X-Men: Invasion (Chiaroscuro/Jamie_The_Brown)


Jul 7, 2010
Like many alien invasions, this one came unannounced. The ships simply appeared, as if from nowhere, and soon Earth's heroes found themselves pressed from all fronts. Paris, London, Rome, Tokyo, Washington...all were forced to weather the storm. And yet, as always, the heart of the matter was in New York.

It was in New York that the largest and grandest ship had set down. It was in New York that the strongest warriors had appeared, a legion of deadly, implacable foes. And yet it was there that some of Earth's greatest defenders lived. As the battle raged, one group found themselves making their way deep into the bowels of the flagship, hoping to put an end to the invasion by cutting off its head.

The room which they entered was massive, cathedral-like, made of some alien substance that resembled neither stone nor metal - but a bit of both. The walls seemed to stretch upward, on and on, a vaulted ceiling barely visible in the dim red lighting that came from small globes set into the walls at intervals. At the opposite side of the room was a large, high-backed chair, turned away from the door. Panels seemed to hover in the air before it, some showing the battle outside, others showing different parts of the world.

As they entered a voice rang out, deep and ominous and full of scorn. "I've gathered some of the greatest warriors in the galaxy. In my name they've made cities burn and worlds tremble." A short pause. "And yet somehow, they can't seem to stop a bunch of human women from wandering my ship at will."

A gauntleted hand appeared, and the screens disappeared. The chair whirled around to reveal a being much like the many others they'd fought on their way in: pale, lurid blue skin; burning red eyes; a head completely free of hair, not even on his heavy, bone-reinforced brow. And yet while the rest were of ordinary height, this one was a giant, easily a good seven feet tall. And he was clad in a suit of futuristic black armor far more ornate and imposing than any of the rest.

"Perhaps I'll have a use for you after all."
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