Spirits x Nibbles


May 6, 2013
Everywhere.... Nah in the U.S :P (Hell)

It would seem more than normal to see lightning strike down during a storm, or during the rain. Not in this case, in this case it was a quiet evening, an unusually quiet evening, no crickets chirping, no cats yowling nor mewling, not even the sounds of fornication within the city of 'sin' known as Daten City. It was quiet, as if there was only one night for once, where the streets and roads were clear, where the law appeared to be in control. It was quite alien to see this, for anyone who was used to the appearance of Daten City in full swing, even so the silence was to be broken by the sound of thunder, above in the sky, the cloudless, starless sky, came the rumble of lightning.. In a flash came a bolt of lightning that, didn't hit the ground if not it just shot across the sky like a bullet, as if it had changed it's mind in the middle of it's path of heading down to the earth. Then came the scream of someone, not some poor sap getting shanked or shot, but the scream of a poor sap FALLING. Then... a splash, and just like that, the chaos of Daten City resumed.

"..Ugh...shit... Is that all you got, you ass?!" screamed a young man at the sky, drenched in muddy water. He snarled slightly at the sky, only to get hit on the head by an umbrella. Of course... How fun, the old asshole had a sense of humor, oh how fan-fucking-tastic... Shaking the muddy water off, with a huff, the young man quickly picked up the umbrella shaking mud off it, opening it up as then God's little way of saying 'Oops~' came raining down. Rain...

This young man took a moment to soak his head in the rain water to clean off the murky muddy water from his hair, as shaggy and messy as it was, he liked it clean. He wandered on, and on, he was told where to go, but he was of course torturously lost, or so he believed. In a while, he found himself at the door step of a church, behind of which was a graveyard. The infamous church of the Anarchy sisters, and that priest. He was sent down there, to... well he wasn't entirely sure why, he was more concerned as to what would happen to him just by failing this task.

He was to attempt to discipline those two bitches, plain and simple, discipline them and turn them back into more or less law-abiding angels. That was it, mission done, he'd go back, those two idiots would go to heaven again and everyone would be happy...more or less. From what he had learned about the two bitches, they were sisters.... That was it, they were just an apparently, huge nuisance, fornicating, abusing their power, fornicating, destroying so many things both living and undead, their path of destruction was unparalleled. He had to fix it, make sure that they did their job, and of course go the fuck home once it was all done..whoop-de-fucking-doo~ He knocked on the door, frowning seeing that the doors were locked, without hesitating, he knocked louder, his fists pounding against the wooden doors. A young man with messy black hair, a large black fedora with a large brim, bright yellow eyes, donning a black...somehow ghostly tuxedo, the rest of his outfit was black, minus the shirt under the black tux, that was white...A young man that was DRENCHED in rain... Okay remain calm...

With a boom, he busted the doors down, a new record, he lasted a full ten seconds before busting the doors down. He saw that, no one was in, shockingly. They were probably all asleep or something. Makes sense, so he sat down somewhere where he felt comfortable only to be greeted by the thudding footsteps of someone, no doubt to see who had busted the door down. He saw a priest, no doubt this...'Garterbelt' he was told of. At first Garterbelt was armed, with...a few questionable items, a few whips and some nun-chucks looking suspiciously...not entirely like nun-chucks. Seeing that it was the angel, he had a blank face and then assumed a more 'appropriate' appearance, clearing his throat as he quickly hid his whips and other items within his robe. "Angels, get yo asses down here, right now!" Hearing no response, he then boomed. "Hey bitches! When I say get up, I mean get the hell off of your lazy asses and get the fuck up!"
There was no response. The angels were either completely ignoring the two, or not in at all. It was almost as if on cue that two shambling zombies that represented women stumbled into the church.

"The fuck happened to the door?" spoke the blonde one, slurring her speech, obviously 3 sheets to the wind. She was leaning on her more coherent but still drunk, younger sister. The raven haired goth girl hiccuped and smiled at Garterbelt whose choler was only rising at the huge amount of disrespect these ladies have for the house of god.

Panty Anarchy stepped over the rubbled and tripped, leaving her sister, Stocking Anarchy's arms and falling into the stranger that stood before them.

"Oh my bad," said Stocking "I meant to catch you but I'm sure you deserved it."

Panty looked up at the stranger. Her vission doubled and blurred as she stared. "Hey, who are the sexy twins." She slurred, standing and playing with his scraggly hair. "You come here often Shaggy?" she said with a flirtatious purr.

"Can you not fuck something for twenty minutes?" groaned Stocking. "I literally just pulled you off of a guy at the bar. Whatever, I'm going to bed."

She headed toward the stairs but was blocked by the hulking figure of Garter, who looked about ready to explode with anger at the two angels for staying out untill morning yet again.
He snickered not entirely pushing Panty off him, if not just keeping her still. He straightened her and palmed her cheeks lightly. "C'mon c'mon, I can't really bone you if you aren't fully awake, then again I wouldn't have boned you anyway, but who knows, possibilities~ Oh the possibilities~." He looked at the practically 'dead' Stocking who seemed to be half asleep, "Though the goth looks more...entertainin' not just in bed stuff but also chattin' n' foreplay and everything in between.." He said smoothing his hair back, straightening his nearly ghostly tuxedo.

"Hey there girls~, I imagine that the ass, upstairs forgot to really send a message that I'd be comin' t' see you two." He said with a grin.

"I'm the archangel 'Smoking'. I was sent here...well t' be frank t' get your asses back in gear." He laughed slightly. "Sorry for the crude language, but the other angels told me to be blunt.." He looked up at Garter with a grin. "In short, I'm supposed to get them back in line and whoop their asses back into shape...undoing what...heheh... got them kicked out of heaven in the first place." He closed up his umbrella with a smile as he then walked over to Stocking bringing her over. "Listen, from what LITTLE information the angels gave me, they told me that you're the 'brains' of this little group while the other is...well more 'action' prone. If you'd be so nice I'd love to discuss the details of what I have to do, and the BENEFITS of what happens if you two DO happen t' somehow make a miraculous turn around.." He had an unusual approach, he alternated from a plain somewhat proper form of speaking, to a more...streetwise mode of speaking, somewhat similar to a sort of 20's or 40's form of speaking.

What's more there was an unusual vibe about him, sort of like Panty, but, plainly not at all like her, sort of like a gangster or a smooth-talker but someone who notably had experience in talking to people.
Panty could barely stand, no longer seeing double however, and begin eyeing up and down this Smoking character.

"Smoking indeed." she said "Smokin' hot."

"Excuse my sister she has the brain of a 16 year old." stocking said being dragged closer. "So can we get this over with, we just finished an 11 hour bar crawl and I don't think the sun likes us very much right now."

"Put up and shut up ya hoes." interjected Garter "This man is gonna be your personal morality trainer for the next month. If you bitches don't get your shit together then he disapproves you and you don't go back to heaven PERIOD."

"That's a little harsh don't ya think?" slurred Panty. "I mean we killed enough ghosts to get back in to heaven in the past, we killed Corset's dumb ass and we havent seen here nor there of demon sisters. That isnt enough?"
Smoking smirked and 'snerked' at Panty's earlier somewhat flattering remark, making it evident that though he did find it sort of...charming that she was oh-so happy to greet him in a more than likely less than innocent form of flattery, it wasn't working on him despite her seductive charm, "Flattering." He said simply to Panty. One word which overall was simple enough to state exactly what he thought.

He then just observed the interaction between Stocking and Garterbelt, twirling his umbrella like a cane, with a little mischievous grin. To his surprise , Panty seemed to ask the more critical question. "Heheh, no." Smoking said plainly to her face speaking to her in a tone as a brother would to her sister...Creepy little analogy but it was exactly what he was doing, "I'm supposed to whip your asses back into shape because of a few reasons, one of them being that the man upstairs has been watchin' your progress here, and even though he is thankful that you two managed to 'murderlize' the demon Corset, he had hoped that the 'light would shine through to you' yadda yadda yadda... but seeing that he was wrong...Well he was pissed plainly said, seeing that you two didn't really change at all." He then began laughing as he hung his fedora up on a nearby little motif of an angel. Despite being a 'morality trainer' as Garter put it, he seemed to be the utter opposite of a good example of an angel. "He got fed up with it, you two basically fucking up the images of angels, blah blah blah... The archangels were called up blah blah blah... No one else wanted to go, and so I and my oh so pure and angelic ass decided to 'volunteer' to help you two out..." He stretched with a carefree look in his eyes. "I had nothing better to do and of course, God wanted me out of his hair, seeing as how I'm sort of a 'bad egg' myself..." He then laughed "Not as bad as you two, but I am a 'bad boy', bad enough to get forced into it, but somehow 'good' enough to get into the occupation of being an Archangel..."

He looked up at Garter with a grin. "There's also something I have to tell YOU, plain and simple without the girls around, cause if I told you with THEM here, somethin' tells me that might....influence their choices from now on." He said with his calm collected but calculating grin. He walked away, with a calm stride, a lazy sort of stride that just murmured his own laziness, his snarkiness and his own brand of confidence. Not confidence of his abilities, if not the utter overflowing overconfidence of his own suaveness. He indeed had a knack of getting what he wanted, but his temperament was quite explosive when he didn't get his way. His temperament, and a huge vice that he was concealing had managed to get him stuck with the assignment of whipping the sisters back into shape. God had notably either trusted that perhaps the assignment would change them, or at least get another troublesome angel out of his hair.
Garter observed the two sisters and nodded toward Smoking.

"Follow me into my office" he said determinedly "you two hoes stay here and try not to fuck anything else up while you're down here."

The girls growled and Panty disguised flipping him off as scratching her nose. The two sisters made their ways, drunkenly, upstairs to their rooms where they could finally sleep off their quickly approaching hangovers.

Garter lead Smoking to a private room with a desk and a few chairs, some pictures of Jesus and other Holy emblems coated the walls, along with a wall entirely dedicated to whips, chains and other BDSM equipment. Garter quickly scrambled to the desk and pressed a big red button hidden within a bust of Christ. The wall quickly flipped over to ironically reveal a giant crucifix.

"Now..." said Garter clearing his throat. "What was it you wanted to tell me?"
The angel smirked, nearly seeming to sneer at Garter, "Well Garterbelt, not that I'm one to judge...But I don't think it's all too appropriate for a priest to have so much...less than holy items.." He said taking a seat on his desk rather than one of the chairs.

"To be blunt with ya, I'm supposed to tell you something confidential, or at least something of grave importance..." He said with a grin as he took out a small piece of paper. Nothing was on it really, just small scribblings and such. "Basically I have a sort of 'deadline' to...save those poor angels souls from the pits of filth they've been reveling in..and what not." He said with an oddly sinister smile. "God's been getting preeeeety tired of them fucking around and saving people..in the WRONG way...needless to say, I'm technically not supposed to reveal too much due to God's orders..."

He seemed to just be stalling from what he wanted to plainly say, just to build up the tension further. He grinned looking at Garter, "...But I'm gonna tell ya this: if they don't get whooped back to shape by the time I'm done, you have to abandon them, they won't have the otherworldly support that they have now.." He grinned further. "Don't say a word to them..AT ALL, they fail if they know about it."
Garter stroked his beard and listened to Smoking's very important information. He closed his eyes and nodded at the angel, not necessarily agreeing with the strictness of the Lord's orders but understanding none the less.

"I understand." he says speaking his thoughts plainly. "Your secret is safe with me. I don't like those bitches but they don't deserve to be cast out forever...well... maybe they do but its not right... well maybe it is but they shouldn't be that strict they only screwed up a couple of times. Can't you cut them a little slack. They're not the easiest to work with, but after all and they DID defeat Corset and hundreds of ghosts."
"Yeah, but I'm not the one who MADE that assignment, the big guy up there did..I'm just doing my job." So that was it, this angel had no form of sympathy for his fellow angels, he treated it like business: cold, plain and simple. Flacid. "Besides they won't be in THAT much trouble...as long as they shape the fuck up." He chuckled as he said that, hopping down from his seat only to make for the exit.

"No slack at all, even if they did manage to defeat Corset...don't ya think they cut it a bit TOO close, not t' mention that..." He grinned waving his hand for a moment, as if he were dismissing someone or some unwanted thought. "Never mind, just try super-extra hard to make them see the light." He said in a childish tone as he walked out of Garters little hide-away. "Where should I sleep then? With the girls, out there on one of the...." He frowned one hand now positioned on his head, rubbing his right 'temple' for a moment as he started to snap with his free hand attempting to recall the proper term for the bench like structures usually found in churches. "..The...bench things?" He said plainly. There was something indeed off about Smoking, he seemed like one of the girls to some extent; devious and unlike an angel by all means, but there appeared to be something...nearly completely dark about him aside from the unusual 'smoking'.
Garter glared at Smoking as he exited the room. Something was very VERY off about this angel. He couldn't put his finger on it but Garter felt strongly that the girls were not the only angels he'd have to keep a close eye on over the next few months. Garter turned to the small, green dog-thing named Chuck that was sitting quietly and staring off into space, as Chuck often did.

"Chuck!" barked Garter looking down at the small creature "Make sure our little friend smoking never finds a moment to himself... I don't trust him."

Chuck saluted Garter and left the room following Smoking stealthily around the church, staying several yards behind him at all times.
Smoking had gone wandering around the church, with a small devious little smirk on his face, like the kind a regular ol' bad boy would have... or the kind of grin that would appear on a shit-stain of a little brother's face seeing that you got in trouble and not him. Above the law, or perhaps above them. That smile or smirk, whatever you called it, was a sign of mischief.

However for as much as Chuck may have followed him, he didn't really do much.

In the main hallways: walking along enjoying the sights...like the stains on the wall that were...who the hell knew what.

In the closet: He just opened the closet went in, rummaged around and soon came out without anything in his possession. Ooookay.

In the bathroom: ... Taking a merry ol' shit. He seemed to be muttering angrily while WIPING, "Take that ya damn old ass-wipe." Uhhh...

It was weird, however he then arrived to the hall that lead to the sisters rooms, they were across from each other, so it wasn't at all an easy choice on choosing...who to bother first. After all their 'testing period' didn't start until tommarow, so he may as well squeeze out what little enjoyment he could with causing trouble. So then. Door number one or door number two?

He stood there deep in thought for a moment, then muttered to himself as he dug into his pockets taking out a quarter, "Heads, door number one, tails door number two." He said with an unusually excited tone, he then flicked the coin in the air, the instant he did, he started to grin, not at all a simply jolly grin, but one that seemed completely twisted, EVIL one could say.



He whistled slightly as he went to door number one, which was Panty's room, despite him having found a sort of 'charm' from Panty, in that easy to bed slut kind of way, sexing her up was the one thing farthest from his mind. Well...at least at the moment.
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