Protégés (Kya x Fetwick)


Feb 21, 2013
Bruce was out on official league business, which meant that Gotham was Dick's. Nightwing stood on the perch of the gargoyle overlooking the city. It had been quiet for the first two nights, but nothing lasts forever. It was at that moment, he noticed fireworks launching from Amusement Mile. His binoculars showed thugs dressed in red and black argyle suits.

"Harley's idea of a trap no doubt." Dick muttered to himself as he swung into action, speeding past landmarks with his bat grapple.

He finally landed near the factory, where he was met by some goons. He made quick work of them with his stun batons and acrobatics. He brushed off a couple of loose teeth from his shoulder and then readied himself in position.

"Who's next?" he called out, waiting for an answer.

Harley had set off her signal, now all she had to do was sit back and wait. Having cameras everywhere, she could easily see right when Nightwing showed up, a smirk playing across her face. She'd show them a woman's wrath. Sighing, she looked over at a picture of Joker on the wall, putting her hand against it. "Oh Puddin'.....that Bat'll pay..." she told the picture, getting up as soon as she notice that Nightwing had taken out her goons. Immediately, she opened up the factory for him, and a laugh could be heard over the comm system.

"Well, look who we have here? Think you can make it through to me, Bird Brain?" she asked with a tease, then laughed again. As soon as the laughter ended, a few more thugs appeared, all in red and black and ready to take him on.

Dick scanned the five thugs coming his way, and readied himself for impact. The first convict threw a hay-maker. Big mistake. Nightwing quickly jabbed him in the nose to catch him off guard. He tossed his batons at two approaching thugs, stunning them momentarily while he took hold of the incoming hay-maker and broke the arm.

One down. Four left. Eliminate the strong link first, and conserve your energy for Harley.

After analyzing his next move, Dick ran towards the biggest henchman left and slid on the floor to wrap his ankles with his grapple. He fired it towards the ceiling and watched him fly upwards before dangling above. A fist connected into the back of his neck as Nightwing tried to get up. He recovered from the fall by sommersaulting forward and then used the momentum to donkey kick the thug in the face.

Two left... and they both have my stun batons.

Thinking quickly, Dick threw down a smoke pellet from his utility belt and managed to get one of the henchmen into a sleeper hold. A muted buzz ran through his right bicep as the other got a lucky swing in with his baton. He grabbed hold, broke the wrist and took the two batons and shocked the final thug in the neck.

"Hey Harley, you're not losing your touch are you?" he called out massaging his right arm.
Harley watched on the security video as Nightwing fought with the thugs. She knew he could take these out no problem, and grinned as he did. "No, I'm not......" she said through the Comm system again. She then pressed a button, which quickly released a sleeping gas into the room he was in. "Nighty night, Birdy.." she said, looking over at two thugs that had come in waiting on orders. "When he's out, go and get him. I want him brought back here. I have my own plans for him." she told them as she looked back at the screen.
"Nighty night, birdy!" rung in Nightwing's ears as he heard the familiar hiss of ventilation shafts pouring in gas. He reached for the collapsible gas mask in back right utility pocket. But his buzzed arm was still tingling from the stun baton. His fingers could barely grasp the latch that prevented him from inhaling the toxic fumes. He tried detaching the belt with his left hand to gain access but it was too late, his vision was going fuzzy and his body was becoming weak.

Note to self. Place gas mask in a more feasible location on the util--

The guards scooped up his unconscious body under his arms and dragged him off to Harley's private quarters, leaving Dick to his fate.
After he was brought to Harley, it wasn't long before Nightwing was properly handcuffed to a bed with thin brass bars on either end. Of course, it wasn't the same one Harley had used with Joker back in the day. No, that one was never to be used again. Not unless she wanted to sleep there by herself. She had even taken extra precaution and tied the boy's legs down by the ankles to prevent him from struggling too much. He was for the most part undressed, but still had on what underwear he had. For now at least. Harley slipped over to him, her bag of goodies on the floor beside her as she straddled the lad, leaning over his frame and closer to his face. "Wakey wakey, Bird brain" she said, teasing his nose with a feather. That outta wake him, if nothing else.
An all too familiar feeling came over Nightwing as he started to regain consciousness, regret. The light brushing of a black feather tickled the bridge of his nose, prompting him to open his eyes. Was she being overtly jokey using a black feather as a pun on night wing, or was he over analyzing again? Old habit he picked up from Bruce. He tested the strength of his metal bonds by trying to pull at them, but when they started to dig into his skin, he let up. His legs were useless not only from her choice in tight knots, but her added weight placed atop him. Dick sighed in defeat as Harley's leather pants scrunched when she lowered herself onto his remaining clothing. He scanned the room for any future escape plans, but the only exit was through the door. This had become a waiting game, and all it would take to escape is one mistake from the seductive prankster.

"So, things are not going too well with the hubby I assume?" he threw out in a means to start the mind games, trying to determine what devices of torture or pleasure she had stuffed in her bag of goodies.
Harley smirked as he finally woke up. She noticed him testing his bonds, and she gleefully cheered mentally at how well things were going. Her smirk fell though as he spoke, and she grabbed his chin hard. "Don't you talk about Mistah J....." she said, glaring at him. If he wanted a way to eat at her loss, he'd sure found it. Letting go of him, she tossed the feather to the floor, staying on top of him. "In fact, don't you talk at all. I'd much rather hear you scream and beg me...." she told him. "You're the star of my show, Bird brain, and Bats can't do a thing to save ya..." she told him, reaching for her bag and grabbing something out of it. What it was wouldn't be revealed to him yet. If he kept talking though, he'd find a gag shoved into his mouth, though.
The groundwork had been laid down. Harley was already seething with anger this soon. A little more pushing of her buttons and she'd be using her fists, instead of her brains. As her fingers clasped his jaw, he noticed the pain in her eyes that she had inflicted on so many others. On one hand it felt good to avenge the fallen, but as Bruce once told him about his family's murders: "It's not about revenge, it's about justice." But that's when Nightwing noticed the camera, and he wasn't Bruce.

"Your show? That's like Vanna White hosting wheel of fortune!" he shot back as she dug into her bag once again. If she was going to torture him live, he wasn't going to go down without swinging. He only hoped Barbara wasn't watching.
Harley, without a word to him, reached over and shoved the gag into his mouth, strapping it tight around him. "There, not so mouthy now, are ya?" she asked him with a giggle, poking his nose. Her hand went down his bare skin, snapping the band of his boxers and then up her own body and to the corset top she was wearing. "I'm going to make this unbearable for you.....and then when I break you, you'll never want to go back to the Bat again..." she told him.

Slowly, she undid the top, letting it fall and then tossing it aside. After that she was in a bra up top until that too, wound up off her body and away. Now she was in nothing but her leather pants, her perky breasts before him. "If you're a good boy I might take that gag out. Until then though, your trap is shut."
"Mmmph!" protested Nightwing as the red spherical ball was shoved onto his lips before forcing it's way in behind his teeth. Fitting snugly on his tongue, Harley buckled the leather straps until they tightly compressed his cheeks. Effectively bound and gagged Dick could do nothing but watch what happened next as Harley started to undress herself. Her leather fingerless gloves scrunched with tension as she reached down to untie her corset and again when she unhooked her bra. He started to buck from underneath her trying to toss her off of him to no avail.

"Mmm!" he cursed before his eyes averted back to her bag of tricks. Being a protege of the Joker could only mean good things weren't about to happen.
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