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Shadowrun *updated*

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Jun 21, 2009
A few people have asked so I thought I'd clarify. So sorry for being a bit vague on some of these issues, it's been awhile since I've done a proper request thread! First, I want to do this freeform, no rule systems or anything. I do want a relatively straightforward Shadowrun story so there is cannon I want to incorporate but no dice. If that doesn't make sense feel free to ask, I won't bite.

Second, I appreciate some of the other offers I've gotten but this is really what I'm looking for right now. I've been offered variations like cyberpunk world of darkness and things like that but it's just not going to scratch the itch I have at the moment. Also, this is my current craving, not past request threads.

Lastly, I want a good deal of story involved in this. I want to play the jobs, I want to play the day to day life before and after work. I also want to play the relationships that form naturally. I don't need you to come up with a boyfriend for her, just help populate the world and see where things go. As for adult content, yes it'll be there. BUT, it's not the focus. I'm not looking for erotic fighting, or for my character to be raped. I just want a detailed game of Shadowrun where we play like adults and explore the stuff that pen and paper groups skip over.

Hope that helps!


Idea 1
I would be playing a female street samurai. I'm thinking free-form, no need for rolling up characters beyond writing a background of some sort. I would ideally want someone interested in handling the stories or at the very least interested in collaborating on the runs as wells as the events in their personal lives. The down time would be equally a part of her life as the work.

I want to start at the bottom and work my way up. Entry level sorts of jobs, slowly proving herself, eventually finding a full time team. Finding better and better fixers who offer better quality jobs and so on.

I want a story where I can smell the street food cooking, and the sad hint of garbage rotting in the alley nearby. I want her to not have to turn on a light for all the neon coming in through the window. I want to learn about the prepackaged garbage they sell at the stuffer shack. The joy of earning enough money to buy a real meal, maybe get a place of her own.

Idea 2
I would play a female Lone Star officer. A rookie, just being assigned to a beat. Excited to have a full time job that isn't a wage slave stuck behind a desk for 18 hours a day (or more). Not only that she's giving back despite having had a home her entire life. She has a sin, was lucky enough to never wonder where her next meal was coming from, but it was because her parents were constantly working their corporate jobs. Can her idealism survive the shadows? Is it possible to live up to those ideals in the system that exists in the sixth world? Lets find out.

Inspirational Images





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