Wolverine's Little Feral (Me & Raziel83)

Aug 10, 2013
There came sirens of police cars and a few helicopters flying over head. Even a tank went driving down the streets at top speed heading towards the center of town. "This just in, the mutant known as Weapon Zero just broke out of a top secret lab this morning. What ever you do, do not go near her or invoke her in away. She is armed and very dangerous, as well as powerful." an anchor woman said over the tv. Suddenly you could see the tank go flying into the air and something came running out of a huge dust cloud that had formed. "There she is." the anchor woman pointed out as the camera man spun around his camera landing on a short girl about 5'4 1/2. "God she sure is a fast runner." the camera man muttered under his breath as he tried to stay on Lynx as she jumped over a barrier and vanished into the subway system.

"Damn it, how the hell am I going to get out of New York, stupid Fury." she growled under her breath and she slammed her claws into a metal door and ripped it from its hinges. Lynx had long blond hair but it was in a shaggy type of cut, her eyes were dark brown but had cat like pupils to them that slitted. She also had fangs in her mouth and some pretty mean Wolverine claws between her knuckles. She woke only a pair of pants and a black tank top, she had no other clothes on, not even shoes. She made her way into the darkness making her way through some tunnels before she found herself in the slums. She then made her way out of the slums running as hard and fast as she could until she found herself in the woods outside NY city.

Logan stopped watching the news and burst out of the room growling in anger. This was not entirely uncommon, in fact the other X-men would have thought something was odd if he WASN'T brooding or angry. This time though it wasn't just his regular charming disposition, this time he had just seen something that pushed his buttons...

He knew their handywork, the same people who had experimented on him and enslaved him. They had tried to turn him into a mindless weapon. And now he had seen their handywork on tv, again. He didn't know who the blondie was, but he planned to track her down, if only to prevent THEM getting her back. Logan didn't even bother making excuses as he packed his gear and left Xavier's school. She had last been seen near New York, not much to go on but Logan was good at what he did, he would find her.

Luckily it didn't take that long for Logan to find the latest battlescene on the unknown woman's escape route. He didn't bother with his uniform as he didn't want to draw suspicion on himself. He finally managed to get her scent. And now, the hunt begins, he thought to himself.
She just wanted to be left alone, she was sick and tired of people trying to force her to kill innocent people. She didn't want to destroy planets or even this planet. She wanted to help people, not hurt them. She didn't know why they had done such a cruel thing to her, she wasn't about to let them get their hands on her again though. Lynx was up in a cave, she was shivering slightly from how cold it was out a night, it was mid October so it might start to rain soon or even snow, she was only wearing a black Tank top and a pair of pants, the rest of her was skin, even on her feet.

She had started a small fire in the cave, she tried her best to keep herself warm, she had managed to find a ripped up tarp in the trees and she was using that for a blanket. She gulped slightly trying to get her head to stop pounding. "God.....I hate this place, I hate this city....I hate those people." she grumbled to herself. Her head turned as she heard a twig crack, she stood up and stuck her head outside of the cave opening, she looked around wondering what the noise was. She killed her fire then headed out of the cave and began to search the trees for anyone who might try and capture her.
She hadn't been easy to track, luckily Logan was a good tracker and even better he was much too stubborn to quit despite the difficulty. The tracks were getting fresher and he began to smell smoke. "I knew she'd be getting tired sooner or later." There was something about her smell... Logan still wasn't sure how he had known her smell apart from all the others, somehow he just knew. Probably the adamantion claws or just the familiar smell of the project that built her...

He had seen the amount of power she had on the News report and didn't particularly want to experience that himself, so Logan stalked quietly along the trail. "Now comes the difficult part... I'm going to have to avoid getting into a fight..."
His scent hit her like a truck, she stopped where she was standing and couched to the ground. She let out very low growl in warning in case someone else was with him. She began to follow his scent but managed to stay deep in the shadow, she hated to be seen or caught. Her eyes kept watching in the darkness, her ears open and listening for him.

Lynx came to a halt her head started to throb and she bit her lip. She had a feeling it was something to do with Wolverine. She could smell Logan, he was so close now it was maddening. She tried to stand up but her head ached so much right now. She coughed a few times then spat up a bullet then smirked at herself. "Well, never felt a bullet in the head but now I am better." she thought to herself.

She heard a twig snap, she dropped the bulled and kept herself crouched. She suddenly looked up and her eyes went wide, Logan was standing not to far off, only a few feet away. She backed up into the bushes making sure to stay silent and keep from breaking branches. She bit her lip and looked around trying to find a way to get out with out him finding her.
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