take out tire. Verdict, probably a new engine. I got the two truck driver to tow me 100 miles to a town where I could sell my now scrap metal van for $250. Then the two truck driver dropped me off at a restaurant while my dad drove up to get me and bring the title to my now ex-van.

Yes, I'm in my late 20s and yes I still call my dad for every emergency. And yes, I'm poor, but ... when my commissions come through next month once we get done arguing whether I get paid the full amount or some lesser amount I'll be able to buy a new car. In the meantime, my dad is going to fix the ?headers? on a car he has out in the back of his shop and give that to me.

Long day. Long story. Bottom line. Not posting tonight as I have no creativity. Well, and I'm staying the night at my dad's place and that's also kind of a mood killer.

Tomorrow! If you didn't read this (and my eyes would have blurred over after the first paragraph), I'll say sorry tomorrow when I'm back posting.
Slow posting today. Once a month for one day, I help look after my grandpa, to give my grandmother a break. Today is my day. My little cousin looked after him Friday and yesterday. She's ten years younger than me and has no idea how to cook. So she fed him scrambled eggs, toast (lots of toast), two pieces of bread with cheese, and cottage cheese and pineapple slices.

How to you get to be almost eighteen without knowing how to cook? Of course, I'm just as bad, I put him in the car and we go out to eat, lol. The advantage of having a car and credit car.

My post rate has slowed, too much real life going on lately. I spent Friday learning all about the medical marijuana business (legal where I live at least on the state level), hanging with some people in a hidden, very private club hash bar. One of those days where you pick up a lot of images for the memory books.
A broken bottle,
Shiver in the Christmas air,
Why am I outside?

All my lovely excitement in real life has died down. No being whisked away to Vegas since last month, no trips to hidden illicit bars. Looking at role plays again and trying to convince myself that a non-extreme role play might be the ticket ... damn my hard core submissive fantasies.
Warning! Please Enjoy this Pleasant, Even Informative Poem. But You Must Stop Reading Before the Final Line ... or Else.

that sleepy, bone lazy, occasionally witty, girl with eczema behind her left ear,
you know the sibling of Jack,
the silly creature who loves music and walking her dogs,
the one who fears so many things
and needs constant reassurance,
the girl always giving piggy back rides to very small children who invariably fall off
and wants to see see the world just one shade less stupid,
yes, yes, the girl who lives in that one hundred and twelve year old boarding house,
well, she spits in your eye.
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