In the Name of the Almighty - Well, What if...? (Razgriz x Karameida)


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011
Time. A wonderful invention by man, but still no truly knows what it is...Well, some people do, but they're either gone or simply not willing to share. Regardless, time is in fact both real and not real. One could easily describe it as a river: It flows and bends, the water symbolizing both time and space itself to create a continuum.

But, what if someone told you that time is not just one continuum? That it was in fact a combination of continuum? Of infinite continuums? You see, much like when one drops a stone in a river, it creates a disturbance. That familiar 'sploosh' and the upspray of water. It's also a great metaphor to examine the magnitude. Simply put...A pebble won't make much of a disturbance. A boulder, however, will; it might even go so far as to block the flow and force it to divert. But unlike a river, once a timestream is split there's no reforming it. The rocks symbolize the choices we make...some make such a small change, one could spend an eternity looking for a difference. Others so large it defies comprehension.

That said, it is not always the case of time going its way; the fact is, time was split from the moment the Fall caused Paradise and the Shadow Realm to fracture. That one continuum of existence shattered into many. An illimitable number of alternate existences, and only those with a high enough level of experience can hope to cross these streams, for one wrong step and they'll be forever swept away.

This....This is a collection of those alternate existences. And it just goes to show: Everything is relative.
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