The Clown Prince and His Kitty (Me & batman4560)

Aug 10, 2013
It was a dark and cold night in Gotham, it had just rained so fog had set over the city. People were home in their beds unaware of what was going on down below in the bowels of the city. Young Lynx was making her way down an alley way after just slaughtering some thug who was trying to take her money. She was no normal girl, she had the power to control the elements as well as metal claws and fleshed that healed at once. She was a small girl about 5'4 1/2 only weighing about 120lb.

She had long blond hair that fell down between her shoulder blades in a long braid, her eyes were dark brown with cat like, slitted pupils. She also had canine teeth that stuck out of her mouth depending if she was angry or not. Right now she was walking in the dark wearing her leather jacked, blue union jack shirt, a pair of jeans and a red pair of converse high tops. She suddenly stopped at the end of the alley seeing the end had been blocked.

Lynx looked around her, her eyes scanning the darkness for danger. Ever since she had left the pub she was staying at she had sensed someone was following her. She sniffed the air now, her mouth turned into a snarl and she let out a low growl looking around her. Suddenly she felt a heavy net land on her pinning her to the ground. She growled again only to let out a pained snarl when a goon plunged a pole through her stomach pinning her to the ground.

"Got her like you wanted boss." he yelled staring down at Lynx then someone in the shadows. "Get the fuck off of me right now!" Lynx growled and slammed the goon into a wall using a fire ball. She suddenly felt a jab in her neck, a dark hit her instantly weakening her. Once who ever had captured her put a certain collar around her neck Lynx was owned by them.
An audible clapping echoed around the downed woman and from the darkness came a man in a purple suit with a wicked white face and red grin. "Now now now...don't put this kitty down boys. Just make sure she gets a flea bath....hhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, AAAAAHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" The clown prince of crime jumped around her and stuck his foot into her body a few times with hard kicks. Then suddenly he stopped and dropped to his hands and knees just a few inches from her face. "I have been keeping my eye on you. Ever since Harley left...well I haven't felt the same. I need a woman in my life and you will do just fine." He licked the side of her face through the net and snapped his fingers calling his thugs to pick her body up and dump it in the back of an Ice-cream truck and take off down the road...

Once at his "laugh factory" Hide out the Joker stuck another needle in her neck to keep her subdued while his men dragged her around in the net. The entire time his hungry red eyes kept locked on her. His hands rubbed together while the "Gears" in his head turned. The Joker had been working with scarecrow gas and Joker Venom to make a new drug that would be administered from a collar he had set up for the woman. It should make her very compliant with his demands. Stopping the men in front of the Joker strapped the woman to a medical table and walked off to prep for other things, leaving just Lynx and the Joker.

The Joker dug around under the table until the reversed spiked collar was in hands. "Now kitty, try to understand. We do this because we love you. And this will hurt you more than it will hurt us." He joked before forcing the thin spikes into the sides of her neck and making sure the collar was secured. The moment the clasps connected the venom went to her blood stream and the Joker sat on her hips while she was stuck to the table. " do we feel?"
Lynx cringed and glared up at him pulling hard at the straps around her wrists and ankles then winced in pain when she felt the spikes press into her flesh. She shut her eyes her claws almost forcing their way out of fists. She barred her fanged teeth before she stared up at him once more with very angry eyes, her body shivered and trembled slightly as her hands relaxed and tensed again. She shook her head trying to clear the flight fog that was starting to enter her mind.

"God damn it, what the fuck did you do to me? One moment I want to rip your heart out and the next, I lose the thought. My brain is saying to kill you but my body won't." Lynx cried in rage pulling at her bindings before she slumped back against the table panting hard. Lynx shut her eyes feeling sweat forming over her forehead and down the back of her neck as she struggled to get free from his grasp.

Lynx felt a slight pain and stopped moving, she groaned and shut her eyes tightly she could hear her own pulse in her head. "What do you want with me, Joker?" she muttered her body tensed but she no longer was trying to attack him. Suddenly the bindings snapped free and she lay there staring up at the man who was straddling her hips. She wanted to kill him but her body wouldn't let her, her mind was fogged over as well.
Sitting up straight the Joker placed a hand over his heart. "What do I want???? Why Lynx. All I want is to be friends." He commented then smacked her between the thighs twice in a playful manner. "Very, very close friends. I want you do do me a favor and I will do something for you." The clown licked his lips and reached out placing a hand on each of her breasts. The moment he squeezed them a shock went through her as his joy buzzers went off.

"Don't scream. I might get afraid and send another jolt!" He pulled away and tossed the buzzers away now that the charge was gone. He slid off her hips and stroked her face gently. "Do you want me to let you go?" He asked while whispering in her ear. His lips brushed against her ear and his tongue flicked out against her earlobe. "OH and by the way...every member of the Joker gang has some ink..But we are out so its time to do this the old fashioned way! AHHHH HHHHAAAAHHAHAHA" The Joker walked to a wall and pulled what looked like a hot iron from it but in fact the iron had blades that made a pattern. Pressing it into her left thigh the blades cut into her skin and left a deep joker smile scar on it. "Now don't scratch that."
Lynx let out another growl then trembled when she felt the buzzers go off. She raised her eyebrow and stared at him then let out a very angry hiss when she felt the blade's cut through her clothing and into the flesh of her hip. She snarled and glared at him angrily as she sat up on the table and looked around. Her head was fuzzy so she didn't try to move off of the metal table under her, she slumped back down against it suddenly.

"What did you do to me Joker, I feel strange." she snapped. Lynx felt her skin heal but it left a nasty scar from where he had branded her. She shook her head a few times trying to clear it but it wasn't helping at all. She was dazed and confused as the drugs took over her system and she was getting used to it. She hissed again when the needles in her neck retracted but she was still wearing the collar.

She shrugged and pushed away the feeling of dread inside her then pushed herself off the table and stood up. "I should rip you to parts, how would you like that Joker?" Lynx asked as she made her way towards him but stopped as she got close. Her body wasn't letting her attack him, she went weak and felt a flash of pain shoot through her, her fell to her hands and knees in front of him.
"Good, you know you're place!" He laughed and kicked her in the gut knocking her to her back. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled a knife. "Those drugs in you will not let you ever harm me. It will frighten you to the point of crippling you with fear." He commented then ran the knife up into the seam of her leg's costume and cut it open. Then his hand snaked into her panties and rubbed against her clit.

"Ohhh do you like that?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at her." Don't fight it you just might like what happens next." the Joker licked his lips then knelt down and licked her lips slowly. His eyes lit up and his breathing got heavy. "God you are hot! Maybe better looking than Harley." The clown prince of crime sped up his speed on her pussy and pressed into it harder. "Now, I want you to do something for me. Can you do that?"
Lynx went wide eyed and stared up at him when she felt The Joker kick her to her back, she slumped against the ground hard coughing as the air was knocked out of her. She went wide eyed when she felt his knife cut the fabric of her pants and then yelped when he pushed his hand inside her panties. "What the hell are you doing!?" she cried then gritted her teeth as he felt his hand press harder against her, she squirmed a bit under his grasp.

Lynx growled lowly but her body would not allow her to harm him, she shivered as she felt his warm tongue against her lips. She let out a loud moan when she felt his hand apply more pressure on her clit. She shut her eyes clenching her fists tightly digging her nails in. She groaned and arched her back up as her body started to react to his touch. "Fuck you...." she hissed through her teeth.

She could feel how close he was to her, she wanted to plunge her claws through his chest right then and there but she couldn't. Lynx whimpered with how frustrated she was do to the drugs. " you want....from me....Joker." she cried out softly and stared up at him her body trembling against his touch, she was starting to soak his purple leather glove with her juices.
The Joker Pulled his gloved hand away and looked at the juices on it. He made a strange face then wiped the cum on her face. "Here my face is white enough as what do I want from you?" He stood up and kicked her again just to remind her that he was in charge.

"I want you to bring me the Bat, I don't care how so long as he is alive..." A massive grin covered his face as he walked away from her and to his desk. Rummaging through a drawer he pulled out a small device and walked over to her. He slid it into her slit and made sure her panties held it in place. Then he turned it on. The small ridged device started to vibrate at random. "Now, what that a vibrating bomb. It will explode if you remove it without my touch. It will vibrate at random...." The Joker paced side to side. "I want you to get the bat off without letting him inside you. I don't care how you do it. Then stick a claw in him and bring him back here. Understood?"
She growled and wiped her face with a rag on the floor groaning when he kicked her again. She yelped softly when he shoved the thing inside her and she gasped squirming a bit. "I thought I belonged to you? But fine." she growled as she stood up weakly. She started down at her pants then there was a whooshing noise and grass seemed to grow out of no where and chose her pants back up. "You know I am going to have to use my mouth then." she snapped.

"I'd rather stick a claw in you." she muttered under her breath as she turned her back to him. She has no choice but to obey as she jumped into an opened window, crouched then looked back at him. "One day you will pay for this." Lynx hissed before she jumped out of the window and landed on the ground below shivering slightly, she was trying to get used to the thing inside of her. She would heal if she got blown up but she didn't want to risk it.

She moved her head picking up the scent of Batman, she then vanished into the darkness stalking off after the Dark Knight. "One hell of an ass you got with her, boss." a goon said as he brought in a tag and handed it to The Joker. "Here is the tag you asked for, to go with her collar." he said before he turned and left. Meanwhile Lynx had changed tactics and she could feel The Batman following her.

She made her way into the basement of a warehouse spitting out some bullets the police had fire at her. "Fuck it all." Lynx growled and turned her back to the only door to the basement. She held her hand to her stomach to pretend she was still wounded. She still was covered in her own blood so it made it a bit easier to seem wounded. "I hope that stupid Joker lets me go after this." Lynx thought to herself.
The Batman had watched as the police fired on Lynx. She seemed like she couldn't be killed. Which was good. The Batman could go all out against her and not feel bad. He stalked her in the dark not revealing himself at all. Then she moved into a warehouse. He followed behind slowly. Deciding to move into the basement he found a storm door and came up through the other side and into the warehouse where she stood waiting.

"You're hurt...let me help you." He commented dryly and took a few steps towards her with his hands open. His eyes shifted over her body and attempted to see if she was setting up a trap.
She smirked softly and sank her own claws into her stomach, she did this twice making them look like bullet wounds. She was able to control her healing ability as well so when she turned she looked up at him, her hair falling across her face but he could see the holes and blood seeping out of them. Her claws were hidden safely between her knuckles though, he couldn't see her collar either, it was covered by the neck of her jacket.

"You know, you would be called a stalker for following me." she said wincing. She hated what she was being forced to do but her venom inside of her was forcing her to do this. She took a few steps forward staggering as she suddenly lost her balance and fell into his arms. "Not nice those cops, firing on a mutant just because I was walking down the street." she muttered as her bloody hand dropped to one side showing the wounds and the blood.

She felt a sudden pain shoot through her and she let out a cry, she knew it was from the venom this time, telling her to get to work. She trembled and put more weight into him. She felt the bomb vibrate inside her and her pupils went slitted and she trembled. She knew she was strong enough to take Batman down, she didn't want to but The Joker was forcing her. She stared up at the Batman wincing a few more times, it felt like her body was on fire.
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