Kate's Hell. (Celebstars and DeRe)


Apr 28, 2012
It had been a long day for Kate Beckinsale. She had many friends over enjoying her company at her mansion, soaking in the pool and eating what food was on offer. Maybe stars had turned up in their bikinis and had a fabulous time before leaving late in the evening.

It was around 6pm now and the crowd of people became much smaller, only closer friends staying. Kate walked through the back door and in to her home leaving wet foot prints behind her. Wearing an orange bikini which showed her delightful figure, she made her way to the basement where her wine was stacked. Walking down the stairs, she opened the door and found herself in a maze of bottles, hundreds at least. Going through each section, she finally found something to her liking and picked it up. Looking up the ceiling, she could hear laughter which made her smile. It was a good day, everyone enjoyed themselves and didn't have any complaints.

Scratching the back of her head, Kate was attempting to make her way upstairs and back to the party before she heard a noise. Squinting her face in confusion, she closed the basement door and turned the corner in to a hallway instead of going back outside.
A dark shape ran swift and silent through the mansion's white rooms, seeking prey. It was a lean, quick-limbed man intent on a target. He has been watching outside for hours, ready for the right moment. Now his instincts told him that moment was approaching. Lurking with caution, he hid outside first, gauging the atmosphere. Security was lax with the convivial mood and he slipped in through a side door, face obscured for any cameras.

The afternoon heat still hung in the house, even as twilight quickly approached, and sweat prickled across his skin. From an interior balcony he was able the study the remaining guests - and the woman he had come to snatch. For a moment he was almost frozen by the sight of her firm frame parading below him.

He waited patiently, minutes oozing by like hours. Finally he saw her come inside from the pool, and his tensed muscles surged into action/ Somewhere distant the babble of contented laughter and voices was rippling down, but the house itself was silent save for the padding of her feet. He drew as close as he could behind her, listening to the rattle of bottles, and drawing out his taser. It made a small click as it fired into life, and he shuffled back quickly into an alcove as the curious Kate came in investigate. As she stepped cautiously into the dark of the hallway, he lept out and jabbed her in the back of her neck with the taser, putting her out quickly with a sharp savage jolt.

Wasting no time, he threw her wet and supple body over his shoulder, escaping quickly from the house. The upstairs occupants were so oblivious he even walked right out the front door, unnoticed by anyone. He moved down the path to his plain white GMC van, dumping his captive in the back. Every sound and movement seemed utterly amplified in his excitement and paranoia.

He bound and gagged her with duct tape as she groggily started to come around, forcing him to administer another painful shock to put her back out. With a triumphant slap on her rock-hard ass, he slammed the van doors and practically ran into the driver's seat. Firing up the coughing engine he and the kidnapped Kate rolled off into the night, and he finally allowed himself a wicked laugh of delight.
"Ugh....." was the short deep groan from the woman as she felt the jolt on the back of her neck. She would have moaned louder if she was still conscious but instead she fell, losing all control of her now limp body. The wine bottle she carried fell to the floor, rolling in a smooth path to the corner where it came to an abrupt halt. Her kidnapper was lucky the object didn't smash as it would have entertained a crowd soon enough.

Kate's lifeless legs dangled and hanged down his chest with her ass on his shoulder and nearly in his face. On his back, her arms swayed from side to side towards the front door and continued to do so until she reached his van where she was placed in the back. Because she was in a skimpy bikini, the night air could have more effect, and it did just that, making her slowly come around to see the taser come towards her and hit her again. The actress lost consciousness and was out cold as the engine roared.
It took everything the Man had to keep his eyes on the road. They kept trailing back lustfully to the recumbent figure lying still behind him. He could hardly believe the sight of Kate lying there, after all his planning and anxiety. His skin shone wet in the dying light, her lean and taunt frame lying in such a way that her firm breasts were prominently displayed. The Man forced himself to tear his gaze away and watch the road as he headed onto the highway.

The hour-long drive up to his hilltop cabin seemed to take an eternity. But eventually he rolled down the long gravel drive to his isolated hideout, the headlights cutting through the freshly-fallen night. Parking around the back he finally pulled to a stop and got around.

Adrenalin pulsed in his head like a beat as he walked around the back of the van and threw open the doors. Kate was conscious but lay still, staring back at him with mingled hatred and terror. The Man held up the taser warningly, slapping her ass firmly with his other hand. The firm muscle barely rippled under the blow. Grabbing her bound wrists firmly he pulled her to her feet, holding the taser's teeth hard against the back of her neck. Together they walked other to the dilapidated old shed and stumbled inside.
Judging by the noise, they were driving on gravel. It woke her up as the van was speeding up to the cabin. Feeling a little pain on the back of her neck, Kate remembered she was hit with a bolt before passing out. When the vehicle came to a sudden stop, the actress looked at the two windows which were situated in each back door. A dark figure shined through both before it opened them. "Ughhh" she moaned through the gag as the figure slapped her ass in the bikini. Once the man pulled on the bounds that tied her wrists, Kate was forced to use her feet on the gravel to stop herself from falling. Walking awkwardly in front of him, barefoot on the stones, some were cutting in to her skin causing discomfort.

The noise of the taser just behind against her neck was sending fear down her spine because she didn't want to feel it again. Sobbing as she walked towards the shed, Kate had to duck to enter it.

The woman's body was now dirty and tired. The van in which she was thrown in to wasn't the cleanest and dust rubbed off on to her back and arms as well as her legs and face. Dirt stains were on either cheek and her forehead, the constant turning of his driving making her roll about like a ragged doll.

Now inside the shed, Kate didn't know if he was keeping her in here or taking her inside the cabin.
The Man drank in the stale and fetid air of the shed. A heavy chain hanging from the ceiling and a battered old army chest were the only adornments in there. Swinging from a corner was an old workman's lamp which soaked everything in a bright, sickly yellow light. Manoeurving Kate rough and fast to keep her disoriented, he pushed her to her knees in the dirt as he pulled the chain down and padlocked it tight and firm around her slender wrists. His breath hissed as then he proceeded to pull her up on tip-toes, her arms taunt and straining.

He admired the body hanging before him, toned to perfection. Taking a small switchblade out of his pocket by flicked it open just behind Kate's ear, then traced the blade across her shoulder and down her back. With a twist of his wrist he cut away her bikini top, letting it fall as her firm round breasts were exposed. Still holding the blade gently against her smooth, damp skin he then drew it down to her hips. Pausing a moment to let her suffer in expectation a little more, he then cut away her bikini bottoms leaving her completely naked.

He put the knife aside and took up a riding crop from on top of the chest. He traced the top up her legs and ass, then whacked it across the firm cheeks as they quivered under the blow. He continued this for several minutes, each time landing the crop in a different place. Sometimes he laid a stroke across her strong thighs or hips. Then he slowly walked around the front and began to repeat the process on her tits, leering at her the whole time. Blow after blow of the stinging leather rained over her pouting breasts as they turned red with pain.
The chains pulled her up by her wrists, causing strain on her joints. It pulled her up making her on her toes for support, something which wasn't very comfortable. Kate's eyes opened wide when she saw the blade, and she squirmed under the gag in her mouth as it traced her fine smooth skin over her shoulder before cutting away her bikini top. Medium sized breasts popped in to view, light pink areola's and nipples facing the man who had captured her.

Tears were streaming down her face as she stood topless in front of him. Kate didn't know why he was doing this to her. He just kidnapped her and took her here just to strip her off her clothes so far. Her body felt the blade caress further down her curves before cutting away at the orange bikini bottoms. Her plump round ass and shaven pussy groin area were also part of the show now as she looked at him putting the blade away and getting a riding crop.

"Mmmmmm!" she tried moaning in fear but her voice was drowned out by the gag. Shaking her head she shouted in distant pain as he hit her along her ass. Kate had never felt so much pain before and she was made to endure it over and over on different parts. Her cheeks were a dark red and her breasts soon followed as he hit them to. Her face was wet with tears as she wanted him to stop.
With well-aimed lashes the Man turned Kate's porcelain skin a burning red. He focused on her most tender and intimate areas, working hard to elicit as much pain as possible from her toned body. Her muffled sobs and screams were punctuated by the slap of skin on leather. Working the whip around to her crotch, he began to pound her pussy mound, striking along the thing strip of neatly trimmed public hair. He landed several strikes right in the perfect place, sending excruciating shudders through Kate like nothing she had experienced before.

Suddenly the Man ceased the blows, standing back behind Kate. He ran his eyes along her shivering, sweaty body as the gag choked her pleas and cries. Putting the whip back up on the wall he then took a long spreader bar from beside it. As Kate struggled he grabbed her elegant legs and strapped her ankles into the restraints of the spreader. They were now held open nearly two feet apart, pulling hard on her powerful toned thighs.

Remaining behind and out of sight of Kate, the Man begun to finger her pussy. He tested the lips first, before inserting a first and then a second finger deep inside it. He worked the tender flesh roughly, prodding hard and deep into the most intimate part of her. As she wiggled and yelped reached around he slapped and pinched her tits hard. Finding his cock now firm as a rod, he slipped it fast and rough into her tight, dry snatch. With increasing tempo he began to fuck her steadily.
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