Gantz: Phase Zero (nanachan ~ Daddeo)


Sep 3, 2012
Who would of imagined the after life would be like this? Truth be told Shigeru was actually surprised that there was something beyond his death. The man was never one to believe in any of that religious crap, and surely if he did then his course would of led him to some sort of demented and torturous realm where he would pay for being so “tainted”. But a simple apartment? Hell was depicted as fire and lava with demons coming after you, or a never ending cycle of rebirth into the harsh and cruel world. Of course this wasn't some sort of awakening or anything, simply a sudden curiosity for what he had expected to be the end of his life. No more then ten seconds before opening his eyes to this room, he had been closing them as a semi truck came barreling down at his taxi. There was no way for him to get out of the trucks path, and not enough time to unbuckle and get out. It was a joke really, Shigeru imagining his demise to be at the hand of some cop with a few lucky shots.

But there was no end, simply this room. Looking out the large windows Shigeru saw the Tokyo Tower, thank goodness that he had some how ended up in Tokyo. However when he went for the door latch his hand simply kept away. As if through magnetism his hand was being repelled by the latch... Hell any door or window that could be opened his body was literally pushed away from whenever he tried to open it. What was going on? Shigeru was much more interested in this then scared by it, there really wasn't anything that scared him on this earth. Though he had never seen the giant black ball that was set in the center of one of the rooms. No holes or cracks, no signs or letters.. Shigeru was lost as to what was going on, even kicking the ball resulted in nothing happening. “Piece of shit..” Shigeru mumbled. So the man was alone, no one in the apartment, no way out, and only a stupid ball in the middle of a room... Just great.

However suddenly what looked like laser shot out from the ball, Shigeru stepping back and looking to see what the lasers were doing. As if modeling something with layers the ball started to sketch out something. Moments going by before whatever the hell it was making turned into a human. It was quite the scene, skin, muscle, organs, even down to the food that was inside of the stomach.. Shigeru was able to see it all before the next layer and the next layer covered it up. What was left on the ground was a man with long black hair and shades, wearing leather clothing like some sort of biker gang member. The man grumbling softly as he laid there, taking a few moments before sitting up. “Where the fuck am I?” The man asked, looking around till Shigeru came into view.

“Not sure, showed up here no more then a few minutes ago.” Shigeru answered, keeping his distance from the man that would sit up fully.

“Did you drag my-” However before the man could continue the lasers cut across the room once more, the biker quickly scrambling out of the way. Again another human would come out from these lasers, only this time the man seemed to be falling in mid air. Looking to be in his mid twenties the man had a build that would match any kind of boxer or fighter. A look of shock on his face before he suddenly came into reality and fell to the ground.

“SHIT!!” The man shouted, quickly getting up and moving to the side as if dodging something. His breath was heavy from shock as he started taking in the room, “Where the fuck am I?” He asked, looking at the two others that were in the room as well. Shigeru simply looking at him with his eyebrow raised, not really answering the question.

“Some asshole bumped me or pushed me and I know I was going to get hit by a bus but then I showed up here.” The newcomer stated, the biker practically pressed against the wall on the other side of the room.

“You almost died. And I am assuming you did as well?” Shigeru asked, standing next to the big black ball. “I did too, or I should of at least. But woke up here as well.” He added, the two obviously starting to get up to try and leave. Windows didn't work, doors didn't work. The newcomer was smart enough to try his cell phone but it didn't work either. “We are trapped in here, don't know why.” Shigeru would shout out softly as the two seemed a little more frantic then shocked by the situation. “No need to freak out...”

“Fuck you!” The biker shouted back, starting to ram himself against a door. However his shoulder never seemed to make contact with the wood, “Not believing in this super natural shit!!” He shouted again, doing it a few more times before giving up. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?” He would shout, Shigeru rolling his eyes as he went to look back at the ball. This was obviously controlling whatever the hell was going on right now, where did it come from?

Ten minutes would go by and nothing else seemed to come out of the ball. The three men coming together in the same room, sitting against their respective walls and looking from one another. The biker had calmed down now, being the first to actually try and talk. “What are your guys's names? Mine is Takeo.” The biker stated, looking to Shigeru who kept his eyes on the ball.

“Kiyoshi...” The fighter said, looking out the window right now at the tokyo tower that loomed in the distance.

“And you?” Takeo asked, looking to Shigeru who still seemed to pay him no mind. “I asked you a fucking question kid.” Takeo stated, that getting Shigeru's attention. It was somewhat scary the way Shigeru looked at Takeo, as if for even drawing his attention that Shigeru would rip his throat out. It was an intimidating stare that Takeo had seen plenty of times from thugs and the like.. But never from someone unprovoked... What the hell was this kid's problem?

“Shigeru.” Shigeru stated, looking back to the ball once more. “Right, so we all almost died or did die I don't fucking know. But we are here and can't get out.. Any ideas why?” Takeo asked, though all three of them would turn and look to the other room as more lasers shot out. There would be more people? And indeed there would be. Before long there was a good eight people in the room. An older couple, a guy in a lab coat, a construction worker, and a teenage girl who looked to be all dolled up for the night. It was actually getting quite annoying for Shigeru to hear people freak out and then try to escape, only to get defensive and accuse people in the room. Luckily it seemed that Takeo was more sociable then what was expected of gangsters and did his best to calm people down, even though he would curse part of the time to do so.

“Alright look. It is obvious that we are all being brought to this room by this thing.” Takeo stated, pointing to the ball. “I am pretty sure that each of us was on the verge of dying. I don't know how this is possible but the facts are that we are alive, that we can't leave this room, and none of our electronics seem to work. Any one know anything about this ball or hear anything about a similar situation? Because I know I haven't.” Takeo said, everyone had pretty much joined the small forming circle around the ball people stating their own ideas but no one really seemed to have a believable answer. And what was worse was that there was no clock, no way to tell if there was a timer. What were they waiting for? They were obviously placed here for a reason.
Life is so much fun. She was expecting a baby sister soon, the holidays are coming, and Namco is releasing a new installment of their popular shooter arcade game, Thousand Guns III. These are all things that made teenage years enjoyable for Maki. Of course, it's not all fun and games, there's also hardships here and there. Her grades are falling, not to drastically, but enough to get her in trouble with teachers and parents. The boy she liked had just confessed his love to a senpai and her video game console is breaking down.

Then theres the fact that she just died

It happened slowly, but she wasn't afraid. It was like the knowledge that you just lost in a video game and don't have any extra quarters. It was bad, but there is a sense of helplessness that made it easier to accept. Afterall, there's not much she can do.

Then came the room. First came the sounds, as she heard the voice of men, long after she stopped hearing everything else. Then came light, seen through her eyelids. Last came the sense of touch as her skin felt the texture of the floor under her, different from the alley where she died.

The girl is young, a petite figure decorated by large round tits, the biggest in her class. She had a girlish face framed by medium length brown hair, that flows down her cheeks, she read in a magazine once that it would make her face look slimmer.

"I..i'm alive?" she asked, touching her sides where she was stabbed, her skirt pulled up her thigh as she twisted her body. "Did you..did you save me?" she asked, looking around at the older men. Then realization dawned on her that they might not be saviors at all.

"Where is this?!" she asked in panic, crawling away towards the black ball, trying to place something behind her back. "I..i want to go home!"

Before anyone gets the chance to answer, the ball buzzed and lasers shot out of it once more, causing Maki to yelp in surprise.

The person incoming is a woman, first they saw her blonde hair, then her pretty face, but it was twisted in pure bliss. The woman didn't appear layer by layer, but was created from the top down, and she was very..animated. Sultry lips formed an O as she rocked up and down violently, moaning deeply.

"So BIG!" she howled as beads of sweat poured down her forehead.

Soon her body came into view, naked save for the sexy red lingerie she was wearing, her tits bouncing up and down. It was easy to figure out now that she is in the middle of having sex..and by the look of it, she was on top of a very lucky guy.

The guy in question appeared soon enough once the laser reached the bottom. First his hand showed up on the woman's waist, holding them firmly with thick black fingers. Then his head, a bald masculine face with trimmed facial hair. He was on tv alot, a famous K1 fighter.

"Oooh Luna baby! Ride me harder!" he yelled, slapping her ass, ignoring the crowd. Once they were fully teleported, the couple slowed down their fucking, just enough to look at the others. "Ah..newcomers..Welcome" Luna Gold, famous porn actress said, her man's cock still inside her as she gyrated her hips slowly, putting on a show.
Everyone stopped chatting when the big black ball started up again. How many people were going to be brought here? If it kept going like this then this small apartment would be filled in no time and then the issue of space would start to come into play. Just like many of the others this new girl panicked, everyone watching her as she scurried over to press her back against the black ball. Takeo would step forward, hands inside of his leather jacket as he looked down at the new girl. “Calm down, we all got here just like you did.” He stated, his shades still on however even though it was night outside. “None of us can get out and just like you we-” However before he could even finish what he was saying the ball shot of more lasers again, both Maki and Takeo moving away. Again everyone turned, looking to see who would be next.

It started out with blonde hair, soon a face. A woman's face, ok so another woman. Everyone watching to see what was to follow... but it came as a surprise when her face seemed to twist in pure bliss. What was she doing? She was dying right? That was why she was being brought to this room like the rest of them... Right? Well with her lips forming a sexy o while she moaned, it didn't take long for the group to understand what she might be doing. What with the sweat, and the moans. Was she masturbating? She had everyone's attention, even if a few people were blushing as they watched the woman ride whatever it was she was riding. But that to would come into play very quickly.

So she was having sex, a black man appearing beneath the woman's body obviously enjoying himself while she rode him like he was a stud. “Oh dear have they no shame?” The older woman stated, looking away while her husband continued to watch. He wasn't the only one, Masaru, Kiyoshi, Shigeru, even a few of the others were watching as well.

“Damn that is Luna Gold...” Kiyoshi stated, his eyes watching her pussy move up and down to take every inch of the black man's cock. Though no one was really paying attention to Kiyoshi. Looking over to the man she was riding it took a few moments before Kiyoshi recognized him as well. “And that is that Margus guy from America. This night just gets weirder and weirder..” he stated again, but it only fell on deft ears as it seemed Luna wasn't going to stop.

“Get a room god damn it...” the other teenage girl stated, having covered her eyes though obviously was watching through parted fingers. That blush on her cheeks even hinting to something more then being embarrassed. However Takeo was the one that seemed to take action, and even if the porn star Luna Gold had just showed up riding a guys a cock.. The situation was just too weird to sit back and watch or hell even join in.

“Now is not the time to be fucking.” Takeo stated as he walked over. In no way stopping the two but definitely doing more then sitting back and watching. “You called us newcomers. Newcomers to what? Did you bring us all here?!” Takeo asked, raising his voice even as he started to jump to conclusions.. He wanted answers damn it! But Luna could see how his eyes would deviate, could see them look down at her bouncing or swaying breasts only to catch themselves and look back up to her eyes. His shades didn't hide much at all.

Over to the left where Maki had ended up, Masaru had more or less moved over to her side. Definitely enjoying the sight of Luna Gold riding a dick the man was more then aroused, and seeing how he had been trapped in here with no way out.. Well, might as well get what you can while you can right? It was simply natural attraction, older woman was taken and unattractive, young teenager was on the other side of the room. So that left the large breasted Maki. Masaru would push up against her suddenly, one hand going up to her breast while the other went down between her legs. Very sudden, very determined Masaru would press the girl up against the wall she was near. Just as quickly as his hand had come up to grab her breast, it would come down to grab hold of her own, pulling it over to his crotch where an obvious bulge was waiting. He would push her hand down so she would touch it, moving it up and down to try and get her to start to rub his crotch. “Come on, let's do this while we have the chance.” Masaru stated softly, practically forcing himself onto the girl while everyone else was still focused on Luna Gold and her very erotic display.
Pressing both her palm against Marcus' muscled torso, Luna began taking control, pushing her body up and lowering it on his length in a linear, powerful motion. This drew out a long moan from the black man whose cock is being serviced in the most skillful way possible by the world's leading pornstar.

Luna on the other hand, seemed to maintain her composure even while her pace picked up, creating a loud wet noise to fill the room. "Mmmh..Like what you see big boy? It's ALWAYS time to be fucking" she said, pushing her breast out for him to admire. "We're..aah..that's it Marcus..we're all..trapped here by that..big black ball" she said, motioning to the object. Marcus chuckled at this and gave a hard upward thrust. "You LIKE big black balls don't you?" he taunted, causing Luna to gasp sharply as his cock pushed into her womb. "Oh fuck yes! I love it big are you?" Luna asked Takeo.

A scream interupted the discussion. "Eew! Gross! No way!" Maki protested, trying to push Masaru away from her. She wasn't able to overpower the boy, but the slight separation was enough to create the opening she needs to slip out.

"That girl has fire" Luna chuckled as she watched Maki slip behind Kiyoshi, perhaps thinking that the big man can protect her from the rapist. Luna' went silent for a while, hips grinding down powerfully, trying to get her man off, but she knows Marcus can go on for awhile when roused like this, so she decided to just go until Gantz activates. The sexual frustration will make him more aggresive today.

And as if on cue, the ball came to life, playing an old song from a tv show. "Ah..time to work" she said, pulling away, much to Marcus' protest. The Black man quickly got on his feet, large cock hanging down heavily between his legs. For all his alpha male attitude, he doesn't seem to be in control. Luna does.

"'s how it goes everyone..listen to me and you might live" the pornstar said, calmly walking to the ball as it opened up. Inside, a few suitcases with names can be seen. "Take the ones with your names on it and wear the suit's pretty sexy"

As she spoke, pictures appeared on the dark smooth surface of the ball, depicting an odd looking dog. It looked like a saint bernard, but there's something unnatural about it's bulging eyes, they looked almost insectoid. It's tongue is abit too long and drool is pouring out of it's mouth. Under it was written a few lines of information.

'Today, you will go against Wan-wan aliens. Likes: balls Dislikes: water. Ability: big. strong. fast. quote: woof woof'

"If we kill these..aliens..we can go home. Simple enough right?" Luna asked, slipping sensually into a black tight outfit that really accentuated her curves even more, making her look even more erotic than her half-naked countenance.
Before Takeo could respond or even process the added seduction of Luna who seemed more interested in cock then what was going on, Maki would let out a loud protest. This definitely got a number of people to turn to look to see the girl push away and scramble from Masaru. No one saw the man touching her body however, only turning to see Maki move away. Maybe he said something or asked her if she wanted to have some fun? Though some imagined that he did try to grab her. Kiyoshi was a bit surprised that Maki came over behind him, what was stopping him from turning around and trying to have his way with her? Well luckily she did pick the right guy to hide behind, Kiyoshi more then happy to play the knight for a damsel in distress.

There was a sort of awkward silence that followed, Masaru only getting disgusted or kurt stares. People turning to look else where, obviously trying not to watch Luna continue her little sexual display. But of course there were those that continued to watch, most of all Shigeru who didn't stop watching this whole time.. Even when Maki shouted out. Oh no the man was much too interested in Luna's body. It wasn't every day you got to see a foreigner's naked body on display. How filled out and curvy... Shigeru could only imagine how tying her up and stuffing her into his trunk would be so exhilarating... Those moans that slipped from her mouth would have been better placed force through a gag of some kind.

Takeo however was doing more then simply watching a porn star strut her stuff. Luna acted and spoke like she had left this room, why she was back the man wasn't sure but obviously she knew more then anyone else. This meant that he could escape this impossible apartment! But before he could ask anymore questions about it there was a sudden music playing from the ball which everyone turned to look at.

Luna seemed to lead everyone, going over and putting a suit on. With the promise of being able to leave everyone else seemed to follow. Masaru would sit down far to the left or right or Maki, just so he could watch her. Some of the people followed Luna's example, pretty much changing where they were sitting, however the older couple got up, moving over to the door that opened to another room and used it to get changed. Kiyoshi would look to Maki and walk with her over to the door since she obviously wasn't going to strip down and change in front of Masaru. Letting her change first Kiyoshi would stand guard be side the door.

Takeo had no issues changing in front of the others, though many would with the kind of scars he had. With his jacket and shirt off everyone could see the scars on his body, bullet wounds, cuts, burns. And then on top of all of that were the various tattoos of skulls and flames, tears of blood and guns. They weren't as artistic and olden themed like yakuza tattoos, but they definitely gave Takeo that look of a criminal. And to answer Luna's previous question as Takeo put the lower half of his suit on she would see that even as he was flaccid, he was still very large in comparison to many men that she had seen. “So you are telling me that we got kidnapped and are now forced to kill aliens in order to get our freedom back?” Takeo asked, his suit fully on now.

Shigeru on the other hand had no issues with what they were doing or needed to do. Now in his suit he would keep his eyes on Luna... The way she filled out that black latex... The way it hugged her sexy curves... Shigeru could still see her nipples in his mind, her bare pussy. Did he want it more then ever now... But that could wait. “How are we suppose to kill these aliens? With our hands?” Shigeru asked, maybe he would of answered his own question if he looked away from Luna.. But the man was much too enthralled by her to do such a thing.

Kiyoshi would knock lightly on the door that Maki was changing behind. “Hey there, you doing ok?” He would ask, just playing the noble knight card a little more. After standing there a few moments he would realize that he didn't need to really go behind a door to change, soon shedding his clothing till he was nude before starting to put the suit together. It would be really awkward and a surprise for Maki if she came out to answer him, what with Kiyoshi pulling the black material over his face with his lower half completely exposed.
"Geez..what kind of outfit is this" Maki pouted as she pulled the suit on. It was really tight and made her large tits really stand out. Not that she isn't proud of them, but unlike the exhibitionist duo outside, the highschooler still retains some sense of modesty.

She was just about to get out when she came face to face with Kiyoshi's torso. Yelping lightly, Maki managed to stand her ground. She's not new to the body of a man, but this is the first time she saw someone so built as opposed to scrawny highschoolers. It was quite..enjoyable really, especially since it's the body of her knight in shining armor.

Across the room, Luna is showing Takeo a futuristic looking pistol. "Top trigger locks on, bottom one fires." she explained, caressing the pistol in a lewd, suggestive manner. " packs quite a punch, though there's a delay"

Behind her, Marcus pulled out a bigger gun, an odd one that looks too heavy to be practical, yet he handled it easily. "Oh yeah baby..size matters" he grinned. "As japanese women will now find out with me around". His eyes met Shigeru's, and there's something he instinctively dislike about him. "What are you looking at punk? Jealous of my cock? I bet you are..japanese men have small penises don't they? Unlike mine"

Suddenly, people started vanishing, being teleported to a corner of Tokyo. One by one they appeared. "If you kill the alien, you get points" Luna explained, caressing Marcus' abs from behind. "I like men with high points..tell you what scorer gets to fuck me tonight"

Marcus scowled at this, he wasn't done fucking her yet. "No way anyone else will get the high score babe, you know this!"
Kiyoshi pulled the black suit over his head to find Maki standing in front of him, it taking him a few moments before realizing that the lower half of the suit still wasn't on. The man quickly turning away from Maki before bending over to get the other pieces and fully dress up in the suit. Why was he embarrassed when Maki was looking at him? Well whatever the fact he had the suit on fully now, now actually looking at what he was wearing. The weird circles raised questions sure, but what was with this latex stuff? It hugged everyone's body almost perfectly, like a second skin even. And for the ladies the way it followed their curves was simply... Amazing.

Takeo was all ears for Luna's little explanation, having picked up one of the pistols as well. The gun had two triggers, that was different, the man only imaging what kind of bullets it used. There wasn't a magazine or anything, how big of a punch could it really pack? Things were just getting weirder and weirder.

Shigeru on the other hand had pulled out a sword, looking at it's sharpened edge for a few moments. As if knowing that someone was looking at him, Shigeru's gaze would look up to the black man. He gave the gaijin a rather unamused look, and that seemed to only be reinforced when the man started shouting. He was really going to mouth off about penis size? Shigeru only gripping the hand of his new found sword just a little bit more, not responding to the man. His attention went back to Luna, who seemed to be more focused on the biker guy. That just meant another person in his way.

When people started to vanish there seemed to be a sort of scramble for the big ball in the middle. Not everyone had picked up weapons and before long it would be too late. Kiyoshi and Masaru got to the ball at the same time, there only being a few weapons left for them. Masaru quickly snagged the last sword before he started to vanish. Kiyoshi picking up the last two guns before turning to see if Maki was here or vanished already.

When Luna stated that the man with the top points would get to fuck her, almost immediately did Shigeru look back to Marcus. His eyes practically staring holes into the back of the man's head. One by one each of them would vanish before they were all out of the apartment.

The elderly couple choose not to wear the suits, hell once they were teleported outside they were well on their way to leaving.

“Where are you two going?” The teenager asked, wearing a suit but no weapons in her hands.

“We are going to the nearest subway station and going home. Had enough of whatever this is.” The older man stated, walking hand in hand with his wife. They were well on their way before Luna and Marcus warped in, so by the time the veterans made it the two were gone. The teenager followed them as well. So once everyone warped in there was Luna, Marcus, Maki, Kiyoshi, Takeo, Shigeru, Masaru, and two other guys, everyone in suits sort of standing around and waiting.

“What is this some sort of tv show or group study?” Masaru would speak up, a little more flustered now that they were all together outside. “Why do you have to go hunt aliens, aliens aren't really. Everything that is going on isn't even possible. Give us some answers.” Masaru stated, sword in hand he pointed it to Luna and Marcus. The med student wasn't going to just blindly follow them just because they seemed to know more then the rest.

Everyone sort of looked at Masaru, wondering if he really was intending to threaten Luna and Marcus with that sword. They both seemed to be armed with guns though, but still it seemed that Masaru was over reacting a little.

“You should probably take one of these...” Kiyoshi stated, having found Maki once she was warped in. Since he had gotten two guns he was more then willing to share with Maki.

However before anything could come from Masaru's little demands there would be a sudden high pitched scream. It coming from somewhere to the east, after a few moments the teenage girl that had popped into the room with everyone else came running back, her fact and chest covered in blood. “What the hell happened!?” Takeo shouted, quick to move to grab hold of the girl. The girl only fidgeting and trying shake from Takeo, her eyes filled with tears as the look of shock still seemed to rock her features.

“They exploded!!!!” The girl cried out, everyone looking to her completely confused. “The older couple said there were going to leave! So I followed them and then I started hearing a noise...” The girl continued, still crying, sniffling her nose as she looked up to Takeo. “And then their heads exploded!” She added, before burying her face into Takeo's chest, just balling now. Takeo bringing his arms around the girl to try and help somehow, but he would turn to look at Luna.

“What the hell is going on?” Takeo asked, not exactly sure what else to say or ask.. even if Luna had already told everyone what they needed to do.. .She said nothing about this.
The Pornstar looked suspisciously calm about death, like she expected it all along. Her boy-toy however was less subtle. "Ahahaha! Those idiots, there's always a few of those every round!" he laughed hysterically. It's almost inhuman how casually these two regard deaths, but then again when you died once already, maybe death becomes less of a mystery, less of the unknown and therefore less fearsome.

"There are many ways you can die out here" Luna calmly explained as she walked to the center of the clearing. "I can tell you that if you listen to me and do as i say, you will saw what happened didn't you? And i REALLY hope you of all people won't die before i get a chance to..try you out" she said, licking her lips as she ran her slender fingers down the biker's chest, stopping just right above his crotch.

"H-hey, look..dogs!" Maki exclaimed, as a few large furry critters approached. They looked docile and not at all threatening, but there's something off about their appearance. Just like in the picture shown by the black balls, they have big bulging eyes and their jaws are constantly dropped. What's even more alien however is the way they walk. They rocked from side to side, like they're not used to moving forward.

"Boys..kill all of them" Luna said, moving to the back and sitting on a nearby low wall. With a sneer, Marcus aimed his gun at one of the dogs. It stared at him curiously for a moment. Then it dissapeared. Or at least it looked like it dissapeared, in fact it is flattened by an unseen force, leaving a circular hole on the ground. The others sprang to action, letting out odd barking sounds as they fell upon the gathered people, trying to pile over the closest one to them. Maki.
No one would really notice with this teenage girl now painted with a fresh coat of blood, but Shigeru had pretty much up and vanished. Where he disappeared to no one but the man himself would know. However one thing was for sure, Luna said that whoever got the highest score would get to fuck her tonight. So the first part of achieving any goal is to learn how to achieve, Shigeru choosing to watch the buffoon of a man with the big ass gun to see how he scored points, why he was the one that Luna choose. Because by the end of the night Luna would be his.

Kiyoshi on the other hand had kept Maki safe. A natural reaction to stand slightly in front of her when the other girl came running back. The man wasn't holding her back or anything, but he was sure to shield her in a way with his body. And if Maki hadn't so attached herself to him then he probably would of went over to help the woman... But he had well Maki to look out for right? Just the idea of being her protector, maybe even more if all of this panned out right. It wasn't really the time or place for Kiyoshi to pursue such thoughts or impulses like that weirdo tried to do back in the room... But he definitely was thinking about such things.

But where Kiyoshi was thinking about such things, Takeo was well... What the hell were you suppose to think or feel when you had the most popular pornstar personally telling you that she wanted to try you out? Sure Takeo had a family but god damn it made a man wonder just how much he could resist. Luna definitely wouldn't be the first dame the biker had fucked outside of his marriage, and quite frankly she wouldn't be the last.. Though definitely would be one of the best that much was for sure. There was only so much the man could to do keep a level head and try to think clearly, that last straw being plucked away with how she ran her fingers down his chest. The man pretty much armed and ready to shoot whatever was coming their way for the sake of points.

When the dogs came however everyone seemed to stand still, somewhere between confused and surprised to actually see these things move. Rocking from side to side but still moving forwards, the sort of well gross sight of their big bulging eyes. “The fuck are these?” One of the men shouted out, raising a sword up and pointing at one that was starting to get closer. Luna on the other hand practically gave out the kill order like she was some sort of Queen, which her knight Marcus seemed more then happy to carry out. Everyone watching as the man aimed his gun.. but nothing happened. But just as fast as Marcus pointed his gun did the dog disappear... Flatten into the ground. Everyone taking a second look at whatever weapon they were holding.

The alien dog things however would react to Marcus's attack, quick to move and seeming to gather together. All on poor Maki. Kiyoshi was quick to kick on in mid air, the suit he was wearing suddenly bulging as it seemed to grow or tighten on his body. Veins or what looked like roots now enveloped the suit as he kicked the dog away... And by away like a football field away. The sound of the dogs bones crunching and snapping as Kiyoshi must of accidentally kicked it at a good sixty miles per hour or something. Which of course sent Kiyoshi flying a good twenty feet since he was caught completely off balance. “HOLY SHIT!!” Kiyoshi shouted, rolling on the ground to keep from hitting his head.

Everyone else would be on the offensive, figuring out their guns to kill the on coming dogs. The xray feature was interesting and it seemed necessary to fire the actual weapon. Two trigger definitely were complicated for some. Takeo had gotten the hang of it and was well on his way to killing a number of dogs.. But everyone was of course behind Marcus who was leading the group in kills.
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