I choose... you? (Scarlet Sky & kogohazan)

Scarlet Sky

Oct 13, 2012
A faint buzz was resonating from her phone. She had set an alarm the night before so she wouldn’t be late for the following morning; this event was something she would not dare to miss out on. It was something that she had been literally dream about for years now, and she was now ready made her decision and start her journey. Kristin was a good bit older than the others that started, but she didn’t mind, she had time to study the towns she would be visiting, this way she wouldn’t end up lost; or at least she hoped. She had mapped out the places she would go to first, making sure to mark were the gyms were and of course she made sure to pick out some places that would be good for training; those would just be some spots outside of the town where she could set up camp in an open area surrounded by trees, good for practice and privacy.

The thoughts had turned themselves into dreams, swirling around in her head along with the aggravated buzzing from her alarm that just seemed to be getting louder. It took a few minutes before the vibration woke her, but once she was awake she was beaming as if she had had the best night’s sleep in years. She had all but jumped out of her bed and into her cloths, making sure to pulled her cascading chocolate hair back into a ponytail and tying her petite dress into a nice bow, a bit longer than she would have liked, but that wasn’t a big deal, she could always wrap it around her waist twice to shorten the length. Just as she was packing the rest of her journey items into her backpack she heard a knock on her door. Behind the wooden frame was her dad, greeting her with swollen eyes, most likely from crying at the thought of his little girl leaving. A soft smile pulled at her lips as she leaned into give him a huge hug as he planted a sweet kiss on her four head. She was really going to miss him. “I got you something…” Before she could look up to acknowledge his words he was handing her a card. Upon taking the card from him she realized it was a debit card. “I’ll be able to wire money to you if you need it. I just want to make sure you’re taken care of.” There wasn’t anything she could say to show her appreciation, so she simply hugged him as he led her to the front door giving her one last kiss on the cheek before hesitantly closing the door.


By the time she had gotten to the lab her neighbor was already there. He was a younger boy, but not far off from her age. His body looked tense and weary at the same time, probably from lack of sleep and excitement. When she stepped to his side she noticed that he was already holding a pokeball; she looked to the table and noticed there were only two left, he had apparently already chosen. She grumbled at the thought, wishing that she had gotten up earlier to get the first choice, but she hoped that her top pick was still here. Just as she stepped forward she saw someone step infront of the table. Looking up she saw the Professor Birch looking down at her, smiling, looking almost as excited as she did. “Good morning Kristin, you seem eager to pick your partner and get on your way.” She hadn’t realized it, but her hand had been grabbing for a pokeball. With a quick movement she pulled her hand back to her side as she looked away with a blush. “It’s quit alright, Kristin. Go ahead, choose.” The Professor was chucking as he stepped aside and explained who was in each pokeball. Excitement filled her when she heard her choice and instantly took hold of the ball. “Hmm… good choice. You must have done some research if you chose that quickly.” He was walking away from her as he spoke, stopping for a moment to grab something from his desk then heading back her way. When he returned he was handing each of them a pokedex, then telling them each of what it did and how to use it.

Before long, both of the trainers were being given a few more items, such as: a pokebelt, meant for hold the pokeballs; a Pokenav, something she was happy to get seeing as she needed something easier than a large fold out map; a few potions, full heals, and rope. She stuffed it all into her bag gratefully, already proudly placing her belt around her hips, the leather strip hanging diagonally on her body, giving her dress an interesting but nice look. “Well, I hope you too travel safely. Remember, if you need anything you can call from your Pokenav; or if you are near a Poke Center you can use their phone.” With that Kristin was bounding out of the laboratory and down the path towards Route 101 that lead into Oldale Town. She took in the sights of the begging of the clearing, a place that she had explored many times, but would now see for the last time in a very long time. Today she would be traveling deeper into the path than she had even been.

She walked for a few minutes until she was alone and able to sit under a tree. Her hand grabbed the new pokeball from her belt and held it in front of her. she traced small circles on the smooth red and white surface, taking in the moment of her first release before she stood, threw the ball into the air and called out, “Come on out, Torchic!”
RE: I choose... you? (Scarlet Sky & sexywriter777)

Scarlet Sky said:
A faint buzz was resonating from her phone. She had set an alarm the night before so she wouldn’t be late for the following morning; this event was something she would not dare to miss out on. It was something that she had been literally dream about for years now, and she was now ready made her decision and start her journey. Kristin was a good bit older than the others that started, but she didn’t mind, she had time to study the towns she would be visiting, this way she wouldn’t end up lost; or at least she hoped. She had mapped out the places she would go to first, making sure to mark were the gyms were and of course she made sure to pick out some places that would be good for training; those would just be some spots outside of the town where she could set up camp in an open area surrounded by trees, good for practice and privacy.

The thoughts had turned themselves into dreams, swirling around in her head along with the aggravated buzzing from her alarm that just seemed to be getting louder. It took a few minutes before the vibration woke her, but once she was awake she was beaming as if she had had the best night’s sleep in years. She had all but jumped out of her bed and into her cloths, making sure to pulled her cascading chocolate hair back into a ponytail and tying her petite dress into a nice bow, a bit longer than she would have liked, but that wasn’t a big deal, she could always wrap it around her waist twice to shorten the length. Just as she was packing the rest of her journey items into her backpack she heard a knock on her door. Behind the wooden frame was her dad, greeting her with swollen eyes, most likely from crying at the thought of his little girl leaving. A soft smile pulled at her lips as she leaned into give him a huge hug as he planted a sweet kiss on her four head. She was really going to miss him. “I got you something…” Before she could look up to acknowledge his words he was handing her a card. Upon taking the card from him she realized it was a debit card. “I’ll be able to wire money to you if you need it. I just want to make sure you’re taken care of.” There wasn’t anything she could say to show her appreciation, so she simply hugged him as he led her to the front door giving her one last kiss on the cheek before hesitantly closing the door.


By the time she had gotten to the lab her neighbor was already there. He was a younger boy, but not far off from her age. His body looked tense and weary at the same time, probably from lack of sleep and excitement. When she stepped to his side she noticed that he was already holding a pokeball; she looked to the table and noticed there were only two left, he had apparently already chosen. She grumbled at the thought, wishing that she had gotten up earlier to get the first choice, but she hoped that her top pick was still here. Just as she stepped forward she saw someone step infront of the table. Looking up she saw the Professor Birch looking down at her, smiling, looking almost as excited as she did. “Good morning Kristin, you seem eager to pick your partner and get on your way.” She hadn’t realized it, but her hand had been grabbing for a pokeball. With a quick movement she pulled her hand back to her side as she looked away with a blush. “It’s quit alright, Kristin. Go ahead, choose.” The Professor was chucking as he stepped aside and explained who was in each pokeball. Excitement filled her when she heard her choice and instantly took hold of the ball. “Hmm… good choice. You must have done some research if you chose that quickly.” He was walking away from her as he spoke, stopping for a moment to grab something from his desk then heading back her way. When he returned he was handing each of them a pokedex, then telling them each of what it did and how to use it.

Before long, both of the trainers were being given a few more items, such as: a pokebelt, meant for hold the pokeballs; a Pokenav, something she was happy to get seeing as she needed something easier than a large fold out map; a few potions, full heals, and rope. She stuffed it all into her bag gratefully, already proudly placing her belt around her hips, the leather strip hanging diagonally on her body, giving her dress an interesting but nice look. “Well, I hope you too travel safely. Remember, if you need anything you can call from your Pokenav; or if you are near a Poke Center you can use their phone.” With that Kristin was bounding out of the laboratory and down the path towards Route 101 that lead into Oldale Town. She took in the sights of the begging of the clearing, a place that she had explored many times, but would now see for the last time in a very long time. Today she would be traveling deeper into the path than she had even been.

She walked for a few minutes until she was alone and able to sit under a tree. Her hand grabbed the new pokeball from her belt and held it in front of her. she traced small circles on the smooth red and white surface, taking in the moment of her first release before she stood, threw the ball into the air and called out, “Come on out, Torchic!”

A sence of sudden movement and a cry called the pokemon sleeping inside to attention. He felt the ball move and open, slightly hurting his eyes at the sudden burst of light. He fully materialized very quickly and gave off a happy yell "Torchic!" he cried glad to be out of the ball and given a chance to stretch his legs. He took in the light, the sound of other pokemon in the distance and the sweet smell of the wind in one long breath before giving a quick look around. He did not see any immediate threats in front of him and decided that the direction that he was looking was safe. He then turned around to see his trainer resting under a tree. He quickly took a few steps closer to her and the tilled his head slightly to examine her. After looking her over he closed his eyes and gave another happy yell "Torch!" he said as he opened his eyes and waited for his trainers instructions.
RE: I choose... you? (Scarlet Sky & sexywriter777)

Kristin stared at her new partner, a feeling of joy welling in her as she took him in. She knelled down to his level as she smiled gently at him, her hand reaching out to feel the soft fur on his head. "Well hi there Torchic, I'm Kristin, you're new trainer. She squirmed as she heard his voice calling out his name and she couldn’t help but pick him and cuddle him to her chest. “I hope you’re ready, we have a very long way to go and a lot of training to do. It’s not going to be easy.” She was holding him out at arms length now, staring at him and beaming. “Let’s see what you have!” With that she was placing him on the ground and stepping back. There was a gentle click from her hip as she snapped her new partners pokeball into the socket for storing. Looking around she pointed to a rock with some moss on it. “There. Use your ember to burnt the moss off of that rock, but don’t move closer. It’s good to work on aim.” She didn’t want to just see how good his aim was, but also how hot his flame was. If it was hot enough it would instantly burn the moss. If it wasn’t hot enough it would only burn slowly, or not at all if there was too much moisture in the greenery.
RE: I choose... you? (Scarlet Sky & sexywriter777)

Torchic was very happy when Kristin picked him up and cuddled him. The flames inside him started to burn fiercely and he became very warm. When she spoke to him he gave another happy cry. He was happy to be out of the pokeball and happy to have a trainer and a new friend. He was ready to go on the adventure and ready to prove his worth. When she set him down he heard her instructions and turned to find the rock that she was pointing at. He saw it a little distance away. He knew he could hit it but he was still getting used to being out of the pokeball. He had been in for so long it seemed that everything now was a slight sensory overload for him. He took his stance and took a few deep breaths to warm up. Every time he took a breath a small about of fire came out of his mouth. Finally he was ready and took his shot. "TOOOOORCHIC!" he cried out as he shot his ember attack at the rock with the moss on it. Still getting used to the sun's brightness though he did not hit right on. He still hit the moss just slightly to the right of where he wanted to put the shot. The fire was hot enough though and quickly burnt the moss away leaving only a blackened mark of ash on the stone. Pleased enough with his result he gave off a happy chirp and turned back to Kristin to see what she thought.
RE: I choose... you? (Scarlet Sky & sexywriter777)

She watched the little pokemon as he seemed to take in what she was saying. It baffled her how smart these creatures were, though it was a tad annoying that there was a communication problem. They could understand humans, but when it came to the other way around, it was impossible. Though she had heard of the connection that trainers had with their pokemon. It was a connection so strong that they could understand each other with something so simple as a glance. But there were those rare cases that she had heard of where pokemon had learned how to talk. That was something she had wanted to look into and she was already planning on doing.

She pulled the pokenav from her backpack and opened up the notes menu as she spoke into it, “Teaching pokemon to talk.” It was a very short memo, but it would do what it needed to do, and that was to simply help her remember. Just as she was snapping the devise closed she watched as the Torchic well up with heat, his body forcing it out and towards the rock. She was impressed; for such a young pokemon he had fairly good aim, and his flame was strong, that was a good sign. “Good. You have strong fire, but we will have to work on that aim of yours. We will also have to work on you physical strength as well, that’s very important.” She leaned down to him as she ruffled the feathers on his head, smiling at him sweetly.
Torchic listened to what his trainer said and took in her words. He was very glad that she was impressed with his fire. He was trying his best to impress her and was happy he passed on that regard. He knew his aim was off and he would make it up to her the next time once he had taken so time to adjust to being out of the ball.

He also heard what she said about physical strength. He agreed with her and wondered what kind of training that she would put him through in order to work on it. When Kristin bent down to ruffle his feathers he took a few seconds to enjoy her touch on his head. He let out a low sigh as she rubbed his head. Once she finished he looked into her eyes and gave a small jump and lightly touched his beak to her noes. He was very happy with himself afterward and happy bounced up and down "Torchic Torchic Torchic"! he cried as he did. His celebration was cut short though as he suddenly picked up a strange smell on the wind. He stopped bouncing and quickly turned towards the direction of the smell. Something was coming towards them but he did not know what. He looked to Kristin and tried to warn her with a loud "TORCHIC!" before moving in front of her and looking at the direction of the smell.
Kristin smiled, seeing the joy so clearly in his eyes. Good, she wanted to make sure he was happy. If he was happy making her happy, than hopefully he was okay with some intense training. It would impress her if he could withstand some tough training. Not many start pokemon could handle hard training right from the start. It wasn't like she was going to start on the hardest level of training, but she didn't want to go easy on him. She needed to make sure that he would grown strong and grow fast.

She blinked when his beak gently touched her nose as he jumped. It was a bit of a surprise, but a sweet one. What she loved about I though, was that they already had a connection and he had only been out of his pokeball for a few minutes. She was lucky to say that she would possibly end up with a strong bond with her starter, but like a great trainer she once met and his Pikachu.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard him calling out over and over again, a happy tone to his chirps, but it didnt last long. Kristin looked at him, confused, but when he turned to face a darkened area of the woods she was backing up. "What is it Torchic?" She was leaning down now, her hand on his pokeball, ready to call him back if his oncoming foe was too much for them to handle.she might have wanted to train him with higher level pokemon, but she knew where their limits were needed, and she was not going to sacrifice her new friend just for a battle.
Torchic readied himself as the source of the sent grew closer. Soon he could hear whatever it was. It was moving fast through the under bush of the dark part of the woods and without a doubt was coming towards them. Torchic saw Kristin take a step back and reach for his pokeball and knew what she must be thinking. He would not retreat though. He would show her that he was tough and could handle whatever it was. "Tor!" he chirped at her to show her that he was not afraid. He then focused completely on the woods. Whatever was on its way was almost there and he was going to be ready for it.

From the woods out of the brush a Zigzagoon came bursting out. Torchic knew that they liked to investigate every little thing and probably had seen his fire and came to check it out. The Zigzagoon ran around looking at sticks and rocks and whatever it could find. Torchic looked at the pokemon curiously and then at Kristin as to she how she wanted to handle it.
Kristin stiffened when Torchic turned to her, making it very clear that he did not want to run from whatever it was coming their way. She didn’t really want to risk it, but if he was willing, than they would try. “Fine,” She snapped the ball back into its socket as she looked down at Torchic, “but if it starts getting to rough, we are out of here.” She wasn’t going to ask if it was okay, she was the trainer and she called the shots. Yes, he needed to be trained, but there was a stopping point. But for now, she would let him show her what he was worth. So she pulled her pokedex from her pocket and flipped it open, pointing it at Torchic as she called a command to it, “Move check.” Within a second there was a menu that opened up with Torchic’s avalible attacks: Ember, Scratch, and Growl. She tapped the metal of the devise as she mulled over what she should do. He obviously wasn’t too weak, seeing as he already knew Ember. Fine, they would fight.

Just as she was about to flip the pokedex shut she saw a pokemon zip into the clearing before them. The pokedex came into action, calling out the pokemons name, “Zigzagoon, the TinyRaccoon Pokémon. Zigzagoon is extremely curious and so ends up walking in a zigzag path between things that interest it.” She already knew about this pokemon, and knew enough about it to know that she wasn’t interested in capturing it, but it didn’t hurt to gather information. “Alright Torchic, get ready.” She smirked as she placed the pokedex back in her pocket, more than ready for their very first battle together. “Scratch!” She called the command as she watched the little creature zig and zag around the feild. Well, it was properly named, that’s for sure.
Torchic nodded as he heard his trainers command. She had said that she wanted to work on his physical power anyway so what better time then now to start he though. "TORCHIC!" he replied to her and then took several running steps before jumping at his opponent. The Zigzagoon darted from here to there not really paying attention but still staying in the general area. It only looked up right before Torchic hit it. With all of his might Torchic scratched Zigzagoon and landed on the ground.

Zigzagoon at this point turned all of his attention towards Torchic and Kristin. He was injured and pretty badly but still up. He took advantage of Torchic recovering and sharply drove his head into his chest with a tackle. The force sent Torchic flying back towards Kristin but, as he was sent through the air Torchic flipped back and landed close to Kristin. The zigzagoons strength was shot from the attack it was not expecting and his tackle had little power. Torchic took a second to recover from the quick counter attack and was ready for the next round.
Kristin watched the small brown and tan pokemon zip from one way to the other. It was obvious that it was not interested in them, either that or it did not even know that they were there. Either way, it would soon be drawn into a battle, weather it wanted to be or not. She watched as Torchic ran towards the pokemon, his speed impressing her. good, she liked that he was fast. Speed was always a good thing to have in battle. If you had speed on your side, than you could guarantee the first strike, not only that, but you would be able to easily dodge a lot of attacks.

“Good job Torchic!” She jeered to the small chick when he flipped at landed at her feet, her eyes not glancing down to check on him, but keeping straight on their pray. He was okay, she could feel it somehow. “Now, use your ember!” She wanted to see the aim again, and this time she was going to pay more attention to where the hit was landing. If she could figure out which way the fire was hitting, she could use that when she was training him.
Torchic heard Kristan's command and started to get it ready. The Zigzagoon was wounded. He could tell because it was not moving anywhere near as fast as it was before. It would be an easy target, maybe not quite as easy as the rock but still pretty easy. He let the fire build up inside of him and let out a yell as he used ember "Torchic!". The blast of fire went hurdling towards the opponent. He still did not hit right on though. He was just a little bit off this time but sent the blast a little to the left. It was enough though and the blast knocked out the Zigzagoon and sent it a few inches back.

When the dust settled Torchic took a few seconds to scene around him. He did not think there was any more danger near by and decided that he could let his guard down. He turned around to face Kristin and gave off a chirp. He was excited to hear what his trainer had thought of his performance.
She watched as Thorchic seemed to analyze the situation, figuring out when would be the best time to strike. Kristin on the other hand, was not so patient. Her body was tense with anticipation, and she was just about to call out to him when she was the enemy pokemon sip back into battle, only to be knocked back down by the fairly blast, and this time, it was not gong to be getting back up. A smirked played on her lips, impressed with her new parter and she kneeled down to his level. "That was a very good job. Still need to work on that aim... We will ditch at in the woods... That way you have a motive to aim better. Wouldn't want to burn the forest down, now would we?" She snickered lightly, having studied fire types for years. Apparently fire types that lived in the forest opposed to ones who lived in open areas like fields, mountain and volcanoes, had much better accuracy. They didn't want to burn their home down, so they needed to be able to dodge the trees and shrubs.

"Now," she pulled he pokeball out of the socket once more, holding it up. "You can travel at my side, or in the ball. You deserve the choice." She smiled down at him, her other hand stroking his head gently, she knew that he was going to become very strong.
Torchic let out a cry and closed his eyes as Kristin congratulated him on doing a good job. He was pleased that they had won their first battle as trainer and pokemon and was glad that he did not disappoint her. When she said that they would work on aim so that he did not burn the forest down his eyes grew very wide followed by him shutting them tight and shaking his head no as fast as he could. He certainly did not want to burn the forest down and while if he could have talked to her he would have told her that his poor aim was the result of the sun and a fast pokemon, he could not argue with her logic. If they were going to be fighting he would have to be careful as to where he sent his shots of fire. He did not want to be responsible for any kind of damage to surrounding areas and did not want Kristin to get in trouble either.

He was very happy when she gave him the choice to travel in the ball or by her side. Most trainers would not have bothered to do so. He thought about it for a few seconds and decided that he had been in the ball long enough. He wanted to opportunity to stretch his legs and spend more time with his new trainer. He got close to her and rubbed his head against her leg trying to signal that he would rather stay out.
She couldn't help but smile at the cute cry that he let out, clearly a happy sound. He had done a wonderful job and had a right to be proud, but he would soon be tested over and over again, so she was hopping that this single battle would not get his hopes up. Many battle would be hard, and not all of them would end with them being victorious, so she was hoping that he would understand that. But he was tough, she could easily see that, so she knew that he would do well and would get through the vigorous training to come.

Over the next few weeks they had run into many pokemon and even a few trainers. Kristin had not yet caught another pokemon to add to her team, but she was satisfied with just having Thorchic for now. He was a great pokemon, and an even better companion. As she looked down at him she couldn't help but smile, reaching her head to him to stroke his head. "Ready to go find another battle? You've grown many levels. Who knows, you might be close to evolving." She winked at him as she stood, gesturing him to follow as they, once again, venture into the wood.
In the weeks that followed Kristin and Torchic trained very hard. Kristin had set up a training regiment that they followed every day. They were all things to work on speed, accuracy, and strength. The training was tough but fair and everyday Torchic knew that he was getting stronger. They had also had battles as well both with wild pokemon and with other trainers. The wild pokemon had gotten pretty easy thanks largely to the training. The pokemon that were raised by trainers on the other had were a entirely different matter. There had been several close calls and near losses during these fights. Nothing seemed to compare to the abilities of a pokemon that had been trained. These were the fights that Torchic liked the most though. They pushed him to his limit and were always good learning experiences.

When Kristin bent down to stoke his head he took some time to enjoy the feel of her hand on his head. He loved her touch and was always happy to feel it. She wanted to head in to the woods which was fine with Torchic. As they walked into the woods he stood close to her side making sure that nothing would hurt her. They walked for a good long while but nothing seemed like it wanted to disturb them. All and all the day was pretty calm. After a while though he picked up the sent of something he knew. He could smell the sent of another human near by which based on their experiences meant that they were about to be involved in a battle. They had developed a system for this. If Torchic sensed something he would give off a chirp. One meant wild pokemon and two meant another human. He gave off his chirps as a warning for her and then moved in front of her ready for when the other human showed up.
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