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RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

I would definitely be up for RPing with you, I am a big fan of fantasy/sci fi rps and pretty flexible about plot and characters. I don't however roleplay any graphic sexual scenes. :)
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

Well the first one you have listed made me think of a story idea I was contemplating called the Dragon's Wife. Essentially a dragon that has lived for x amount of time in the mountains beyond a village longs for companionship, his race is far flung and they rarely encounter one another. In a human form he goes to village one evening and happens upon a young woman who is a village outcast so to speak. Her parents died when she was young and she was forced to struggle through life. She has tiny little house and farm on the edge of town and is far past the typical age women marry in the village. The locals think she is too strong willed and will probably die a spinster. The story would be about him courting her, what happens when she discovers the truth etc. I was thinking too, that villages are well aware a dragon lives nearby and have often left offerings of livestock and whatnot. A stranger could come to town and stir things up or maybe the villagers decide they are tired of having him around and hire a hunter. There are a lot of possibility. I'd even be willing to go the reverse and have the dragon as the female character and the male as a hunter hired by the village or a local.
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

A full dragon character you know this could definitely be a fun idea for a certain character I've made but never actually had the chance to play, this idea sounds fun I would definitely be up for it :).
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

Awesome! Do you prefer on the forums or pm or im, I can pretty much manage anything
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

All of them have their perks I also am easy going about what RP venue we use I really don't mind :), do you have any preference on how?
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

hmm I would rather pm or forums, just because I find easier to lay things out in a story fashion
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

Oh haha sorry Ive never seen it shortened before. Do you like having one for the characters? I don't mind it helps organize thoughts and what not. I'm pretty versatile. If we do character sheets I can find an image, I usually use anime images if thats alright.
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

That is fine as for me I usually just describe them I can never quite find a picture that captures the right look for me :)
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

I suppose it can be a lot harder for male characters. So did you want me to start a thread or would you like to set things up? Feel free by the way to alter whatever works for you and are we going with male dragon/female human or other way around?
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

I planned on my character being a dragon :p, and I don't know if it is harder per se but I just am picky with pics for my characters in particular :p. Do you have any questions you would like to ask?
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

Hmm not particularly, will we place this just in general rps? Is there anything specific you expect from me? Is there a certain type of character you like or dislike or features you like or dislike?
RE: The reaper's chronicles of roleplay

Im heading out for tonight but if you want to do the opening post and PM me the link I will definitely respond tomorrow :) I am really excited to do this RP though!
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