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A different Tack (M for F)

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Jul 16, 2013
こんにちは ぼく は りちゃーど です。 (Konnichiwa boku wa richa-do desu)
にほんご を おしえて ください。 (Nihongo wo oshiete kudasai)
ひらがな を おしえて ください (Hirigana wo oshiete kudasai)

I am at day zero for learning Japanese. I've been putting it off and off and off... Now there are far too many reasons for me to not ignore my desire to learn it.

I am (painfully slowly) trying to memorize Hiragana at the moment. In reality romanji is probably the only thing that will of use to me in practicality but I want to learn the language properly and for real and I've heard so many bad things about learning romanji first.

I have zero spare time. Even this post is being made in 'stolen' time. This is my biggest problem and my biggest curse.

So. Here's the thing. The language is going to stick in my mind better if I can actually learn it through roleplay. so I would really like somebody out there who is a native speaker to brainstorm some ideas with me to get me learning the language. I can set a Japanese locale on my devices and I can download some tools that should be able to type hiragana out on my devices too (If the above starting sentences work they should display in hiragana but I haven't set the locale on this PC yet so I don't know if they do or not).

The simplest scenario I can think of is a tourist visiting Japan for the first time and being taught the language by a native speaker - very contemporary and slightly boring but this could be expanded into something more fantastical during the course of the 'game'.

I can do this via PM. I can do this via this site, via Elliquiy or via Roleplay Online (which I tend to hang out at the most under the username of Starchaser). I can also give you an email address via PM if you prefer email-based play. I don't do skype, IM or anything like that because I simply don't have either the time or the privacy to do this.

Also, I know I've been fairly inactive here but I also aim to change that (I kind of overdid things on Roleplay Online but have reduced my games there quite a bit now).
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