Mass Effect: The War on the Ground (ThomasRHellsing x Kaybee)

Thomas Barbosa Hellsing was used to shit hitting the fan. His unit was N7, the best of the best. Any one of them could lead, and any one of them could fight. The soldier was a blade forged in the fires of hell, and no enemy had yet to rattle him. As he raised noticed a group of about ten of the Reapers classified as "Husks" charging him, he dropped his Mattock. Aiming his light machine gun the Incendiary ammo mod glowed along the heat sink. With such a tight group he didn't even bother about aiming, pressing the Blood Pack stolen weapon and keeping it aimed at the general center mass of the group. 20 seconds later the over heated thermal clip popped and he brought his n7 Piranha shotgun up firing a few shots at the Reapers his HUD showed were still capable of moving.

The soldier took a breath to analyze the battle field. Deciding to let the shotgun's Sink cool instead of replace it, he returned it to his back. He took the now cooled sink from the ground and returned it to his SMG. Picking up his mattock he noticed the Sink in it had cooled. The soldier preferred the Mattock's heavy stopping power, but against Husks where speed was a factor the Mattock was at a disadvantage.

Thomas was fully kitted, a Black Widow sniper rifle, the Piranha his Mattock, SMG and a pistol stolen from a blood Pack raid long ago. The N7 Destroyer needed a break, his unit had hit planet side 56 hours ago. He was using medi-gel and stimulants his hard suit carried for emergencies to stay sharp. Too much longer and it was going to bite him. Honestly the soldier would kill for some food and a shower. His T5-V's almost black it was so dark red, with a neon green stripe instead of red, and electric blue instead of white was covered in different shades of gore. Just as he though about sitting down, a loud echoing screech reached his ears. siren and nearby For about two seconds the N7 was tempted to ignore it, but the sound of weapon fire changed his mind. Double checking the clip in his Mattock and his ammo mod he began running towards the sound.

Johnathan "Freckles" Smithe was not what most would call a soldier's build. The man wasn't a wall of muscle or a typical jar head. Johnathan was far more on the lean side, although he did have a decently built body. That's because Johnathan wasn't a typical soldier. Johnathan was a G3 biotic.

Freckles was a trained member of the Alliance a "Human Adept" he was far from a heavy hitter. He tended to be in a support role, but as a reaper bitch tore the commander of his squad apart, he wished he was at home. The panicked soldier threw his hands out throwing a "Biotic throw" as hard as he could at the turned Asari bitch. But she just seemed annoyed. Blurring towards him. He stumbled backward which saved him from getting gutted by her claws. Raising his pistol he fired the thermal clip directly into her face But a back hand sent his pistol flying through the air. Freckles saw his whole life flash before his eyes a he felt the firm grip of the former asari lift him up. One of her talons moving back he was dead. Even as he saw the arm moving he was filled with a rage deep in his guts. He was NOT DYING HERE! With a savage gesture straight out he threw a biotic flare directly into the she bitches face. The reaction was instantaneous. The siren was thrown back a half dozen feet. Dropping the Biotic who landed on his feet before falling onto his ass. Pulling at the rage deep within him, the Adept began hurling Warps and Shock Waves at the Siren as he snarled, "MY WHOLE LIFE, I'VE BEEN JUDGED AGAINST YOU CUNTS, NO WAY IN HELL AM I DYING TO ONE OF YOU!"

The Adept dropped to his knees. The siren seemed not to care. His biotic barrage had drained him too quickly. Too late his teacher's words blaring through his mind "Always pace yourself, never know when relief will show up."

Freckles drew his shotgun, it wasn't anything special, a M-27 Scimitar. Seeing the Siren face him he puled the trigger. It's warp towards him meant most of the rounds missed, but two at least were good hits. He saw the last of it's barriers fall But his heat ink pop. Again the creature lifted him, he admitted to himself he was dead Preparing for his death, he punched the Siren in her head, only for her head to explode. He manged to stay on his feet as the siren collapsed. Only to fall forward onto his knees. Looking at his fist Freckles heard a voice "You know that was my round right Adept?"

Freckles looked at the sight, and smiled his first genuine smile since his group had been separated 4 hours ago.

Thomas returned his sniper rifle to his back. Impressed by the Adept's showing. A biotic would prove useful. Moving towards the supply crates he tossed the Adept a few nutrition bars, before digging into two of them at a time himself. Even as he put the remains of one in his mouth he handed the adept his pistol before grabbing another one and digging into it. He knew he needed calories more then socialization and a full cargo container was too sweet to pass up. After eating a dozen of the bars he said, "The Name is Thomas, what's yours adept?"

Jonathan spoke quickly wondering how long the N7 had gone without eating. He ate hi own bars, but they weren't very good. Honestly if he didn't need to hep his already throbbing headache he'd probably have just put them in his hard suit's food area. He replied immediately to the question, "Jonathan, but you can cal me Freckles sir, thanks for the save."
Patricia Ennet had never expected to be fighting on the ground. She had trained with the alliance marines as far as she had needed to and she had gotten her nickname from them before she left their ranks for pilot's school. 'Clouds', after where her head always seemed to be in combat, the strangest thoughts always dancing through her head even in the worst of situations that had her fellow cadets shaking with adrenaline or screaming themselves hoarse in fear and exhilaration. Pinned down in the ruins of an abandoned building, chips of concrete bouncing off her hardsuit as two ravagers' cannons blew holes in the wall just above her. I wonder why we ever called them ravagers? She rested her 'Carnifex' sidearm against her leg, her fingers tapping against its grip as the unholy howling of husks sounded from far down the streets. Why hasn't it rained yet? Isn't this supposed to be the rainy season here? Far, but growing closer and closer.

She felt -rather than heard- a gap in the constant shockwaves, the firing had stopped for a moment. I miss my kodiak... Patricia thought as she rose, the handgun jumping in her hands as she pulled the trigger, blasting ragged holes in the first ravager. Far in the distance she could see the glowing lights of the husks, seen now as well as heard, their shambling run bringing them closer and closer, the lights swaying back and forth, dancing, flickering. Flickering?

Ilaya hurtled from her hiding place as the husks passed, a crackling biotic field propelling her across the rubble-strewn ground and into the centre of the massed opponents. The pack exploded, hurled in every which direction by the shockwave of force, the blast of a Claymore Shotgun splitting the air as the Asari fired at the fallen, tearing the once human creatures into pieces with each shot. "Fall!" She shouted angrily, hurling a biotic shockwave that sent the already scattered husks tumbling every which way, another two blasts finishing the last survivors. "Abominations." She spat.

Is that an Asari? What's an Asari doing here? Patricia's grip on her pistol slackened, just as well that the remaining ravager was just as distracted by the Commando's sudden appearance, turning and cycling it's heavy weapons up for another shot. I should be helping. She just saved my life... Before she could even act, the Asari had turned to notice the fresh threat and moved again. How does she do that? It was the harmony of instinct and knowledge that the human pilot had never been able to grasp even as her fellow cadets seemed to slip into it without a second though. Why aren't I doing anything?

The heavy report of the Carnifex drew Ilaya's attention away from the fresh threat of the ravager for a moment as Patricia's thoughts finally pushed her into action again. With a mere second's pause she brought her shotgun up again, adding her own fire to the storm that tore the rachni husk apart. As the silence fell over the street in the aftermath of the violence, Patricia pulled herself to her feet, a mixture of awe and uncertainty on her face as she watched her savior draw closer. "Pilot Ennet, Alliance Navy." She snapped out the greeting as best she could, alliance training academy had been able to drum that much into her at least. "Thank you for saving me..."

Ilaya took in the look of the woman before her, short, and wearing a suit of armour that seemed to have been sized for someone else, practically unarmed too. "Come on." She jerked her head, listening for a moment as the sounds of more husks drifted on the wind as well as the sound of small arms fire, not too distant from where they stood. Patricia stumbled and almost fell over the barrier that had just saved her life from the ravagers, scrambling to her feet as the Asari turned on her heel. "W-wait! Where are we going!?" A banshee's scream echoed over the ruined street, punctuated by the echoing crack of a Widow rifle and Ilaya turned to the source of the sound. "That way, There should be more survivors." Having paused for only a moment to speak, the Commando set off again, the human pilot scrambling through the rubble to keep up, barely remembering to eject the thermal clip of her pistol and replace it with a fresh one as they made their way towards whom they hoped were allies. Maybe they can help me find a shuttle...
The N7 was still stuffing his face. The Adept blinked s he said, "Damn man, are you hungry or something, you know if you eat too much you'll get sick."

The man didn't understand it. Legends and myths whispered around camp had always implied N7 were the elite. However this guy didn't' seem that impressive. Maybe the rumors were just that, bull shit rumors.However as he looked the guy in the face and noticed his sapphire blue eyes and a few "ruggedly handsome" scars he realized that wasn't the case.

Thomas nodded as he said, "We hit planet side 70 hours ago, been on my own 56 hours. No food supplies, because we were supposed to rendezvous with a camp that when I got to it was wiped out. No sleep because I haven't run into any decent cover, or a area that might service for a few hours sleep, that wasn't crawling with hostiles.

Thomas noticed a glint and headed toward it as he said "Reminds me of a boring training mission, a good hint is always eat and rink while you can. One time I was going to a routine mission and turned down a bathroom break, the mission ended up being known as the battle of Torfan."

Raising the rifle, he checked the sites and nodded. A Revenant technically another assault rifle but worth his weight in credits against husks. Comming to a decision he removed his SMG from his back. Putting the Revenant in it's spot he tossed the SMG to the Biotic. Smirking he said "Yes THAT Torfan."

The biotic blinked, 70 hours without food or sleep. Most people would be going into dementia or useless. Yet the N7 had pulled off a thirty yard shot with a sniper rifle while in standing position. Suddenly he was very VERY glad he hadn't been accepted into the N7 program. All Alliance soldiers applied at one point or another and a huge percentile got turned down. Looking at the soldier in front of him Freckles was VERY glad he'd been turned down. Suddenly he heard a noise and turned only to make an unmanly noise as a mass effect round nailed him "in the head". He would later give a praise for shield tech but at that second he was instead diving for cover.

He saw the Biotic's shield save his life. Pushing his face mask down he looked out and let his mind run through the options. Four Muraders, and two Ravagers and six husks. Deciding to try something risk he said, "Can you give me a singularity right in the center?"

The Biotic's nod had him pulling two grenades. Popping both pins he said, "Two seconds, then throw it!"

As the energy orb flew to it desired location, he noticed it seemed to warp at the edges. This guy was definitely not an N7 biotic. But he didn't need to be for Thomas's plan. He threw his grenades in a perfect arc. Even as he reached deep. He hated his father's git to him and wasn't very good at it, but he'd be damned if it wasn't the best solution.

Freckles had too marvel at the N7's skills. The grenades were muti frag that meant even as they detonated the mini grenades shot by the main grenades were sucked into the singularity as well. Turning the from grenades into high explosive rounds. The Husks were gone but the Murader's were still struggling, and the Ravagers were hard to lift with the singularity. He felt as much as saw the field around the genetically modified abominations tart to grow smaller. He grit his teeth, about to bite out a scathing remark when he felt a tingle he was used too. A large amount of Biotic energy was gathering and VERY close. Turning he almost felt his aw drop. The energy field around the N7 was crazy. No way a human biotic could keep that sort of field going, He realized why as he saw the energy gathering in the N7's hand smirking he channeled all his will into the Singularity Chuckling despite the effort he said "Let's see how you like this bastards!"

Thomas sensed the burning getting to it's highest level, and with a roar HURLED the dodgeball sized blast of biotic energy. Not at any single enemy, no he hurled it at the Singularity. the resulting explosion sent him his ass. But it vaporized the enemies closer to the heart of the blast. Seeing the look of the Adept he explained, breathing heavily "Daddy was a gen 1 implant, that is 50% of my ability I can also slam, but I don't' have the control for the finesse stuff. An actual N7 biotic can and has tossed me around the room like a grunt n their first day of basic. Hell I can't even make my own barriers. BUT, it makes a hell of a hammer sometimes."

Thomas didn't mention it was exhausting. The headaches didn't help. Moving towards the crate he began eating again. The truth was the supplies would be valuable, but they were finite. The Thermal clips from the dead soldiers, a crate of basic ration bars. Not even MRE's, but the basically granola bars they gave Biotic who were just over stressed in the field. A second crate of 100 gallon containers of water. A drum of fuel probably for a fighter, and two cargo containers of grenades. In short enough for him to survive, but not enough for most soldiers. The crates nearby that were in pieces probably meant their had been more and the Reapers had destroyed it. Hearing a sound he cursed himself mentally, he'd let the previous skirmish distract him. The executioner pistol came up, even as he sensed the Adept going for the SMG. He fought the urge to snort a Murader or Ravager would put a round through his gut before he could equip the gun. The gun he hadn't even checked to make sure was loaded when he caught it. However the sight of Asari blue skin had him relaxing even as his "Partner" snorted.

Freckles snorted as he said, "Great, their sending the slut smurfs to save us. The universe must REALLY be going to hell if they've peeled them out of the dive bar across the universe."

Thomas rolled his eyes "Holstering" his pistol he said "I wouldn't care if a Batarian, wearing a pink bikini, came to get us off of this rock. But unless Asari have started wearing human skin and the hard suits of the space core I seriously doubt their here to "Save us".

Thomas sat down allowing a bit of hope to enter his voice, "Am I wrong, because as much as I love the old earth history stories of The Alamo, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, and the three hundred Spartans and Thermopylae. I've never been tempted to recreate them."
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