Into the West (Exalted - capricorner/Cold)


Jul 29, 2013
Shining like a jewel in the South-Western ocean is the great nation of An-Teng. A land rich in natural resources and blessed with great beauty, it was long ago humbled by the Dragon-Blooded. Now the Terrestrial Exalted see it as a sort of pleasure resort, an entire county of subdued servants hurrying to gratify their every wish. There are even (relatively safe) adventures to be enjoyed in the 'wild' parts of the country. Most businesses wouldn't even presume to charge one of the Dragons for their goods or services, choosing instead to send along a humble letter to the elders of household, requesting recompense.

Ragara Corah Jor is dealing with such a letter right now. The daughter of the Satrap and an un-Exalted Tengense woman, she undoubtedly possesses beauty from both sides of her heritage. With skin darker than that of most from the Blessed Isle and the coal-black hair common to House Ragara, she presents a striking, exotic image. Her skin is flawless, appearing almost polished, and when at rest she becomes so still she might be mistaken for a statue. Such traits are a credit to her command and cultivation of the Essence of Earth.

With her father traveling on business, it falls to her to manage the affairs of his household. Including the bill her younger sibling and his sworn brothers have racked up in the week he's been out 'enjoying the beauties of An-Teng'. With a sigh, she writes a missive authorizing the payment and seals the scroll with the mark of House Ragara. The hours tick away as she continues her work. A diplomat needs a particular phrase translated into Seatongue, work is progressing on a dam in the southern rivers, a group of heretics was rooted out for illegal worship of--

Corah jumps when a hand closes on her shoulder. One of her father's attendants bows humbly, informing her that the family's Exalted guest has arrived. With a nod, she rises from her seat, and hurries down to the entrance of the Manse to attend him.
Ragara Calel Gerron had always wanted to come to An-Teng. House Ragara had had its hand dipped into the wealth of this land for decades and as a model satrapy its reputation added to the House's. The stories of its opulence and its strange but wonderful culture only added to the allure.

He waited patiently in the courtyard to the palace of the Satrap, looking about amiably. His entourage surrounded him, mortals mostly, with a few Exalted bodyguards. A cool breeze ran through the assembled, their cloaks and shawls rippling gently. It emanated from Gerron, a result of his puissant Essence, the object of years of intense meditation and hard work.

Gerron stood with his hands folded behind his back, his white robes swaying with the winds he generated. His skin was a bluish-white and cool to the touch, like that of a man who had just showered. His grey hair and his silver eyes stood out even more, unnaturally shaded as they were. At a glance one could tell that here stood a Prince of the Earth and act accordingly.

A servant of the estate approached and bowed deeply, almost folding at the waist. "The Honourable Ragara Corah Jor is here to welcome you, Great Lord."

Gerron smiled and walked forward as his Tengese cousin arrived. He beamed, opening his arms. "Cousin Corah!" He exclaimed. "It has been a very long time." He raised his eyebrows appreciatively, looking her up and down. "You have grown to be a beautiful woman, Cousin." He reached forward to clasp her hands with his. "It is wonderful to see you again."
Corah takes the steps down to the courtyard of the Manse two at a time, slowing down before she reaches the lowest level so as to appear dignified. She's only met her distant cousin, Calel, once - during a brief visit to the Blessed Isle when she was younger. Considering that relationships between the Terrestrial Host and the Tengese do not happen - and since parading one's bastards around in front of one's wife's family on the Isle is not done - the visit was brief indeed. Thankfully, her Exaltation, and the fact that she shares an Aspect with both 'parents' mollified the woman somewhat and allowed her to be added officially to the House rolls.

Nonetheless, she recognizes her cousin's distinctive silver eyes and hair immediately. Smiling and clasping his hands in return, she kisses both of his cheeks. "Thank you, Calel. Your visit is both expected and welcome." She falls naturally into step beside him as servants guide them through the tastefully arranged rock gardens and into the manse. "Your reputation as an investigator precedes you, cousin. My father heard about how you handled the incident with the Sesus debtors and was quite pleased. I hope I can hear the tale recounted personally." The undertone carried in her words is obvious. We must speak privately.
Gerron smiled and proceeded to give his arm to his cousin as they were led into the manse proper. For his bonhomie, he had met Corah precisely once before and that for a scant two days, when her father, the Satrap had taken her to the family estates in the Blessed Isle many years ago. He had been quite taken with her, he remembered. She had a natural brilliance that was eminently attractive.

Her Exaltation had made her 'acceptable' in the eyes of the family and Gerron concurred heartily. Obviously, if the polished flush of her skin was any indication, the blood of Pasiap was strong in her. She was a worthy Ragara and that was all that mattered.

He smiled at her, glancing at Corah through the corner of her eyes, when she brought up the Sesus affair. "Yes, I hate to brag, but that was a fine effort on my part." He allowed. "I would be happy to regale you with the details." He gestured at his retinue and barring a single Exalted guard, the rest dispersed, following other servants to quarters prepared for them.

"Lead on, cousin." He told Corah, his smile dimming slightly. "I am eager to get reacquainted with you." His uncle had provided scant detail about the reason for his summons here, saying only that it was of great import. Gerron had studied the An-Teng situation before coming here and he had been mildly dismayed to find several founts of potential disruption to Realm rule. He had, perhaps foolishly, imagined that the Tengese were free of the problems that was sweeping satrapies across the Threshold. He had been wrong.
The manse itself is like its Aspect, solid, low to the ground, immovable. House servants lead Gerron's entourage into the upper levels of the manse. As an honored guest and relative, his quarters will no doubt be among the family's. Instead of following them, Corah leads him out of the main building and into one of buildings adjoining it. These are studios, workshops, even a small dojo - used so that any disruption or accidental discharge of Essence will not disrupt the delicate geomancy of the manse. Odd that she would want to speak here and not within the security of the manse.

As they walk, she makes small talk. Her father is away on personal business, while her younger brother arrived just three days prior to Gerron - he's on vacation with his sworn brothers as a graduation present. When they arrive at her private studio, silent servants set out a light meal. It's traditional Tengese fare. Fish brushed with spiced oils, dried, and served on slices of fruit; light, airy bread that's soaked in honey; and tea made by pouring boiling water over a shallow bowl filled with flowers. Corah happily explains that An-Teng is famous not just for the beauty and diversity of its flowers, but for honey as well - a delicacy that they export to the Blessed Isle.

This lesson in horticulture goes on until her Charms ensure that the servants are out of earshot. At which point she rises from the table. "I have something to show you, cousin." She says, retrieving a slim case from a drawer and setting it on the table between them. "Would that my father was here to discuss this with you in person." With that, she reaches over, touching the lock and feeding Essence into it, the power unlocking it with a soft click.

Within the case is the remains of a weapon - a broken brass dagger, split almost down to the hilt. Within its core, instead of Magical Material, burns a wavering spark of green fire. This is a true demon weapon, unlike the orichalcum ones wielded by the Anathema, as orichalcum becomes pure again when used by the Terrestrial Host. "We found this," she says, "in the body of Peleps Danmel."
Gerron kept an idle eye on their surroundings as they passed through the manse proper and then outside. She didn't want eavesdroppers. Spies perhaps? They were inevitable at the house of any Satrap in his experience, but perhaps there was more to worry about here than a whisperer in the dark.

He absorbed every bit of information she provided, no matter how innocuous it seemed. What personal business might the Satrap be on, right after summoning him here? It had to of some importance. He would have to inquire gently, if Corah did not bring it up herself.

They arrived at her private studio and Gerron bade his personal guard wait outside. The Wood Aspect bowed and took up station outside the door. Inside, he sat, folding his legs under him. To his delight, a native meal followed. Gerron inspected each item with great interest. Native cuisine was something of a hobby for him and the chance to indulge in it was appreciated. He nodded along politely to Corah's explanation, interjecting for a comment or question time to time. The food was delicious and unique and Gerron felt sated as he made himself comfortable.

He waited for the moment to come, watching Corah. When it did, he straightened, breathing in, his senses sharpening. His eyes fell on the case and he leaned down for a better look, an interested murmur escaping his lips as he laid eyes on the brass dagger.

Gerron reached out with his Essence, using a Charm to read what he could from the broken dagger. He refrained from touching it; a foul, demonic Essence permeated the object. "Peleps Danmel...Realm Navy?" He asked Corah, his eyes narrowing. An assassination had been carried out by a demonic blade. This did not portend well. As far as he could tell, a mortal hand had held the blade, but the demonic Essence interfered enough that he could not be certain.

"Cousin," Gerron looked up, his face serious. "What can you tell me of demonic cults in An-Teng? And this Peleps Danmel, what of him?"
Corah can speak briefly of Danmel, her matter-of-fact tone indicating that she did not know him personally. An officer of the Realm's navy, just past his first century of life, with several notable honors and victories to his credit. A typical career officer, above average, perhaps. She quite clearly memorized his service records in anticipation of this conversation. He was supposed to be at sea when he body was discovered on the shore. His ship and crew are still missing.

As for his death, officially it's been reported to his House as 'sudden', 'tragic', and 'unexpected'. After all, the deaths of Dragon-Blooded in An-Teng are rare and usually accidental. A fall from a pleasure barge into one of the rivers, a drunken brawl, a dare taken to far, even the occasional murder by a jealous spouse. They are always described as 'sudden', 'tragic', and 'unexpected', the followed with a swift cremation to prevent gossip, and to avoid any possible shame falling upon the deceased's House. Peleps Danmel's ashes are almost certainly on their way back to the Blessed Isle. The murder weapon says something though, it must have been broken because he died fighting.

"There are the Lintha, of course." Corah says. "Known infernalists, and they make no attempt to disguise it." She speaks of them only briefly, as they are well known. God-blooded wretches with a penchant for hostage-taking and self-mutilation. Pirates and murderers who style themselves as the chosen peoples of ancient deities. "Recently, there was a cult exposed here in the Shore Lands, who worshiped the..." she pauses, because it is simply not to be spoken of, "...old royal family. They called themselves the Lotus of Dark Waters, and claimed the ocean would sweep the Dragon-Blooded out of An-Teng and restore its rightful rulers."
Gerron absorbed every word, listening with utmost attention. His expression flickered from time to time, registering interest or surprise or worry. A promising naval officer, nearing his prime perhaps, had been murdered. His accomplishments were reasonably impressive; perhaps this was a retaliation by aggrieved victims of his victories. It was a note to consider. The interesting bit was that his ship and crew were missing.

Three possibilities immediately presented themselves. There had been a mutiny and demon worshipers were involved. The ship had been attacked by pirates and the captain's corpse thrown into the waters. Or, this was a calculated act of violence.

Gerron nodded when Corah spoke of the Lintha. He knew a little of these vile monsters infesting the oceans. As far as he knew An-Teng had a treaty with the pirates. Of course, one could hardly trust God-blooded infernalists to keep their promises. He looked at up at his Cousin as she went on to speak about this Lotus of Dark Waters. Worshippers of the foul Anathema. That did not bode well.

"Hmm." He finally said, rubbing his chin. "There are many possibilities here. At first glance, the Lintha appear to be the most likely culprits, given that Danmel's ship and crew are missing and his death seems to have occurred out at sea. But it would be best not to jump to conclusions." He held her gaze as he spoke, affirming his authority in this regard. "I am certain you already have patrols looking for Danmel's ship. Please keep me updated on that."

"I would like to speak to those who found Danmel's body, if possible. And specific information about Danmel's crew would be very handy as well. I suspect you will have to co-ordinate with the navy there. Anything you can tell me about the Lintha's and this other cult's activities, particularly in recent times, would be helpful. Do you have infiltrators among their ranks? Or subverted agents? An inside look would be very beneficial."

Gerron smiled. "I am going to need help, Cousin. Among my retinue are those I have trained to serve me and they do so admirably, but none are Tengese. I will require your help in this. We shall have to work together." He raised an eyebrow. "I trust that will not be an issue."
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