The Wolverine & The Lynx (Me & Saren Crimson)

Aug 10, 2013
Lynx was her name or as she was called Experiment 0. She was a young mutant, but strong and very dangerous. She came crashing out of a metal gate from a secret lab her eyes aglow as her powers raged flew through her. She snared and barred her fangs as the soldiers hired to keep her in came close. Her claws sprang out from between her fingers and she slashed the men's stomach's open with lightening fast speed. Then Lynx broke out into a run and shot into the forest into the darkness glad to be away from the med who had tortured her for most of her life.

Lynx lifted her head hearing something lurking around outside her cave. She sniffed the air but relaxed smelling only a deer. She then peeked her head out the cave she was in and looked up at the morning sky knowing she should hide until it was dark again. It would be safer for her and more dangerous for the humans to be out. She ducked back inside then fell asleep for awhile to wake up in the middle of the night to smell a presence coming toward the cave. She narrowed her eyes but stayed where she was. "I might just be another deer." Lynx thought to herself. She then heard the clank of metal and she jumped onto some rocks and made her way out of the cave and let out a low growl when she saw some people searching for her, she shoot her head and vanished deep into the forest.
Logan was sitting inside a bar waiting for a man to come by to meet him. Logan or Wolverine as many people would call him usually always traveled and never is at the Academy usually, only when there's an emergency. He was sitting at a booth having a few drinks although he didn't know why, it's not like it tasted great and he never got drunk. He learned to have a taste for it over the years. Soon enough, the man came and he had sat down at Logan's booth. He took out a cigarette then he lit it and blew out the smoke in another direction then nodded at him so he got his attention. At first they didn't really say anything since the both of them was trying to get a few drinks in them. Jonathan finally spoke to him, in a low voice but Logan could hear him just fine.

"Sorry for being late, I got trapped at a checkpoint upon entering the city." he said as he tipped the ash in the tray in front of him.

"At least you got here, I thought you almost gotten lost again. No sense of direction." he said as he tipped up another drink and slammed the glass on the table.

The man who was sitting in front of him name was Jonathan, Jonathan Ariga. He had a small smirk on his face then he laughed knowing how quick Logan was to insulting people though he didn't mean it, usually. He was waiting on him to show up because Jonathan wanted to check out a place that might have information about him and Logan. Inside an old facility just to the north near the mountains but through a thick forest. After they were all done there, they paid for what they owe and left. Mounting up on their motorbikes and heading off toward the woods that was outside of the small town that they were drinking and talking in. It didn't take them long to get there, however. They rode inside of the forest, on the dirt path that lead in different ways. They were going off of Logan's instincts now as he knew where to go, Jonathan was only following so all night Lynx could hear very loud sounds that seemed to be vehicles going through the forest.
Lynx heard the noises and turned her head fear taking her suddenly and she crouched down her claws coming through between her knuckles, she sniffed the air but suddenly stopped her claws went back in and she made her way down another path but she suddenly stopped when a pair of lights hit her in the eyes, she smelled Wolverine there and she heard another bike but right now she was scared stiff. "Who are you, what do you want? Leave me alone." she cried as she started to back up but was suddenly grabbed from behind.

Another mutant had came out of no where and tied Lynx's hands behind her back. "You belong to the Government, I suggest you come now and things will get better for you." the female said. The female's name was Jade, she has certain powers but she tried her best not to use them. Lynx squirmed and then pulled hard at the bindings behind her. "Let me go, I don't want to go back not after what they did to me." Lynx growled.

"Shut up." Jade snarled and slammed Lynx in the side of the head. Lynx let out a growl and spun around kicking at the girl who suddenly vanished from sight. Lynx stared up at Logan still confused and scared trying hard to break the bonds around her wrists. She felt another pair of lights hit her and she stood their blinded by all of this.
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