Who Says Being a Senshi Is All Work? (Sailor Moon/Yugioh/YYH Crossover RP)

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Sep 3, 2013
Crystal Tokyo
(We will be using the English names for the characters)

It was September and Serena was walking home with her friends Mina, Lita, Amy, and Rei, as well as her twin sister Krystal. Krystal was dating Marik Ishtar and Serena's boyfriend Darien Shields was supposed to meet them for a senshi meeting after school. Things were getting very suspicious, but Serena pretended to ignore it. She didn't want anything messing up her lovely view of the world at the moment. What grand things being 14 and in love can do for a girl's confidence!
MoonPrincessSerenity said:
(We will be using the English names for the characters)

It was September and Serena was walking home with her friends Mina, Lita, Amy, and Rei, as well as her twin sister Krystal. Krystal was dating Marik Ishtar and Serena's boyfriend Darien Shields was supposed to meet them for a senshi meeting after school. Things were getting very suspicious, but Serena pretended to ignore it. She didn't want anything messing up her lovely view of the world at the moment. What grand things being 14 and in love can do for a girl's confidence!

Krystal walked with her sister and their friends to Rei's house, where they usually held their study group and senshi meetings. She sensed something following her, but ignored it, knowing full well it was probably just Marik. He loved following her around descreetly in the shadows. "Guys, can we stop at the penthouse? I gotta get out of this stuffy uniform." she squirmed a little as she said it, scratching her neck, looking annoyed.

"Tell me again why japanese schools require uniforms? Rah it makes me miss Texas." she added with a sigh as she went up to her pent house, returning quickly in a dark blue t-shirt with a a cropped leather jacket and matching pants, short heeled booties, studded leather belts in black and blue, one with her deck attached and duel disc on her right arm just in case.

"Much better." she said with an easy smile as marik came up behind her, hugging her close and kissing her neck.

"Hello marikins" she said with another smile as she kissed him softly.
Serena had managed to have a pair of comfortable clothes in her bag today, so she went into the bathroom on the first floor of the hotel to change. On her way out from changing, a tall man with black hair and piercing midnight blue eyes purposefully blocked her path.

"Hey there meatball head. Aren't you going to kiss me hello?"

She rolled her eyes and playfully slapped him. "After that insult why should I kiss you Darien when you called me meatball head?"

He laughed and wrapped an arm around her, walking them back to the others. Rei watched them happily, if not slightly enviously. She wanted someone she could joke with the way those two joked. They balanced each other out so nicely.

"Good to know you can show up Darien," Rei said. "Stop teasing your girlfriend. You know how her sister reacts to that."
Darien smiled and just held Serena's hand. "Sere and I have been like this from the beginning. It's always been a battle of wills. I just happen to think that our picking on each other is what helps us to have such a strong relationship."

Mina grinned. "You two certainly went through too much just to come this far. I'm glad you two have each other and she has Marik. As long as she is happy I doubt she will notice how much you tease Serena Darien."

Serena held on to him, smiling. "I wonder what on Earth is keeping Krys so long. It shouldn't take this long to change."

Her boyfriend smirked. "How much do you want to bet that Ishtar has joined her?" *he laughs*
Krystal smiled at Marik playfully and kissed his nose, then smiled even wider.

"So, peeping at me getting dressed again are you marikins?" she said to him, her ice blue eyes showing nothing but love. Krystal tossled her long blue hair and walked to the door, beckoning marik to follow.

"We outta get back down to the girls. Senshi business needs to be attended to. Besides, I sense that prehaps there maybe a rival of yours near. The name Yugi Moutou sound familiar?" Krystal jiggled the handle annoyed, the charm bracelet Marik gave her shining in the light.

"Come on my golden egyptian! fun and possible violence await." with that she smirked wickedly and disappeared out the door.
"Yes the name is familiar. In other words, the "Almighty Pharoah" is here and wants to give me a piece of his mind. Well, I am in a particularly violent frame of mind so I will oblige him if he crosses me negatively."

Serena spotted Yugi and ran over and hugged him. "Hi Yugi! How are you?"

"Hi Sere. I'm fine, just looking for Krys. Atem wants to see her."

"She went upstairs to change. Darien thinks Marik Ishtar might be with her."

At the mention of Marik, Atem appeared. And he wasn't pleased.
Krystal smiles at marik and kisses him lightly.
"Pharoah is just being pharoah. Once mariku figures that out it'll be fine. Now come on!" she pushes the button on the elevator happily, wondering what fun things were to come, her thoughts slightly selfish.

"i love it when they fight over me." she thinks to herself as she gets in the elavator, waiting for marik.
He joins her in the elevator, quietly contemplating the rearrangement of the Pharoah's face.


"Atem, please don't go getting angry. Until you can be released from the puzzle and Yugi, this is the only way things can be. Eventually you will be reunited with her."

"Serena you have always been an optimist. I understand. It doesn't mean that I have to like the fact he is probably sleeping with my destined love. My wife. That is something that I refuse to accept. No matter what."
Meanwhile in the elevator:
Krystal is softly singing a black veil brides song and looking to marik.

"Marikins, what are you thinking about?" she asked, looking kind of meek, her big blue eyes showing concern. she shuffles her feet a little as she looks at him, desperately wanting to kiss him, but knowing full well the elevator would stop and pharoah would see them. Bad. very bad.
"I am thinking about killing the pharoah and marrying you. Then defiling the pharoah's grave. It makes me immensely happy."

Serena looked to Darien, hoping he could keep his old friend calm and avoid a scene. She had never dealt well with controversy.

Darien saw her reaction and tried to calm Atem down. "You can't blame her for having a boyfriend right now my friend. But I know that she loves you very much."

Atem laughed mirthlessly. "And that is supposed to make the situation with that wretched Ishtar better is it Endymion? It doesn't."
Krystal laughs a little and smiles, her eyes slightly slanted.

"Is that a proposal? But you know killing atem is kind of futile. He'll just be reborn. Oh, and if it is a proposal, I would most definately marry you my golden egyptian. Bluebelle love you very much you know marikins." with that she kisses him passionately just as the elevater stops, unaware of what might be to come.
Without thinking, Atem ran forward and threw Marik off of Krystal. "Stay away from my wife, you piece filth. You do not deserve to scrape manure from her shoes, let alone kiss her!"

Darien and Serena both facepalm. This is exacatly what she had feared would happen.

Marik punched Atem and all heck broke loose. It was a fist fight for the ages.
Krystal simply giggled a little and watched, the sight of the two of them fighting over her quite amusing. The consierge goes to throw the two fighters out, but Krystal puts her hand up to stop him.

"Trust me Armond, its safer to keep them in here then it is to put them out on the street." she smiles a little at him and then finally intervenes, pulling the two off of each other and locking Atem in an invisible shadow box.

"Atem! What have I told you! I love marik, and if you have a problem with that then why don't you just stay away from me! You're hurting me by hurting him, Atem." Krystal looks at him furiously, her eyes burning with white hot flame. She literally almost punches him herself, but decides on a better plan. Instead Krystal pulls marik up of the ground and kisses him passionately, running her fingers in his hair, while Atem could only watch.
Marik smirks and kisses her back, Atem fumes and breaks out of her box. "Fine. Have your torrid little affair with the filth. But don't get upset when I am free of Yugi and the puzzle and I have a new woman on my arm. Miss Rei is very much to my liking, Krystal dear. Two can play this game." He leaves.

Serena stood there, clinging to Darien with eyes widened by shock. For as long as she could remember, Atem had always been kind and tried to avoid conflict. 'But I suppose ancient enemies don't become friends easily. Especially when it centers on love,' she thought. This was one time when Sere knew she couldn't get involved and smooth things over for them. They had to come to terms with their destiny on their own.
Krystal watches him go, satisfied to be rid of him for the moment.
"Like atem would really date Rei? (no offence Rei) Thats something i'll have to see. Besides, I see something that will make him even angrier in my future. So, shall we go to rei's house, or do we just have the meeting in the penthouse?" Krystal smiles at the group, but on the inside she cannot beleive what she has just done. What the hell was wrong with her? Lashing out at Atem... Maybe mariku is starting to get to her again. she hung onto marik, putting her head on his shoulder, but then fainting.
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