Senshi (A carry-over from the last thread)

Sep 3, 2013
Crystal Tokyo
Serena watched all of this rather sadly. Back in Silver Millennium, she had gotten along so well with her brother-in-law. She understood what motivated her twin, but she also understood Atem's feelings. He had always been passionate about his love for her twin.
Krystal hung unto marik and frowned a little, unsure if what she had just done was the right choice. she went to speak again, but she suddenly felt very weak and fainted in his arms.

"Uhh, my head" she said weakly before passing out again, the rest of the senshi looking on sadly.
"We should get her in bed. Marik, carry her up, and darien call the doctor. Mina, Asuka and Tenshi will be home momentarily. Please bring them to the penthouse. She'll be fine marik. She just fainted." ami said in a calm voice, trying to keep the damage at minimum.
Everyone does as told. Serena sighs, wishing her friend Seto hadn't gone to Brazil for that bloody business trip. 'Well that's the price of being a businessman I suppose,' she thought. 'Now how do Krystal and Atem fix this?'
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