Lord of demons ( ZarakiKenpachi x Krystal_Atems_Girl)


May 25, 2013

Sesshomaru walked through the night at his walking pace and found Naraku's castle. Kagura and Naraku waited there in front. sesshomaru wasn't suprised, he noticed the frightened look on Kagura's face.
Naraku punished her once again.
"So your here too I see. I heard you were coming, isn't that right Kagura?" Naraku turned to the frightened Kagura and smirked. Kagura shut her eyes and held the fan in her face to block Sesshomaru, who of course didn't care, and shivered.
Naraku walked the steps and sat down, Sesshomaru smirked and waited. But instead, Naraku called Kagura. She walked slowly toward Naraku's side and blinked. What was he doing? Kagura was beginning to get more and more worried. Sesshomaru blinked and stood steady, Naraku looked at the two and laughed.
"Kagura, take care of him." He said.
Kagura jumped, she looked at Naraku and flinched.
"You heard me. Kill Sesshomaru!" He ordered, a web that was never noticed to anyone but Naraku was held by all five fingers. Sesshomaru right away understood, he was going to use Kagura.
"Very well then." Seshomaru agreed, he ran toward Kagura with his sword held tight in his hand.
"No please! Wait, Naraku!" Kagura began to walk back inside but Naraku pushed her to the ground.
She struggled slowly to get up, but when she seen Sesshomaru coming at her she gasped and her wind like blades on him. He dodged them and continued to run at her. Kagura used her other special attack but failed to throw the attack straight at him.
"Sesshomaru!" Kagura guarded her self but luckily Naraku shot his web inside her and smiled. Kagura was no longer in control.
Kagura used the Dance of the Dragon and wind blades, Sesshomaru was hit hard now. His sword flew straight out his hands and right to the dirt ground. Naraku waited for Sesshomaru to stand, he got up and quickly used his whip. Kagura used the feather to fly from his own reach but Sesshomaru evantually caught her. Naraku used his own ability with Kagura to attack Sesshomaru even painful. Kagura's puppet spun around with the fan in her hands and suddenly made a large wind strike Sesshomaru, after that quick attack she used her Dance of the Dead on him. After being hit sesshomaru was so angry, out of pure anger he killed then both with the recovered Tōkijin.

Birds sang and critters everywhere bounded around with unequivocal gaiety. The air was fresh and clean, not at all marred by the smoking remains of a rather large boar demon.The fields full of flowing grass, Sesshomaru sat upon a hill of flowers and thought for a moment. It was clear that he wanted to be alone.. He was badly injured. Lord Sesshomaru could feel someone coming his way
Asuka walked the path happily, singing with the birds and looking around, just generally enjoying herself. She was having an extreme moment of peace, something very rare for a demon as powerful as she. Her long blue hair flowed in the wind as she continued walking, seeing something untop of a nearby hill.

"Hmm, I wonder who that is? he looks injured. Maybe I should ask him if he needs some help." she said to herself as she ran over to the hill, tentitatively walking toward him.

"Excuse me, But do you need some kind of help? You look like you were attacked by something. i'm asuka by the way." she said to him with a slight smile, hoping to help in anyway she could.
Lord sesshomaru turned sharply towards her, his eyes going red. "I need no help" he said standing almost falling. Blood gushed from his wounds, he hit his knees holding his wounds. With one arm it was hard for him. Sesshomaru looked at her seeing she was also a demon, he hated to have others like him to see him in this shape. He sat down on the ground. The taiyoukai growled at the state he was in.

(Sorry it's to short)
ZarakiKenpachi said:
Lord sesshomaru turned sharply towards her, his eyes going red. "I need no help" he said standing almost falling. Blood gushed from his wounds, he hit his knees holding his wounds. With one arm it was hard for him. Sesshomaru looked at her seeing she was also a demon, he hated to have others like him to see him in this shape. He sat down on the ground. The taiyoukai growled at the state he was in.

(Sorry it's to short)
"I doubt that very highly. Just let me help you."
Asuka looked at him kindly and picked him up reverse bridal style, then disappeared completly, laying him down in her bed.

"You rest. i'll go get some bandages. and stop looking so sour! We all need a little help once in awhile. I know i'd be dead right now if the great dog demon hadn't saved me." she smiles a little, walking into an adjacent room and getting what looked like a medical kit, complete with all that she'd need. Asuka cleaned his wounds, the bandaged them, looking at him and noticing how handome he is. it almost made her blush.

"There. that should do it. just lay down here a bit. i'll fix us some food" and twith that she disappeared from the room.
He growled at her pushing her hand away" I don't need your help" he yelled getting up. Through the pain he made his way to his swords and fastened them to him self. He slowly made his way out if her hut. "Don't talk about my father" he through over his shoulder before his tail created a cloud around him. Sesshomaru glided through the sky away from her.
"Well, I guess I should have expected that from his son. Knew the second i saw him. oh well, no harm no foul. Though he was handsome. I wonderif we'll eve cross paths agian?" she said with a sigh as she got the blankets off the bed to wash them in the stream. as Asuka washed them, all she could think about was him. his long silver hair, tha crecsent on his forehaed and the way that he walked.

He was so uptight and stoic, yet she could tell he had a good heart way down deep. when she was finished washing the blankets, she put them on a tree to dry, her mind wandering to him again.

"I hope he'll be alright." she said with a worried sigh.
Sesshomaru stripped down then slowly lowered himself into the stream. His wounds were healing quite quickly , the blood on his body drifted with the stream. He growled at the fact he had killed the only demon that hated his half breed brother almost as much as he did. Sesshomaru's mind wondered to the female demon asuka , he shook his head to rid himself of the thought. Tenseiga started to rattle from his resting place against the rock. He exited the stream and dressed himself. He was healed now, he followed the stream until he saw asuka again.
"Well, Hello again. I see your wounds have healed. Thats good." she says with a releived smile, worry about him clear in her icey blue eyes. Asuka stood where she was kind of awkwardly, unsure what to do next. Her mind wandered to thoughts of kissing him, but she quickly put them out.

"He would never want to kiss me. He's too stoic to like me." she thought to herself, but the thoughts persisted. Asuka was not homely by any means either, but her comfidence in things like that were low. she wondered what he was thinking about as he looked at her, but was to shy to ask.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" she asked meeky, slight fear in her eyes. the fear was not of him though, it was fear she would do something embarrassing in front of him.
Tenseiga continued to rattle loudly he placed his hand on the sword. The dog daiyōkai looked at her as his magenta markings growing rigid and the whites of his eyes turning red. He doubled over starting to turn into the beast. Once he was transformed he howled and started running towards her. He jumped over her continuing to run.
"Guess not." she said with a small laugh, looking into the wood where he had just disappeared into. Asuka didn't know his name, but she did know he was related to the great dog demon. She picked up her sword and drew it, and the blade flamed to life with a bright blue fire. she spoke to it a few words and it turnedgrew brighter, and she resheathed it. Asuka then disappeared, reappearing behind some trres to watch what looked like that demon and a red outfit wearing half demon.

"Wow, looks like they really hate each other." she said to herself softly, crouching down closer so she could see.
the sound of metal clashing could be heard through the forest. Inuyasha's brother's silver hair danced in the breeze, it was a cold, and chilly breeze at that. He drew his sword his intentions were now clear, he was going to kill him. "I hate the fact that my fathers blood runs through your veins half breed" sesshomaru spat out continuing to hack away at his half brother. He jumped away from inuyasha and his tokijin started to glow blue. "Dragon strike" he said in a monotone. The blue lightning raced towards inuyasha, his sword protected him and he disappeared. Sesshomaru turned on his heels his long silver hair whipping around him. "So your here?" He asked in the same monotone.
"Yes. I followed you. I guess i'm just to curious for my own good." Asuka said with a small smile, still staying where she is, unsure of what to do next.

"i have to say though, that was a seriously awesome attack. my sword is meant more for up close attacks. *she unsheathes it, just to show him* the fire cuts deeply, but also cauterizes the wound. Its handy for up close, but i'm no good for long range." she said with a sigh, sheathing her sword. asuka was sure he'd probably leave, so she just stood there, waiting for him to, but speaking first.

"Your dog form is positively amazing. the bast i can do is turn into a very huge penguin. not too useful." she said with a laugh, looking sad.
He bowed his head lightly at the complement. "No it's not very useful" in the same emotionless tone. He turned from her showing his left arm was missing. He walked to the cliff edge and watched out towards the horizon. A light breeze swayed his long silver hair, and circled him. He could smell her and would know if she came any closer. He wasn't going to hurt her she had done nothing to him, and the fact that it wouldn't take much of his strength to kill her and that was no fun to him. Sesshoumaru thought about the last conversation he had with his father before he died saving that half breed weakling.
Asuka wasn't sure if she should get any closer. She really wanted to be close to him, but she was to afraid that he would kill her to come any closer. She could see it in his eyes, the way that he moved. He was cold blooded. She really admired that, but it also scared her. Asuka moved only a little closer, just watching him. She didn't know why but she was so drawn to him. It was almost as if she had fallen in love with him, but she pushed that thought away knowing full well that he could never love someone like her.
Lord Sesshomaru could feel her move ever so slightly towards him. "if i wanted you dead you would already be dead girl"he said not even looking back at her. He could smell her fear of him, he kinda liked that a demon girl would fear him. Not every demon feared him , even his half brother feared him enough to run from him. It got real annoying to him that he couldnt find love because most every girl would run and hide at the sight of him. He knew he looked scary and the way he walked and carried him self showed he was merciless and cold blooded. He had to hold up his fathers legacy, he loved his father but hated the fact that he feel in love with a human.Demons are not supposed to love humans, they grew old and died as demons look young and lived alot longer." your not strong enough for me to fight and it would serve no purpose in killing you" he added still not looking at her.
ZarakiKenpachi said:
Lord Sesshomaru could feel her move ever so slightly towards him. "if i wanted you dead you would already be dead girl"he said not even looking back at her. He could smell her fear of him, he kinda liked that a demon girl would fear him. Not every demon feared him , even his half brother feared him enough to run from him. It got real annoying to him that he couldnt find love because most every girl would run and hide at the sight of him. He knew he looked scary and the way he walked and carried him self showed he was merciless and cold blooded. He had to hold up his fathers legacy, he loved his father but hated the fact that he feel in love with a human.Demons are not supposed to love humans, they grew old and died as demons look young and lived alot longer." your not strong enough for me to fight and it would serve no purpose in killing you" he added still not looking at her.
Asuka smiled. "Don't count me out just yet. I'm stronger than i appear." She inched ever so slightly closer, just to get a better look at him. God he was handsome. she wondered what he would look like if he smiled. she only barely remembered the great dog demon, but she remembered that he was very handsome, especially when he smiled.

Asuka blushed just a little as she looked at him, wondering what she should say. "I don't know if you know this, but you are very handsome. its surprising to me that girls don't fall at your feet. i men, that's just my opinion." she said as she blushed even deeper, still trying to push away the love she felt for him unsuccessfully.
Lord Sesshonaru had tokijin to her throat in an instant. "Trust me if I wanted you dead you would be" he growled before sheathing his sword. He turned from her " demons and humans fear me why would they think me handsome" he said looking up to the sky.
"Because you are." she said simply, a little startled by his sword at her throat but liking being so close to him. She looked at him slightly curiously, only a twinge of fear in her eyes. She knew he'd kill her if he didn't want her around, so was him not doing so a good sign? Asuka didn't know, but she liked to think that maybe even just slightly she was getting to his heart. She pushed the hair from her face and smiled slightly, looking into his eyes and wondering what he was thinking. "i do fear you. i just see something others don't." she said with a cryptic smile, wondering what he would do next.
"And what is that? What do you see that others don't ?" He yelled looking at her a hint of anger shown through his golden eyes. "What can a demon provide other then killing. I want to fight the strongest demon to become the best" he told her turning from her again walking a few feet away from her.
"you put off the appearance of being stoic and uncaring. but i think deep down you're not a cold hearted as you appear." she said flatly, stating it like a fact more than anything. Asuka looked to him, knowing what she said probably made him angry, but she knew it to be true. she could see it in his cold eyes. she sensed he didn't want to just be powerful alone.
"You think me not cold hearted do you wish to die" he said his voice back to the same mono tone. He showed no emotion once again." Maybe you should be put in your place." He then went to attack her but nothing happened Sesshomaru stopped before sending dragon strike at her. Could she really not fear him? He could smell the slight fear and also he could smell something else. Something new to him. he could smell this on his father when he left his son on that beach to be killed protecting that human.
"You think me strange, don't you? One cannot change how they feel." Asuka looked at him curiously and then noticed she had never asked his name.it seemed kind of silly now, but she remembered the great dog demon talking of his son Sesshomaru. "that must be Sesshomaru." she thought to herself as she nodded her head slightly, looking to him. "your father loved you quite a lot, in case you didn't know, and it was love that caused him to die. That is why you remain stoic. Because you believe that love is weakness. which is only sometimes true, my lord." she looked to him, her eyes slightly slanted as she took him in. still unsure of what to do next, though what she really wanted to do was show him what love could be like.
"Do not speak of my father you know nothing girl" he growled showing only anger this time. He turned from her and started walk away. "Love is a useless human emotion" he threw over his shoulder before walking into the forest.
Asuka sighs and looks to him, following. for some reason, she just wanted to be near him. her mind flowed with thoughts of love for him, but she put them aside., knowing full well he could never love her, though she wanted so badly for him to.
"Do you insist on following me girl" he blatantly asked not even bothering to look at her as he walked onward. Sesshomaru didn't really care if she did or not, he was a tough demon to keep up with. He stopped suddenly "wolves" was all he said before continuing to walk. He knew she as well as him could smell the wolves and human blood. He had no intentions if stopping to help, he didn't care if the humans died.
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